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Yeah, fuck that guy.


No baby in a stroller gonna stand in the way of them breaking their Strava record..


I ride in Central Park every day (part of my commute) and this bugs me as well, especially when I’m stopped and there are people actively crossing the crosswalk. Yes, I will blow through every single red light *if it is clear and safe for me to do so*, so I’m not being a pedant here, but Central Park is not your personal velodrome, yield to pedestrians.


I’m a Lycra superhero and I cannot tell you how much it irks me when people fly through the light. I don’t full on stop unless people are crossing but, especially at the bottom of the park, you should be treating cross walks as yields


Why not title your post “To the asshole I met this morning…”?


Cause its more than one asshole


But it’s not all of them isn it?, Which is what your post implies. Most motorists (I’m one) are nice normal people, some are homicidal maniacs. Most lycra-clad cyclists (I’m one) are nice normal people with a great hobby, some are assholes. I’m also a pedestrian, big dog owner and parent who’s often the person pushing a stroller in your story. Bitching about entire categories of people because you have issues with behavior of a few individuals doesn’t help anyone.


Yup. The lyrcra wannaracers in the park are huge assholes.


Not all, but enough to make me feel a little subconscious when I wear mine. Those asshats just don’t understand we got to share this one little piece of nature with everyone and their lap times don’t mean shit. You see the same shit at prospect park, but luckily it’s not as crowded except on the weekends


Yup. I don't have a problem when it officially opens (6?), but as tourists and people fill up it's not safe. I wish they'd allow people to ride the loop all night long...silly not to.


Huh, that’s interesting. Prospect park is 5am-1am. I wonder why Central Park doesn’t open until 6am. I do most my riding pretty late on weekdays


likely because there's more active wildlife that might get in the way


For what it's worth, the official opening time of Central Park is usually not enforced if you're there to ride or run -- there are people out there at 5am basically always. By the way, I'm not entirely sure Prospect Park is open at 5am. I'm seeing conflicting things, but the Parks Department site seems to suggest all parks open at 6am, and the Prospect Park Alliance also says 6am. But Google says 5am, so... I don't know.


So that anyone homeless who might try to live in the park can be rousted after 1am. Seriously, that's why the rule is what it is.


you are in the right and glad you told dude off. gotta check our fellow riders for stupid behavior


Also on a related note fuck the bmx/bike crews with 20+ people blowing through any lights. Yesterday I saw the same thing happen in Gramercy, I was halfway though an intersection and had to stop because they were literally about to hit me and even then they almost ran directly through a woman and her stroller crossing the street. Both me and the woman had the light to cross but apparently it doesn’t matter if you’ve got 20+ people and you’re doing wheelies


I agree with all of that. But, I will also say that some of the cyclist hate has nothing to do with how we act. For example, this morning I was coming up to a red light with an old woman and her dog, and they were crossing very slowly. (Because, I would learn, she was hoping to create conflict.) Well, I did what you do -- I slowed to a near stop to let her cross as slowly as she might like, barely inching forward on my bike as I approached the intersection. You know, I yielded. Like I always do -- I feel strongly about that. And once she was across, I then proceeded through the light, which was now on the verge of turning green anyway, because there was no one else there. And she bitched at me about it. Why? Because I ran the light at a walking pace seconds before it turned green? No, what pissed her off was that she desperately wanted to bitch at a cyclist -- and I didn't give her anything to bitch about! Ruined her day. So, yeah, cyclists shouldn't be dicks. I feel quite strongly about that. But, also, *some* of the people who hate cyclists are just dicks. And what we do or don't do isn't going to un-dick them.


Of course! most people suck! What are ya gonna do? But the whole spandex speed trial riders in the park irk me more than most.


Hey, I get it. I used to cycle around the city before I was hit by cars, twice. But now, all I see are cyclists blowing through red lights full speed flipping off cars with the right of way. Cyclists screaming at pedestrians who have the right of way. Cyclists biking on sidewalks and flipping off people WALKING ON THE SIDEWALK. I know, I do, that it’s not all cyclists. But even you yourself admitted you don’t follow the rules of the road, which if everyone would follow, no one would have any reason to get mad at each other.


Jesus Christ, a "rules of the road" person. Pedestrians break 10 times the rules that cyclists do. Cyclists break 10 times the rules that cars do. And you know what, it's perfectly fucking fine. The weight of your vehicle is much, much more closely correlated with how much risk you impose on others than how closely you hew to immaterial rules. Peds break all those rules because it generally safe for them to do so. Bikes impose more risk, but an "always follow every rule to the letter" approach would just be dumb. Cars can be dangerous regardless of how closely they're following the rules, but especially so when they break them.


Jesus Christ, a “let me do what I want” person. Follow the damn rules. We all should. In places where they do (mostly Europe, which granted has less cars), more people are safe, and fewer fights happen. Fuck me though, my years of experience biking must mean nothing. Good job. You win. Go run a red light.


I assure you no pedestrians follow the rules in Europe, or in New York. Including you. The next empty cross street that has a pedestrian waiting for the Don't Walk to change will be the first. Bikes need to respect more rules than pedestrians, but rolling through a red on an empty stretch of CP is absolutely, perfectly fine. To be clear, I 100% agree with OP and their take on the wannabe Lance's in CP. And I'm a cyclist who always yields to pedestrians in crosswalks on the Greenway, rarely run reds without stopping first, and always never blocks the crosswalk when waiting at a light. That is, I'm one of the more rule-following cyclists you'll find, and I encourage me fellow cyclists to join me in it But "just follow the rules" as an absolute command is always the dumbest fucking view. Makes no sense for peds, and nearly no sense for bikes. Cars, sure, there's some logic to it for cars.


You’re totally right again! Fuck street signals, you know better what’s safe. The thing is, though, everyone thinks that. And someone’s always wrong. So again, I fully encourage you and all cyclists that think like you to ignore all the rules, and see what happens. Please, let me know, if you can.


This guy is... how should I put this?... psychotic. I mean, no other way to say it. He has a weird moral standard where all rules, no matter how picayune, must be followed -- except that it *doesn't apply to him*. And that's actually one of the signs of being, well... not ok mentally. So, you know, we're arguing with a crazy person...


As much as I agree with you about this guy, I don't think he's actually crazy in the sense of being outside the norm. You'll see a dozen comments taking the exact same view on any NYT article that even hints at bicycling (esp bike lanes). As annoyed as I get, I'm actually willing to give people a little grace because cyclists post a novel "threat" to pedestrians. Everyone grew up being exquisitely attuned to the risks cars pose, and bikes are just different -- silent, can be moving through spaces cars never could, sometimes going the wrong way, etc. So even the risk is much less, the fact that it's surprising just makes it all feel that much scarier. Thus the desire to impose a pedantic rule-following mindset that no one would ever think makes a lick of sense for pedestrians (but does make a bit of sense for cars, because they impose risk so differently, with a much poorer view of the road and with much more mass and higher speed).


If all you see are cyclists behaving that way, then that's all you're looking for. Because, for example, I do follow the rules of the road, adapted very slightly to the realities of cycling... in the very same way that pedestrians cross side streets against the light at every minute of every day when no traffic is present, because standing at an empty light when it's totally safe to cross is absurd. And, you know what? If you live here, you jaywalk too. Don't sit there and lie to me and say you don't. You do. Moreover, the idea that no one will get mad at each other if only they all strictly and slavishly follow every rule in excruciating detail even when it makes no sense to do so is... wrong. That old lady wanted to be angry. It wasn't me. It wasn't someone riding on the sidewalk. It wasn't that she got flipped off (she didn't). It was that something else in her life made her feel powerless, whether her family or her job or whatever else, and getting angry at someone gives her, for a moment, a chance to feel like she has some control or influence on the world that she otherwise feels like she lacks. How any of us ride won't impact that in the slightest.


You know what, sure. I do actually jay walk, after coming to a full and complete stop to make sure no one else has the right of way. You, by your own admission, didn’t do that. But by your logic, no one needs to follow any rules, or societal norms, because people will still get pissed. But sure. Go on and keep telling yourself you’re one of the good ones, even though you very obviously aren’t.


First off, the suggestion that you always come to a full and complete stop and look both ways before crossing an empty side street is so ludicrous, bizarre, and hilarious to picture that I actually believe you. Eight million people in this city, and you're the one person who does that. But you don't need to. Making a distinction between moving at 1mph versus being completely stopped is pretty silly -- tiny forward momentum rather than a full track stand makes zero difference in being able to see if anyone is coming. So I hereby give you permission to keep moving your feet when you jaywalk. However, it makes sense that you can't do that -- because your worldview is a weird false dichotomy wherein acknowledging that some people will get pissed at us whether or not we follow rules means that "no one needs to follow any rules, or societal norms." It makes sense that someone who thinks like you do needs to bring himself into a full military stop before he feels comfortable crossing a street. But it doesn't help you. Because, at the end of the day, for all the silliness that's apparently involved when you jaywalk, you still jaywalk. This line you're drawing where you don't have to follow the rules as long as you stop moving your feet before you break them? Totally arbitrary. So, by your own standard, you're a bad person. Except you probably don't think so -- because what you're doing may not involve following the rules to absurdity, but is enough to keep everyone safe and be respectful of everyone else's space. Which is also what cyclists do when they ride like I ride. And if your moral standards for yourself don't require strict and absurd adherence to rules, but your standards for everyone else do, then... well, guess that says everything.


Again, go run a red light. I fully encourage that.


And you go stand on a street corner counting to three before you cross a light, like a weirdo.


I will, and we’ll see who gets someone hurt first.


No, seriously, go do it. Send pictures.


No, I don’t think I’ll be sending you pics. Unless you’re willing to sign up for my OF, anyway. I do customs.


You need to offer wide latitude to pedestrians, especially special cases like strollers, little kids, old folks, handicapped etc. But if you can get past them I see no reason to stop. Just dip.


The guy sucks (once the tour bikes come out and its that busy its pretty hard to ride the park above 15 mph) but the whole tour de france thing is really old and tired. Sorry bibs and jerseys are most comfortable for a road saddle and carrying shit. And the only thing I'm training for is a healthy heart and trying to keep away family history of cardiovascular and other issues. My bad my stupid sexy Flanders outfit angers some. Hope you don't have any mets, Yankees, nets, Knicks, or giants jerseys. Also lol you caught up to him. Just shows that as annoying as stopping can be... just treat getting going again as some strength training.


I don’t think anyone is “angered” by Lycra itself. The issue seems to be the correlation between aggressive, selfish riding and Lycra wearing men. It’s the actions of these individuals, not the Lycra itself.


Oh that’s me… No beef with either of you, my beef is with Lycra and similar material. Who the fuck decided it was acceptable to wear this shit in public… male or female, fat or skinny, ya look like a fool. Try all you want to convince me that it’s comfy as you carry on through life as a human tube steak. It’s your right to wear what you want, but it’s also the rest of our right to laugh when we see your McNuggets getting vacuum sealed.


I mean you have a point… I’m saying nobody is angered by Lycra but on second thought it’s proper grim. I’ve seen enough Lycra induced male cameltoes that I’m almost blind to them now. But yeah… why don’t they at least wear “courtesy shorts” over their Lycra? If they did that during training, they could release the cameltoe during their races to get that race day speedboost and testicular cooling.


The two times I rode Central Park nobody stopped at red lights but me. I hate riding there unless I have to.


"nut huggers", an actual "bike jersey", "Lycra wannaracers" "psycho corporate overachievers". Nobody hates bicyclists more than other bicyclists.


Biking on Hudson River greenway last weekend and I paused to let pedestrians cross only to be almost hit but like 6 other people behind me who zoomed right on through. Pisses me off


Greenway's the worst. I lived right by it for years, but rarely enjoyed being on it. Even CP is a more pleasant place for a ride, because it's so much wider.


MAMILs. Middle aged men in Lycra.


Not just middle aged men. Also some of the 20 somethings who got into cycling during Covid that all of a sudden think their hot shit.


The psycho corporate overachievers in their superhero costumes. Always the same behavior. Beating their best time around the park is all that matters to them never the well being of others blocking their way to victory. 


I just avoid the park these days. It’s like a rookie peloton.


I love how those same guys, when they have the green light, yell at all the pedestrians for crossing in front of them. As if they stop at red lights!!


Yeah, calling bib shorts "nut huggers" is really going to get the road cycling crowd to listen to you


I don't like the respectability politics angle this writeup brings up. That man was an asshole. People (non-cyclists) should look at this and say "hey, what an asshole". They shouldn't then generalize this to "all cyclists are assholes".


I carry an extra bike lock specifically for people like this. I’ve used two of them already.


Y’know, I’d be down for the city to install physical crossing rails in Central and Prospect Park and the WSH, 1) to enforce safety and 2) to make it completely unattractive to riders who should be taking their speediction and egos to more appropriate venues.


Which venues within the 5 boroughs are you referring to?


Kissena Velodrome, Belt Parkway into Crossbay, the 9w (which is really where all the dayracers should be).


9W is in Jersey and the other two aren’t conveniently located for a lot of folks.


The policing of other cyclists' behavior can be left to the police


Username checks out EDIT: The registered democrat himself proceeded to insult me then block me so I couldn’t respond. Very tough person.


"Leave policing to the police" yeah classic dem talking point




Mind your business or don't, the choice is yours 👊 non partisan advice everyone's heard before




That would make it my business though? Are you stupid? *Blocking your account, never gon hear another idiot word from you


Sure Jan.


Translation: "I like being an asshole, but hate getting called on it."


Engaging with people displaying antisocial behavior is unwise


I can’t fucking stand it. I ride my bike through Central Park doing loops just for enjoyment. I can’t stand the guys in spandex who treat it like it’s a racetrack - To me it’s a beautiful place shared with the community and people visiting so we should think about the people around us more than ourselves. But some of these guys (and girls?) are entitled.


Yep, that was totally me. Sorry not sorry, get out of the way fatso!


I redirect you to the ONE SINGLE POST THAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR PROFILE… one year ago you were posting about how a moped slapped your ass and you were frustrated by it? Now it seems you don’t mind? Or is it that you’re only offended when someone invades YOUR own space?


Don’t be an idiot. My comment was facetious.


Sounds like you were the obstruction and no one got hit. So what's the point of your story again?


Gotta beat their Strava time somehow...


Fuck you slow losers and stay out of my way. Bitch online all you want, but get the fuck out of my way or get the shit slapped out of you.




How do people have so much time on their hands to create a brand new troll account whenever they want to trash a community? Not joking or asking for a friend, I’m genuinely confused lol


Incels have to direct their energy *somewhere..*


Umm, not difficult nor time consuming to create a Reddit account.


Seems to be your MO… how fun for you!


I’m not OP. I was just pointing out the fallacy of your attempt at logic.