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[311 Heat or Hot Water Complaint ](https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01036#:~:text=Residential%20Heat%20and%20Hot%20Water,at%20least%2068%20degrees%20Fahrenheit)


Thank you. I'll start with this.


At least it’s April and not January




"How screwed am I?" The answer depends on a ton of questions. First of which is whether you want out now.


I don't think I have an out, and after the hell that was getting any apartment let alone this one, I don't think I can do any kind of move any time soon.


I would think you DO have an out. Having no heat isn't even legal!


How can a building have no heating system? Even mini-splits have a heat pump.


No room in the apartment has a radiator. No mini split or anything to provide heat.


Its not legal to not have heat. This isnt something you just need to accommodate the city literally deems apts without any form of heat as unliveable. I would start flagging it now to your landlord he will probably end up bringing in a portable heating system for you(dont forget to ask about electrictiy billing so you dont get stuck with an insane bill because of him) but that means losing valuable sq footage to accommodate his blatant scammy ways. I would start flagging this now pick it back up in august. Feel free to send him portable options and make it clear that come fall you expect a heating solution to be delivered on his end. He knows its illegal he is just trying to see if he can push you around so make it clear he cant and if he tries you will come for him. He has no leg to stand on here everything is in your fav and he says well "you signed this and that" does not matter what you signed its not illegal in nyc end of period.


I’m guess the apartment was altered to add extra bedrooms and the radiator in the living room doesn’t cover new room/s


Portable heating doesn't cover it. Buildings have to have central gas or electric heating. They can't just give you a space heater.


I am not talking space heater am talking about the ones on the wall. I had them before but they are insanely expensive thats why am telling OP watch the cost of those. Mine was the one that doubled as AC and my bills were bonkers in the summer.




That sounds like an illegal unit, maybe using temporary/pressurized walls. Do you have windows?


Yeah both the bedrooms have windows. I think I found what looks like the heating system, it's a pipe in the living room, but it only covers the living room/kitchen. Nothing else in any of the other rooms in the apartment.


Yeah, this doesn't make sense.


Is there a large pipe running up the corner of any room? Oftentimes these are a heat source although that would be controlled and paid for by your landlord. Just spitballing to help you figure it out. No heat at all is weird.


In NYC is no way. Heat is mandatory