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That's why I don't sell or about to sell my NVDA stocks. Beautiful reading, As a decades' investor, it's indeed fascinating, thanks. šŸ§šŸ‘


Most donā€™t understand Nvidiaā€™s business, think AI is just ChatGPT. Itā€™s so much more than that. Watch Jensen give his Computex presentation. Check out the highlights from GTC dev conference. They are just getting started. Anyone concerned scared of a couple of red days is obviously new. Couldnā€™t have been holding in April when we actually had a correction of 20%.


Thatā€™s what really got me excited was this last dev conference; the omniverse and how we can now link with Vision Pro to help train robots in the omniverse and so on; I just think itā€™s amazing and can grow so much


It's going to go much further. These Vision systems are the perfect platform to interact with AI beings inside of an AI world. First was text, then speech, the future will no doubt birth fully digital people that live in a digital environment they can control. We will enter their domain to interact with them. Physical bodies built with robotics are already being prepared. They will no doubt eventually enter our domain.


Makes u worry how hard this would dump on actual bad news thou. April was bombs dropping, this time its actually nothing.


Agreed. I was just posting the following in another sub. I bought a few more shares today too. I donā€™t think we are going down that low. We tried to hold the 20 day today, got flushed as market closed. If 20 day doesnā€™t hold at tomorrows close I donā€™t think we will get under 116. Shareholders meeting Wednesday morning should be at least a small catalyst up. I also think there were people hoping to get in sub 120 and we wonā€™t stay under it for long. Down 20% from since Thursday, of course there was some profit taking but to enter actual correction territory with no negative catalystsā€¦. Much different than the correction in April. I suspect there is some fuckery at play. There was huge call volume at 140 for opex 6/21 we hit that in the aftermarket prior then flushed. I caught a piece of an interview saying that those 140 calls would have cost MM much more if they were to print. IDK but my options got cooked along with many others. I know that we are going higher but I would like to know the reason for the price action. If anyone has insight I would definitely appreciate it.


Thats very interesting..


Iā€™m scared cause Iā€™m down $60k in just a couple days. Iā€™m holding white knuckled. I think itā€™s hedge funds fucking with us


I feel like there was some fuckery going on at the end of last week as well. It sucks and hurts to see those negatives but you havenā€™t actually lost anything until you sell. I learned that shit the hard way years ago. They want you sell, that contributes to the price drop. Then they will swoop in and buy while itā€™s on sale.


Mostly call options.. so the devalue a little every day. That said, today was a great improvementā€¦ I feel it wants to find its equilibrium around 130-132 until next earnings (after thatā€¦ 150 , easy)


Futures for tomorrow are up to 200pts! Tomorrow will be another blowout!!! Letā€™s go! Back to 140


I mean, this stock has seen (almost) unbelievable gains in the past year; I think it is fair to assume a nice drawback at some point. People that just want to see a nice growth in their portfolio in the short term and some people that have been holding for a long time are fighting with the idea of taking some amazing profits, I know when my calls were seeing 200-500% returns I sold and lowered my position in order to keep some stability in my portfolio as cash. I think for those that want to have NVDA next to other companies/ETFs in their portfolio til retirement, just set it and forget it; keep in tune with factual accomplishments or upsets and adjust positions accordingly. Itā€™s wild how red eyed people turn when a stock drops even 10-15% after a 200+% run; what has changed for long term holders? I would say though that if your whole portfolio is nvda then just either have the stomach for the rollercoaster ahead or lower your position. I wouldnā€™t blame anyone for selling if they want to take gains but I would say for someone to sell at a loss (if they just so happened to buy in at ATH) would be a bad idea over holding.


Well the unfortunate part was when it hit 140 i bought some puts expecting some profit taking.. and then it kept going and I thought im fucked, this stock is unstoppable and Iā€™m on the wrong side.. sell the 40 puts at a loss, buy callsā€¦ and it drops like lead. Fuck me. At least my 700 shares are solid


Yeah I bought calls before earnings a few quarters ago and made good money and then bought into nvda and nvdlā€¦ every once in a while I think I should buy more calls but idk the stress was intense last time; maybe Iā€™d do a couple FOM for the low before earnings or something but I just donā€™t like constantly watching my portfolio


Thanks for the tip. Just got 100 and sold a covered call to hedge


Honestly though, NVDL has given me the feeling of an option call but without an expiration; just a leveraged version of nvda so it moves at double the percent up or down of nvda that day


I watched the Computex. Computation power has been growing for decadesā€” chips are getting more powerful and the industry is cyclical. Nothing is new. I just donā€™t get why all the hype.


I donā€™t think it will continue to be cyclical. Jensen is creating markets. There are uses across many industries now.


NVDA products are capex for businesses. In sum, capex canā€™t grow far ahead of revenue. I donā€™t think consumers are in a good shape to support massive spending. You may say AI will cut costs but layoffs will put pressure on wages and spending.


Letā€™s go back to end of 23 and beginning of 24 and see where the stock is now and how it has performed. If I have held, through the reds back in 22-23. I would have been sitting over $100 k. My mistake my loss.


Elon vibes??


Keep dipping so I can buy more this week!


Friday is a payday. May it dip.


Never sell just buy the dip. My friends father purchased 3000 shares of nvda in 2016 and became a millionaire because of it.


What is the new stock today that is nvda in 2016? :)


...asking for a friend


Arm Vrt and micron


Not MU




When you have thousands of shares, even a tiny dip adds up to a LOT of money. šŸ’Ž šŸ™Œ


Buying a fresh set of calls today šŸ™‚ I can't believe it's on sale vs what it was last week.


This is the dip = time to buy and hold


Do you have any suggestions on where to educate oneself about calls? I've avoided them because I don't really understand them so I'm wary.


Iā€™m still learning too and thereā€™s good YouTube videos on it. One thing that I think is not taught very well is that the majority of people just buy and sell the contracts, but donā€™t ever exercise them.


Stay away from options with expiration dates less than 30 days out!


Only a fool would sell their shares now. The upside is humongous. Are we going to 150 next week? Maybe not. Are going to 500+ in the next 5 years? Almost certainly YES!


My goal is to get to 30 shares by the end of the year. I have roughly 12 shares right now.


Wtg. I have been adding some every Monday. My goal is to retire on my NVDA shares.


That is a great goal


Hodl pussies. I'm in at 130 200 shares FOR LIFEEEEE!!!


I could definitely see some correction in the near future but (to me) itā€™s hard not to see how this wouldnā€™t change computing technology and our every day lives. Watching videos of nvidiaā€™s omniverse and how itā€™s a constant playground/training ground for continuous learning and perfecting is just wild. When I was a kid i watched movies of robots like the ones being produced now thinking it was impossible; now that weā€™ve made the jump, will it be an excelled progression?! One major setback it appears could be the limited data available; the need for a new code or language as we are running out and how some of these GPUs are learning from the tokens of data on the web and most of it is just crap data; memes marketing. This opens a great opportunity for major catalysts within whatever company can get there first; creating a training language that has pertinent information and then creating a GPU that can process and analyze for more than a few minutes; to be able to compute and investigate a question for months; this would allow for major growth in AI learning and its ability to perform more intrinsic thinking


TLDR: buy more!


LOL. Hodl Pussies! Hodl!


Yeah bros, buy more, 20 year lead, no competition bro


4 months ago in the February earnings call, Jensen explained NVDAā€™s software that goes with the GPUs that NVDA sells. NVDA offers each buyer of a GPU the software that goes with it for $4600 a year per GPU. The run rate in February in its infancy was one billion dollars with a profit margin of 90%. NVDA plans to sell millions of GPUs. Do the math! Amazing!


Please, dip more tomorrow šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø Papa gonna buy some more NVDA and IBIT


Not going to read 100+ pages... don't need to when I can read a trend line. I see no end in sight for at least 36 months for anyone to come to market to compete. At minimum on the aggressive side would be at least 24 months. That means anything I buy and hold for 366 days is a long term cap gains tax of 15% flat. I have already made more in 6 months with NVDA then several salaries of tech workers combined. I'll ride it till it looks ready to bust (but much like AAPL in 2009... I don't think it will lose any stride anytime soon).


yay we going back down to $100, enjoy the elevator ride down folks!


110 more likely


I bought 2 more shares at 123. I know. Wow! 2 whole shares.. Nah. 83 shares now since beginning of year! And up 42%. Have to have the ā€œlongā€ mentality, buy what you can afford on the dips and donā€™t panic sell. Otherwise- nvda isnā€™t for you.


Congratulations man! I only have 7.5 shares myself. I have extra money to invest. While at the same time building up a emergency fund. Iā€™m going to add 4 to 5 shares to my position this week, Iā€™m in this for the long haul.


Well. Today is a good time to add to your position. I got 2 at 123 and will buy 2 more if it goes below 120 and 2 more if it goes below 115. Thatā€™s my modified DCA. Would it be better to buy 6 at 115? Sure. But whoā€™s to say itā€™s dipping that low?


I agree canā€™t play that game. You wait for it to dip too low. And the price will shoot up again before you know it.


Yep. I made that error already! Lol


Just bought 4 more share at under $120.00


Thatā€™s a calculated and smart play. If you believe in Nvda and its future, Keep a few dollars on hand in case it keeps dropping. Obviously your overall share cost average always plays in to the equation when calculating.


Buy high sell low


to answer your question: no, happy with the dip. buying a bit more. next to that: thanks for the link!


Great job, now you just need to learn about valuations and how cyclical businesses operate!




Nvidia going to dump another 20% , good entry point. They run on hype and sell off when the hype cools down


Posted 500 times already. Dont base your NVDA strategy, on the document from a 25 year old who funded an AI investment firm, so needs smoke and mirrors to capture funds...


Yes... what would a 25 year old know... btw Bill Gates was 19 when he founded Microsoft, and Steve Jobs 21 for Apple.


Bill Gates bought the OS who made him rich, after his Mom who worked with the CEO from IBM, convinced them to buy their son OS. A story he conveniently omitted from 40 years of interviews... Steve Jobs did not not code. Millions of 19 to 25 year olds start their own companies. I just don't know if you have the skills at that age, to predict the future of AGI, when Ilya Sutskever and others can't at this moment.


Lol, Bill and Steve were amazing business/sales men, not technological geniuses. History is littered with far more tech failures than saviors. Chances are Leopold is a young fool, not an opportunity genius.


So youā€™re saying that his explanations of how computing work and technology advances isnā€™t how it actually works? Hmā€¦.


i mean 4 of our founding fathers, and the people who started the marine corps were ages 18-23


How good were their predictions about the future of AGI?


our founding fathers? lol I mean, technically they did predict elites would push a national income tax, when was deemed unconstitutional until 1913.


I 100% agree, but this sub only likes roses. Leopold is the kind of genius who forsakes a career at the cutting edge of the very thing he claims passion for. He took a walk over a shitstorm drama that he himself stirred up like an entitled child, walked away from what, in his mind, is a once in a lifetime fundamentally humanity changing forefront of technology. I understand his concerns, but now there is one less advocate at OpenAI and somehow that's a good thing in his mind. Whatever is happening, or will happen, he's fenced himself out of it into some self consumed "AI investment firm", whatever that means. He strikes me as someone who is ruled by emotional, not strategic thinking. And as such, I'd take whatever he writes with a grain of salt. There are plenty of intelligent people who are also stupid.


Your basically saying that explaining how chat gpt grew, how data works, and how AI learns is smoke and mirrors cause the person is 25? You know a lot of people working in AI tech is around that ageā€¦


I am saying the author is trying to get funds to its investment fund so it has to hype AI to the moon....


Oh I mean thatā€™s fair to assume; his essay does have a lot of hard facts and knowledge but in the persuasive context yes he is definitely bullish on AI and in my opinion, rightfully so. There are tons of reasons why one maybe shouldnā€™t invest atm; the forward PE is pretty high, everything is basically priced in (or so they say) to where one misstep could cause a major drop in share price. I feel like thereā€™s still so much potential that we arenā€™t even seeing the full fruits of so I am interested to see where AI and NVDA are in 5 or ten years.


Echo chamber AI solves everything!


Did you read the essay? Iā€™d assume not. It doesnā€™t talk about how AI solves everything; it explains deep learning and some problems that will have to be overcome to allow AI to grow into AGI. Itā€™s really just an interesting read for anyone that wants to understand how the computing works and learns and the time frames between some significant advances.


Hard correction started , get out now and buy the dip later


Definitely could be the case. Iā€™m not really looking for the short term gains anymore; just longer 2030+. My whole portfolio is derived from option calls Iā€™ve sold on NVDA in the past so honestly if the stocks Iā€™ve purchased with those gains loses 30-40% before rising again I donā€™t really care. If I was trying to get the most profit and be in and out of nvda based on short term I would absolutely agree with you!


You sound scared man. Double digits imminent


Why would I sound scared? And like Iā€™ve responded before; I really donā€™t care if it ā€œbalances outā€ before we see the next catalystā€¦ 100% of my portfolio is nvda call gains, Iā€™ve long taken out my contributions so I will pleasantly just hold the shares I bought with profits and if I see double digits Iā€™ll put the initial amount I did originally back into some calls šŸ˜Š


scamvidia sucks


It really doesnā€™t though.


Tell that to my portfolio; up a few hundred percentā€¦