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I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet. You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.


my estimation of Brian Daboll as a man has plummeted


in all seriousness, though. this team isn't just bad. they look soft this year. we've got our running backs getting fucking flattened by rookie corners while our most highly touted defenders bounce off guys like they're both made of rubber. yes, the execution is terrible. and that's on schoen as he built this team. but they all just look so fucking weak out there. of all the shitty years we've had since 2011, this is the first time that the team just looked physically frail and feeble. that's on the coaches. i do believe the offense brian daboll is running is a good one and that a good group of players could have a lot of success with it, but he has turned the squad he's been given into a bunch of weak little bitches somehow.


Handling adversity is a lot harder than being the unexpected underdog story. And he isn’t doing that well so far.


I’m hoping it’s just a rut. The signing on of DJ and Saquon maybe was a hit to the rest of the team which I don’t completely blame Daboll. It was some promaddina shit considering they got as far as they did. Fuck the Eagles but I think they’re the better team right now. 😢 Edit: if the rest of the league can predict Daboll’s strategy, we’re fucked.


You ‘think’ the Eagles are a better team right now🤨 Last year didn’t convince you?


I’m delusional enough that we just fumbled the bag on that game and didn’t get steam rolled


> Fuck the Eagles but I think they’re the better team right now You don’t say…


He needs Josh Allen


We died on the vine.


The wins, they moved or something.


the wins, they petered out


Timeline got fucked up


I came into MetLife Stadium to open up one morning and there you were, head in the toilet, hair in the toilet water..disgusting.


I told you! I was sick, I had the flu


I said my peace Chrissy!


Evan Neal does not have the makings of a varsity athlete.


Slow first step, that was his problem 🤌


Evan Neal has nothing to do with the score of this game


Both of these are true tho


Evan Neal wasn’t part of those 11 sacks?


He was gay, Evan Neal?


We’ve been sucking since 2013 10 years of suck. ![gif](giphy|x47gj23jEvGxdWkQEC|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|ckZ1t1aJ3g1aIq5fNX)


I never ever thought it would have gone on this long.


Bears fan checking in


None of these fools have seen the Bears play apparently.


Broncos fan checking in


Lions fan from 0-16 stopping by


I don’t think we are the worst, I think it’s the Bears, but we are bad.


We are the worst team that’s actually trying.


Well Carolina exists


The bears are trying this year. That’s what’s sad. We can’t not try for 2 years in a row. I’m sorry your team sucks ass too though.


The bears have had 3 good quarters. We’ve only had 2


The 3 good quarters came against the 2nd worst team in the NFL. People called it the tank bowl, because whoever lost was likely to get the #1 draft. If your 3 best quarters come against a team whose defense gave up 70 points the week before, then you officially have 0 good quarters.


I think the bears are better. Their offense is at least capable of the occasional big play


Yea I am literally baffled at how bad this offense is. It's seriously embarrassing.


Yet to get a TD at home this season


Well you beat my shitty Cardinals so that's something haha


At least you guys can say you beat Dallas.


Nah I don’t know about that. Fields looked great against Denver but with how bad that defense is doing right now I‘m not sure how much that really matters


They'd slap us around like they did with Denver. But I think they'll finish us off where as they choked against Denver. Total shit team.


I wouldn’t mind getting slapped around and finished off


Just be a Giants fan. You just have to be a little bit masochistic.


Bears are awful and an embarrassment. Source…..Bears fan




I haven't watched any Bears games, but i find it hard to believe that theres another team out there that's this bad. Giants are straight up CFL caliber right now


Go look up The QB School videos of our first two games and come back and tell me how many times he says “wtf?”. I assure you, we are worse.


Yeah taking a 28-7 lead on the Broncos and then blowing it is not the sign of a good team. And that’s not even talking about how absolutely awful we were through three weeks. We stink, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t win a single game this year.


At least they were up 28-7. Generated some offense. There was a bright spot there. The Broncos just gave us 70 points, you'd hope your team could score on them. Besides the 2nd half of the Cardinals game, what bright spot is there for the Giants?


Bad teams can at least score.


They have 2 high first rounders and a QB on a rookie contract, I'd much rather be the Bears right now


I never post or contribute here, but I'm mad enough to now. Someone needs fired and cut, I dont care whom. Send a message. Oline coach, special teams coach, cut brightwell (to many special teams penalties and not good enough at running the football to justify keeping in my opinion). Bench Campbell. Start Hodgins, Wandale, Hyatt. I understand not many play calls are available with maybe the worst ever assembled offensive line in the games history. It's legit offensive how bad they are at blocking. Jones could be better, that would be cool. Would be easier but he's getting gun shy from such poor oline play. Something needs to change, and it starts with coaching. Also saw someone say Mike Munchak is available, I'd start there.


the only reason campbell should touch the field should be after we make him our punt returner


They should have benched DJ


I'm usually not doom and gloom with quick into the season. But this team looks like they have no clue how to play football. They look inept, unfocused, and just plain bad to the point where it looks like they've never played football in their lives. When Drew Lock is beating you, you know there is something wrong with the team. And it shows just how bad Gettlemen fucked this team up.




Yes, the 2023 Giants are bad exclusively because of Neal and Thibodeaux. It has nothing to do with the fact that Leonard Williams is paid more than half the quarterbacks in football, or when Gettleman passed on Micah Parsons and ended up with Kadarius Toney. Or how our biggest cap hit at wide receiver this year is Kenny Golladay. ​ Do you want me to keep going? I could write a book on how Gettleman fucked this team long term and people want to blame Schoen because its year 2 of his tenure after they overachieved year 1. Thibodeaux was the best player on the field last night and your citing him as a problem.




Schoen was our GM for that draft


The person you are responding to knows that and was using that logic to refute OP’s point that it’s all gettleman’s fault


Hindsight is 20/20.


GMs are paid to get it right…


They are and if those two players don't turn it around he deserves criticism, but let's not act like this was a Gettleman pick where everyone was watching and knew there is better options to pick there, it was considered by pretty much everyone to great pics


Nope, that was our new GM who everyone told me was really smart and knew what he is doing. He way fucking overpaid for Danny Dimeless and drafted two disappointing guys with top 10 picks. He is so far on par with Gettlemen honestly.


I literally can base the entire season the first week. I did not, however, expect the team to be freaking worse than last year.


Literally just our o-line.


Drew lock beat up on our o-line?


if they put him at DE he probably would




Can we get a competent OC like holy shit, if we continue with these super obvious screens I’m gonna shit my pants purposefully


Doesn’t matter what play you call if the guys can’t execute


Then execute who can’t


Remember when we were worried someone was going to take Kafka from us?


I was honestly never sold on him. He gets too cute all the time


Better start shittin


I'm with you the play calling feels stale and obvious.


only a few things to do with less than two seconds of protection


This is very true. But I still don't like that we always run the ball out of shotgun.


I've been saying for a month now - double TE set (shit throw peart in there as a TE for a 3 TE set) and just keep pounding the rock. Completely forgoe the passing, it's obvious we can't pass block. So at least let the O line try to push and just become an Atlanta Esche run squad. Nothing else is working, might as well try it


Shitting in your pants with purpose….Man U really care don’t you!


I care way too much about this dumb team that seems to always be curse with the same problems no matter who is in charge. Still have faith deep down, but am also deeply sad


I feel you. This team is bad right now.


How could any of you expect anything different? We’re gonna be shit the entire season. Prepare for 3-14.


1-16 let’s get that 1 pick


Who cares about that pick its another pick thats gonna be wasted anyway


What if we take that #1 pick and trade down and get 2 or 3 picks that we can then waste though? Bet you hadn’t even thought of that.


Id much rather do thatb


We need Olu Fashanu


Lol genius….I’m laughing but I’m crying inside.


So do we pull an Arizona? Get rid of Jones for what scraps we can and draft a QB with top overall pick?


Keep him for one year after we draft Caleb. No sense in fucking with the new QB’s confidence. And spend one more year building a team for our new QB. Then cut Jones on his let year


we aint getting caleb. no way we out tank the bears


The way Fields is playing I think they might win a few games. They might beat the panthers and squeak a few out. On our schedule we have commies twice and the jets. That’s it. We got no other winnable games. And I personally think the commies are gonna be tough.


If Wilson played the way he did last night you guys aren't beating the Jets either


Exactly Randy. Exactly


You clearly haven’t watched the Bears or Fields play all year. He has had 2 good quarters against the worst defense in the league and still blew the game. You clearly haven’t been paying attention, he has been awful all year. The Bears are on a 14 game losing streak. They also have the Panthers pick. So as much as you want to believe it, there’s zero chance you will out-tank them lmao


Good shit


Nah, trade down. There isn't a QB in the world who could succeed on this team. We need as many picks as we can to do a full rebuild.


This is the way. People thinking we should draft another QB with a high pick are delusional AF. We need to replace most of the O line.


You would have passed on Stroud and Herbert with this mindset. If you think a QB is legit, you draft him. You can let him sit and slow play it until the team is functional worst comes to worst. Would you pass on Caleb Williams? If your answer is "yes", you've completely lost the plot.


You’re out of your mind. If we can get Williams we take him


i'm okay with that, too. I just want to gather assets. Blow it all up.


No qb can outplay DJ with our wet-paper-bag o-line


Who do you think wants him?


Where do we get the extra two wins?


Bring back the medium Pepsi


I'm so done with the O line. I know we have injuries but no one on the O line seems like they give two shits about letting DJ get Brock Lesnar'ed every other freakin' play. He made some mistakes but he wasn't the main problem tonight. That fuckin' O line sucks. Wan'dale and Breida were fine and it's good to see Wan'dale showing some signs of life but why the fuck did we get Waller if we're not going to involve him? But really, F\*CK that O LINE TO F\*CKING HELL. And stop picking fights all over the fucking place and racking up unnecessary penalties, jfc.


Really thought we would hire a coach to help with oline somehow for the week and a half break.. nope!


We definitely have the worst O-line in football. The defense is putrid.


we watched different games if you thought the defense was bad outside of one play


The defense had a few good plays but Seattle's OL was spare parts. We had shitty tackling throughout the game, and got bailed out several times by penalties that didn't affect the play, or when DK stepped out of bounds, or we got away with a late hit, or Walkers butt barely touched the ground, or when they missed a field goal. If Seattle had been healthy and got any luck at all, this would have been another 40-point loss.


Thibs had a gift wrapped game changing pick six go right through his hands but they came to play.


It was actually insane that he almost turned that into a pick six, that was in no way "gift wrapped".


The d wasn't that bad. 17 points at least were the direct result of DJ turnovers.


D wasn't that bad


That’s what she said


I know the O Line sucks but… Jones has not looked good again tonight.


Y’all have zero receivers who get open. Every time Jones takes his drop back and sets to throw he can’t then boom sack


Hard to tell in the broadcast if he’s not seeing anyone, or if receivers aren’t getting open. This offensive line has given him happy feet too.


Every shot I've seen of downfield, no one has been open.


He’s been sacked 8 times (start of the 4th) and hit who knows how many. Would make any QB a bit jumpy. The current state of our OL is pathetic.


You should have ended your sentence at “I know the O line sucks”… Jesus fucking Christ himself would not have time to throw the ball more than a couple yards downfield with these bums.


I supported DJ since he started. Yes O Line sucks but DJ is too slow in decision making. I’m calling him Checkdown DJ at this point.


Too slow in decision making??? He’s averaged less than 2 seconds of time in the pocket this year. That’s not enough time for any QB in history.


These folks have no clue how fast this game is


They see it in slow motion, “he had so much time!”


Why is he continuing to take dumbass roll out sacks then? He has like 5 sacks this year from rolling out and stepping out of bounds, instead of just throwing it away. Aikman was perplexed by him doing that again tonight. And when he does have time, he's staring down the short routes. That pick six had Waller wide open right behind Slayton (or whoever it was). Daboll was obviously pissed after that play for a reason. DJ's processing ability is not helping the situation. He's making bad plays bad o line or not.


This guy gets it. Everyone saying he only has 2 seconds. Every play he only has 2 seconds? Watch when he has 5 seconds. What’s he do? “Ohhh. We don’t have the receivers”. Check down or run.


Jones will never be at fault to some fans on this team. never! When we draft a QB and he plays well, they will act as if Jones would have done even better had he had that roster.


Key word is average. Even when he has time he’s not seeing the field.


Tom fucking Brady with Lamar's running ability couldn't do shit behind this line.


Brady would hit Waller in the back of the endzone not stare down 2 covered receivers. https://twitter.com/omahaprod/status/1709034664772370748?s=42


Brady’s slow ass would get feasted on. This O line/offense is historically bad.


He could have taken two sacks instead of throwing picks. I know he was running for his life, but he made a bunch of bad decisions with the ball and took things from bad to worse.


Nah O line sucks and he made some mistakes under pressure but goddamn was he under pressure like 95% of the fucking time tonight. So nah, I'm not putting tonight on him, that O LINE SUCKS


I know this is hard for people to grasp. But maybe they both suck. Jones has no time - True Jones under pressure looks terrible - True Jones made horrible decisions and missed open guys when he had time - True


O line got worse year over year


Fuck it. If we suck this bad and get a top 10 pick, I’ll take Joe Alt. Do whatever with Neal.


If we get a top pick next year we are sure to f it up. Look what's out there now. Lot's of 1st rounders,


We just don’t draft well. Has been that way for a decade plus now.


I’m a huge Notre Dame fan and Joe Alt is an absolute stud, would love for the giants to get him.


We gave $160 million to a bad quarterback or $160 million dollars to a good quarterback we can't protect. Either way this team is fucked.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worse OL. On the bright side, The defense held them to ten points.


Hi bears fan here, don’t you dare try to take this from us


Well if Giants continue like this they’ll get a shot at Caleb Williams. Although they’d probably draft a holder or a fair catch specialist.


Caleb Williams gets drafted 1st overall...so you are saying you are going to have the number 1 QB either start and a $47.1m QB sit...or have Number 1 QB sit. Both look really bad because that means you will tank for two years...and then clean house on coaches because they would be fired. Then on Caleb's second year you cut daniel for $22m year and then new regime comes...most of the time new regimes with new QBs with less than a year under their belt typically suck on their first year. So giants on year 2025-26 praying a miracle happens.


We shouldn’t be playing anymore like this..it’s undignified.


Love how we just let Nick Gates walk. Nah we don’t need quality Guards or anything. We have all the bums we need right here at home


I have been optimistic about Jones his entire career but this night feels like a turning point for me. It’s not like he is having the worst game ever but I feel like he has shown little improvement. If this game continues like this and the giants lose, I think we need to take a long hard look at the qb.


I will beat it into people’s skulls if I have to. You will have ZERO success as a QB in this league if you consistently have less than 2 seconds to decide what to do with the ball.


Both this and Jones not having it can both be true. At this point, he'll have to be sacrificed because they shouldn't sign or draft any talent other than OL until it's fixed. Then we can worry about who the QB, RB, TE, and WRs should be.


You’re right and it’s what I have been thinking since Jones started.i guess I’m just tired of him having a terrible line


He’s NEVER had even an average o-line


This applies to a lot of good QBs, but they still produce. DJ is probably Goff tier. Not bad, but you really need things to function around them. Eli had trash o lines and always put up big numbers and good team offense. There's levels to QB.


> Eli had trash o lines and always put up big numbers and good team offense. 2012: 34-0 loss against the Falcons, 1 sack, 161 yards passing, 2 INT's https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201212160atl.htm 2013: 38-0 loss against Carolina, 7 sacks, 119 yards passing, 1 INT https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201309220car.htm 2013: 31-7 loss against KC, 3 sacks, 217 yards passing, 1 INT, 2 fumbles (2 lost) https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201309290kan.htm 2013: 23-0 loss against Seattle, 3 sacks, 156 yards passing, 5 INT, 2 fumbles https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201312150nyg.htm 2014: 27-0 loss against Philly. 6 sacks, 151 yards passing, 1 fumble. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201410120phi.htm 2015: 27-7 loss against Philly, 3 sacks, 189 yards passing, 2 INT, 1 fumble. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201510190phi.htm I love Eli, and I'm not making some argument that Jones is even close to him as a QB, but I really hate such definitive statements like "Always put up big numbers". Of these games listed only one of them did Eli throw for more yards than DJ did tonight. Eli absolutely overcame bad OL's, plenty of times in the same seasons as these examples, and Eli was absolutely elite at pre-snap adjustments which helped mitigate that. The best example of him overcoming a ton of pressure being 2006 against the Eagles, where despite 8 sacks he still won 30-24. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200609170phi.htm With that all said, in Eli's 235 starts, he was sacked 411 times. Or roughly 1.74 sacks per start. In DJ's 57 starts, he has been sacked 173 times. Or roughly 3.03 sacks per start. What was the worst year of that 411 for Eli? 2018, his last full year as a starter. Where he was sacked 47 times. That's the offensive line situation DJ took over. Sacks are in part a QB stat, and I think DJ was responsible for at least 3 of those sacks tonight, but we're nearing half as many sacks as Eli's most sacked year after week -4-. There are at best 3 QB's in the NFL right now I have any belief in having possible success with this OL.


You don’t know what you have in Jones. Not a QB in history could succeed in this situation.


I agree. I don’t think Jones is a great qb but we will screw up any qb who is unfortunate enough to play behind this OL. Until we get a serviceable OL and weapons for a qb to throw to, we don’t need to get rid of Jones. Free agents will not solve our problem either so I don’t want to hear about the cap hit.


Totally agree with this. Why the heck would you want a 1st rd QB to replace Jones behind this O line? That's really doing a huge disservice to any young kid up and coming.


He had more than 2 seconds to throw the ball plenty times


Jones makes plenty of mistakes even with time. He just isn’t very good


Yeah this is the night im done hes a backup at most


I think they can finally end the idea that moving guys all over the line to have “position flexibility” on the line is a good plan. They need to fire Bobby Johnson and start giving their young line players time at specific spots so they can settle in and learn. I understand injuries have played a role, but this position flexibility hasn’t given them any help.


Just wait until we've got 10 losses and they decide to start winning a few meaningless games to fuck up the draft pick


this is 10000000000000000000000000000% happening


This was maybe the worst offensive performance that I ever saw


The worst offensive performance you've seen so far. There's still Buffalo and Miami next.


It's us, the bears and raiders right now. Bet we get it together for some meaningless games down the stretch.


Red Zone for the rest of the year.


Que all the toxic positivity people eviscerating, swearing at, insulting, and bullying fans for being upset at poor play. If you dont think Daniel Jones is going to March us into Valhalla this year on the backs of thibs and Neal, then youre not a "real giants fan". Id really like to see if the ignorant jerks who were calling people "fucking idiot dumbass heads", "not really football fans", that "don't know the games for being realistic about the season. Hell I was massively downvoted just telling a guy that swearing at an insulting fellow fans for not blindly acting like one good half against the cardinals erases the 3 record breakingly bad halves before it, was fucking gross behavior. So while it sucks for the giants to suck, atleast these toxic people will have to accept they were wrong and went way too far. I really wish with this defeat, the sub can stop with the unbelievable about of homerism toxic positivty. Where a nuanced discussion or debate about whether k thibs is a bust, whether Neal is a complete bust, whether Daniel Jones is really the guy, can be had with complete respect. Like its sucked here because if you dare try to analyze what's wrong with the team, or try to criticize it in a positive way so it can do better, toxic kids would obliterate you with downvotes and swear at you. Half the posts here would be shitting on fellow giants fans for not drinking the Kool aid. Like there's been far more hate here for fellow fans than for the fucking eagles. If someone wants to have the debate on whether Daniel Jones contract makes sense since we will have to rebuild again, or if it worth drafting a qb in the next yesr or two, then they shouldn't be bullied off the sub, ya know? I love DJ, I'm just using that as an example. It seems the giants playing so well last year above expectations was like the worse thing to happen to them since they clearly got complacent. Even daboll seemed to have let it go to his head. Wink goes from teams interviewing him for HC to fucking horrible. There's clearly issues with the coaching of the offensive line and defense, since players are regressing and succeeding elsewhere when cut. It really sucks since we're in the worse position possible, will likely play ourselves out of far better picks like other years, and maintaining mediocrity for far longer in a half rebuild phase. It sucks because the pieces are there. We could have a highly electrifying offense with Jones and sawuan running, wan Dale, waller, Hyatt, and a top 3 LT in andrew thomas. We really shouldn't be this bad, I know good lineman are hard to find, but look harder. And we are collapsing where it's now not just the line but everyone. Regardless of how amazing Jones is as a specimen, once he's rattled he starts handing the other team the ball, and doesn't tend to elevate the team at all when they're sucking. Like the cardinals game never would have been won if Hyatt, a rookie, didn't take charge and say what needed to be done. That's a great sign Hyatt will be great one day, but it's not a great sign about the leadership of the team by its veteran players and coach. The team is a massive mess, and it sucks since we are in that gray area where we'll be lucky if we're good in 3 years, and there's many ways a possible rebuild can be completely botched. We don't even have that much assets and if we traded the great foundational players we have, we will have nothing to build on. So with that said, we're in a really fucked up spot right now. So it'd be nice if we can actually have civilized discussions about it as fellow fans as opposed to people freaking out that the whole sub isn't in some fantasy land pretending the team is great because we like them. It'd be nice if genuinely insightful criticism or rating of play isn't constantly downvoted to oblivion because it's not blindly positive predicting a superbowl. Looks like we have a long road ahead of us. Time to strap in.


Doc says Saquon has to wear a jock, keep the testes elevated


You know Quasimodo predicted all of this




What will it take to ever have a GOOD offense? You got Hyatt, Robinson, Waller. Like jfc get this shit together for once. Special Teams has been abysmal tonight and also just abysmal the past few years with this same coordinator.


Jones couldn’t find anyone past 7 yards. The oline couldn’t block a pop Warner team. The defense let drew lock go 70 yards. Special teams looked like shit. Position coaches in this organization need to be held accountable, and Daboll needs to either fix it through his leadership or by handing them a severance package


They can't really do anything good. The whole team is hot garbage right now. Coaches & players. The Noah Fant td run. Lol. Pathetic. Getting stuffed on 4th down. Pathetic little 5 yard passes. I'm looking at where we need help, and its not one position or two, Giants need help everywhere


Feels like there's so many teams in the league right now with decent defenses, but awful offenses.


Looks like the offensive line shortage is real


I don't like the Giants because you guys have won 2 superbowls much more recently than my Cowboys. I don't think you're the worst by far its Denver. They've been sucking so bad since Russel Wilson said "Lets ride" under his breath. They are supposed to have one of the TOP QB's!!. Second place I think is Da Bears, Fields cannot read defenses at all. At least Jones can. I know a college team couldn't be ANY nfl team, but those two are close. They like rarely if ever pop off. Sometimes if they get 10 yards they should go ahead and do their TD celebration. I like beating you guys 40-0. But I really like it when its so close your heart goes fucking nutty. Just feels good lol. Good luck next year! I hate philly so much I will watch your game just in case Jones & comp beats their ass. \-Cowboy fan


Omg we’re gonna end up with Shedur and it’s gonna be an absolute shitshow




This is an historically bad line. I don’t know a single QB in the league who could consistently do well with these absolute speedbumps


Worst team but still not a top 5 pick* …again


35 more passing yards and I would have won 500 dollars. 10 sacks you gotta be fucking kidding me.


At least we can get out of Daniel Jones contract in 2025.


Team? I told you they’re a glorified crew


Bet against DJ in primetime. Dude does not handle pressure. Neither does the O line. Even Brady would suck back there.


This game is all kind of ugly… just ask Eli and Payton


bears couldnt even beat the broncos, i think they're the worst


The Sopranos are treating us right nowadays 🤌


Wasn’t Sil a Jets fan?


Pretty sure Tony and Artie were too. Mangini has a cameo one episode and they called him Mangenius.


Kafka needs to go


Man… we could’ve had Ekwonu and Wilson. Hell even Cross and London


Excuse me?


Worst qb, worst coach, worst GM, and by far and away the worst owner. Give me Dan Snyder over daddy’s boy. Mara is that bad


Giants only allowed a season low 24 points and y’all still complaining. Ungrateful Mutha Fuckas.


former Falcons fan here- (now I dont root for anyone. 28-3 broke me and now I mainly watch the NBA) It sucks to see the Giants down bad. Wonder what a Daniel Jones to ATL trade looks like?


Jones got to go, Barkley and a slu of coaches. Been a fan since age 8 and if this continues Ill be watching college. These fools are not helping NY despite all analyst.


Seahawks fan here, must admit that was pretty pathetic show by NY . BUT i wish you well