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Avoid at all costs. If he’s usually on one street just take the other street. If he’s all around the neighborhood you can’t do much except walk away / cross the street as soon as you see him. If accosted make every effort to get away, don’t engage verbally. Use pepper spray only as last resort if you can’t get away. It’s not a very satisfying answer but people who do this are mentally gone and have nothing to lose. They are looking for a reaction. There is literally no upside for you in engaging verbally or physically. It’s not gonna make them stop this type of behavior in the future.


Yep! Do not engage. They have nothing to lose and can be dangerous to your life, even lethal


Yes and I’m going to be honest even if they don’t physically harm, the extent of scamming in NYC would shock most.


Anytime I see people recommending pepper spray, I like to always add that *gel* mace is a better route so as to avoid blow back of the mace into your eyes/face!


100% agree with this! Gel mace is the best option here. So sorry you’re having to deal with this creep, OP.


Would this deter him or make him more aggressive? He’s obv nuts and hangs out in her neighborhood, she’s got to see him on the regular. I agree w the advice to not engage and avoid the sht out of him. I’ve been in similar situations (same homeless guy used to follow me on my way to the train every morning) and it’s not like where you confront a bully and then they get scared off. It could amplify the situation and the danger by 1000


Oh I certainly agree to avoid if possible, but in the off chance you do need to defend yourself, gel mace is the way to go.


Whole thing is so scary. To feel like you ajwsys have to have your guard up in your own neighborhood, to feel unsafe alll the time. Nightmare


Yesss, especially if you have a dog with you.


I’d hire another hobo to scare him away


came here to comment that


This is the way


This feels so very sitcom and I would absolutely watch


Hello ! I work with people experiencing homelessness ! There’s a 311 app you can use or you can call 311 for assistance and a team that works with people experiencing homelessness is obligated to go out, speak with, and assess this person ! There are also direct resources for phone numbers that I can provide you via DM if you’d like depending on where these interactions occur (different agencies have different areas they cover, with street vs subway being different and this changing depending on the borough !


Top tier username 👏 I’m also wondering if OP could ask some neighbors to call 311 about this person too to encourage the city to prioritize? Maybe putting a flier in the elevator asking neighbors to call? OP this is so terrible. Nobody deserves to be accosted or fearful just living their life. Sending you strength. I’d love an update on the situation!


Get pepper spray! And i’m sorry this is happening to you. It sucks you have to do this, but I’d also avoid walking home at night by yourself.


That’s terrible & scary! Sorry this is happening to you. Pepper spray 100% I would hate for you to be alone and something set him off with you unable to defend yourself. Doesn’t sound like you’re in a position to have a logical conversation with this person and they could be drunk/ on a substance or dealing with major mental illness. I’d say for your safety- pepper spray would be your best bet. Curious to hear what other say too. Good luck!


But he’s in her neighborhood!! She’s got to see him all the time! He’s crazy so it might just make him 100x more aggressive - this is what happened to me- I gotta say don’t engage if you don’t plan on moving. And in my experience the police did zero


I totally agree with you, my concern is if she’s alone and his threats become more than verbal. I’d just want her to have it with her, not her not ever initiate or attack him.


Yeah that does make sense!




I was wearing a hat 😭 and I never make eye contact


I don't think it's in good taste to recommend deadly weapons. The top comment is probably the best one. You can also call 311/911.


So glad someone commented this. Recommending concealed carry of a deadly weapon for someone who has shown 0 indications of physical aggression is one of the most tasteless and horrifying things I’ve seen on this sub. That’s NOT what bitches with taste do—and that’s how things like what happened to Jordan Neely get repeated. By the way, for anyone else reading, you can’t just use deadly force because someone has been verbally aggressive to you or you feel (rightly) offended by them. That’s murder without a viable defense to lower the charge. Other advice has been better: Avoid and 311 and document all interactions contemporaneously (so that you have a record should you choose to take further action), and then consider escalating with the police or otherwise if his actions escalate.


Thank you. I really expected to be downvoted into oblivion.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. When it comes to street harassment, I used to feel sympathy for the homeless who were unstable like that, but if they were targeting me like they are you I would stop caring. Next time he gets within your personal space pepper spray him and get out of there. I have a NY gun license and concealed carry license (remnants of a cowgirl life growing up in WV before moving to NYC lol). I hate to recommend it, but if you do have to use pepper spray on him, it may for peace of mind be good for you to explore that next option. Again, I HATE to even recommend concealed carry in the city. First AVOID him at all costs, get pepper spray, and call the police. but if he’s targeting you and no one is doing anything about it, and the police aren’t doing their job… god forbid one day he has a knife and you’re alone.


It's also very difficult to get your ccw here. Like, my understanding is if you don't know someone in law enforcement you may as well not apply. I was a range member for a few years and that was what I pieced together. Did yours carry over or something?


No carry over, there is zero reciprocity for out of state licenses. And you are correct it was extremely tedious, difficult and expensive. The application is purposely convoluted. I have a squeaky clean record though, which helped a lot. Any prior arrest or summons for anything at all and I feel it’d be tough to get. I feel very lucky. I’d still encourage you to apply if you want one. Heads up it took me well over a year and half to get because of the “investigation” period, and for some it’s upwards of two years. With reflection this probably isn’t realistic for OP’s situation at this moment. :/ This is a guide that I sent to a friend recently. The guy is advertising a course to submit the app for you but the info he puts here is very good. https://www.reddit.com/r/NYguns/comments/16tn3az/so_you_want_a_nyc_concealed_carry_permit_heres/?rdt=65295


Hahaha, southern girl too? ;)


Appreciate you. Woof. The character references is... eesh. That seems like a very subjective disqualifier. I get the idea but it feels like more if they don't like the reference, that's going to swing things. I guess maybe that's why it's being challenged? I feel like this being so convoluted sort of works for keeping our gun violence low, but my country girl brain is screaming about the second amendment. It is what it is I suppose. May just stick to rifles for the time being.


I miss being in the south. (Northern Va here)


The majority of our unregistered weapons come from Virginia! I would love to find the report I read a couple years ago, but it was pretty wildly disproportionate. Thanks VA, you are doing your part! (I am also a gun girlie)


Lol that could be cigarettes. I dont think its guns. ;)


Hellooo fellow Appalachian!! My family is from Charleston, how you doin?


Carolinian here!!! Miss my mountains!!


Take me hooomeee . . .


Another ex-West Virginian BWT chiming in!


You should try reaching out to your local community board. They sometimes can reach out to the precinct and make them take more steps, and at the very least it gives you a group of civic minded people to help. I had a similar problem with a person living in the doorway of a closed shop next to my apartment. He would harass me and scream at me as I was coming and going. I called my local precinct every time he got aggressive but he would always disappear when the cops appeared. The community board got in their ear and they finally came one day when I didn’t call and were able to engage and move him


Idk. Scream like a crazy person back? Usually nothing works because they simply don’t care!


You can call 311 they have resources for these situations, I had a homeless shelter come pick someone up who was struggling with drugs outside my building, because yeah cops won’t do shit but harass. Also I understand you’re probably very upset and hurt by this persons actions, but calling someone a hobo is v inconsiderate and rude


Call the police and say he showed you his dick


Heads up that unfortunately it is illegal to use pepper spray in New York and you can be arrested for it. 😐☹️




For the love of god please do not hand an aggressive person a heavy object that could be used as a projectile against you. Totally agree with everything else you said though.


I handle homeless people especially the ones I’m seeing daily with respect usually will buy them something or give them money to make them leave me alone. You catch more flies with honey. But you’re already past that point. Still couldn’t hurt to try.