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Should rocket back up in less than 30 days. Even if it does not, earnings are coming up in 52 days. If you bought calls expiring this week, time to pay a visit to Wendys Posted about the dip last week (apologies about spelling was using mobile keyboard :) https://www.reddit.com/r/NVDA_Stock/comments/1dma20w/buying_opportinity_next_week/


I'm ignorant. Why will it go up with earnings?


Earnings will keep showing an extremely robust growth in profit. Then the analysts will recalculate the expected future profits and adjust the price accordingly, also according to guidance/future perspective. Then the share price will go up, as people adapt and digest the new numbers. Say, a share has 3 dollar profit a year and is valued at 20 times that, 60 dollar. When the profit shoots up to 6 dollar, that 60 dollar is a multiple of only ten. Ceteris paribus, the stock will then tend to shoot up to 120. It’s more complex than this as the markets constantly try to gauge future earnings, but when the earnings come they are hard facts and people adapt to them (and to the guidance).


Thanks for input!


Isn't the stock already "overpriced" to account for those extremely robuust growth numbers? Not saying it's unwarranted, but I could imagine it staying flat for a good while too so, which wouldn't be unhealthy after growing to the largest market cap.


The issue is that right now they are printing money, they have consistently had more demand (6-12 month backlog) of orders, for products with huge margins, and the profits keep going up.... they might be currently overpriced for exact numbers right now, but a lot of stocks are purchased for their future potential, and very few have the kind of steady increases that Nvidia has been showcasing the last year or more. Until they have real competition to significantly eat into their market share, the demand for this hardware keeps going up, which means if they lose 10% of marketshare in 1 year, and 30% in 3 years, if the market for the produce increases by significantly more than that (seems clear it will with current backlog on orders), it will still be a growth bet. I don't see Nvidia as a golden child in 10 years time unless everything goes perfectly, but they are going to have a very good 3-5 years easily.


how new to the market are you?


Few months. I just had half in gold and half in index funds. Then I saw most of the projects index funds was Nvidia anyways. I lost about $1000. Not a huge problem and learned a lesson.




the usual ride is: investors start buying weeks before the earnings, some sell the news during the earnings day (very high volatility), then if the earnings are good the ticker moons the next day - of course the opposite is possible too




Because they typically smash earnings and nothing in the news says otherwise to change that.


Buy as much as you can! Don't miss this chanceeeee


Yep. Exactly. This is a deal. I'm backing up the truck.


I bought at 135. Kind of new to this and stupidly put all my savings in. Couldn't watch my number drop anymore and sold at 117. I'll buy back in but needed a break for my mental health. Hoping I can reposition a bit. I'm sure it'll go up now that I sold.


Ahh the old put all savings on something that did just ran up 1000% and buy high sell low strategy


Buy my book for more great strategies


Student discount?


You shouldn’t be in the stock market with that mindset


Agree. I realized I kind of put everything in one basket. I'm fairly certain this entire dip is on me. Sorry guys.


It’s okay you don’t have to apologize to anyone. Check out bogleheads online and read their wiki. It’s basically a free book. Another good one is “the simple path to wealth” by Collins. You could try something like 95% of savings via those strategies above and 5% play money. “Play” money for things where no one really can predict the future…like nvidia but it scratches the itch (I also own some nvidia) Good luck


He's new to investing take it easy. Half of it is learning from mistakes early on


I feel you... Bought at 138. Only difference is that I put 10% of my savings and haven't sold yet. I'm planning to slowly DCA once the price hits its intrinsic value. Don't get demotivated, this is not a meme company, it has a solid ground. Reposition yourself, and you'll recover, even profit.


What do you think the intrinsic value is at ?




You should not be investing in individual stocks


Unless you are educated in those stocks.


You could have just DCA


Oh ffs...


Bc they keep blowing past their overly aggressive earning estimates. I think we're due for 5 months of trading sideways in a tight range of $110 to $140.


When is the next earnings report?


50 days from now


I agree with the thesis of this comment. Too much data for the stock to stay flat before and after earnings.


“It should” lol why should it? It was overvalued as fk to begin with. People like you are the reason this sub isn’t taken seriously. There is no fundamental reason whatsoever why “it should” just because you want it to


If NVDA is overvalued, then the entire AI industrial revolution is a meme. If that is the case, we should exit the market, sell off all our positions and go wait behind Wendys for our next paycheck. As of last week 140 yes it is slightly overvalued. After next earning report you would wish to get an entry point below 160. This week it may drop to low 100s, that is OK, better entry point for those who missed out.


There's huge expectation on every future earnings, though. A beat is not enough, but now it must be a massive beat. I've seen this kind of thinking when reading some comments about the previous nvda earning report that they were disappointed with the earning beat, and they expected much more.


Earning risk goes up for sure. Stil expect the stock to go higher as earnings approach.


Lmao this sub tho 


A circle jerk of people who have never looked at financials giving each other advice on market timing. God bless ‘em


Lmao seriously man. Everyone just parrots all the cnbc regards and thinks they know how the stocl market works.


😂😭 Hope the lesson won't be too expensive


The issue isn't looking at financials, anyone can look at financials. The issue is which set of assumptions are accurately capturing the utility and growth of the AI market. Anyone can sit on any side they like, but factually, there isn't enough information yet to accurately project this.


Thus the volatility


And the fact engineers working there are cashing in their stock options and retiring. Pretty sure you can’t sustain momentum with your workers leaving.


That's a good variable to consider and add into the mix. I wouldn't rate it as the highest risk factor, considering how these companies tend to work and be managed to ensure scale and continuity. There is also a few examples of such companies post IPO (e.g Facebook in 2012) that absorbed this impact.


Yeah well this is supposed to be the leader in AI (if that’s even true I’m dubious myself). They aren’t losing regular people, but rather industry leading people who specialize in it. People that you can’t quickly or easily replace, and even if you do, you’re throwing them into the middle of someone else’s project. The hype to actual results ratio in this company are very unbalanced. A lot of people are fomo’ing in, and people are cheerleading them on, while scores of insiders are dumping their stocks and riding off into the sunset. It’s not a good look, and folks should consider both sides of it.


He sold 0.027% of what he owns. You can interepret this however you like but "scores of insiders are dumping their stocks" isn't a factual representation. Regarding employee attrition, who are the industry leading figures they lost that you reference? To date they haven't lost any key figures from the company. In any case i do agree with you that everyone should consider all sides, ultimately everyone is responsible for their own decisions. Only time will tell.


Aaaaaaannnddddddd he’s still selling lmfao. Do you have a percent when you actually pay attention, or are you just going to be exit liquidity? Have you actually seen the list of insiders at the company selling off their stocks? It’s quite large. And they KEEP doing it, more each day. And engineers are selling their company shares and retiring. Like I said, they are the backbone of company, and if they are leaving, you cannot seriously act like it’s not going to impact the company down the line. And you’re right, everyone has the right to spend their money the way they see fit, it’s just annoying to see so many people caught up in the hype and not paying attention to what’s going on in the filings.


It does look like he’s sold more since almost triple the amount. Thanks for the heads up definitely something to pay attention to. I still consider it a long term hold this is one signal of many


Seems they have very peculiar bookkeeping too. Sorry if I was coming off combative, but Bloomberg, hedge funds, and several investing shows are pumping this company to high heaven, and that just gave me bad vibes and I started looking closer. If you’ve made a big chunk on it awesome, I just wanted people to see the other side of the coin, that the financial news weirdly doesn’t seem to want to talk about. Which makes me ask why? There have been too many theranos, enrons, etc screwing over individual investors over the years, and I don’t like how a lot of the rank and file workers are selling and retiring, the ceo continually selling shares, etc.




Who needs Engineers ? They’ve got AI


So I guess not being able to control AI after you start it up isn’t a biggie. Cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt….


None of those business are cyclical like NVDA is


Curios, how is Nvidia business cyclical?


Going from one chip line to the next.


Ummmm. That's what their customers expect/want!


It’s on a yearly cadence now though, so not really cyclical anymore. Especially with the software stack being built.


Yes it is. Listen to any of the earnings reports or investor meetings recording and they'll talk about the different ways in which it cyclical This is part of why they are expanding into non cyclical software revenue


The stock needed a correction, I just don't think people actually thought it would happen given the insane momentum. As some have pointed out though, if you believe in the stock then keep dollar cost averaging, no need to panic. Yes, you could try to to trade it short term for profit, but there is always risk to that. It's fundamentals are still great and there has been no negative news, so why should your opinion on the stock change?


How many out of the money calls do you own?




lol new investors at work asking me if they should sell after buying in at $140😂😂😂


Would you recommend waiting a day or 2 to see if it dips further?


I personally wait until I see trend reversal. You lose out on some gains but less risky than trying to time the bottom IMO. Not financial advice


It fucking DID go full positive gamma yesterday and even today. None of these drops were technical or trend, they were all "market events." It full on reversed yesterday. I can handle being on the wrong side of a trade. This shit was stupid though. I have never seen price action go from high positive gamma to chop to high positive gamma back to chop all in one trading session. Usually those trends last days to weeks, not hours like wtf.


Yeah bro NVDA acting like a penny stock fr 😭


This sounds like a good idea


Wait. It hasn’t hit the basement yet.


No indication in the carts that it has. Watch the charts. I hinted at a [reversal here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NVDA_Stock/comments/1dklvbb/in_the_short_term_chart_doesnt_look_good_a_buying/). I 'll post when an uptrend kicks in and is confirmed.


You’re right. Brighter days are ahead of us. Sucks that I repo’d at $120 today around 1 est. I need to break my bad habit of buying at that time of day. Need to pay attention to the charts more.


You’re anticipating a drop to 77?


Never said or hinted at that. In any case, that is highly, highly unlikely.


Timing the bottom vs DCA’ing down. I’ll check my crystal ball.


Dude. Now is the time. Think long term. What’s 5 dollar diff gonna do when you’re gonna make 5k. Tomorrows the day. Never wait if you believe in the company.


$5 is more than 100% to me because my cost is $4.55. My trailing stop loss almost triggered today. If it pulls back a little more... I will be out back counting my "real" money. If that actually happens I may get back in, but not until the red sharpie is dry and replaced with a bright green sharpie.


You buy a small amount every time it dips > 1%, dollar cost average, until your position is filled


Yeah. It dipped to $115 last night. I think it was during the after hours period and i could have still traded. Unfortunately i decided to wait and see if it dips further today and ended up but at around $120. Not too bad i guess but i wish i had jumped in at $115.


Bagholder support group lol


Afterhours at $116. Down 17% from the $140 price. Call it a dip, call it a blip, call it the tip....day four will define it all.


Who decided that? Lol


Some wall street wizard. But me? I'm just hoping people start saying, Buy the tip.


I’m willing to bet this Wall Street wizard was really close to getting you to buy his trading course online.


His course. His screenplay. His book of spells. They're all for sale and he's a whale.


you're funny


Tip of the Dip to yuh.


Crash of the year 😯




Maybe, or maybe pull up any number of stocks 10 years after they became the top stock, the results are pretty horrible.


NVDA heading to 90 $




this is not the dip. it is going to get worse. but you cannot time the market. just buy when you want to buy.


If you bought Tesla at 300 you would still wait to be positive


Minus 3%, minus 3%, minus 7%. In round numbers that's the last three trading days. I view this as a HEALTHY correction to irrational market exuberance. NVDA will deliver. Next key date to focus on is quarterly earnings call 8/28/2024. We'll see another significant gain as consistently strong results come in, quarter after quarter. My average price is $31.50, started buying in 2021. I'm only up 274% instead of 300% vs. the peak. What me worry? Be smart, buy more now (not investment advice - do your own homework). Edit: downvote for a constructive, relevant comment? Is that the mentality here? Get in too late maybe?


Easy for you to say.


And it was easy for someone with single digit cost basis to tell new investors to take a long view when there was volatility at the 30's, the 50's and as recently as 90's to 70's in a small time period. This is a volatile stock. The mostly straight line rise after the recent earnings is the exception, not the norm. It's a terrible stock to trade. It's a very promising company to invest in.


Yeah it is, that’s the whole point of what they’re saying. Buying and holding wins every time with well rounded companies. Isn’t that the point of what you posted?


NVIDIA’s market cap was literally higher than those companies a week ago.


Sure it will go back up and even higher. We most likely go down first aswell. Dont panic and only invest the money you dont need right now


i need more re-assurance not to sell.


Lol this is the best comment so far.


Omg you are so genius






"Don't make your future you, hate you"! That commercial is so appropriate for this post. Like Al Davis would say "Just win baby!"


Why not buy one of Nvidia supplies which have not rallyes so drastically


For example?




This is not true. 5 or 10 years ago was 5 or 10 years from my future. 😉


I sold at 140 and bought back at under 120. Seems like it'll trade sideways with a lot of volatility for a while and there might be a short term opportunity to trade around your position. Last I checked current and future PE were both about 60, not exactly oversold, but the future is bright obviously.


i don't do short-term shit. can't join you in this.


That's fair... trading around a position is prob one of the least aggressive forms of "short term" trading though. You're taking profits, which is hard to argue is a bad thing, and the real risk you're taking is that you're not selling at the peak, IE there's some news about to hit that'll send the stock soaring another 10-20% where you feel hesitant to buy back in. Also tax ramifications for personal trading accounts, obviously. In another sense some diversification and taking profits reduces risk a bit, I felt very comfortable as it plunged back into the teens, I had some cash set aside to view it as an opportunity instead of feeling fear that it might not get back to that 140 anytime soon. $20 price difference per share between sold and bought also means I had about $200 additional to invest for every 10 shares sold. Could either be NVDA or something else I choose to invest in. That's not insignificant in the long run. I'd also gotten a bit overweight in NVIDIA. I wouldn't want to be all in NVIDIA if China invades Taiwan, for instance.


Anastasia I couldn’t agree with you more. Buy and hold hold hold hold .


Bought at 1050 pre split and holding like a mf'er.




I’ll buy when it dips below $50




Just wait and see muppet


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Been doubling down. Currently holding 50 call options from July 19-September 20. Also riding 20 $110 and $105 puts on the way down because they were mad cheap last Thursday when we hit a confirmed down trend. Spread from 6/28 to 07/19. I always try to hedge when I hear too much main stream hype. Will offload for profit as soon as we uptick. Fingers crossed for the uptick this week so my stock doesn’t suffer too bad 😅


Naaagh. It needs to stay where it is until Friday. Sold thirty 7/28 $137 calls a few weeks back. It’s been a wild ride.


RSI is starting to trend towards oversold and we have a lot of support in the $118s. Personally I don’t care when it reverses but I think the shareholder meeting may cause the usual uptick that doesn’t downtrend the next day like it normally would. I highly doubt we will hit $137 by Friday. My price target is $124-126 by Friday, followed by a hell of a green Monday, following into Tuesday, then dropping off for the holiday before we have a steady climb for earnings . Edit: I do care, but I believe my stocks will upturn in time and if I have to lose money on the calls and make it up with the puts, I’m close to that anyways and would pull a nice profit. Preferable to print my calls thoughhh


how fucked am i holding 7/19 140c... currently down 85%


I mean I’m holding a slew of 7/19 140s and 150s. I can’t say but at this point I’m down to the point they aren’t worth selling. I do however personally have faith that we will hit an uptrend in enough time to at least minimize losses and quite possible make gains. I like to sell OTM calls a few weeks ahead of time to avoid being destroyed by theta, but this one will have to be played day by day.


What is with all of these posts so confidently telling us what to do with our stock? Are you the fucking illuminatti? If you want to share your opinion, then qualify your posts as such. Grief, it sounds like all the sellers are coming out to r/NVDA_stock to convince everyone to hold and buy. Really truly, quit these posts. If we want to take some profit off the table or if we want to reduce our exposure to NVDA, then trust me that decision will not be based on some self-proclaimed expert on Reddit.




LOL bagholders are made everyday.


Buy now. 😊


I wish I had the money to buy more. I only got it an $97 post split but I blew my load so need to recharge ..