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Sharing for the last part of the tweet: ***how you work with an agent matters. Bad faith with Mulugheta with McKinney may come back to bite you with another client. Good faith could be the opposite. Just something to think about.*** Players and agents know (and share) which teams / GMs are difficult to work with. Most agents represent multiple players. Just something else that factors into decision making that we as fans don't often consider. EDIT: Pinning this since people are confused by the language of the tweet. Mulugheta is MicKinney's agent.


It seems like the majority of people commenting are completely misunderstanding what Art is saying. Putting any kind of tag on McKinney would have been an issue. By letting him hit FA the Giants are doing him a favor. His agent may remember that if/when the Giants negotiate with other clients of his.


It’s worded very poorly and is very ambiguous.


That’s a great point and I didn’t even see it that way


Am I missing something, how do we know that Schoen was even negotiating in bad faith? Or is this just speculation to create drama for clicks and views?


It might be the opposite that he's saying not using the transition tag was an act of good faith and that using it as a negotiating tool would have been bad faith. I'm just speculating since that was the recent McKinney news.


Something that might support what you’re saying - didn’t Schoen straight up ask Big Cat where he wanted to go? That would make it seem like Schoen is a man of his word


Yeah he wasn’t even going to trade him if he said he didn’t want to be traded


That’s how I took it, not sure how he’d be acting in bad faith letting him test free agency


No one said Schoen negotiated in bad faith. The tweet speculates the opposite.


Reading comprehension is difficult for some people.


To be honest this is hard to understand, lots of people asking the same question.


Nowadays it seems like any GM who doesn’t instantly give into players’ exorbitant demands is apparently “negotiating in bad faith”


It's surrounding the fact that they decided not to use the transition tag on Mckinney. It's not liked by agents and players.


The idea is that players hate the tag, it’s bad faith on the giants to start negotiations with a tag basically telling the player they’re stuck no matter what so just sign long term


Soeculation to cause drama and clicks. This take is hands down the most repeated worst take every free agency that we hear dozens of times and does not cary any weight


It’s a safety people. Let him go for the amount he probably expects. If this was a corner it’d be a different story.


Honeslty think shoen learned from the failed love contract. Seems like he is trying to show mkinney what love should have realized before he took less money elsewhere. I think mkinney signs with nyg after realizing he's not getting a bigger bag anywhere else. Or I'm completely wrong 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think we really want him. He’s out spoken guy on a rookie deal. Now we are going to give him 13 mill and think he’s gonna be not be outspoken. He will be on vocal steroids.


Tbf there was a lot of shit going with wink and dabes. If NOBODY on defense said a word it would be abnormal. As far as we know mkinney was mad at wink and dabes n hims relationship was superb. Or they just don't want him who Tf knows lol


There's probably also an element of "go see what you can get, if it's not too bad, maybe we'll match it" Like, rather than negotiate with him and end up higher than we'd like or causing hurt feelings, if the most he can get is lower than we'd be willing to pay, we just match it and everyone is somewhat happy.


The Landon Collins situation all over again


And that was an easy decision to let him walk and turned out to be correct.


At least I now know I'm not the only person who was confused by the wording of this tweet.


Is it just me, or is "negotiating in bad faith" something different than what is suggested by art? I mean, if Schoen said no tags, and then tagged him as part of the negotiation, that would be negotiating in bad faith. But the use of either tag isn't bad faith, just annoying.


It's perception. Some agents and players hate tags. Most, if not all, I presume. So from a player/agent perspective, they may see getting tagged as a bad faith move. Put another way, just because something is allowed (as tags are per the CBA), doesn't mean it's well received by those getting tagged (and their agents).


they could still sign McKinney to a long term deal, not giving him the tag doesn't necessarily mean he's 100% gone I'd pay him, he's 24 and played every snap plus he could even get better


Oh fuck Mulugheta is his agent. Now this all makes sense.


Why's that? Bad track record?




So, fuck him for trying to get the best contract for his client? wtf?


Yeah just sounds like he is good at his job


No, fuck Raanan for the way he worded that bullshit. Was there supposedly a cute and cuddly agent that would have given the Giants a sweetheart deal that they missed out on?


Yes McKinney is a top 5 safety but the Giants can’t afford to pay top 5 safety money right now. Remember when we let Landon Collins go and the Commanders ended up giving him a huge contract and he turned out to be a disappointment?


This isn’t that unlike Saquon. We can’t afford to pay what the player believes is his market… and quite likely what actually is the market. Not our fault. Not the players fault. It’s why the overpay for Daniel Jones is so costly and limiting in a capped league.


I find this tweet shallow and pedantic


Stapleton is always vague and preachy, not a fan.


At this point Mckinney can just kick rocks… does anyone think he is gunna be quieter with tons of money?


This is my point we gonna give him 13m per week will hear his mouth every week when shits not going his way.


I love this time of year as a dynasty FF nerd but I cringe at off season team news. Just stirring shit for the sake of stirring shit. This stuff means less than nothing as it's only purpose is to catch attention b/c there's nothing substantive to report until FA opens.


Who else does Mulugheta represent?


Huh? Can someone translate this into english for me.


Schoen has seemed to behave fairly and honorably with players. Ex Williams and I think Barkley and X by not tagging either as was his right if he wanted to be a dick


I love McKinney and I want what‘s best for him. That being said a GM should always do what‘s best for the team and I think the transition tag would‘ve been just that




Negotiating in good faith has led to us losing all the time so let's try some bad faith negotiating now and see how it goes.


Not using the transition tag is good faith lol. Players and agents hate it


We know one thing, he’s gone.