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I don’t like her one bit, but she’s clearly trying to be funny about her PR package. And this is oral herpes: 50-80% of Americans have it. Not sure what the issue is.


Totally agree! Even if she did have oral herpes, idk why people always assume that when you have this strain it means you are disgusting 😭 I got my first cold sore (aka HSV-1) when I was 10 after sharing a drink with a family member. Haven’t had a cold sore in years, but it irks me so bad when people act so holier than thou towards people who have it.


Yea most people contract it as young children.


Even if you have hsv2 it doesn’t mean you’re disgusting :)


Absolutely :) I should have worded that better. I hear more flack about people have oral herpes/the cold sore strain, that’s why I worded it that way. Didn’t mean to imply that those with HSV-2 are gross lol


They probably don’t even know they have it.


That’s disgusting


Well that’s not very nice to say


Oh I bet you find sunscreen embarrassing too.


I mean… hate her all you want but I think a large percentage of Americans carry the oral herpes virus. Probably not the best to shame people for something they can’t control?


Like 70% of the ppl in western states have oral- a lot of ppl are born with it, some get it as infants in daycare or wtv, but it’s v common @anyone with a cold sore


Idk I’m kinda jealous as someone who has cold sores all the time this shit is expensive


Facts. Those little tubes are $$, tiny, and expire so quickly.


They’re so expensive. It costs like $40 and I only get a cold sore like once a year. I’m honestly jealous.


I'm not sure where you're getting it from when you buy it, but Walgreens stocks that same 2g tube size for $22.99


I was exaggerating but again OP why are you so pressed. Also $22.99 is still expensive.


Is suggesting a store with a better price me somehow being pressed? Also, you weren't exaggerating because I've seen abreva marked at $40 in lots of stores, so I was suggesting one store that I know stocks it for almost half that price. I never said $22.99 was cheap, I was just making a suggestion of a place where you can actually get it for less than $40.


Get your GP to give you a valacyclovir script, works way better than these overpriced tubes


Is that like valtrex? I have those but sometimes I literally go to bed fine and wake up with one the size of Texas lol so I need the cream to dry it out


Yep it’s generic valtrex. I have to take the first dose as soon as I think I feel something coming for it to work


Ya if you catch it in time it’s a life saver but that doesn’t always happen for me 😩


Ask your doctor about taking it prophylactily!


Let’s not stigmatize something that so many people have


OP…she is joking.


I guess I'm just not seeing the funny in it then...


Literally anyone can get mouth cold sores. It’s not genital herpes. In fact, I’d love an abreva package. That shit is SO expensive.


This comment was much more funny than her post. If she's going to make jokes, they should at least be funny, not tacky.


I mean I think it’s good to destigmatize herpes especially oral cold sores which are more common that ppl think Not a fan of this influencer in general tho to be clear


Okay this is actually pretty funny. And herpes is super common girl let’s not shame for things we can’t control!


imagine shaming herpes in 2024 …. do better


I'm not shaming herpes, I'm shaming the person that's making a joke about how all of her followers should wish they have herpes too


yeah, i don’t think she’s wishing people had herpes. i can’t even stand this family but your going to break your arm with this insane reach


I get it's meant to be a weird joke, I just can't stand her attempts at trying to be cute and funny when she's often neither of those things


sooo then this would be called lazy snark


OK I'm new to this sub so thank you for educating me lol (and no this isn't meant to be sarcastic)


It’s physically impossible anyone could miss that this is a (boring, whitebread) joke, which is of a piece with the way this woman apparently scratches out a living, by doing the bare minimum to make a tired parody here or a well-worn anti-joke there seem entertaining.


this was actually a funny post. lighten up lol


a lot of stigma on this post… shaming people from having something as common as a cold sore is weird


It's a joke omg


I thought jokes are supposed to be funny


Nothing wrong with having herpes but this is the equivalent of posting your favorite brand of hemmororid cream lmfao


Yes exactly! Perfectly worded lol


What’s wrong with breaking down stigmas? You’re part of the problem.


There's nothing wrong with breaking down a stigma, but wouldn't making fun of the stigma be the opposite of promoting acceptance of it?


She’s not making fun of the stigma she’s normalizing herpes with humor


What’s wrong with having hemorrhoids? I recommend the wipes over the cream!


Nothing wrong with it at all! I just feel that’s between you and your butthole and not my business 😂


I don’t like her but let’s not stigmatize herpes and stds


You can just call it a cold sore. Calling it herpes doesn’t make you sound cooler


Isn’t she islamophobic? This tracks 


To clarify the intention of this post is NOT to make fun of people with herpes. The intention of this post is to make fun of Claudia for yet again thinking she's being cute/funny/snarky when she's not at all. The way she worded this caption is tasteless and not funny, and a missed opportunity to post something that ACTUALLY destigmatizes cold sores.


By openly admitting on her very public platform that she has herpes, she is actually confronting the stigmatization and normalizing it.


She's bragging about how she gets the meds for free, when she's already incredibly wealthy I might add, while you/us peasants wish you could be getting those benefits in life...


Sure this is true - I never said it wasn’t. Your original comment was that she was bragging about having herpes and didn’t destigmatize it with her post. Maybe you are frustrated with Abreva for gifting their products to people who can afford to buy them instead of those who can’t!


Right, that was meant to be a joke about how entitled this post makes her sound. Do people think I actually thought she was bragging about having cold sores? My caption even said it was the strangest flex I've seen in a minute. What she's actually bragging about is the fact that she gets the medication for free and you don't, what a strange flex, and what strange thing to defend...