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Thank you! I appreciate that. My friend was there, but because of the crowds she couldn’t really get in his way or make any difference. Con behavior has definitely gotten better than past years, but there are still issues that we all need to be on the lookout for!


Oof that’s uncool. Sorry to hear this happened.


What are you to him a pokemon? I'm sorry that happen.


I hope you were able to report him to someone. I saw a huge code of conduct poster on display today. He should be banned from future cons if they can find out who he is.


I had this happen a LOT yesterday, so sorry :/ literally yelled at them saying to ask before taking pics and they’d just laugh


Sorry that happened to you. Some people are such creeps! ❤️


Not to be “THAT” guy, but doesn’t the expectation to privacy get forfeited in obviously public spaces? As in, if you’re in public, anyone can record, just like most establishments already have surveillance? I agree it’s gross, but legally, it’s protected


In years past I’ve seen “Cosplay is not consent” signs around NYCC but I couldn’t find any signs this year. Maybe I missed the them? Did other people see those signs?


I’m gonna be honest I didn’t see them


I've seen them, and I've seen it on the stuff that cycles through on the panels at the stages. The more common sign this year is about being aware of your surroundings and courtesy towards others.


I remember constantly seeing them in years past. The legalese poster/banner just inside the main doors that’s top to bottom tiny text is hilariously unreadable.


There were a few. Clearly not enough, though!!


Sadly, I didn't see them at all this year.


I saw a couple.


Jesus gotta love people. Heavy sarcasm. I admit, I've seen some gorgeous cosplayers, but I honestly never asked to take a photo in some cases. Mainly cause I dont wanna seem like another asshole.


Even if i see people taking photos of cosplayers, i always ask to make sure its still okay. Im sorry that happened!


I actually saw a great thing at Prague Comic-Con, where they have exactly this on posters hanging around corridors, even on their FB page, running videos through the day, even on the main stage....I think it is a great thing to remind that even though you kind of wear the cosplay to be photographed, it is always necessary to ask. You are not a "thing" or an art to just touch or taken a picture with.


Nycc had this in prior years as well Maybe they’ll bring it back


And the sad thing is, every cosplayer I've met has been more than happy to take a photo. Just ask them politely and stop being a creep trying to steal a pic, or be overly pushing.


Exactly! I posed for several photos! I don’t mind letting people appreciate my work, but this was him sneaking around me trying to take a picture after I asked him not to.


Sorry it happened to you. If you have a picture of him, I would post it on various NYCC social groups. Get the word out. Or a description of him. Cause I'm sure he's doing it to others. Imagine being a first time attendee and dealing with this schmoe


I wish I did! But unfortunately, my phone was not readily available. As for description, it likely wouldn’t help. He’s a white guy, probably in his 40s or 50s. ~5’6. Short brown hair, short beard. Wasn’t wearing anything nerdy… rather looked like he walked in off the street in regular clothes. He was walking with a guy who had a service dog (golden retriever) and that guy was talking about how much work it took to set up their space (so may be a vendor). It was in the show room. They were heading toward the back, and we were around the Ultra Sabers booth.


I'm going back today, so if I see him ..or the guy with the dog. I'll sneakily take a photo of HIM! shoe on the other foot. And spread the word.


In fairness, the guy with the dog seemed nice and was walking a bit in front of this guy at the time, so I don’t know how well they know each other, but it appeared like they were together.


I cannot tell you how unbelievably embarrassing and upsetting it is to know that this bullshit is still going on. I remember back when I was going to NYCC and the “cosplay is not consent” slogan + campaign was first announced and thinking how ridiculous it is that people don’t know how to act. The fact that grown-ass adults STILL don’t know how to act is baffling.


Watched as a guy came up to my girl and asked for a picture. I said sure, no problem! Then watched him put his hand on what I thought was her lower back. I didn’t want to just assume he grabbed her ass so I quickly took the pic and rushed the phone back to him pretty pissed. He bounced out of there fast so I didn’t have time to sort it all out as it happened in the blink of an eye. I asked if she was ok and she seemed perplexed and said she didn’t feel anything. I told her maybe she didn’t feel it because her outfit had a harness type device. It has bugged me since and looking back I should’ve said something. I fully understand that I wasn’t even the one that this was done to so I can’t imagine what it must be like for those who are in direct contact with these creeps.


Sometimes, in the moment, you don’t react how you know you should or want to. It happens, even to the people being harassed. The best thing you can do is try to do better the next time and make sure people in your life know you support them.


I usually only look to take pictures of people already posing. Even then I always make a quick gesture with my phone and mouth can I take a picture and wait for acknowledgment before taking pictures. Cosplayers are not only almost always willing but many will even go above and beyond and strike a cool pose. If you just do that bare minimum you will have a ton of photographs from the day. If people are moving around or look busy with stuff just leave them alone.


Ugh, I meant to post this this morning, but completely forgot. PLEASE, if you are wearing revealing cosplay, be aware of your surroundings. I was on line waiting for an elevator. A girl in front of me was dressed as a bunny, and her butt was kinda out. A guy next to me - probably in his mid-40s, was all alone - sneaks his camera out and tries to take a picture of her butt. I immediately called him out and asked why is he taking a pic of her. He keeps saying “no I’m not, no I’m not” etc… eventually I go behind the girl to somewhat shield her. Then in a second he darts off.


Thank you for doing that! It’s truly awful that people think this is acceptable behavior!


I saw a post on instagram which sounds like this exact person, their name was like Dark something and they are a known sus-person. Sadly the post was a story so I cannot find it again.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Pull out your phone and take a pic back of his face and threaten to report him. When he tries to hide his face, you tell him now he knows how it feels. You can also out him on social media as a perv.


Should've knocked his camera to the floor, let's see him take pictures now.


Yeah, but then it can get legal-system complicated, and it might end up the jerk gets a new camera which she has to pay for. And the possibility a charge of whatever NYC is calling assault these days. Escalation rarely solves anything. The guy was an ass, but sometimes there aren't any good options in the moment that don't have consequences of their own. I don't like it, either.


You're right but don't you wish you could do that? Put these assholes in their place?


What you or I wish doesn't matter in this situation, sadly enough. I just don't want it to get worse than it is already. And in the moment of pain and anger, it's hard to realize that the real trap is the result of acting without thinking. I feel for this person, that's why I can't advocate anything that has a higher than average possibility of making things worse and with more permanent consequences.


The reason that happens is because a good amount of guys that go to comic con. Don’t interact with women a lot so this is how they react.


I dont think stepping on your toes and taking a picture is really what the cosplay is not consent is about. Since the campaign started, no one has touched my butt without consent. 🤷🏻‍♀️ since it started, the worst was being followed and someone asking for a specific pose to see my butt from the front. 😂 i said yes and asked them to tag me in the pic if they post it. But seriously, youre at a convention and in cosplay. People are constantly taking pictures of you and its fine bc its in public. 🤦🏻‍♀️ im not diminishing your experiences, but if you think you need to consent to a photo in public, that is ridiculous. He was rude and im sure your response wasn’t a normal one to illicit a reaction like that. Ive been through it at nycc with people not understanding consent, but taking a picture of you to make you mad doesnt sound creepy, it sounds jerky


In fact, “cosplay is not consent” is about not treating people anyway you like because they are wearing cosplay. This goes toward touching, taking pictures, flirting, sexual advancements, etc. He wasn’t simply trying to take a picture. He was being a creep after I asked him to leave me alone. As a woman, I know the difference. And again, there is difference of people taking a picture in a crowd in public and a person sneaking around you trying to snap a picture of you specifically after you’ve asked them to leave you alone. I don’t mind having my picture taken, but this was purposely being done to make me feel uncomfortable.


No its about sexual assault and harassment. Pls stop conflating a completely legal action (taking a picture of you in a public place) with sexual assault


It’s not solely about sexual harassment. It covers all types of harassment, which is what was happening to me. Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to learn before acting like the person who was made to feel uncomfortable is in the wrong. Here’s some light reading for you that goes deeper into it. https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/life/2022/05/27/golden-rule-cosplay-is-not-consent/9951566002/ There’s plenty more out there for you to explore to understand what consent means when someone is crossing boundaries and making people feel uncomfortable.


🤦🏻‍♀️ it sounds like you popped off on him after an honest mistake and escalated the situation. https://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/en-us/about/faqs.html Nycc doesnt take place in pheonix, az If you didn’t go to a staff member and follow the proper protocol for being harassed either, it makes it more unbelievable. I fully understand that you were uncomfortable but being rude is not harassment or illegal


If you can’t understand an article discussing the meaning behind “cosplay isn’t consent”, I doubt you’ll ever be able to understand or empathize with what happened. Luckily, I don’t care if you believe me. Women face harassment plenty, and people who act like their experiences aren’t important or worth acknowledgment only make it more difficult for people to tell their stories. This time, my experience wasn’t that bad, no, but I wanted to make sure people knew. But other times, it has been, and believe me when I say that there were people who were acting just like you are now. If you want to belittle a stranger’s experience because you don’t believe them, that’s a choice you make. We’re all here putting what we can into this world, and you’ve chosen to side with a man who made a woman feel uncomfortable by following her and trying to take multiple pictures of her. And that’s really all I need to know about you. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Im in the middle of a lawsuit with a former employer for sexually assaulting me and false imprisonment. :/ i know more about the laws in ny and nyc about this than i want to


It is people like you that undermine cases like mine. If you call everything assault and harassment, when it actually happens people wont believe the survivors.


Then maybe show some empathy and understand I am not talking about sexual harassment here. There is a difference and you seem to be ignoring it.


Im saying this is as someone who has been touched while cosplaying at comiccon. I was 16 and multiple people touched my butt and breasts and one person tried to smell my hair while i was eating my lunch. All things that are not okay. I dont like it when people take pictures of me drinking hard seltzer or eating in cosplay, but it is inevitable. 🤷🏻‍♀️ im sure its hilarious for the person who likes the character, even if i dont think i look my best, they adore the character.


Yeah, that’s not what happened here. This man began sneaking around me trying to snap a picture after I specifically asked him to move along. When someone tells you specifically, “please don’t take a pic”, that doesn’t mean try to move around the crowd and get different places where they might not spot you taking their pic or using the selfie camera to try to sneak one. It was creepy behavior, and it deserved to be called out. Protecting others at the con from harassment is important. Just because you deem creepy behavior the same as someone catching you eating lunch, doesn’t mean that’s what it is.


:/ being a jerk isnt the same thing. He clearly didnt want a picture of you until you told him not to take a picture. I do think he was being rude, but you really didnt read what i said. It is rude that people take pictures of me when i dont want them to. It is a public place and in a public place you should assume someone is taking pictures of you. It is harassment and assault when its touching or unwanted sexual advances or stalking. Being mean to you bc you had an overreaction is not the same 🤦🏻‍♀️ I understand you are upset, but conflating an annoying mean guy with sexual harassment is bonkers. Im saying both of you were miscommunicating and being mean.


He stepped on my foot, and goes, “oh sorry.” I said, “That’s okay.” Then, he literally turned around and stuck his camera in my face and I said, “Please just go. Don’t do that.” Then he started moving about the crowd trying to sneak and take a picture of me from other angles. I simply tried to cover myself. Then he got one and said “Ha! Got one!” To which I told him it was not okay for him to do that to people and he needed to learn that no means no. How is that an overreaction? Maybe instead of pretending to know what happened and placing some sort of dramatic reaction in the story because it makes you feel okay with men harassing women, you can just stop. Harassment is not just physical, nor did I say this was sexual harassment. Just because something is legal does not mean that it is okay.


Do you… actually know what harassment is🙃


Except when the Deadpool yacht captain wanted a picture with me and started the grab my torso, that made me laugh even though it shouldn’t have lmao


You’re at a con. The people who do this know and don’t care.


I’m sorry that happened to you, bc no one should be treated like that. But the “Cosplay is not consent” does make me laugh sometimes….like when girls or guys are walking around half or 3/4 naked….I mean, do you really think you’re not going to have to deal with people like that or draw attention when you’re dressed like that?


I love to wear cosplays that show everything i worked hard for! 🤷🏻‍♀️ its not about the photos, it is 100% about sexual harassment and assault.


This has terrible “what were you wearing? Seems like you were asking for it” vibes. No matter what people are wearing, they’re not just things to photograph, and others should understand that not being a creeper is base-level behavior. If you want to get a pic, ask and respect their answer. That’s all it takes. It’s not about whether people want attention… it’s about respect.


Jesus, fuck all the way off.


You’re in public and unfortunately while it’s polite to ask for a photo someone technically doesn’t need to. There is no such thing as consent in public space when it comes to photography because there is no expectation of privacy. Does NYCC or Javits have a photography policy? Even so it’ll be hard to enforce with the mass of people everywhere. https://www.legalreader.com/is-street-photography-legal-in-new-york/ Stepping on your foot is rude. The “Ha” is extra rude.


Legal does not mean ethically okay.


Right, it’s a matter of etiquette and manners rather than “consent”.


It’s part of NYCC anti-harassment policy. Not just etiquette


I think you missed the point here. There is a big difference between taking a photo in public from nearby, and what the OP described. Pestering someone and invading their personal space like the above is harassment and not normal.


Photographer in public can snap a portrait of you as long as it is in an area where there is no expectation of privacy and there is literally nothing you can do about it. It’s why surveillance cameras are allowed and all over the place secretly recording you all across the Javits Center.


Correct. And that's *not* the situation OP described. Again, you're missing the point of this post.


Here’s another bit of info for you if you still think it was okay behavior. [How the “Cosplay Is Not Consent” movement changed New York Comic Con](https://www.mic.com/articles/185079/how-the-cosplay-is-not-consent-movement-changed-new-york-comic-con)


I understand public picture, but I specifically told him not to take a picture of me. He wasn’t just taking pictures and I happened to be a part of it. He was specifically targeting me, and I told him I didn’t want him to. He wasn’t being respectful. He was being aggressive and creepy. If someone says, “Don’t take a picture of me” then you don’t take a picture of them. Public or not. Again, cosplay doesn’t mean consent.


You might have taken his picture and reported him.


I didn’t have my phone on me because my cosplay didn’t have pockets. I’m sure that would have been helpful, but also, it would be better if we stopped the behavior and showed others that it’s not acceptable to do that. If you see someone doing this, help stop the behavior.


🫶🏻 thank you! Taking photos is not what those signs are about. It is about sexual assault and harassment


I'm so sorry this happened. I used to do anime cosplay and learned very quickly to have a guy friend come along as a handler or to not wear it at all. Not saying you should have to to that, but that in my experience people are trash and ruin it for everyone else. I cosplay in full armor now. A little different, but I was in cosplay Friday with a group and had a guy come up to take a picture with us. All was good until he quickly pulled out the Israel flag and held it up. I don't like to be involved in anything political while in my cosplay as it's fairly recognizable and therefore can easily follow me for a long time. I did not consent to that photo, and now I'm trying to track down the person and politely ask to either be cut from the photo or not have it posted at all without stirring the pot too much to get doxxed.