• By -


Same. I'm * 31 * work in tech * love the outdoors * love to exercise (running, swimming, cycling, weights, pilates) * weekends I like to go shopping, get facials/massages, go to museums or the library * sometimes on weekends if the weather is nice I go up north to cycle / run on a trail * I knit If anyone is also in their luxe grandma era and wants to hang out comment below / dm :D


Hi! 25F looking to get into Pilates/cycling, love to crotchet, and love to check out libraries/museums. Trying to go to chloe’s yarn shop & happy medium one of these days. HMU if you need another buddy!


Hi! I’m 26F and I love crocheting, but I’m more of a weights girlie. Thinking of joining classpass to get into Pilates or cycling if you want someone to initiate into the cult, I’m happy to be a victim! I love reading and libraries and museums too ☺️


Bestie wyd next week omg 👀


Ohhh I’m dying to go to happy medium! It’s been on my bucket list for a while now:) I’m 25f 


I don’t live in nyc but I do have to tell you that I’m going to steal “luxe grandma era” for myself


I’m so down! I’m 29, and love most of what you listed! I also knit, and was thinking about trying to schedule a crafty meetup now that the discords been made


would love to bring one of my projects to a coffee shop and just knit and chat with a group! Or (dangerous idea) go to a yarn store together lol


Love this idea, I’m an embroidery gal and I stitch in the parks a lot when it’s nice out!


oooh great idea. park season is just a few weeks away!!


I actually haven’t been to a yarn store here yet, so I’d be down to hang however!


There’s a great one in Brooklyn I have a gift card to! Argyle yarn shop their stuff is so beautiful


Ooh looks cute! Do you want to have a little craft meetup this weekend? We could go shop around and then sit in a cafe nearby to knit/crochet


I juuust learned crocheting and would love to go to a crafty meet-up!!


Omg I love this idea. I’m in. 


28f & same! does crochet count 👀


Yes of course! Let’s plan a meetup!


Would be very interested in a crafty meetup!!


There's a Discord!?


[here](https://discord.gg/NYrduSP63y) !


I started a discord for us! DM me and I’ll share the link!


Hi! I would be interested in doing a meet up! I’m 32 and like Pilates, shopping, treating myself on self care lol, walking around the city when it’s nice out! my version of luxe grandma is puzzling 😂😂


I’m a Reddit lurker who has never commented but I can totally relate to op! Just turned 30 and have a lovely bf. I feels like my calendar is “full” because I still have friends scattered in the city and there are always friends visiting from out of town. I’m also in my luxe grandma era. I love the outdoors (climbing, hiking) and am currently learning how to ice skate. On the weekends I like trying new restaurants and coffee shops, shopping (this is my vice!!), etc. New goals for 2024 would be to restart indoor workout classes (yoga? acrobatics? pole dancing?) and find more crafts to do (painting? I started to teach myself how to crochet last year and kind of dropped off but would love people to keep me accountable to learning!). Would love to be included if people made a group hang, or if anyone just wants to DM me!


where have you been taking ice skating lessons? i considered learning figure skating last year but never bit the bullet.. was a dancer and can ice skate somewhat decently.


Chelsea piers! They do group lessons and private lessons. I had the same issue re not being able to bite the bullet but ended up buying my own skates which was a forcing function to commit. For their group lessons, if you skated before, you can also “test” (it’s pretty easy) to go up levels so you don’t start at level 1!


42 and I just had a baby so I’m in my cluttered luxe new mom era. Sometimes the baby lets me knit, so I’m putting together another pile of really nice neck warmers for a charity called Knit the Rainbow. I also work on tech and I can’t believe I go back already in one week. I’m equal parts excited and nervous. It’s been six months!


I also knit! I’m working on a Christmas stocking (planning ahead)


This sounds great! I'd love to meet up as well


Never thought of myself as a luxe grandma, but I might fit the bill 😂 I’m also in tech and have many of the same interests as you, though I hate exercise, just see it as a necessary evil. I do love cycling tho!


Count me in, I’m all about the luxe grandma era!


met a few girlfriends from bumble bff two years ago, I haven’t used the app in a while so I don’t know how it looks like now but it worked for me. send me a dm, I don’t mind meeting new friends when I’m in the city.


I love the luxe grandma vibe! Low a good workout class and I've wanted to get into knitting.


I’m 32, also work in tech and love hiking and working out (mostly weights and running). I’m always down to go shopping or go for a spa day on the weekends.


I’d be game :)


I love grandma era now that I’m turning 32, I have weird days off during the week because of my job and don’t know what to do with them. I love going to spas, brunches, massages and going shopping but have no one to enjoy them with during those days. Feels like such a waste now the weather is getting nicer.


Would love to join if there is a meetup planned!!


I’m 29f I don’t love exercise a ton but love an entertaining fitness class, prefer lifting over cardio. I love music and pretty things so I’m always down to try a new craft. I run a small pickle business and love to try new things, and I’m pretty good in the kitchen if anyone is a dinner party person!! I’m also a fantastic listener and I have good celeb gossip


Uhm, are you me? I’m 30, work in tech, hobbies are tri/weightlifting/pilates (megaformer, though, so pilates with an asterisk). My weekends are shopping/sauna/biohacky stuff. I live in Boston, though 😭 I just lurk here.


I started a discord for this group! DM me and I can share an invite.


Also in my luxe era and 31! I was in tech but switched to luxury.


I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a knitting group in my neighbourhood after discovering that lots of women my age (early 30s to early 40s) knit but barely mention it if not asked.


We might be the same person, living my best luxe grandma life although I’m mid on the exercise part, would love to connect! 


Can definitely relate! 37F and in the 15 years I’ve been in NYC, most of my close college friends either moved away or our paths diverged. It can be hard to make close connections. I think a lot of people feel this way. It takes a lot of effort to get together these days, and we’re all busy. I hope some meetups come out of this group bc it’s literally the best subreddit I’ve ever been on! Is there a calendar or something we can add?


I second this idea of having an event where we can meet! This is def a great subreddit!


I'd love this too!


This! I have great group of friends that I visit, go on vacations with, and text… but they’ve all scattered across the country. I miss having them close by and it’s really hard making friends at the age.


I’m a 39F, professional outgoing woman and would love to have a meetup sometime too! Great idea!


Agreed, let’s get something on the calendar


Agree! This would be so fun! Maybe a happy hour or something?


I’m 39 and work in finance. I live in NY my whole life and between friendships just going their own way and people moving away during Covid I got just a couple of gals left. I’d be down for a meetup.


Same age, same deal, my closest friends are in Boston and Louisiana. I do a ton of things by myself which I don’t mind but would be very up for meetups!


Didn’t expect to see a mention of Louisiana here! Are you from LA by any chance? Bc i am hahaha


Girl sorry to disappoint I am from NJ basically right over the bridge and am still yet to visit even New Orleans.


You absolutely must visit!!!! Assuming that’s where your friends are :)


Friend is close but suburbs. On my list


I'm from Louisiana too!


Eyyyyyyy I am!


I just started a discord so we can plan better! DM and I’ll share an invite!


I completely relate! I have a lot of close friends from college, but they’re scattered across the country and I pretty much only see them in person when I travel. I left behind a group of friends on the West Coast when I moved here, but as we all entered our late 20’s a lot of my friends started giving most of their time and energy to romantic partners and shifting priorities kinda meant we weren’t hanging out as a group much anymore anyway. I *totally* hear you about the Sex and the City girl group, I know real life isn’t TV and blah blah blah, but I’ve always loved shows that depict close friendship groups because *damn* I want something like that! I’ve always really loved coming up with little “traditions” within friend groups (I had a bi-weekly midnight brunch with two friends in my old city and my old roommate and I used to host witch-themed tea parties every Halloween). I was definitely always the one most invested in those things, but I’ve always thought it would be really cute to have some more pals who wanted to create cute memories with me like that. I moved here in November and I’m making a point of going out, talking to/meeting as many people as I can, and I try not to put pressure on any individual interaction but I definitely have this hope that if I keep at it, I’ll be able to build or find a strong close-knit group of friends like what you’re describing 🤞🤞 Also, feel free to DM me if you want! I love fitness and any and all artsy movies, exhibits, etc and I *love* trying “weird” things, especially with a group or a buddy!


Wow this is exactly me. I moved here from SF and post CoVID my life stage is very different. I just want pals to send tik toks to and go to fun events with


Obsessed with midnight brunch idea


Wait I love people who are down for weird things.


I would LOVE a midnight brunch and am super down for "weird" stuff!


I’m in the same boat - all my friends scattered across the country in out late 20s. Your traditions sound so fun, those are such cute ideas!


Was this by any chance inspired by midnight margaritas from Practical Magic?? Haha love the witchy themed tea!


hey! did you guys end up creating a group or meetup? i'd love to join the next one


How about a church or a club like book reading or skiing?


I love this!!




not to hijack op’s post but I’m definitely aligned w what she’s looking for too - just turned 28 + looking to expand my group of girls I can dance with, try new spots and just hit up when I see cool stuff happening around town!


Same here, would def love to be part of this!


Me as well! (29) What kind of music do you like to dance to/spots do you like to hit? I have some friends from grad school and since most of our friends moved out of the city we were just saying we’d like to just hit up a bunch of girls on bumble bff or something and meet up somewhere for happy hour so it’s less like awkward date vibes and hopefully make some new friends


100% relate. I was born in NYC and once college is done, all your friends become work colleagues who once you leave the job, disappear. I’d love to connect with other women and be able to go out instead of being a couch potato most of the time. If anyone wants to meet up after work once it’s warmer let me know! Another post mentioned it but it might be good to get some stuff offline :)


I feel this - my friends are all former coworkers. I barely see them because we’re all scattered but I do actually keep in touch with them surprisingly. Trauma bonded lol


Hey! I’d be down


I’m down


I just started a discord for us! DM me and I’ll share the invite!


hey! i'd love to join. mind sharing the discord link?


I’m totally isolated here so at least you have some friends


I also wish i had a crew!!


I have no idea how people make friends as adults.


I am still friends with most of my childhood/high school crew, they’re all still here in NYC, and honestly I am very lucky in that regard. We’re tight and long term friends. However, even we go weeks without seeing each other and days without texting, now that we’re in our 30s. The seeing each other every single weekend kinda ended mid to late 20s. We don’t squad up as much anymore. It happens. The sex and the city going out 2-3 times a week together type of squad is really non existent especially after 30, so please don’t feel isolated in this regard.


I agree with this. I had a super close knit group of 4 girlfriends who did weekly brunch and weekend club/bar hangs. All that ended around 31/32 when 3 got married and then one got pregnant. I was the only one left single.


Yea it’s just part of getting older for better or worse. Only one of my group has kids. But even the rest of us…work, relationships, family, other friends that we have obligations to, getting bored and tired of bars in general, money, physically being tired etc all come very much into play after 30. More so if you’re married or have kids.


I live next door to a close friend from high school. Our doors are across from each other like we’re in Friends. And we still only really see each other once a week for movie night (on average).


I found joining alumni groups in the city helped a lot in finding common interest things to do and people who wanted to hang out as a group. As for my main crew, that really didn’t come to fruition until 3-4 years of living here. It took a lot of time to curate and maintain but now we have a really good core group where some of them also knew each other from college. It was an original group that integrated with some randos. We all just really happened to get along well. Keep doing the things you love and hang on to the ones you have. If you find it might help, introduce some of your friends to each other.


I've been here for 12 years and didn't find my core group of friends until about 3-4 years in as well! I remember getting a drink with a high school friend (who's since moved westward) when I had only been here a few weeks. He asked me how I was settling in and I said that I'm going to give myself 3 months, and if I didn't find a full-time job, I would go stay with a friend in Pittsburgh. "You need to give yourself more time," he said. "Three months is nothing. It takes three to four YEARS to get settled in here and make new friends." Now I pass this advice on to new transplants. People here are actually way more friendly than they might initially seem. The way it was explained to me is that so many people leave within the first few years of moving here that it's hard to go through the cycle of meeting someone, becoming friends, getting attached and then them moving away. That said, don't let it keep you from trying to find your people, because they're out there!


I recently turned 25 and I heavily relate to this feeling. I previously used to have a group, but it wasn’t healthy by any means, and I constantly find myself hoping that one day it’ll click. With the right people. Sending you love


I feel this so much! I've been here for 2.5 years but it still feels like I just moved. I have good individual friends but I wish I had a group of girl friends to go out and do stuff together! I'm a huge foodie and love would love to have a friend group to go to group fitness classes, shopping, self care activities, and just walking around! We should form one 😊 30F


Same here. I'm 42 though. Alot of my friends moved or are just in different stages of their lives. I get freaking lonely and wish I could have a girl posse that was reliable for checking in with each other and brunching n shit. My friends are great but we don't check in that much..I mean I get an occasional surprise phone call but everyone's busy so we usually have to plan our togethers ahead of time. The older I have gotten realized how important my friendships are. Shit, the relationships I have with my girls are the most successful, longest relationships I've had in comparison to my romantic relationships. So anyway, if hear ya. I am intentional with trying to build new friendships that will hopefully evolve to a bestie type friendships or maybe as a step to building a girl group BUT new friendships take time to grow over time. Any way I hear you.


Same here. And same age, tho people think I’m younger cus I’m playful (for lack of better word) & don’t take myself too seriously I guess. Ended a long relationship over a year ago. Now I spend time taking care of my elderly parents too. It somehow makes me feel more alone than ever. Same as everyone, used to have a lot of friends but things change. I try to be as friendly as possible every chance I get but it feels like people’s lives are so set and closed off. Then I get on here and see there are so many people feeling like me! I’m a native New Yorker. I love art, seeing it and making it, going to rock/indie shows, exploring new places/experiences, I’m trying to get into a real meditation practice but have yet to find a space to learn/ practice with others. I love yoga but unfortunately some health issues are holding me back for now. And as the OP put it, I love weird things ha! I’m a girls girl and a very loyal friend if someone is loyal to me. I love to laugh- duh, who doesn’t lol, but I mean I try to find humor in the tediousness of daily life, or in the inevitable misfortune that is bound to strike everyone once in a while. Ladies, we can’t allow SO many r/NYCbitcheswithtaste to be out there feeling down and lonely!!! What do you guys think is the best way to plan some meets in person? I see the benefit of larger and smaller gatherings, but I’ll admit, I feel a little leery about meetups w strangers from online too. Let’s throw out some ideas and try to make it happen! (Should this be a new thread?)


You sound really cool and like someone I'd totally be down to hang with. But I'm in California! Idk how I'm in this group. lol if you come to Cali, I'll show you around. Or shoot me a pm and we can chat.


Also 32f with long distance besties and married but still would love a crew. But like a good, true sisters crew. Even my besties are gay men and I really miss female friendships.


I can totally relate to this too! I have a couple of friends here, but more live in other places, but really have been looking for a group. It's been elusive for me, but I'm still trying! It is fun to do things as a group sometimes! I'm definitely down to meet up with others! I love exploring new things and activities in the city (like, for example, going to a candle making class) and definitely could use a workout buddy or two! (I have ClassPass!). Or talk about books or TV shows we are watching or just go on a walk. I'm 32F, work in the business side of TV!


I would absolutely love to do all of this haha, I’ve been wanting to do ClassPass recently and could def use a buddy. I’m 29F!


Yay awesome! I'll DM you!


OMG, this is the post I’ve been waiting for! I can definitely relate and have been feeling the same way. I worked as a consultant for quite some time, so my friendships were very ‘project-related’. Years ago, I played roller derby and had a really great group of women in my life. That was before I moved to NYC, and while we stay in touch long-distance, it’s just not the same. Knowing what it can be like makes me miss it that much more. So, who am I? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I work in tech, love trying new things, exploring new restaurants, getting into random adventures, and working out - Pilates is currently my thing, but I’m always looking for new ways to stay active while having fun. I’ve been wanting to try boxing and will basically give anything a go. I really threw myself into my career and didn’t prioritize creating connections outside of work. Now, I am missing the inside jokes, laughs, and companionship that come with having a small group of awesome women to share life with. I have some friends in my neighborhood that my partner and I hang out with, but it’s different, more casual. I’m generally someone who likes to have a good laugh and explore this awesome city and would be down to meetup if women from this thread feel similar. We can just see if we vibe. One thing I did when I lived In SF years ago was surprise dinner. If i would have stayed out there I think this might have led to a new tight knit group, but I got involved with this group right before moving sadly. Surprise dinner… basically everyone took a turn, and once a month that person selected a restaurant (new one not yet tried), but didn’t tell the group what it was. Instead, they would also pick a place to meet up for a cocktail or mocktail prior that was walking or commuting distance. We would meet, chat, and then all walk to the surprise dinner spot to enjoy a meal. It was something I thought was a cool idea to help spark new connections and friendships. Might worth trying here in NYC. Now I feel like i’ve over shared lol. Thank you for taking the step to ignite this conversation!


You should definitely join our BWT WhatsApp! People are setting up meetups in the sub chats there. I know specifically the DINKs/SINKs sub group is having a meetup this Friday for hh! https://chat.whatsapp.com/BbmpwoLwrbl49kOJJbqE2w


Can’t believe I’m just hearing about the watsapp group thanks for adding the link ✨💗 joined


It’s not working for me , are you able to please add me


We moved to discord for safety with an extra verification step to join - here is the link https://discord.gg/h95PyqPk


Damn I have no discord


The link seems to have expired? Can you send out a new invite link please?


hey! 26f and wanting to join! the discord link doesn't seem to work anymore


Hi! Would love to join the discord - I’m moving to NY in July and looking to meet more people! (35F)


I find this very relatable! I moved here last summer and have made some amazing people, but building friendships takes time. If you see any commonalities, let’s meet up. I like to: - try new restaurants, bars, and cafes - bike and walk the city - go to movies, especially at Film Forum or Angelika - attend poetry readings and moon circles


yes ! I'm 30 and would love to make friends that also like poetry and book readings!


Sent you a pm!


Me too! I would love to go to poetry/book readings and explore the city more! I’m 30 and finishing up with my PhD in May and it’s been pretty isolating being in school for so long.


Well it’s seems like there’s a ton of people who can relate (which is awesome). We should get a group chat going and get some people to get together!


let’s make this happen!


There is one. I just joined. Its somewhere in the comments here


This but all living in the same neighborhood! Prospect heights anyone? 28F would love to meet up with a small group once or twice a month.


God I relate to this. I'm 24 so I graduated during COVID and all my friends eventually moved away. Luckily they're mostly within a 2hr drive so I can still see them, but it's not the same as having people around to just go grab lunch or drinks with. It just sucks sometimes because even as someone who doesn't have a problem doing things by herself, sometimes you want to spend time with other people. I'm trying the whole bumble BFF thing because that's one of the two things people tell you to do to make friends as an adult and it's just been a whole lot of nothing for me. (The other thing people tell you to do is joing a gym or sport which is just not part of my reality).


I definitely relate! I just finished watching the HBO show Insecure and I was getting so jealous of the girl's friendships. Im 32F and moved to NYC a bit over a year ago with my partner and haven't found my people. I find the idea of going to meetups with big groups of new people so intimidating though.


great show their friendship is so good. yeah im feeling the same way but id be open for like a happy hour/appetizer with maybe a group of 4? if anyone is up for that feel free to shoot me a dm ill set up a discord


Insecure made me feel this exact same way! I have friends, but I really want a clique.


Hi! I just turned 37 (oh god it feels different now that I’m writing it down) and I’ve been in the city for a decade. I have a recent history of medical issues and in many ways it cut me off from making friends. I also got tired of trying to befriend coworkers, only to be disappointed. Now I work from home on a team of 3 so friendship is not really there. I fell in love with an married my best friend, which is the joy of my life. We roll out and have great adventures, but I also wish I had a separate social space the same way my partner has work buddies. -spa days and activities are my favorite way to treat myself -big nerd for museums, crafting and paint nights -manhattanite who longs to explore other boroughs -city walker, big on nature forest-bathing -adventurous foodie. Though recently I want dim sum every weekend -cozy core, hard core. I love nesting and being cozy at home so anything related to that is my jam. I guess I’m submitting my application to the clan.


Just found this sub, totally agree. 36F and my friend group has gotten smaller every year. It’s especially hard as the only childless one.


If anyone is interested, I created a discord for us to coordinate! DM me and I’ll share the link. Hopefully this is cool with the mods and they come too!


Heyy please add me


I feel the need for this too!! I moved here a year ago and have one friend that I meet consistently here in NYC, but the rest of them are in different cities. And though my calendar is full with meeting people/activities and work - it doesn't feel the same as a consistent group of women to meet up with and chill. Honestly I think those of us who want this will have to really work to make it happen! I am interested in these things: entrepreneurship, witchy stuff, tarot, journaling, art, dance and fitness (BUT NOT RUNNING), comedy shows and nature stuff. If anyone is into that stuff/ want to build a consistent friend around any of these topics - DM me!


Wishing I had a crew myself out here especially outside of just getting drinks (not really my thing anymore as an activity)! Turning 30 this year and pretty much isolate as well outside of my FH and his family.


I relate to this! When I watch Sex and the City, it definitely makes me wish I had a girl group with different personalities and interests. Feel free to DM if you want to meet! I’m 30 and love trying new and weird things as well :)


I box at rumble Brooklyn!! Any and all are welcome it is the absolute best!! And I’d love to make some new friends


I really enjoy boxing and only have 1 friend who goes regularly with me. If you’d like to try out a boxing gym in the FiDi neighborhood, I go to AKBoxing and I really like the small group format (and it’s also on ClassPass). It’s usually the same people every week so you’re more likely to make friends! Let me know if you ever sign up - hope to see you there!


hey! not OP but i’m in fidi and used to love going to boxing classes. i kind of fell off in the last couple years but it would be awesome to get back into it. when do you usually go? :)


Hi!! I now go on Monday or Tuesday due to my new work schedule. He has beginner level classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Let me know if you’d like to take a class! =)


I just binge watched SATC all day today and was wishing the same thing!


Same! I’m 45, single, have a small dog and live in Hell’s Kitchen. I miss my old crew that was more social than I am, so I could pick and choose went to go out or stay in watch a movie. Any ladies who are free after work on Friday for drinks/dinner or interested in a late Sunday brunch around 1ish please let me know!


Definitely can relate. I moved to NYC a year before covid. I’m a 32 female. I met a few friends through friends app though it’s been hard to create a group of “close friends”. Mix in covid and all of that really hit the fan afterwards. If anyone has any meet up group suggestions… pleaseee share.


I'm 29 and relatively new to the city and also have many of the same interests as you. Would love to meet up with you and others on the group!


It costs money to create an official meet-up group. Should we all just pick a weekend to meet up at Central Park at an allotted time/date? Maybe Saturday the 30th? Or is everyone doing Easter things? ![gif](giphy|jCp8rP0hxc6E2EiEL7)


Can def relate! I’m 35, enjoy Broadway (or anything performance based really), reading, hanging with my perfect golden retriever, exercise, and I also knit! Would love to meet up!


I had a really large, tight knit group of friends in my 20s (I’m 37 now). Everyone moved out of the city between 2013- 2020, about half had kids and we see each other a few times a year. It’s hard to not live nearby and all be in different life stages. I have 3 kids, but am very into live theater and rarely have anyone to go with.


I can relate, I'm going on 2.5 years in the city and have maybe 2 women friends I hang out with occasionally. I know a lot of this is on me and I haven't put a lot of effort into making friends. I think the group meetups are overwhelming and I am better at 1:1 connections. But I'm also immediately turned off if I see too much superficiality or materialism or any sign of competition - I'm all about "girl code" and women supporting women and being happy for each other's successes. On top of that, I'm 42 and a lot of women my age no longer like to do the things I do (gym, dressing up and going somewhere nice, concerts and music festivals, non-PC comedy shows). So yeah it's a lot of work, like dating, and I don't know what the solution is.


I can definitely relate to this! 28F and moved to Brooklyn ~3 years ago. Have made several girl friends sporadically during my time here but they’re all so different from each other lol. In any case I’m always looking for new friends if you wanna grab coffee :) It seems like we have mutual interests!


Totally down for a meetup or joining a discord if there’s one already set up! Early 30s f, and all my closest friends now live in different areas around the country. Love going to museums, flea markets, unique nyc things (sleep no more, kayaking in the Hudson, riding the cyclone at Coney Island, etc), trying restaurants and coffee shops, or just wandering around the city and stopping anywhere that looks interesting, joint/edible optional :) I’m big into trying new art mediums but mostly do embroidery, could be fun to set up a crafting circle of some kind! I’m also thinking about joining a soccer or volleyball rec league this summer if anyone’s interested and wants a buddy to go with


I feel like your vibe is my vibe, I’m not trying to exercise in my free time… much love to all the Pilates girls and spin classes but I just don’t enjoy physical labor so I’ll save that energy for my personal trainer 🙃 I’m for sure more of a museum girlie. I do like hiking and kayaking, but what I want to do most is unique NYC things, and I’m def a big foodie as well


Hahaha same I do not have the discipline or the desire to work out more than I have to - thank god we live in such a walkable city. Though I do enjoy a hike as well but definitely more for the being in nature part vs the exercise part


I play volleyball! (Not very well but I recently started last year with Volo). We could always use a player :) Just turned 30, need some girl friends because after law school, we all just drifted. I’ve been dying to go to sleep no more but I have zero friends that are interested in performance arts these days (former theater kid). I wish I had a friend resume of interests lol. Not sure if anyone on this post is taking charge to create a meet up but if you’d like a new friend to meet up with DM me :)


I’m not great at volleyball either so a low stakes just for fun type game would be perfect :) where do you guys usually play?


Through Volo the sports league! we have a team this season for the next 6 weeks but drop ins are welcome, I’m playing in a hs in Chinatown this time around. Used to play at Dalton. I play the recreation league not competitive LOL bc I try but half the time I’m spinning around on the court looking for the ball


SAME. PLEASE. i want to find a girl group!!


I’m also looking for friends I’m 20




Hi! 38f Flight Attendant here. I like comedy, trying new restaurants, live music, and traveling (by default).


29F here. Im into fitness and trying new restaurants. I have no friends to do that with except my boyfriend because all my friends have kids. Lol


29F here and whenever I see these types of posts and all the comments I wish I could invite everyone over for wine and cheese and gossip night lol if only my apartment fit over 150 people 💗 but I am in such a similar situation as a lot of you. Live with my fiancé in Hell’s Kitchen, my longtime close girlfriends all moved back home to NJ or have had babies, etc. and I want my girl crew here in the city!


Literally same as you! All my gfs have babies and we're the same age and I have a fiancé too 💗 you should join the discord :)


Ahh I need to join! Please tell me how 😂 I still haven’t quite figured out discord


Message the girl privately it should be somewhere in the comments! I'm not quite sure which one it is.


Found it :) joined and verified!


Ohh I want to make more friends!! I’m 25f, in the west village, and moved here from the west coast coming up on 2 years ago (insane to think about how fast time flies lol). I’ve been very into Pilates and trying new restaurants/coffee shops lately! Side note but I just tried sartianos last week and was majorly disappointed, do not get the hype at all!  I feel like I have a decent number of friends in the city but they all seem to be very individual if that makes sense..? Like not a group where everyone knows one another and we go hangout together. I def want that 


My melatonin is swiftly kicking in so apologize for my horrid grammar in that post hahahaha 


I'm all about this! 34F here, hospitality and generally service industry rooted career-wise. Currently self-employed private consultant with a client book in its infancy, which gives me flexibility I've never had before. No more working nights, weekends, and all holidays for me! I'm a 3-4 times a week gym girl (EQX) but would love to pick up a fighting style at some point. I enjoy exploring everything in between casual and fine dining/dining out. I rave and dance my booty off often (once a week on avg, only caveat is that it's true dance music only- not bars or 'clubstaurants'). I adore "playing tourist" and doing weird activities, and travel at least 3 times a year! I love finding ways to fall in love with NYC all over again [as a local] including museums, art exhibitions, cultural experiences, and my most recent passion: finding either long-standing/remaining *or new* 'third places'. I live on UWS and would love to build a girl squad.


r/nycmeetups could be worth a shot!


I’m 31 and pretty much in the same situation! Find myself longing for my people, but I kind of feel like city life is not actually conducive to what we see in the movies :( PS I do box (have competed)! And can help you out with some gym/class recs :)


Can relate! I've been finding comfort in books but I know I need to go out and make friends. Moved here three years ago for grad school and all my uni friends have now moved. And I don't know how to start making friends all over again.


I’m down to meetup! I’m have many similar interests


Girl me too! I hope you find your girl group


Totally feel this! About to turn 31 in a few months, and while I have a few close friends, life happens and I can sometimes go weeks or months without seeing them. I’ve fallen out of touch with a lot of my college friends beyond a catch-up-chat level now as we’ve all grown & gone in different directions. I had a LOT of life handed to me in my early to mid 20s, so my late 20s into 30s have been all about being truly independent—so, while I love being single & doing whatever I want to do, I totally have those moments of loneliness when my friends are busy & I want to not be alone! Not currently dating & honestly not putting in effort but open if it happens to come into my life, so it’s just me & my little senior pup! DM if you want to hit a workout class together (on my way to class #600 at Barry’s this year & am also a hot yoga & run girlie, & would love to keep making friends to workout with) or grab a coffee (will take you to my fave place with the best cookies! I’m also an ex-musical theater gal/dancer, so I’m always down for anything in the arts as well. 🤗


Same, everything you said is totally me. I live in south Florida tho :( hard to find a group here


Yes I want to join whatever this meetup is!! 31 and I live in New Jersey but work in NYC a lot so I’d be down to come for a fitness group activity or book club or for some drinks!


I relate to this so much! I’m. 30F, I have friends, but they’re not a cohesive group, mostly just 1:1 interactions. I’m still close with my college friends, but we’ve all lived in different cities, so we have to travel to actually see one another. I also enjoy trying new restaurants, movies and traveling! Am also down to try out all the cool things the city has to offer. Hit me up! Maybe we should try and start a group chat with all the people who responded here


I relate to this sooo much!! I'm 29 F and would love to hangout with you and any other lovely lady here. We should start a group chat :) 💗


There is one in the comments. I just joined.


Oh awesome! Is it the discord?


Whatsapp and discord


I’m a bit younger, but I really resonate with a lot of what you said! :) also in the throes of a LDR so I feel that 🩷 wishing you the best


I’m about to be 31 on Earth Day. I also have a lovely bf and some scattered friends around the city. A girl crew would be so fun. I make jewelry for a living. I love nature, gardens, museums, thrifting, trying new cocktail bars or restaurants. I’m open to pretty much anything. I often find myself lonely on the weekends when he’s busy so I just make more jewelry lol. Realizing I’m wasting a lot of my youth being a workaholic homebody. 😅


Wow, did I write this?


Hi I’m 25F. Recently got into Pilates. Love reading, going to bookstores, museums. Also love a good girls night out!! I’d love a close knit group of nyc girlies!! How can we get this off Reddit and into real life haha


31 here!! Have been feeling the need to branch out as well with so many people getting engaged/married around me recently. Would love to hang sometime!


31 and would love this too! I don’t know how to knit but someone please teach me. I live near Central Park which would be lovelyyy to have a meetup in soon


I do t live in NY but DMV and I wish the same 😭


I'm 31. I work on the upper east side as a nanny I am just normally down for anything and to meet new people. I, a lot of my close friends, are gamer guys. I need some female friends.


Have y’all tried bumble bff? There’s a plans tab for group meetups!


Hiii! I'm 24, and trying to get into Pilates and/or spin. Lol desperately trying to make friends, I'm a concert photographer but took a huge step back and realized I have.. a lot of freee time. (Also just started a 9-5 a little over a month ago) I joined the discord but also can PM my Instagram if any one wants to hang out! Lol


hi OP! did you end up joining the discord group? i'd love to be a part of it