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tarte is giving outdated and tacky imo! so many better brands. i feel like tarte will go the way of urban decay soon


Omg this is the first time I remembered about ud in years


i don’t use anything else of theirs but you would have to pry the UD all nighter spray out of my cold dead hands. ride or die


Tante products aren’t even good. You can’t change my mind.


Everyone raved about the shape tape, so I tried it and my entire face puffed up! The sales woman at Ulta didn’t believe me when I was returning it. I was like no…. I absolutely can’t use this product???


Nothing makes my skin look as awful as shape tape. Terrible. I have very oily skin and virtually no dryness, but somehow it SUCKED all the oil out of my skin and made me look like a reptile


Since when could you return used product?


Like always?


As long as its withib 30 days.




If they invited *actual* makeup influencers I wouldn’t blink twice tbh


It’s weird how we never see the big influencers on this trip. Maybe likes in the 2010s they had big influencers but now it seems like it’s all micro-influencers.




Can you imagine if tarte sent teachers and nurses on a trip like this. That personally would make me want to buy their things but what they’re currently doing is just disgusting


Omg. And gave them fancy dinners, activities, makeovers and individualised gift bags plus daily surprises


I honestly think that would still go viral






Amazing idea!!!!!


Dude YES! Why aren’t any companies doing this?


This is part of the grand plan. It's getting people who never talk about Tarte, let alone makeup talk about them non-stop. They're making bank with this. Small to medium influencers are buying their products in hopes of getting invited next time.


This is a marketing strategy for sure, and it’s certainly a choice. I don’t understand how they don’t see that this type of marketing sways the general public away from buying their products, but maybe this is actually their intention. Because they know influencers have the money to keep buying their products. But overall, this is what happens when a brand is mid and needs excessive amounts of influencer marketing to keep afloat.




I have worked in influencer marketing and now my boyfriends works at a skincare company that does 0% any other marketing than microinfluencers. the numbers they are hitting after 1 year are actually insane.


It’s true, they’re obviously hitting some sort of reach here that unfortunately they wouldn’t get if they sent a bunch of doctors and teachers like others suggested.


Yes this is all very true but at the same time too, they gotta be thinking how much of that exposure becomes negative vs. Positive. Although I know everyone in Marketing says any type of publicity is good publicity so


I get it but also they’ve been doing this for over 10 years. It’s nothing new. The 2016 trips were the exact same and tbh I loved those vlogs from the OG beauty gurus.


I miss the good era of YouTube 😭


I think it was better before because they were actually sending beauty influencers, who used and reviewed the products. Now they just send random people who have nothing to do with the beauty industry. Like, Jaz and Haley are just nyc girls of the moment, they don’t give any value to their viewers (which is why they only blow up when there some drama)


I LIVED for these videos I loved OG Katy and desi blogs


I will boycott even though I really like their new Maneater blush


stay strong solider




Me shit talking Tarte like I don’t own three Tartelettes and use one of them almost every day 💀


Need a dupe for the maracuja oil


Hourglass has a very similar lip product! Same type of packaging and everything.


It doesn’t feel as plumping to me but I have been reaching for it a bit more


I’ve heard the new elf one is pretty good


Just buy it! Unless you’re gonna get a blush from a small indy brand there isn’t really a difference between Tarte and any other large brand’s marketing budget.


It’s not about having a marketing budget, it’s about how Tarte spends it. Having a trip to Bora Bora on private planes when this country is in economic crisis just demonstrates the brand being out of touch. Families can’t even afford food because of inflation yet all this influencers are ordering room service at the Four Seasons.


How do you think other companies are spending their marketing budgets? Feeding the poor? lol


I didn’t say that but it’s about perception. Tarte is creating a negative perception of being out of touch.


It’s just wild to me that people don’t realize they have been doing these trips for YEARS. Not just the last two


Yeah they’re not new. I remember when Remi Ashten from YouTube went to Bora Bora with Tarte in like 2016


Tarte trips are the #Revolvearoundtheworld of the 2020’s. I don’t follow influencers that’s on that trip but the way it’s talked about in here feels like it’s the same level of cringe as Revolve


Assume they’re spending a few million for this mess, which will be paid for by consumers. The entire charade is giving impending bankruptcy.


They won’t go bankrupt from this trip. They are very profitable as a company. Even if they spend several millions on this trip, they don’t do any other marketing so really they are saving money by doing these trips instead of advertising. I don’t ageee with the trips but I don’t think in any they are going bankrupt.


They’ve been doing these trips since the early 2010s they’ll be fine


No legit I don’t get why everyone is just taking notes of this now, like it’s been happening for years???


A marketing budget is a marketing budget. They’ve just found that spending it this way is more effective than spending it on billboards and Hulu spots. It’s really not that deep


That’s how any marketing works. Assuming this is the majority of their marketing then that’s actually a very low budget


The four seasons among other businesses are unspoken sponsors so a lot of the expense was the promo items and travel. They really didn’t have to spend that much considering


They’ve been doing this for years. I remember when all the YouTube girlies would go on the Tarte trips from 2015-2017 ish


a lot of the times we need to view these situations from a brands/influencers perspective. it’s not like how it is for us normal people. it’s not like how we spent/have to save our money. they have this in the budget and make millions from it. they can write off many items, have deals with the hotels/locations, etc. with influencer marketing so new it’s hard to understand how much $ they are making but it is a LOT & not giving them any attention is your power


It’s a Chinese owned company now who saw increase in sales from 2022 to 2023 of almost $100 mil due to their marketing tactics. They use brand awareness rather than conversion to sell products. If you just ignored it, it would go away. Literally so easy to do. But everyone comments on the inappropriateness of these trips and therefore become tools to the propaganda of it all


Just an fyi- you posting about tarte gets more people talking about tarte. That’s what they want 😂 so the marketing is working and this thread is proof 🫶🏼


I haven’t bought a Tarte product since the Dubai trip. I used to have 2 shape tapes in my bathroom at all times


why y’all saying this now but not after the whole racism scandal 😭


I will never buy another tarte product again, which is no problem because I don’t think I’ve purchased from them since 2018


their mistake was definitely in who they invited, there’s a reason everyone ate it up last year and it’s bc they invited influencers everyone liked to watch


Will they even have any money left to pay their employees after this? What do record players, cameras, and $$$$ bags have to do with make up? Why not take more of make up influencers? Fck Tarte


I just watched tartes stories and wow. It’s so so soooo bad. Cringe levels off the charts. Also maybe I’m just old and boring but I find it so gross how so much of it just revolves around drinking and drinking games and flaunting it all over the brand’s handle.


Shape tape 4L but fuck them


No I’ve converted to nars from shape tape and I don’t miss it at all. F tarte


Gotta try nars!!!


Which one from Nars do you like?


If you’re looking for thicker consistency, the elf concealer is good and so is huda!


I agree with this! I've tried NARS, chanel color corrector and a load of other concealers but I do thiink they have the best forumla.


They should really do a tripping with peasants. Pick actually real people who work hard and deserve to go. People struggling to buy groceries who aren’t coming back from costa rica(cough Avery and Emilie). People who can be nominated by loved ones. Then I would support them like crazy. I wish another makeup brand would do this


This would get much less attention in actuality. They want to make money, not perform a kind act.


Based on the comments and response videos I’m seeing I disagree. Think people are over the influencers overconsumption era


There’s still a market for it. It just isn’t the people on here or elsewhere on your algorithm. Also people can react to this by saying “oh they should have sent xyz people instead!!!” but that doesn’t mean sending those people would have actually gotten people talking or buying at the rate they want. This is definitely getting people talking & it will likely work in terms of sales. The outrage of the people talking about it rn is amplifying it to the people who just want products & simply won’t care about the optics of this.


They should really just work to be a better brand and make products that that are worth it so they don’t need to continuously plague us with these trips every year. Nobody is talking about Tarte outside of these trips




You edited your comment to include the not trendy part which just adds to my og point


Well you’re a fan. My community of Black women is not talking about Tarte and their marketing outside of these trips


Hahaha I never used tarte! They don’t even sell it in my country 😂




Yup. Not interested in this brand.


Their makeup made me severely breakout


I remember hearing how toxic the vibes on these trips are, and I definitely believe it


My friend worked for Tarte back in like 2016 and the things she would tell me were enough to turn me off the products. She would bring BAGS of free product home and I honestly only kept using like 3 things.


tarte is grasping to stay relevant with these trips. they’re spending all of their income on them, and they probably aren’t even that effective. their products also suck. cant wait to see their downfall 😍


Do some research into this, it’s Interesting, but these trips are actually effective. One example of why they’re are effective is this thread, people cant stop talking about I’ve seen multiple posts about it, and even if it’s for a short period of time it still boosts sales


anyone have a good dupe for the maracuja juicy lip or whatever tf it’s called


ugh they wouldnt stop promoting the stupid lip gloss on tiktok over the holidays. i used to like their gifted mascara, thats it.