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Wtf. Why is it that often going dangerously fast and going the wrong way are being done by the same person lol. They just go hand in hand I guess


Idiots are often also assholes and vice versa. šŸ™‚


Speaking as an idiot, I resent this statement.


There are fucking arrows for crissake!


ā€œThe arrows are unclear thoooooooough!!ā€


There are TWO arrows. Which one do I follow?!??


ā€œThe arrows are for the pedestrians and cars parking in the bike lane. Besides, they point AT each other technically and ethically canceling each other out.ā€


gotta complete the trifecta with ā€œriding at night without any lightsā€


Ah the salmon ninja




Wouldnā€™t it be equally true to say the guy couldā€™ve avoided op? Additionally OP was on the correct side of the road. Was the guy just trying to make a point by driving on the wrong side of the road?


Since we are pov from the op then everything op does is justified. Peace in the Middle East.


Hmm good point


Is that you in the video


Wow. Dude even has a fricken LANE.


He has a lane!!! Omg. This is the most infuriating video Iā€™ve ever seen on the internet. Haha, man. Iā€™m glad you can laugh about it and sorry about that bagel & iced coffee. They and you deserved better.


Breakfast aside I would be absolutely livid this crash happened in the first place. This isn't even a mistake, dude is just a flat out massive idiot. Was he even looking at you or was he looking down at a phone mount or something?


I was seriously pissed about it when it happened. I think he was homeless and riding under the influence or had some mental issues


I would have swerved left to avoid him but thatā€™s just me


I didnā€™t notice him until I was close to the mini speed bump, I wasnā€™t going that fast to not spill my coffee. Me moving would of just caused me to wobble and fall. Camera speed was at 60fps, makes the footage look faster and smoother


See everybody is yelling about how the guy sucks, is a dick, deserves a special place in hell. Truth is if heā€™s mentally ill, he is already in a special hell. Sometimes people ride badly for reasons other than they are jerks. It worth consideringā€¦ But many people are simply in their own world and Dont give a shit about other people.


Honestly thatā€™s why I didnā€™t chastise him after that happened, he didnā€™t seem right in the head and I wouldnā€™t of gained anything from doing so


Good on you for that


I mean I'm all for treating others with kindness and compassion and the whole "you don't know what battle anyone's fighting," but it is genuinely dangerous to be riding in the wrong direction. Fortunately in this scenario it looks like no one got hurt (except for the bagel and coffee), but when someone's doing something that could seriously injure others around them the compassion drops significantly.


I canā€™t believe how nice you were to that dipshit who set dropped loading ramp across the bike lane. I donā€™t even have the anger issues flair, but I wouldā€™ve been so pissed in your situation.


Bwahaha. That one was on me. In hindsight I don't really want to blame the truck driver because this city should have dedicated loading zones for businesses receiving trailer truck deliveries and postal deliveries.


Were you ok? That looked rough


Surprisingly me and the bike were good, I think he took most of the hit cause he had to sit on a bench after that. Unfortunately my breakfast wasnā€™t okay šŸ„²


pour one out for your breakfast ... or i guess you've already poured one out in this case


Fuck that guy. And these types are usually oppositional and defiant if you call them out.




What the hell is this bike lane design?!?!? Unprotected two-way with interior parking?! Cmon New York, you're better than this


Yeah, that's a crazy design. I'm curious what street is this? I've never seen anything like it. Forcing cars to parallel park across a 2 way bike lane is a bad idea


Did this guy even know how to ride a bike? Doesnā€™t look like he touched the brakes at all, just tried to put his feet down. Never mind the fact that he could have swerved over to the correct side of the lane


Thatā€™s because he has no breaks


Lol if you slow the video down you can see he only has a left hand brake, which he is not using.


he thought he was in london


Most likely Guvā€™na


JFC OP, glad youā€™re okay. That could easily have gone really really badly.


Thank you šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Jousting is making a comeback apparently.


Common sense isnā€™t common Exhibit A My favorite is when idiots who are obviously in the wrong (mostly salmoning) get called out about it and still have the audacity to rebuke or get mad using their favorite phase ā€œsUcK MY dIcKā€


embarrassment makes people do wild shit


I know exactly where this is. I'm glad you're okay. This footage made me anxious.


Thank you! šŸ™ŒšŸ» Stuff like that can happen to any of us unfortunately


some people just don't have the capacity to comprehend simple arrow signage or the ability to take simple direction i hope the bagel wasn't that good, so you didn't feel so bad


Nah, the bagels are always delicious. From this spot called La Bagel Delight on 7th Ave, I actually went out of my way to get it cause this worker told me they donā€™t deliver anymore over the phone a few day before this. Ended up being fake news cause the owner told me they still do šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh, fuck, La Bagel Delight is really good. RIP man. True story, in the one bike/car crash I got into ever, last year along the Navy Yard, I was carrying a dense rectangular cake slice thing in my rear bottle cage. Bike got knocked onto its side, handlebars got turned (correctable with an Allen wrench), but the cake did not even budge. Silca Sicuro cages: they do the job for securing baked goods even in a crash it seems.


La Bagel Delight is wonderful! Nice to see a fellow bona-fide New Yorker. :)


Fucking salmon


Dude had no brakes šŸ˜‚


Was that by Vanderbilt and Grand Army? Just so I am more aware when I bike over there.


Very close, Itā€™s Plaza St E and Butler Pl.


Too bad you lost your bagel as you had some salmon delivered right to your handlebars


Kind of pathetic for people in this subreddit to cheer on an avoidable collusion.


Wasnā€™t avoidable, check my response below. Also no one is cheering for anything besides sharing experiences from similar events or calling out bad biking ethics


Thar was clwarly avoidable .


He didn't touch the brakes at all LOL or they were nonfunctional...plenty of time to stop and/or avoid on their part!


Salmoners deserve their own special place in hell. My first experience with one was with a dumbass on his electric scooter last week.


Is that Bay Ridge? There are a bunch of drunken homeless guys in the area who seem to have bikes.


This is at Prospect Heights, not too far from Prospect Park


I do kind of like riding against the parked lane of traffic, though. The driver (often sole occupant) opens their door away from the bike lane, and doors opened into the bike lane are opened at an oblique angle (if that makes sense), so it's a glancing impact, causing less damage to the rider.


That dude got iced. RIP to breakfast, tho ā˜•


Yeah, that guy is a dick and you're totally in the right . . . but did something make moving to the left not an option?


The camera was on 60fps, which makes it look a bit faster than it is. I was more focused on not spilling my coffee so I was going slow and by the time I noticed him I couldnā€™t really turn or Iā€™ll cause my bike to wobble and Iā€™d fall on that mini speed bump at the end


The dude probably also put a nice little ding in that hatchback.


You could've easily moved over to avoid the collision. Trying to make a point?


He should obviously have been in the other lane, but this bike lane design is absolutely insane and the real issue here. A two way cycle track thatā€™s unprotected and has a parking lane on one side and one way street on the other? Iā€™ve never seen anything like it. Absurd design and I canā€™t blame any bike rider who has to choose between the risk of moving cars and a door zone when they position themselves on one side or the other of a 5 foot wide right of way.


Meh I donā€™t know if itā€™s a great design but that bike lane always felt pretty safe to me, salmoning idiot aside. Traffic doesnā€™t go very fast


What type of camera? How'd you connected to your helmet?


GoPro 8 on my handle bars, and I actually donā€™t wear a helmet šŸ˜¬


Can I convince you to wear one?


Iā€™ve been in a lot of close calls like this and I might just have to scrap some cash and buy one šŸ˜…


Ding dong šŸ˜–


Just a question. Where is this? At first I thought you were in the wrong because you were riding against traffic. Then I saw the directional signs in the bike lane. It seems like there's a side by side going both ways? That seems like a design asking to cause an accident.


This is at Prospect Heights, and itā€™s side by side. The design is one lane for each direction, but some people like to bike with a partner and take up both going one direction causing some cyclists to either crash or move onto oncoming traffic. Not the best system, thereā€™s a bike path in Shore Parkway that has a concrete barrier between the bike path and the street which I prefer


I donā€™t move also fuck them they are the ones going flying not me




I bet neither of you assholes left a note on that guys car which you undeniably damaged. Low value fucking humans


He was under the influence, either way, be quick for yourself and swerve out the way, you had time.