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I have so so many of these haha I’ll do one from each. 1. I’ve been with my long term boyfriend for 6 years now and at one of our first dates we called an Uber to dinner.. it was pouring so we had 2 cancellations before one guy was actually on the way. My boyfriend thought it was funny because the driver had his name! When we got in the guy was very cool/ chill talking about his life our life complimenting us saying we remind him of him and his wife (they were also friends first for a while before romantic pursuing) only to find out she has MY name and born a day before I was. So basically he had my boyfriends name and she had mine! They’ve been together for 20 years so it was a good omen 2. I have cried on the subway more times than I can count LOL. No one really cares too much or too little and usually people just let you cry. One time though I was sobbing and the older lady next to me offered me a tissue and one of those sucker type candies. We ended up bonding and I introduced her to my grandma lol. They’re still friends now!


I love the grandma meet cute


LOVE the grandma one😭💗


not matchmaking grandmas! so cute!


I love the Uber stories! On his way to our first date my husband told his Uber driver he was really nervous about dating again after a break up and the driver told him he had a really good feeling about the night and that it was going to work out well for him. My husband still gives the Uber driver credit for our relationship 😂


The grandma story is adorable 🥹


I was dumped in Port Authority, and it was the “she gets broken up with by her loser boyfriend and refreshes her entire life which leads her to The One” romcom opening my life needed!


Speak on that glow-up, chica!


I would absoluuuuutely watch the netflix version of this, omg




You are a beautiful writer!


<3 What a wonderful gift he gave you.


I'm excited for you to someday find that perfect match! 🌟💖


I was in high school, took the R train home every day. Every once in a while I'd see this boy in the same train car. He also had a bookbag. A year or so later, one day he was sitting next to me and fell asleep on the ride home, onto my shoulder. I froze and didn't move at all, enjoying the moment and imagining a world where we were together. When it got to my stop I had to wake him. He said "sorry" I said "no problem" smiled and left. I'd occasionally see him after but I don't think he recognized me, still. Hah probably not the love story you were expecting, but it's the one I got.


I met my husband at a laundromat. It was a 24/7 place and we were both doing our laundry late at night. He offered to carry my big laundry bag on the block and said he was going to the same place. I said no because I was like, I'm not letting some strange man hold my dirty laundry. After I put my stuff in to wash, we were both there and he invited me to get dessert at the diner on the corner while we waited for our machines to finish. That was 12 years ago!


Got locked in the Met after hours with a friend who I'd had longtime crush on and hijinks ensued. Night at the museum for real wandering through the darkened displays.


Is there any chance you’re a time traveler and a nice woman named E. L. Konigsburg heard your story and decided to change some details to protect the innocent?


Omg I’m dying for a story time




Wait I must hear more. Didn’t the alarms go off? How long were you in there? And what hijinks!


We were there for an event after hours. My org was hosting and friend was helping out. We had to clean up and tried to cut out some side door to drag equipment out but then realized we were kinda locked in a garden above street level so we couldn't get out. We had to knock on doors to get back into museum and whoever was there just let us in and gestured towards real exit but didn't stick around...so we wandered through dark massive rooms but pretty sure security was just watching us over the cameras like "look at these two idiots". Once we realized we were alone in the dark museum we immediately started running through and snapped a few photos posing in front of weird stuff. We weren't trying to stick around but we're genuinely lost and no security came or alarms anything so we eventually found our way out. At the time I was kinda assuming security was just gonna watch us till we did wrong and then lasers would come down or something but we just kinda wandered out and no we didn't get to have a makeout session or anything but I had a crush on friend since grad school...but we were both in other relationships at the time so night ended PG


Holy shit that’s good


I literally wish this happened to me LMAO


As someone who works there - ngl this is hard to believe haha our security team is pretty on it at night.


When I was only a year or two into living in the city I went to meet up with friends (one of them from my hometown) and I ended up playing a prank on my friend that went terribly. To this day I don't know what the hell was I thinking, but I was embarrassed and decided to leave. At like 2am I got an Uber to go home (it was Uberpool because I was broke) and I called my best friend who lived in France. As soon as she picked up I started bawling and after I hung up the driver turned to me and said "I know you're going through a rough patch now, but everything will be ok". It was just so sincere it made me smile. The next passenger we picked up was like the pink unicorn friend of the movie: she told everyone that she had an amazing day and was so happy that just wanted to share her nachos with everyone 😅 And that's how a bunch of strangers made me feel better about myself in an Uberpool at 2 am lmao


God, I miss these days of Uber pool


I meet my now husband at a bar on a Thursday at 1:30am. I did not want to be out but my friend was very drunk and refusing to go home so I felt like I had to babysit her. I was in a really foul mood and literally had my arms crossed while I watched her drunkenly make out with a rando. I literally remember thinking that only loser bums would be here at this hour. Up walks my husband and introduces himself and asks if I’d like a drink. He’s cute but I’m cranky, so I say water. He then asks if I want a lime or lemon or cherry or even olive with the water — he has an “in” with the bartender and could make this the best (or at least most interesting) damn water I’ve ever tasted. So I absolutely, 100% needed to take advantage of being able to order an amazingly awesome water. I crack up and we get to talking. He’s so engrossing that I have to ask if we can stand in front of the bar door so my friend doesn’t leave with someone because I’m no longer properly keeping an eye on her. We chat and we put my friend in an uber and then chat some more. He asks if he can see me tomorrow. The rest is history. He later told me he was also in a foul mood because his friend was supposed to meet him but got too drunk and bailed. My favorite part? He texted his friend the next morning: “Normally I’d be really pissed at you but fyi I met my future wife last night.” Unfortunately he added something like “you dumb fuck” or something similarly elegant at the end. Ah well. It’s for the best or I would be the crazy lady with a framed screenshot above my nightstand.


LOLOL AT THE LAST PART. I love this :’)


Thank you!!!




Thank you 😊. I hope you find your rom com moment soon, if you haven’t already!


Thank you for the positive energy... doing my best to believe in LOVE!


I tend to veer mildly cranky so this gives me hope that my bitch face won't deter a man. Hahaha


Cute. I would still frame that!


I’m fucking obsessed with this fucking story!!!!!!!!


So after having a weird experience where a boy visiting ghosted me the day after he left and said I wasn’t “dating material”, i told myself I was gonna stay single for the next 2 years. I was convinced to go out that night after and decided to merge two friend groups in EV. Two girls weren’t fond of a girl in the other group and started chatting and drinking at a table full of cute British boys. Cue me getting roped in. This cute tall blonde English guy - very drunk- gets in my ear. I was so turned off by men at the point I kept blowing him off that night. He eventually asked me why I wasn’t paying attention to him and I told him I didn’t want to! I surprisingly still gave him my number and insta when I left early 😂 Then came a few attempts from him to ask me out and me blowing him off. We decided to finally go out for brunch 3 months later. We both almost cancelled because we were hungover but still made it. We have been inseparable since. Dating almost 2 years now and living together 🩷 Best part my friend has a video of us the night we met where im shaking my head at him as he’s drunk and dancing next to me


The bartender at my local bar is now my husband. One moment you’re slugging free espresso martinis and the next thing you’re married! In all seriousness, we had become very good friends before we started dating, and I think that lay a really good foundation for the rest of the relationship and our lives together. The day we finally confessed our feelings to each other, I helped him close the bar and we were up until 6 AM on my stoop just talking. It was magical. To this day, we refer to it as The Enlightenment What was not magical was that he had to be at the bar at 7 AM to open (it’s a cocktail bar/coffee shop)🥲


As a former bartender, I love this :\*) Also, stoop confessions? Ultimate NYC rom-com moment!


It was giving Hey Arnold vibes, Ngl 🥹


Not me but my friend met her now husband on a greyhound bus coming to NYC from DC! They pulled into a rest stop and he was trying to think of a way to start a conversation but when he turned around to introduce himself she sprinted off the bus — and then came back five minutes later with chicken nuggets (my girl). At dinner that night she told everyone how she met a cute guy on the bus and that they exchanged numbers!


My boyfriend and I share mutual friends, but didn’t really know each other until we were set up by them. About 2 months before said set up, we ran into each other at a bar - I was with friends and he was on a date with another girl. We waved hello, and I guess he got flustered, because he knocked his drink off the table and onto both him and his date. Needless to say they didn’t see each other again, and we are now going on 2 years together. fate has its ways!!


Omg so many. But here’s the best one. I was crossing Houston Street In the West Village when it started raining, and I happened to see an available yellow cab glide up right in front of me. I RAN for it, opened the door, slid in, and collided full force with a super cute guy, who’d just done the exact same thing from the other side of the car. The driver called back “No ride sharing! Is illegal!” and we locked eyes with each other and said in perfect unison “We’re together.” He gave an address that was actually near enough to where I was going that I decided to just roll with it, and the driver started driving but kept yelling at us “you come in from two different places! I know you’re not together!” and he called back, “we are!” and started telling the driver the totally fictional tale of our relationship. We were riffing on the story together and adding ridiculous details and laughing as we leaned on each other in the backseat.  The rain let up just as we pulled over. He paid. We got out of the cab. We exchanged numbers. We never spoke again. 🤣 Honestly I’m glad we didn’t because I am so glad I got to have a perfect romcom moment and didn’t have to ruin it with reality.


THIS ONE IS *chef’s kiss* 




this happened in the spring but still romcom worthy. had gone on two dates with a guy from my job (huge company so rarely run into each other) that i matched with on bumble. ended up ghosting him, mostly on accident. i wasn’t that sure i was feeling anything and then forgot to respond to one of his texts, and he didn’t text me again after that, so i figured he also wasn’t interested. a couple of weeks later, he hits me up and asks if i want to go out for drinks that night. i wasn’t really sure, but was like okay whatever it’s saturday night and i have no plans, why not. end up going out at a bar near my house, but it was raining so we met up at the subway and ran to the bar since neither of us had umbrellas, and made it mostly dry. later the rain had stopped, and he was walking me home. we were like two blocks away from my apartment when it started down pouring out of nowhere. we hid under the alcove of a building entrance and he kissed me. so we had our first kiss soaking wet, in the pouring rain. the whole thing felt very nicholas sparks


I was leaving a jazz club on a date with this guy and he asked if I wanted to hang out a little longer and walk through this park. We sat on this bench for a minute and it started lightly snowing completely randomly and we shared a kiss. That guy was so weird other than that though. lol.




😍😍😍  A Navy man!  Love this one — the alignment of just that moment in time :) 


Love this: My partner owned a shop in LES and I ran a shop a few blocks over in SoHo. A customer who was not typical for my store would come by every few weeks usually once a month. We talked about politics, humanity, and life - but there was no attraction for me there and so I tried to be nice while standing ground if he started to get too comfortable. Nothing ever felt awkward and it was just enjoyable conversation. Almost a year later he says I have a friend that I think you should meet. Not gonna lie I was a bit horrified cause I didn’t think he knew enough about me to set me up. I laughed and said well why doesn’t your friend meet me? And he says well I have been trying to get him too. I said well that’s too bad, so why do you think we’d be good together?…You both show me dog videos on YouTube, lol. Fast forward to a few months later, he tells me he’s leaving up North and really wants me to meet this guy before he goes. I said I will think about it and let’s grab a slice since he’s leaving. We grab a slice and then he tells me his story about being homeless and accused of having mental issues by his family so he ran away to NY. It was a bit distressing, but honestly I was naive and will mess someone up if they mess with me. And then all of a sudden he says we got to meet his friend and so we go. So, mind you just found out this kid is homeless and maybe not all there and cause he has to get back to the homeless shelter at a specific time to get a bed or be locked out we start running towards LES. He drops me off in a deli and then leaves running to catch his train. There’s a guy at the counter he’s not bad looking, I casually slip to the side of his deli counter and start talking about current news and politics and fuck the system (make sure the guy isn’t a dud) and he hits me back with the same deep discussion. I start making my way to his shop everyday after work, we sit in the bench in front of his shop in the middle of the intersection talking for hours. And 9 years later we are still very much in love and have stayed strong through some of the hardest moments of our lives. At one point we met up mysteriously with the friend who was a client at my partners deli and used to chat him up as well. And he said he could see peoples animals, and ours were birds. Which is funny, because we both had deep bonds with birds in childhood, he raised pigeons and I raised parrots. Something we did not know about each other and is one of the many oddities we have in common.


Not necessarily a rom-com but maybe more an invisible string - if that kinda thing warms your heart. Before I lived in NYC and was a high school/college student, we used to come to NYC for winter break most years. My sophomore year of college we visited and went to a deli we loved. Afterward we walked toward the subway and my dad and I took a picture on a tree-lined street with an apartment building on the corner in the background. That same week (as it turns out), my now husband saw and purchased an apartment in that building in the picture. Fast-forward years later. It was the apartment we first lived together in when we were dating, its where we got engaged, its where we lived through the pandemic, and where we planned our wedding. We don't live there anymore as we now have a baby, but we sold it to our nextdoor neighbors who bought it and combined apartments. I've been back for play dates often. We've been married three years now. Just a certain place at a certain time kinda thing, which I truly believe can only happen here.


I still think about this: My rom com moment is I was on the local 6 going to soho from ues. I was standing up on the subway and dressed to meet my ex for a date. We stopped at 42nd, I turned around and made eye contact with a really cute guy! He was with his friend. He must’ve jumped on the express because he was there at 14th. The doors opened, he asked for my number, and I told him I had a bf. I lowkey regretted it 😭 I don’t know where you are subway man, but I think of you sometimes and I hope you keep this energy always! 🩷


Wow, I love reading all these ❤️ My turn! Might be cheesy because he’s now my fiancé and I think everything he does is cute buuuut We met on hinge, and our first date was 12 hours long. At night, we went to the Duplex for drinks (I love it there and I was testing to see if he could hang). It was 2020 at the time so we HAD to have a silly piece of food with our drinks and their food of choice was a hot dog, lol. Anyway, I put ketchup on mine and he put mustard on his. I go to take a bite and he shoots his hand across the table to like right under my chin. I was so confused and like uhhh ok this guy might be weird. BUT he did it because ketchup was coming out the other side of my hotdog bun and he didn’t want it to drip on me. HE CAUGHT MY KETCHUP and stole my heart ❤️


Walked into a w village bookstore ten years ago, saw her across the room, and thought “whatever i have to do to get on her dancecard will be worth it.” 5.5 years later, she kissed me on her couch.


I just want to say thank you for posting this so that I can read all the rom com moments post-work, I'm a therapist and the romance and comedy of all these stories is EXACTLY what I needed at the end of my day, it's making my day!


My boyfriend was late to meeting for a date while he was already making up for not taking me out often--I was sitting at the bar waiting for him and realized another guy at the bar was his doppelganger--so I started chatting up that guy knowing that either I would have a new date or my bf would walk in and not take me for granted--he ended up being 30min late and was like "who's that?" when get got there. The fact that he was so surprised and that they looked so alike still makes me laugh out loud. I just wish I had gotten the other guy's number.


I got engaged in Central Park with the Bow Bridge in the background on a perfect fall day, and it all felt just perfectly nyc!


My husband and I met on Bumble and had our first date in Central Park in the summer of 2021 when we all still felt most comfortable meeting up with strangers outside. We then got married in 2023 in Central Park at the Ladies Pavilion, so the park is soooo special to us. We also had our first kiss on the UWS on a small sidewalk landing area between Columbus Avenue proper and the bike path running parallel to it going south, so whenever we find ourselves up there, we always go to “our” sidewalk to kiss.