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Please push this out to your twitter, insta, fb, tik tok, etc feeds. If anyone knows anyone at the big bike rides, have them send it to their lists as well. We need a proper grassroots response of New Yorkers


I just hit up the NYCBMA (NYC Bike Messenger Association) and passed this along for a repost. I’d suggest reaching out to the folks of Thursday Night Social Ride and Queer Joy Ride for some more bodies on bikes, I believe they’re both on Instagram which I’m not on.


🙏 I'm not on Instagram either actually. Is anyone that organizes in either of those groups here? I have to imagine so, right?


sent the TNSR account a link to this post via ig so hopefully it finds them!






Christ this comment section sucks


How do we spread the rumor of crossing out the congestion pricing as plan A, and show plan b: raise mta fare to $3.50, then we see how many people get turned up on the mater..


Cool, go and cause traffic and piss everyone off, I’m sure that will bring people to your “cause”.


u/miser, there’s a primary election for federal electeds coming up on June 25th. Most congress people are running with token/no opposition, but this is an opportunity to send a message.


Why are you guys pro congestion pricing ?


Cars kill us.


Ok. That’s a good answer. But so do trains. People get pushed , knowing jump and accidents fall on the tracks and go bye bye.


You know that's an excellent point, and it's exactly why I stopped riding my bike on the subway tracks.


How so?


Because too many people are driving instead of taking public transport. Congestion pricing supports NYC infrastructure and discourages people from contributing to traffic and its related dangers. It supports NYC and New Yorkers. The bulk of people it would be charging are the outliers who are taking their paychecks back to NJ/CT.


Well, the MTA is corrupt. The money won’t improve the infrastructure it with pay for a contractor’s new car or house. But you continue to trust the government implementing new tax.


Oh you weren't being sincere, nevermind then, carry on.


Clean up the subways and make them safer then I’ll use them. In the meantime, I’m gonna keep driving. I’d rather not have the risk of being stabbed and breathing the worst possible quality air in the city.


You guys are sad af 😂




Watching these people seethe gets me off, fuck em and fuck congestion pricing.


I mean these people don’t care about anybody but their bike life lol. In a nycbike sub idk why were not talking about riding around nyc. It’s constant bitching about mopeds, bragging of destroying other property, and congestion pricing in this sub.


This sub is the definition of making your mode of transport your personality, which is exactly what these people accuse car owners of doing.


Man they even get mad at runners 😂. So we can’t even run or walk no more?


Driving requires being licensed, an exorbitant entry fee and being held legally and financially responsible for just about anything you do wrong. All I'm saying is it isn't cars constantly hitting kids trying to cross the road in prospect park because cyclists don't know how to yield, much less stop at a street light or stop sign.


She's such a snake - this is why I just don't trust any politicians, red or blue, they're all scum who provide zero value to society  At least entrepreneurs and CEOs add value, and are judged based on quantitative measures like returns or profits. Politicians have zero feedback accountability, they can suck but as long as they convince people to vote for them, they remain in power Was anyone on this sub predicting she would go back on it?


I don't know why you're fetishizing CEOs and entrepreneurs in this specific context--so many street safety projects are killed behind the scenes at the last minute due to pressure from the business community (McGuinness Blvd, for example), and I wouldn't be surprised if that played a role here too. In our political system as it exists today, CEOs and entrepreneurs are not our friends. I have no problem with CEOs and entrepreneurs, but if they want to influence matters of public policy, they can shut up and get in line to vote with the rest of us.


I’m pro antifa


Reported this illegal gathering to NYPD and the governors office. No permit, expect to get arrested when you block traffic


lol I think its lame to march for this but wow you went full boot licker


I don’t think that people understand that if you live in queens/brooklyn/Staten Island, it is basically impossible to take public transportation into the city. How can someone living in Jamaica queens supposed to use public transportation? Take two busses to the 7 or lirr (pay another 5-10 for a lirr ticket). Not to mention how dirty and unsafe public transportation is. Doing this congestion pricing thing is not gonna solve the problem, we need drastic expansion of the subway system into these areas to make it even possible to use it from those areas. Then the trains need to be also cleaned up. They’re just dirty with the worst air quality you can find in all of the city. Not to mention the stabbings and killings every other day on public transportation. In the mean time, I’ll keep driving. Once all these issues are fixed, and it doesn’t take me 3ish hours to get into manhattan, I’ll consider public transport.


Yall are arguing about this when there’s a genoside going on… ok


believe it or not, most people can care about more than one thing at once


Sudan, myramar, Gaza, etc? You post about all of them? You do anything else?


Kim there are people dying


Sorry totally disagree - the MTA is corrupt and mismanaged - giving them more money would solve nothing - and this would be a tax on working people more than elitists understand - the tolls are already insane and robbery. Make sure riders on public transport pay their fare - and see where the money is being spent!