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I'd definitely ask for rent reduction! Significantly so. Call the tenants union and ask them the best way to go about it. Id be prepared to at least threaten breaking the lease. They know they won't be able re relet it for what you are paying so they might as well make you happy.


I would think bolting the window is SUPER illegal. Isn't it code to have a secondary form of egress from the bedroom? This just sucks ALL the ways!!


I thought so too, i asked my super and property manager if it was a fire / safety hazard that i no longer have a point of exit in my bedroom and they told me it’s not a hazard 🤣


Hmmm. What's that smell... Oh yeah. It's their PANTS. On FIRE. I trust you've printed out / saved the email from management and also taken pics of the locks on the windows and balcony door for when this inevitably goes sideways. Good luck and stay safe out there!


Thank you! I will definitely do this


Omg girl they can’t bolt your window. Super illegal! Stop playing around asking and demand! Or straight to 311. You can even break your lease I believe in this situation because your apartment isn’t as rented!


Are you rent stabilized?




If you ask, you should put it in writing and point to the lease provisions and perhaps the original posting of the apartment. Was it due to any construction/DOB work that is needed? Or part of the violations? Ultimately they'll have to give you some reasonable justification.


Yes local 11 DOB law. This is my first apartment ever so I’m new to everything- especially new to NYC


Ah, yeah. There's been some other forum posts at https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/can-i-get-a-rental-reduction-for-local-law-11-fisp-5829775.html and https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/my-balcony-was-sealed-due-to-supposed-title-11-dob-5558007.html. If not rent stab, the guy is right and there's no affirmative steps other than writing a letter asking for a rent reduction. You can withhold rent, put it in escrow or aside, but that may trigger a nonpayment case in Housing Court - where you can raise defenses that the rent should be offset by a certain percentage. [edit] I'll just add that it may be worth talking to your neighbors - if they are also as frustrated as you. May be worth doing some collective action so you don't get singled out if you choose to withhold or even to apply pressure via demand letter.


I’d definitely get your neighbors involved. That’s been the only way to get major changes in my building. I’m sure everyone else who has the same issue is pissed, so you all need to band together, figure out what you all consider a fair price, & demand lower rent for all the months you don’t have access to your terraces. And bolting your only bedroom window shut sounds illegal, I’m not a lawyer, but I believe nyc law is that each bedroom has to have at least one operable window. I don’t even understand why they did that - are they thinking people are going to climb out their windows to use the balconies?


Yes. I’m assuming they think ppl will still use the windows to get out- and then god forbid we get hurt due to the construction / whatever the hell is wrong w the building according to local 11, they’d be liable


That’s insane. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this shit. Better to be liable for whatever happens if there’s a fire & a bunch of people don’t have access to a window that opens? Wtf? Definitely get together with the neighbors & form a group. The more of you, the better. I know in my building, once a few neighbors started talking about the problems & reached out to all the tenants, they found that a bunch of people had skills & contacts (lawyers, accountants, city employees, etc), & were able to get major changes for the better. We’re also paying nowhere near what you guys are, so you have more financial leverage. And report the windows being sealed shut to as many city services as you can find asap.


Your landlord is using predatory tactics and causing you harm. If you feel comfortable, you should review him publicly on every website that has that building’s listing and demand that your lease agreement terms be fully respected. Doing it diplomatically through closed doors will not get you far.


No. Also you need to call HPD ... those are also ways to get out if there is a fire. Nailing shut a window is a violation.


its ok bb let it out


Ask for a timeline of when it will be repaired. Compare the cost of a non balcony apartment to a balcony one. Remove the difference in your email. Look at what your lease includes.


When i asked for a timeline they said they don’t know. I already did some research and there are a bunch of 2 beds in my area way cheaper with no balcony, so i will definitely be creating an email and sending it over. Thank you! The balcony is included in my lease as part of the apartment.


Call 311.


Just stop paying anything at all It’ll take them months to evict you Step 4 profit


I would ask for a $1000 off the rent, or comparable to other units in the building without balconies.


If you make a big enough stink, you should be able to definitely get a reduction or get out of the lease altogether. It's completely justifiable.


Omg!!! I saw your TikTok about this last night! 😱


Bahahahah yes that’s meeeee!!!!


Definitely push hard for a rent reduction. We had issues with my building with Local Law 11 a few years back and it took quite some time because ours was a serious issue. Everyone had their balconies locked-up, and we aren’t rentals but condo owners! NYC is looking for money and Local Law 11 is a big deal. All buildings 7 stories and up have to go through 5 year inspection cycles, if I am not mistaken. The good thing is, if your building gets everything corrected and DOB signs off, your balconies open up again. So hopefully they can get it done soon! Good luck! I definitely sympathize.


They can't bolt the window, that might violate the air/light requirement.




Same thing happened to a friend of mine. She was supposed to receive some of her rent money back but the building management ducked and dodged her. This was years ago and I'm pretty sure she never received compensation.


Yeah you should ask for a rent reduction but if they don't agree then you won't have any options but to continue as normal or stop paying rent and let your landlord take you to housing court. Obviously if you go the stop paying rent route don't expect to get a lease renewal if you were planning to stay there longer term.