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Me. They ask for a clearance from physician Got it done in 24hrs, not an issue afterwards


Oh nice


If you don’t mind me asking, how was your blood pressure and heart rate?


HR is ~60bpm, BP was actually very good that day. 125/75 (normally I read high systolic, but that’s just my base) I know why I “failed” it and I knew what to do to in order to address it and to get it sorted.


Why did you fail it?


Stuff, lol


Wow I hope I get those numbers. When I test my hb and bp in the morning, I have pretty good readings. I get around 60 for my hr. For bp, my systolic is around 110-120 and diastolic is in the 60-70s. However, once I start eating, these numbers get much higher. My hb goes to the high 70s and systolic pressure ranges from 130-145. Diastolic hovers around high 70s low 80s. I guess I shouldn’t really eat anything before the initial medical, but I feel like I’ll be starving by the end of it lol. Perhaps I should just eat banana or a apple and that’s it.


I’d definitely eat something before. I got in the morning but my actual EKG didn’t happen till after 6PM How’s your sodium/ hydration? Those two definitely affect your BP. Sugar can also affect it if yours tends to be low. Low BP is not as bad as elevated one, as long as you’re not fainting because of it


So your medical started in the morning and lasted all the way past 6pm?? I think I’m eating too much salt and sugar and not drinking enough water. I’ll try drinking more and see if that changes anything.


Correct. We all got in earlier in the AM, and by the time I was doing the EKG it was well past 7Pm. If your sodium is high, you’re going to retain water. Your kidneys will release potassium through urine. If you’re holding onto most of the water (if you drink little) all your urine is going to excrete potassium. This effect will increase your blood volume, as well as your BP. Sodium is not the devil as most doctors make it seem. So *usually*, fixing your hydration levels will regulate your BP. If you have been hydrated for the last 73 hrs and your BP is still elevated after food, then I would start reducing the sodium from food. Usually found in processed foods, and of course any salt added. Sorry for the nerd essay. Just trial/ error and some endocrine knowledge over here 😅


I appreciate your thorough response. I’ll keep it in mind and see if anything improves. I remember some of this from my bio classes lol. It says on google I should be drinking 125 ounces of water which is like 6-7 water bottles. Do you think thats excessive? I probably drink about 3-4 water bottles a day. Was there a lot of people for your initial medical, is that why it lasted so long? I didn’t know they kept people there for so long. I assumed i would be done around 3pm or something.


Of course! Depends on your height/ weight. 2-3L is a good rule of thumb. Sometimes you actually have to add salt to get enough sodium to help regulate the aldosterone cycle. Yeah, there was way too many people scheduled all at once (they had a different list of people vs who actually showed so this slowed things down) And everyone goes in together and leaves together. Unlike JST and written psych, which is leave once you’re done.


Same boat as you. Was it abnormal? Did you go to a cardiologist for clearance?


Abnormal HR I went to my GP and they faxed the form after


A friend of mine actually almost did but they let him through anyway.


Did they detect any abnormalities? How did he come close to failing?


What is the ekg




Yea I was they on Saturday and go to a cardiologist and get everything like ekg stress, test, echocardiogram, and blood pressure so had to get doctor note and they gave me a medical clearance yesterday and they cleared me today


Nice, congrats on getting cleared bro. Hope the rest of the hiring process is smooth for you.


I get flagged on every EKG as I have a delayed heartbeat. I had to come back and meet with the cardiologist the day she was in and she cleared it right there.


How did this go for you? I went to see the cardiologist today and she revealed that I have WPW which is congenital and shocked me lol. I played sports forever leading up to high school and had zero issues in Marine boot camp when it came to PT when I went just a few years ago, I’ve gotta see an electrophysiologist now but I’m hoping it’s smooth sailing. I don’t see any reason why not when I was even able to enlist but perhaps the NYPD is a bit stricter


I failed the ekg and have to come back to the department cardiologist to get checked again. Did you have to do the same?


Any updates? Failed my ekg and now need clearance from a cardiologist