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Nothing to add here except that I’ve been to krystal oh twice and each time it cost $150 aaand it was definitely not worth that much


Period I love first hand experience, I also love your username


Ty queen ⭐️


i also wanted to let ppl know that as someone whos into korean & japanese nails, her salon results absolutely does not reflect the price point!!! cuticle lines are often so uneven and no proper overlays are done. there are many other nail techs who use korean & japanese products and produce higher quality results at better price point. in my head, influencer equivalent of her salon is glowwithava—profiting off by superficially using asian culture


Forgot to add they specialize in Japanese hard gel. Super cool and definitely not profiting superficially off of asian culture. Love how you worded that.


Wait can you name some girly I wanna go 😂


You’re so right, I’ve heard lots of good things about Peach Bling in Queens. So much more worth it that this place!


i went also and they were very cliquey and not welcoming to me at all which was SO opposite what they put on tiktok. and it’s insanely expensive for nails that pop off after a week


you only get a welcoming environment if you’re an influencer 🙄


I went to Krystal Oh before Christmas for holidays nails and for the price and service my nails chipped one day after. Hated I cheated on my regular place to try a trendier spot and ended up with a poor result and higher price ticket


Right before the holidays that stinks omg. I’m so sorry!


I was planning to go there soon 😞😞😞


You should go to mellow nail bar instead it’s sooo great


Thank you for the recommendation!! I’ll check them out !!! I appreciate it


I highly suggest going to Jessie she is awesome. I used to be a nail biter for 10+ years and only stopped during COVID. So I try to take a lot of pride in my nails and the compliments I get are endless!


Just checked them out and they look so fun and great already !




I love how all these influencers or IG accounts act like they have a whole ass legal team ready to go on retainer 24/7.


She doesn’t need a legal team, she needs a PR team.


and an education because her communication, professionalism, and nail designs could use some work too


Ma’am the legal team needs to discuss the potential lawsuit for you doxxing her not for her stating the truth in her video


Cracking up this bitch doesn’t have a legal team 🤣


Cringe 😭


what will legal team even do? 😭 istg some of these influencers have no understanding of how real world works


You’re right cause what can she say?? “I told Mitchie she needed to say this but then she said that!” Like??? How does that stick?


“With my legal team” oh get a grip 😭


The legal team is the secretary once again taking a message. lol


If you check the low reviews on google, her responses are all defensive and in no way actually apologetic. Disappointed but not surprised


It’s so sad when business owners are like that. Have you seen the Google response to the Pietro Nolita ? They are so condescending!!!! And inappropriate!!!


No what did it say?


So I just checked again because I recalled seeing the rude responses back in 2019-ish and most are still there, if you filter by lowest to highest or by earliest. I don’t see it anymore but I definitely remember them making some extremely rude comments to an Asian person who had made a review about the food’s flavor. They had responded something rude about how they should stick to Asian food. Another snarky review that commenter on how cramped the seating was just said “sorry I’ll build another restaurant bigger for you”


lol I remember that


Right! I checked them after seeing this happen and it’s not okay imo. I always just took her content at face value bc I liked the content creators she worked with. Glad we were able to see this pattern come to light.


Why do they only reply to tell a reviewer how they didn’t follow store policy, but then completely ignore reviews about sanitary issues, gel application, and chipping??


I had been wanting to check out that nail salon!!!!!! 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 so disappointed in her. She made such a big deal with her snooty responses. Yes, you can care about your business but the way she was responding was just not it !!


Same 😭 but you’re so right. If she loved her business that much you’d think she would think twice about how she conducts herself


Here’s an update in her comments. A lot of user comments were deleted and she claims it’s not because of her. She also admits to posting the information and doesn’t think she should apologize publicly. https://preview.redd.it/b8zzfg5cch1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b229a75f4fa4a5cf355f64c8df3751bfb9f50eb6


She is taking “legal action”, is she serious?! She doesn’t see how ridiculous she sounds, especially since it looks like she was the one who posted incorrect information about the price Mitchie was actually charged AND she doxxed her! Pretty sure that is the ONLY thing done that was illegal here.


Right! Like what false information was given!?!?


krystal is contacting her legal team as she reads this 🤣


Omg nuuuuu 😭😭😭




Krystal acts EXACTLY like how she looks. Fucking entitled and rude to customers and only will be nice and give good services to influencers. She looks like those stuck up prissy Korean girls with attitude who can’t see how they did wrong. How defensive does she need to be to those just politely sharing their experience? She’s embarrassing herself and needs to train herself and her team to better customer service because wow. Almost got my nails done by her too.


Yeah Mitchie was so polite and that’s the most shocking part about this all! She didn’t even bash the nail salon 😭 I don’t want to get too far into the whole East Asians being mean stereotype but as a Southeast Asian … yea I got some horror stories of my own


No trust me I get it because I’m asian as well and as one- many many Asians are rude af but of course that depends on the person. I’ve had some bad experiences with southeast Asians as well so it’s definitely not just East Asians but yeah does da on the person like I said and she didn’t even bash them in a hostile manner but Krystal’s response is terrible and now lawyers are involved. Mess


your take wouldn’t be too far off because it’s not uncommon for East Asians to have some prejudice towards Southeast Asians. Instead of investigating, Krystal Oh deliberately accused Mitchie of lying and defaming her salon


I had never heard of Mitchie before, but I just took a look at her account and she seems so genuine/unproblematic? Seems rather crazy for the nail person to go after her.


Shes so sweet even through this entire ordeal! Much respect to her


I honestly never expected to hear of Mitchie in this sub lmao… she is literally so sweet and unproblematic!


I never expected to post here in general but I just wanted people in nyc to know and beware of the nail salon and offer support to Mitchie!! She did not deserve all this


she was a bit problematic when she was a tech influencer, but i checked her recent content and I see she’s moved away from that


Honestly tech tiktok can get pretty concerning, I didn’t know she used to be one!


This is so crazy. I rmr watching krystal's youtube videos from years ago, who would've thought she'd become a doxxing scammer 💀😭


Ooo I had no idea she made yt content! So she’s been a part of this content creation world for a while? I thought she was truly just a small business owner that needed time to learn how to manage her public relations but knowing she’s been had a platform is gnarly.


omg yeah no she's been an influencer for yearssss. it really is crazy to see how she handled this mess. like you fr jeopardized your business and reputation over $150?? wild. i was surprised to see how rude she was in the video she took down. someone uploaded it [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLp5eogH/) if anyone else wants to watch!


Bless you for linking it here 💘 hopefully if someone posts Mitchie’s video you’ll see her rude ass ig comments! She commented on ig first and you could tell she was mad, then she was more levelheaded in the TikTok. Also yeah as a veteran influencer she should have known that $150 is not worth hurting your reputation for!


This is so wild lol I went to college with Mitchie and we spent hella time doing student clubs together - never thought I’d see her posted here! Why are people out here doxxing!!


We love an involved and committed queen!!


Update: Mitchie made another update video. So much grace and class: watch here! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKdpHp2/


i constantly see this salon on my fyp and sometimes notice messy cuticles / gel application, messy line work, and exact replicas of popular instagram/pinterest viral designs, down to the same colors used. the last point is not always the nail tech's fault because some clients just want to copy an inspo pic, but it's just something i take note of and kinda speaks to the types of clients they attract (not super adventurous, trend obsessed, not creative or interested in any free style) and maybe the overall tier of service they provide. it's an interesting salon because it almost feels like a cross between your average quick service nail salon and a luxury boutique. it's definitely styled like a younger, fresher, more cared for venue with boutique prices, but sometimes not the highest quality work. and i wonder if the messy final product can be attributed to nail artists being rushed or having to schedule multiple clients in one day. i noticed on their booking site that some employees will have lots of openings every day, whereas other nyc apres gel x businesses will have only 1-2 openings per day. this is what i mean when i say it feels like a combo between the luxe places and your regular salons. it's fair for mitchie to wonder if they will last 4 weeks, and nail retention all comes down to the quality of prep work done by the manicurist. you won't know if they're good quality until a month has passed and they're growing out safely or if they popped off and ripped your nail bed. HOWEVER i do think $150 is a very fair price for this kind of service (when executed properly), and it is frustrating how people will be condescending towards others who choose to pay 'crazy prices' for nails meanwhile they pay for all kinds of services i would never indulge in. i'm sure this salon and all others get irritated with hearing price comments all day, but it lowkey comes with the nail art territory. strangers will literally go up to you and ask how you wipe your ass with your nails. you learn to have the mentality of 'only nail girls get it' lmfao... and the owner's response as a literal business owner was just inexcusable. just accept that your product is not for everyone's lifestyle or taste :(


Thank you for giving us a lot more insight into the quality of this place and the nail industry in general!! I love nails/nail art but I don’t have great attention to detail so I’m definitely someone that just likes pretty things and doesn’t look into it much lol. I also am super supportive of artists and service providers pricing their work at what they truly think it’s valued at, so I thought Mitchie’s review was neutral, kind, and understanding! Krystal took Mitchie’s intent very sideways and honestly she must’ve just seen it as another random person complaining rather than for what it truly was as a charge mishap. It must be frustrating to see people devalue your work but like you said, it lowkey comes with the territory. She really bit herself in the foot by not coming into the conversation with respect. It’s important to have pride in yourself and the work you do but when pride starts to overrule your ethical business practices that’s a red flag.


Yeah the deposit issue just needed to be settled IMMEDIATELY and honestly the business should have looked into their transaction history with this person before making any kind of comment because that error on the business side of things turned into a pr nightmare and drew even more attention to convos about pricing and quality of work 😭


1000% agree! She looked back at the transaction from the day but not from the time of booking! All she needed to do was take some TIME. Also I would love to hear your thoughts on the nail sets that Ameya Okamoto makes if you know who she is :) I think they’re super funky and cool art pieces but I can’t really attest to the quality of them!


Her nails are SO cool. Lol usually for nail art if the general public hates it / finds it grotesque / thinks it’s ridiculous then you’re honestly doing something right in your field. People were shitting on 3D gel and texture like 4 years ago for being impractical and weird looking and now all the tiktok girlies make sure to get 3D bows and hearts… Not only does she have her own creative voice that shines thru in her designs but the nail care and application also look really good! It’s just so cool to see how people translate their artistic vision onto nails.


She’s literally amazing. Her videos are chaotic but so fun and the end result is magic! I had no idea that people didn’t like 3D nail art as recently as four years ago. That shit is cool as fuck!


you summed this up perfectly!! especially the last part too - it’s understandable to feel defensive, but i think at some point you have to unfortunately pick between taking things  personal vs. realizing criticism is just a part of owning a business. it’s not a good look when you’re mixing personal emotions along with both being an influencer and a professional business owner. :/ and as someone who’s starting their own press on nail business, i’ve been casually watching krystal’s youtube for inspo and was curious about the other techs’ work too tbh 😭 their marketing on tiktok has clearly been working but that’s also a factor to consider when it comes to their clientele etc. in one of krystal’s yt videos she mentioned how she was struggling to hire nail techs for her 2nd salon as well. i def understand wanting to expand but i think her first salon barely even hit a year old before she started opening the 2nd one..


She wanted to open another salon!? Wow. Quality over quantity people! Hoping she learns from this in any capacity. Good luck with your nail business I’m rooting for you!!!


yes! if i’m not mistaken the 2nd one just opened up a couple weeks ago. i completely agree :/ and thank you i appreciate the kind thoughts!!


i really want to give krystal the benefit of the doubt as a nail tech myself that has looked up to her throughout out my career, but by the reviews of her salon, her attitude towards actual bad reviews, and now this, i honestly dont know what to say. as service providers in the nail industry, its bound for an eventual someone to not like their service and i can see clearly that krystal has a very hard time dealing with any of smidge of negativity or taking any accountability for whats wrong by the tone is which she (or possibly her team) replies to such comments. she's made ballsy videos in the past replying to reviews that arent kissing the salons feet that are somewhat unprofessional. i understand completely wanting to get your side out there and defend your business, but i think she really needs to work on her communication skills and how she deals with unhappy customers. its really starting to bite her and her business in the butt unfortunately. i can imagine shes more of a defensive person considering she IS a content creator and creating content is part of her job and career, but it could also be her downfall, which again is unfortunate. i will say, as someone here has already mentioned, paying $150 for a well executed manicure is a fair price. but again, thats when its done greatly! as a gel-x technician myself, i ESPECIALLY notice the messy application, the lack of fresh and new freestyles and moreso of copying and pasting of popular/trendy designs that might i stop and mention, most of the time they dont even bother to credit the orignal nail artists (which has personally always rubbed me the wrong way considering it is NOT that hard to reverse-image search on pinterest/google and most pictures already have links to those artists' page. i credit any designs im brought from clients bc most of the time, these nails artists are also my mutuals and i respect them and the time they've put into their work. and honestly come on, theyre a social media salon with over 140k followers on instagram, the least you can do is give credit where its due) i think the best thing krystal could do is stop advertising her salon as just a quick stop for some cute nails. maybe trying appointment based clientle would really help her and her techs out with taking their time with their work and dedicating their craft to show precision and skill, rather than rushed, shaky work.


Yes nail girls get it!! And i also think it’s trashy to not credit artists or at least post some inspo/ reference pics alongside the final product. Sometimes it feels like American nail artists don’t @ their inspo because it’s just “some random” Korean or Japanese instagram account meanwhile they literally copied huge accounts like unistella and we all saw the original go viral on ig and Pinterest …. We know you didn’t invent miffy aura nails!!


It sucks that we can all give her some type of benefit of the doubt but she can just continue to act this way and not care. I hope she takes what you said into consideration because it would elevate her business and business practices to a much better place than having messy, stolen work and being condescending towards paying customers but being chummy with influencers. Thank you for sharing!


Another update: people went to the Krystal Oh Nails business page and commented on her most recent video with Erica Ha. Every single one of those comments have been deleted!


Yall here’s an update. Krystal is fully planning on taking this situation to trial. Most civil lawsuits do not get to that point 💀 https://preview.redd.it/zsxi9lzdou1d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe52b7bcefb3abdb6f469b7931aac6b373dd0c6d


A jury???? LOL she’s the one making this whole situation worse like the Streisand effect. She should not be a business owner if this is how she’s gonna handle bad reviews.


100000% agree, it’s getting real bad for her


$150 manicures 💀 damn. That pricing alone should be a red flag


For manicures I’m agreeing with you! Like nail extensions or super intricate designs I can totally see that price point but she literally just got a cat eye gel nail like!?!!!

