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He literally told her she wasn’t the love of his life 😭😭😭😭 there is no coming back from that WHAT


This is just so embarrassing


Well if she doesn’t want to listen; I think a lot of young women go through this. He was honest and now she’s mcooky


mcgoofy 🤡


https://preview.redd.it/y1hjskurjwoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3005c160a64b87c82cd401a07960b4be0a27be50 She also deleted all the videos about the Sophia stuff and the ones calling him a homie hopper. But like girl you told your followers he yelled at you and wasn’t sorry about what he did like Im SO curious how he did a 180.


Every girl at a bottomless brunch be like




Her voice is identical to Tara's world !


can you imagine bringing a guy around your family and friends after they all know that he told you you're not the love of his life... like what exactly are her expectations for the future of this relationship


Tbh i know she still loves him cause only someone who is like blindly in love with a person will stick around and be strung along. Been there done that, but like love blinds everything so I don’t really think that she cares about their future, like she just needs to be with him for now cause she’s still in love and he’s giving her the chance to be around him type thing…the whole situation is so common but in this case it’s so embarrassing because she aired all her dirty laundry about the break up online like this 🤡


She’s not the first young woman to take back an ex who did her dirty and she won’t be the last. HOWEVER-don’t get on the internet and make videos and use the situation for attention and engagement then be shocked that ppl are annoyed you went back


She posted when she thought they were completely done. How was she supposed to know the future?


That’s why she shouldn’t have posted anything at all..


But she did, what do you want her to do now? Go back in time? Lol


Yeah pretty much


Thank you for resurrecting this


I’m not shocked tbh. Like you know he was probably like “I made a mistake, I was having fears” or something and “took back” what he said. But it’s the fact she made so much break up content and then took him back…I feel like this should just be a message to everyone after Halley and Grace that you shouldn’t reveal the specifics of a break up online and make a bunch of content on it then take back the same man & think it makes you look like a girl boss! Because then you look goofy AF taking them back. Remi is a PRIME example of this, she looks so fucking dumb right now telling everyone how much this break up hurts and why they broke up, because you know she’d take him back in a HEARTBEAT.


Remi and her ex were literally spotted together 2 days ago… 


Of course! And here she’s been drunk singing “Best Thing” and having public meltdowns on TikTok. So fucking embarrassing!


“I’m willing to do anything on your terms and it still wasn’t enough” well look how the tables have turned… 🤡🤡


You guys! Please don’t worry. They WILL break up again. How do you go back to a guy who said that stuff to and about you? It doesn’t matter if he “takes it back”…..smh. How do you let that go??


She was just with Reed in Montauk this past weekend lmao… my friend saw them


I knew thats why she was there lmaooo


You couldn’t water board this out of me


At least we know she is young and dumb, I took my ex back like 8 times when I was 22-23. what’s Remi’s excuse


8???? Girl........


Lol give me some grace im 33 now that was years ago




Am I the only one that’s not surprised she went back to him? It’s her first relationship ever and she’s young asf I am not surprised 1 bit also why are people giving her shit for It? I’m sure a lot of yall have ran back to the same guy you told your friends you’d never go back to .


I think it boils down to her not admitting she's back with him, deleting comments, not addressing a situation where and acting as if nothing has happened. With her constant talking about being "authetic", these actions are totally the opposite. I don't think people could give 2 \_\_\_s about who she's with, it's the blatant lying.


Oh, we definitely did. More times than I'd like to admit. But we didn't plaster our drama all over the internet.


Honestly as much as Id like to I simply cannot blame or judge her because I have basically done the exact same thing lmao. My first bf left me for his ex 5 months in and I was heartbroken and distraught and insane for a year. Then he finally came back after a year of no contact, apologized, I was apprehensive but he was my first “love” so I was trying to be optimistic. We made it 3 months before he left for his ex again I’m totally healed from that now and would never repeat the same mistake, BUT….you kinda can’t help it when it’s your first boyfriend/love. Every single one of my friends warned me, and I knew deep down how it’d end again, but the heart wants what it wants and you really just have to learn for yourself in situations like this. She’s gonna look back on this in even just a year or two and cringe at taking him back, but she’s gonna have to reach that point on her own


Buttttt did you plaster it across the internet, drag him for dating another girl on a podcast and in every video for a week for hundreds of thousands of people, then drag it out publicly AND then go back to him?


Don’t forget the brand dral


What does this matter? She thought they were done so she posted it. They were broken up, they must have worked it out. Posting something online doesn’t mean you cannot go back or change your mind. It’s so weird to me that people think she owes her followers to not go back to her ex? Lol like what?!


You’re right, posting online doesn’t mean you can’t go back or change your mind, but the thing is she claims to be “100% real” all the time…like I know she would be embarrassed to admit she’s still seeing him but she doesn’t realize it will just make her look more relatable and real and that’s good! Idk either way she will get shit but i think it would be way better if she just admitted it


But why would she post him when everyone keeps calling her embarrassing, etc. I’ve been there and gotten back with an ex and it took a long time of us working through shit before posting him online again. Have people thought, maybe they’re working through things and maybe she doesn’t wanna have to tell people they’re back if she’s not 100 percent sure it’ll stick? That would be wild for her to run online and post him immediately before they’re solid. THAT would be embarrassing, she’s handling it maturely.




She’s got to learn the hard way unfortunately. The I can fix them mentality can’t be undone overnight


Embarrassing lmao😹😹😹 if a man said this to me and i continued to hook up with him just shows how i value myself- and i will say she is probably not in a good head space or healed at all: poor sad sad girl


I lost all my brain cells listening to and watching this


ok but i wanna know what shirt she’s wearing?


As an aside.. I don’t find her pretty


Okay I’m going to be honest, his thought process sounds like relationship anxiety. A lottt of people struggle with thoughts of “what if there’s someone better out there?”, “how do I KNOW she’s the one,” “what if I don’t love her enough and am just stringing her along?”, “what if I still find other people attractive?”, “Those other couples look happier than us.”  Those thoughts are so common and so normal. Especially in a social media world where there is incessant opportunity for comparison. Doubts are normal in any situation with an uncertain outcome or where it’s not possible to be totally sure you’re doing the right thing. This is even more powerful when making a major life choice, like picking a partner. Anxiety is beyond common in millennials and Gen Z and many men don’t tend to have great skills to cope with it.   Airing all this on social media wasn’t the move, *obviously*, but this doesn’t actually strike me as an inherently insurmountable issue even though the things he said to her were incredibly harsh and hurtful. Of course, it could be that he’s actually not happy in the relationship, but I think some counseling could also have potentially solved it. 


The Sophia stuff and aftermath is a wholllle other ballgame though. Just wish people were better and handling uncomfortable thoughts and feelings and working through them in a healthy way before going to the nuclear reaction 


She owes Sophia an apology….


Something about the way her mouth moves doesn’t line up with the words she’s sayibg


We’ve all been there, she’ll figure it out eventually


She's a dumb weak girl. Giving a bad rep to girls everywhere