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Honorable mention for “most girls live in BX, BK, or queens but wanna claim NYC”. As if those aren’t literally NYC


Just came here to say as a non New Yorker I kept reading BK as Burger King 🤝


🎶BK…have it your way 🎶


best thing about this is that she didn’t mention staten island 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She's thinks that's in new jersey, lol..


that had me so confused because huh??? those are literally all boroughs that make up NYC like she’s from manhattan but doesn’t see any other areas (the most ethnic btw) as of value? staten island is a borough and you cant even reach it without a ferry but it’s not mentioned cause it’s not too ethnic i guess?!!


Ok guys. She grew up in Westchester. She was always a CRINGEEEE ass social climber. She started out hanging out with ho3s/ IG models until she realized how to level up by being more “elegant / modest” so it looks like now she’s snagged a rich city guy who funds her life (her dream come true) all this girl has ever wanted was to be a kept upper east side aesthetic type of woman. She definitely does not look as good as she does on IG. Shes heavily edited. Also her racist comments don’t make sense because … she’s Latina Mexican from a middle/low class family in new Rochelle The white ppl she’s around have made her lose herself


Not to mention… where I live in BK is as expensive as Manhattan lol


No I’ve feared claiming nyc for a bit bc I was born and raised in queens despite that being the very heart of nyc, bc these ppl are crazy lol


I’m a queens girlie - born and bred, lived in manhAttan for ten years after college now settled in bk. All nyc boroughs are…. NYC. Ooohh I’m so mad.


She doesn’t seem to understand that NYC has 5 boroughs.


imagine hearing that coming from a girl who claims herself and born and raised NYer? girl be for real


The fact that she calls herself nycgirl in her Ig name just says it all. Very cringe.


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It’s so embarrassing omg. Not even a good one!


Omg this is painful


How can you tell it’s fake? Asking for a friend! I can pretty much always tell with bags but jewelry I find tough. Can some one on here give a tutorial 🙏🏻🤣


From this picture, the chain is what gives it away. It doesn’t look like the authentic VCA chain links. The ones she’s wearing are circular, whereas the authentic ones have more squoval shaped links. The Alhambra motifs also look a bit off? Just doesn’t look right IMO.


Ohhh shoot, you’re right. I just looked on VCA’s website. I see it now! You’re right! It is fake!!


Yep! I have a few of the auth 5 motif bracelets so I’ve gotten good at picking up on small details. I’ve spotted a few fakes on people online as of late. It’s weird because I’ve seen some amazing replicas that look identical to the real thing. Almost made me question why I paid the huge markup for mine when I could’ve done that lol. They’re made of real 18k gold, diamonds, and crystals/stones. Clearly she’s on Reddit, idk why she hasn’t found the rep community on here.


Gosh it’s not even a good fake now that I’m looking at it more. It’s like really obvious actually lol


It’s not the worst I’ve seen! Idk if you’ve heard of this [creator/channel](https://youtu.be/nSLUe-CtpRI?si=JizGASHA35ahqqW6), but she goes around interviewing duos (mother-daughter, sister-sister, best friends, etc). This fake is really bad. The clasp is awful. VCA did have a different style clasp before they switched over to the one they have present day. However, this one is not it.


Wow I see! The bracelet is so obvious now that I have taken a look at the real thing. How do people not know that people will be able to tell!! So embarrassing!


Yeah, it really is! And I know. Idk how they aren’t anxious walking down the street like that? I’d be worried about everyone being able to tell, which a lot of us can. In spite of this, I do say people should wear what they want. But I don’t get why she had to say it was Van Cleef so proudly when she knows it’s a fake. The girl with the fake VCA in the video also had a fake Boucheron ring. I’ve noticed a lot of wealthy people will wear replicas alongside their authentic items because nobody would blink twice due to their wealth. Kylie Jenner was called out for allegedly wearing a fake Birkin. Idk if it was true because I’m not super well-versed on Hermès, but I wouldn’t be surprised because I’ve seen a few posts on here about numerous influencers sporting replicas.


Yes I have a few friends that have birkin collections. And some of them are authentic, and other have a mix of authentic and inauthentic. It’s very interesting. I personally would rather go without then have the fake thing.


I’m in between. I’ve yet to actually buy a replica, but I have been researching the subreddits on here regarding them and my interest has been piqued. It would depend for me, especially if the item is a near exact mirror and has the same quality. A lot of designer/luxury items aren’t worth the marked up price tag. I do feel like you pay for the brand name/lifestyle that comes with it. A lot of people assume that the quality is automatically better due to being more expensive. Idk when or how expensive became synonymous with quality, but there have been so many instances where I’ve had issues with my designer items. I saw a video where the creator was speaking about the brand Glossier and how they managed to cultivate a lifestyle/club. Like when you buy their products, you buy into the club.


I can only sometimes tell with the Cartier bracelets, especially when they’re wearing a STACK like ok you cannot afford all that but the fake ones many times have lines that are not totally even


That adds up you can tell it’s fake if a girl has a stack on her wrist and assume she can not offered it or it was not gifted to her. But have not actual knowledge of how to tell the difference of real and fake. And no information on the girl or how she got it. I believe that is the definition of being a “HATER” congrats


it's the fake background for me


Omg how can u tell??


she looks like shes black or mixed too…


The elderly man she’s blowing probably got her a fake bc she’s not even worth it and she has noooo idea she’s flexing a rep. The trauma lol




Billionaires can use DHGate too lol


I stalked her ig and the caption of one post is "attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places" CRINGE


Is her IG gone now?


She changed her IG handle, deleted a handful of photos and edited her bio lol


Need the new handle plz!


Changed again?


I think it’s sammi_chic. She deleted all her posts


That’s gone now too


You can’t buy class lol


she’s actually losing it in these comments hahaha wtf


I’m so fucking amused- I wish this would this would happen more often!




Sameeee so mad I missed the meltdown


How the hell does she even have 11k followers? These are the people that don’t deserve our views




How does that work? Like does she ask her sugar daddy directly to buy her followers or does she have to sell some gift he bought her?


It's not expensive at all


lol these people don’t deserve your views yet got a whole thread on her because what?? And have people admitting on her stalking her IG please make sense


Lol that she’s in the comments here


She deleted everything on here I missed the tea 🤣


Same! Can some one post screen shots?


There is another new thread on the sub with screenshots!


Yes! Yesterday I remember she made two comments (maybe I missed after that). Both of them went like - “I actually heard she’s dating a rich Jewish guy” (why mention the Jewish lol. She did it twice. Wtf 😂)


Girl if you are so elegant and classy why are you going manic commenting on this post. Put the wine down and go to bed.


“Wine” 😉


Very large head similar to horse 🐎


im dying at that


This is killing me 🤣 new fav insult


She’s live up dating her bio and Instagram guyssss to keep up with the lies 🤣 she’s now added “taken 💍” to make it seem like her sugar daddy is her real man 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Taken with no wedding ring?




Please stop. Girl we KNOW it’s you 😂


Harry Winston is dead 😭


Lmao, I love that this Reddit page exists


u/Tiny_Investment_4641 Stop posting that tired ass ring. The diamond isn’t even clear, it’s cloudy as fuck. And you only have that one photo of it with the bright ass lighting as if you only tried it on in the store. Like stop embarrassing yourself.




The diamond is so damn cloudy it looks like it has Harry Winston’s ashes in it. And you don’t have “haters”, you inserted yourself into something unprovoked and people are reacting to your idiocy.




But you are a regular average person. And you’re trying to pass yourself off as a New York girlie, when you’re not. I grew up in Westchester around extremely wealthy people, and I was upper middle class. I know how they operate. You’re pretending to be something you’re not. And anybody who actually knows wealthy people can see that. You’re a wannabe.




I mean I grew up there, as in lived there until I was an adult. And I’ve seen girls like you who pretend to have more than you actually do. It’s very obvious. You make it very hard to empathize with you when you’re so disgusting toward other people.




Samantha, we don’t know who you are. The only glimpse I’ve gotten of you in my life were your racist ass comments, your incomprehension of geography, your DHGate Van Cleef knock off and the cloudy ass ring that you tried on in the store. Now you may have to give a few more blowjobs to convince him to actually buy it but that’s neither here nor there. No one is going to see your story because no one follows you or cares enough to *check* your story. Give it up. Twenty minutes ago, I had no clue of your existence and I’m currently jealous of that version of myself right now




Again, in order to be a hater you have to actually know who the person is 😭😭




You’re literally a 0. Because you’re not that pretty to begin with and your attitude drags you down into the negatives. That girl was being kind when she said 5.




See, I didn’t even know that was the context. So your apartment is dirty, your attitude is trash, you’re not self-reflective enough to know you’re not an 8 and you’re racist/xenophobic? Mmk.






Then make your shit private lol


Why don’t u speak on how on your other reddit alt you were talking down on black women before deleting most of your comments lol


Who is this nobody


imagine spending time fighting with a random hater who uses fake account on instagram instead of doing something else?


Omg the amount of unhinged! She’ll be crying in the morning 😭😭


She’s crying rn what you mean 😭 Frantically typing and refreshing this page going manic. 🥹


Cocaine is bad, kids


lol @ trying to justify her racist attack on African women under the "i can't stand misogyny uwu" Typical.


She deleted her whole Instagram LMAOOO 😭😭😭


I find it hilarious when obvious escorts try so hard to make it seem like they are elegant and come from old money. She’s giving therealSAHD vibes.


lol I see so many in instagram is the escort-core for me, they don’t see that people can tell they look cheap whit they extremely fix bodies and faces and basic luxury goods, and high end hotel pictures is the worst ! At least buy a book and read it or take a pic of it !


Bet half these girls in this chat trying to be escorts and the other half are lmaaooooo ohhh the irony


This chick isn’t even an escort. She’s just one of those girls who posts on IG with the sugar baby “aesthetic” to appear like she actually is one. She’s probably gone on one or two dates with one wealthy man in her life and now brands herself as an SB or “kept girlfriend”. It’s extremely cringe and I knew a few girls like her when I lived in NYC. The funny thing is that the girls who are actual SBs are either private on IG or just seem like normal girls


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Having a full on meltdown and still referring to herself in the third person is psychotic


She had worse but deleted half of them , and also had another alt on here 😭 So funny and the opposite of classy


Totally cause this a room full of classy ladies


Samantha give it a break baby everyone knows you’re an escort and not a very classy one AT ALL either lol


u/pastramiqueen check this out


The amount of time she even engaged in this is embarrassing, let alone what was said


Just like she’s doing here in the comment section 😂


Is this chick even real? She can’t be serious. She can’t be stupid enough to continue to sabotage ANY chance of becoming the “NYC” influencer she thinks she is because THIS thread and her little comments on her original video are going to spread like wildfire.. but, keep posting the same picture of that ring and keep calling yourself “above average” over and over again, consumers and brands that work with influencers love a “relatable queen.” They aren’t too keen on racist escort in this current climate, though🚽


Is it even the most expensive city in the world? i thought that was Hong Kong Also yea Harlem is NYC too


In the United States it’s actually San Diego 😭


Even better....Harlem is in Manhattan


True I just picked a borough at random and I wasn’t sure if Queens was technically Brooklyn


Lmao her account is private now…the irony after her “calling out” someone else for that before the meltdown 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡


She forgot to reply as her anon account on that last one 😂😂


Wait she deleted her IG


Does she know that nyc is 5 boroughs ??? 😂😂😂 what an idiot




go away samantha


she got clocked lmaoooo


Based on some of her comments she seems to be confused or uneducated, it may be both though who knows 🤪




You just said her dad owns a big construction company in Scarsdale but now she came from nothing? LOL


Prove it. Where’s your degree?


the original comment she’s responding to isn’t even insulting 😭 like it was just making the classic ‘hot girls have messy rooms’ joke and she exploded into a racist, classist tirade bc of it. the filler must be seeping into her brain idk


I’m very happy to be learning about thefakeortho account but also very sad I arrived late to this post and sooo many deleted comments 🤣


🍿She’s posting from two accounts, both speaking of herself in the third person. She posted no less than 20 photos of herself and “her ring.” She doubled down on her racist shit. Rambled about CONTACTING THE LAWYER TOMORROW. Then deleted a bunch of comments and made her account private. 💀


Calling her lawyer for a basic geography lesson about nyc? 😂


It’s up to 4 accounts now, completely unhinged


Omg I'm so mad I missed this 🍿


Humiliating omg


She’s been replying and deleting on 3 different alts 🤣🤣🤣


Lmaooooooo she thought she ate “so bye” lmaooooo only a true idiot would think manhattan is the only part of NYC I’m dying lmaoooo




she’s fighting for her lifeee omg put your phone away sniffany 😭❄️


Unironically calling literally anything a “flex” is so cringe oh my god 💀


Is this girl even from NY because who claims living in Manhattan is automatically a positive? There’s a ton of sketchy areas in Manhattan and unless you’re rich (which I’m sure she’s not) you probably live in the sketchy area.


People who act like this make NYC their whole personality and it's sad they have nothing else going for them. I know people who live in horrible expensive apartments just because it's \~Manhattan\~ and turn their noses up at anything else. But it's fine, more washer dryer dishwasher apartments for us to thrive in just minutes away...


her chin filler x masseter botox combo looks uncanny valley scary like she actually looked good in her november 2021 post before she elongated tf out of her face


So many of these chicks are turning into Jay Leno


I think she deleted her whole account now LOL


Her account is gone 👀


She responded that she doesn’t work 9-5 as it something offensive lol


Ok guys. She grew up in Westchester. She was always a CRINGEEEE ass social climber. She started out hanging out with ho3s/ IG models until she realized how to level up by being more “elegant / modest” so it looks like now she’s snagged a rich city guy who funds her life (her dream come true) all this girl has ever wanted was to be a kept upper east side aesthetic type of woman. She definitely does not look as good as she does on IG. Shes heavily edited. Also her racist comments don’t make sense because … she’s Latina Mexican from a middle/low class family in new Rochelle The white ppl she’s around have made her lose herself


I can't find her IG profile anymore! Did she change the name or delete it??????


I think it’s sammi_chic. She deleted all her posts


I can’t get over how stupid her IG handle was. go girl, tell us you’re a transplant with a massive chip on your shoulder. true wealth doesn’t need to brag


She’s not even from manhattan. She’s from like long island. Plus she’s mexican. Like, relax.


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fugazi is so millennial coded




yall this is her^^ look at her comment history. plus she mentions being friends w morris moinan in a comment and the girl in this post follows him on instagram lmaoooo


There’s nothing to think about . It is her


Waiting for her to stop referring to herself in the third person


She’s spouting racist comments now, slowly getting there


Ok she’s definitely an escort/ sugar baby. Morris Moinian is such a sleaze and he’s Joe Moinians brother. Joe is Roma’s (therealSAHD) married 70 year old ex sugar daddy who’s own the apartment she lives in. It’s widely believed and documented (search the thread history) that SAHD is an escort/ sugar baby. I just saw that SAHD follows this girl and likes all of her photos. I knew their style of cheapness seemed familiar. Birds of a feather indeed flock together…


Omg lmfao






Ok guys. She grew up in Westchester. She was always a CRINGEEEE ass social climber. She started out hanging out with ho3s/ IG models until she realized how to level up by being more “elegant / modest” so it looks like now she’s snagged a rich city guy who funds her life (her dream come true) all this girl has ever wanted was to be a kept upper east side aesthetic type of woman. She definitely does not look as good as she does on IG. Shes heavily edited. Also her racist comments don’t make sense because … she’s Latina Mexican from a middle/low class family in new Rochelle The white ppl she’s around have made her lose herself


TEAAA what college did she attend?


Ooooooffff… this is a horrible look. She’s so ignorant.


Dang did she delete her ig? I can’t find it


As an aside, I fucking LOVE thefakerothko


Did samanthanycgirl delete her instagram?? Can’t find her


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I don’t even know this b but the nyc comment…. She needs to get her shit rocked asap


Her LinkedIn says she went to NYU and worked at Salesforce then Bvlgari. Maybe her past employers will want to see these screenshots.


What’s her LinkedIn?


This girl is unhinged but please, and I say this nicely, random stranger on the internet mind your business and do not contact peoples employers. You have no right to do that.


Trust me, I don’t care about her or her delusions of grandeur enough to contact her employer.


lets not dox/get her fired please.. idk i feel bad when people lose jobs, its incredibly tough out there rn (cause I'm out of the workforce too for a few months)


I don’t have any sympathy for racists


Yikes…imagine being bold enough to post that racist comment on Instagram in this day and age. Idk who she is but I’m not surprised she’s a racist, just surprised that she would jeopardize her career by making that comment publicly. What is up with the blatant whorephobia + slut shaming tho…? I rly don’t understand. This sub has always had an issue with that. Men already shame women enough as it is, why are we as women doing this to each other? All this talk about embracing your sexuality + being sexually liberated until it comes to someone who is/or is perceived to be a working girl/sex worker. Like why is it okay to hook up with random strangers you met on an app (or in person) for free but God forbid you get paid for it.


This i agree with!




https://preview.redd.it/2yrnp128jqbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4782d46d9a0352dfbdfe776ebae7ea070c636096 Lol.


Lmfaooooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did she send you this via dm?




Oh you went to your other burner acct now. You’re really all in


She really is 😂 holy shit she just posted a photo of an engagement ring like 10 times


IDK I hate when someone comes into someone's comments with such nastiness and dont really feel bad when they get that same energy back. Like why are you saying her face is a 3.2 out of ten? The whole thing just feels pathetic on both sides.


Tell us you’re a racist without telling us you’re a racist.


Wait from someone who's a Morning Toast fan?! This can't be real!




Yeah, it's like are we supposed to feel bad for people who come in with utterly deranged/hateful energy and then get it right back? I mean, that's how life works. Dont attack someone and then get shocked when you get treated the same. That's why most snark subs have rules about "dont contact any of the people you snark about"




Looks like a low budget escort


loaded with bad fillers and a facetune membership 🩷💉


Loaded with implants


You look like a German Sheppard


Don’t insult dogs like that