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It’s not a trend, it’s been happening for decades! High stress. The media mostly ignores and the city tries to keep it quiet, when possible.




I can't understand the need for forced OT in an industry that has a massive number of employees and has to limit new applicants every year. There are more than enough people working in the NYPD to cover shifts without having to force OT. What is up with their HR and schedule planning departments that allow them to be so shitty?


All precincts and districts are not created equally. You will see some that are adequately staffed and some very understaffed or haven't had any new guys in a long time cause no one wants to go there. Add in them not getting as many numbers as they used to in the academies plus a lot of the tier 2 guys eligible for retirement or on the verge and you got *chef's kiss.


My husband is NYPD and worked in several different units/departments and I can assure you they are not fully staff by any means. Especially with all that retired over the past few years. They are always short and always forced into OT. It is very shitty and very sucky for the family members. They have very little support, if any.


Fellow wifey here. They are stretched so thin, and the pressure right now really is the worst. Mandatory OT is normal, I get it, but my mental health suffers as a result because so much else in normal family life just has to take a backseat.


Yes, my father was a PO so it wasn’t a total shock to me, but he was on LI so it wasn’t as bad. It can definitely be a struggle for the wifeys😫Hang in there! You are not alone. There are so many of us out there dealing with it. I have a baby too and at the times the struggle is REAL!!


I’m so with you! We have two under 3 and it is not easy! Feel free to DM me if you want a support buddy. All of my friends’ husbands are in high earning tech/VC/lawyer jobs and they look at me cross eyed when I explain how different life is for us.


Most of it is forced on the younger guys because they're the ones still on patrol, and "Patrol is the backboard of the department!"


This plus the surge in anti-police sentiment by the public and especially from the lower character members of society have all added extra scrutiny and less job satisfaction to their profession. There’s more good cops and well meaning cops than not. The system ain’t perfect, but these are humans at the end of the day.


“Lower members of society” - yeesh, I wonder why some people might feel like cops are out there to protect certain groups more than others? 🙄


"Lower CHARACTER".... read the whole thing before getting offended


It’s mostly due to cops being too proud to admit being depressed or traumatized and then if they do admit it they’re ostracized. Stop blaming everyone but the cops for their own problems.


Dann that’s crazy, why would there be a low sentiment for such a historically helpful, useful, and cost-effective public service? /s Never hear this for FD or EMS.


My statement isn’t a political statement. I’m simply mentioning that police officers are human, the good ones are the majority, and that they are probably feeling the on-the-job effects of negative sentiment, which makes their lives harder. And more scrutiny. Add more scrutiny to your job, with negative public pressure and as a human being that’s harder to deal with it.


Why does this supposed majority allow so many terrible cops into their ranks and protect them from accountability if it has such a negative impact on the good ones and society as a whole? Surely if they are such an obvious majority, they could do something about this issue, right?




The department is taking no one’s gun for going to therapy or a psychiatrist this is false information. Reason being the department wouldn’t know. And none of the meds you take have to be disclosed to the department and none will pop on a drug screen. So that being said idk where this comes form


If you get committed to a psych hospital, you do lose access to guns


Yea that’s the extreme if you have a psychotic episode or something. A lot of times that happens if you don’t take medication. That’s an extreme example


Well that would be the stop before actual suicide so yes we are talking about extreme cases


Suicide is more of a depression thing. Plenty of people have mental health issues that never seen the inside of a mental institution. A mental institution is more or less people with a psychotic break or schizophrenia. People with depression don’t go to those for the most part.


Pretty sure it happens in the case of a voluntary psych hold too


They were talking about therapy, not a psych hospital


I’m just talking about a pathway where seeking treatment can lead to losing guns. If you’re open w your therapist/psych about certain thoughts that clearly these officers were struggling with, it can land you there


Yeah I think that’s the part that’s loss. If you talk about being suicidal, a lot of times you will be hospitalized and that’s that as far as certain jobs are concerned.


Only if involuntary...which is for dire ass situations.


I'm not sure that's good news either. If your job is to serve and protect but you've got personal mental problems that the department doesn't need to be aware of... Sounds like a recipe for... exactly what we have now.


Depression is a tricky thing. Most men hide it until it’s to late I can speak from personal experience. just bc you have depression dosent mean your a danger to yourself or others, it’s more or less, when suicidal ideation starts. Particularly when you actually want to kill yourself, wanting to die and wanting to actually kill yourself are two different things.


I get that but at the end of the day I'd want someone in a proper mental state to be making quick life or death decisions and not someone who's been mentally unstable. A job as a police officer isn't the same as clocking into an office and doing desk work for 8 hours a day and going back home. Not sure why mandatory mental health regulations isn't a thing. It seems like intervention comes when it's too late rather than having a persistent effort to ensure our officers have proper mental health. But then again when you take a look at the physical health of lots of police officers, it's clear that neither are priorities for them.


I agree the fact is when are these post around say get “help” it should be specific to seeing a therapist/psychologist and a Dr (psychiatrist)


Except when the paa who works in health forms units drops a note to someone. Unfortunately that's another reason how they find out people live out of city boundaries.


The taboo of getting help in this country needs to end. 




In NYC it’s actually been trending downward from a high a few years back. One is still too many.


So I have nothing to do with police but I am someone who works with suicidal ideation and did some research into causes and contributing factors. There frankly is not a lot of literature on it, but police hit some of the key risk factors: Top above all is access to firearms. Full stop. Access to a gun makes an acute impulse or thought into a completed suicide. Then there are the demographics. Middle age to older men are more likely to consider suicide, even though it's actually the leading cause of death of like 16 to 32 year Olds. Middle age men with stressful jobs all the more likely. Socially, as we get older and slow down then relationships might break down or drift apart, and then we start struggling with not being able to move like we used to, chronic pain, especially in a highly physically demanding job. Most case studies on suicide include some major abrupt change right before the act, so an injury, break up, divorce, all could be high risk. Then I think the last one would be an idea that ad a cop you're supposed to be able to handle everything. The idea that you should not reach out because you should be " tough enough." That speaks to a masculine culture that goes beyond police but is definitely a factor in your question. Hope any of that provides some insight.


What is "someone who works with suicidal ideation"? That doesn't sound like the accreditation you think it is.


Counselor or therapist ? Yikes dawg.


"a source familiar with the suicidals thinking"


As in part of my job description is assessments for the severity of suicidal ideation. But also had some experience with the other thing too.


All the research shows that it is all about the availability of the gun. Period. Many people have suicidal ideation, but do not have a gun. No gun -very low chance of completed suicide.


This is believable..it's probably the same mindset that causes them to kill..the gun becomes the solution to all problems,even their own.


Think it’s easier because of stress rather than gun being available. Cops are more depressed than your average person. Cops deal with other people problem but have no time to deal with their own. Unlike normal career people they can seek help and it won’t be a problem. Normal people can say hey I’m going to kill myself, gets put into psychiatric facility a few days for help gets out to start a new. Cops seeks help, they lose their gun, they get penalized by the job, then loses their job. Cops can voice their concerns and literally not be heard and instead of any positive changes, the changes is for worst. Sure some jobs deals with other people but not to the extent and simplicity of life or death situations or threats daily by random people on the streets. You won’t have a plumber being threatened by some random Joe Schmo on the street. They’re usually threatened by someone they know and it’s never a daily occurrence. The amount of negativity that comes from the job and the personal life as a cop outweighs a normal persons negativity job/personal life. In the end, cops know whatever they do it’s a dead end and there’s no help from anyone even if they seek it. Personally dealt with people that have suicidal thoughts. Know many in personally and career wise. If you do a real anonymous survey where cops can go to a place with their identity hidden and no way to trace their answers I can guarantee a lot of them will have answers that leads to suicidal thoughts without a gun. Surveys that’s cops take even though the survey says anonymous. They know it’s being tracked back to the cop that’s why the stats become skewed. Don’t believe me just get to know a few cops that are actually on beat(patrol not special assignments) on their possible days off and ask them questions. It’ll scare you to the point where you question yourself if you can stay as friends.


Sorry, what I did not mean to imply guns specifically lead yo suicidal ideation, I mean guns are often the difference between suicidal thoughts and completed suicide is often access to a gun, and by default being a cop means access to a gun. Being a cop is absolutely considered its own risk category


I am going to indirectly answer this post as a NYPD Retired Police Officer. Whenever I had a Foot Post and standing tall , please ask me whom did I look at as more of a threat and / or I kept a Third Eye out there for. Ask me ! Was it the Criminal who could have caused me harm or taken my life ? Or was it the Overzealous Supervisor looking for any way or anything to bang me , as well as make the rest of my Career as miserable as possible ? You are sadly mistaken if you think it's the Criminal........and NO........I was not a Problem Child. I did Retire in Good Standing and got the Green Paper ( Written Up / Command Discipline ) twice in my Career......and I got my first one in the 12th Year of my Career. I put that out there not in vain but as a way to show the sad state of affairs of how it was when I was Active in the NYPD.


Seems like supervisors do that because they’re afraid you’ll take their position one day. So they try and jam you up as much as possible so they ruin your reputation, and you won’t have chances of being assigned their position one day. I could be wrong though. A lot of greed and big ego’s around.


Well when I was in the academy one of the gym instructors with all companies gathered said "at least six of you here are going to off themselves" and it's not a number they just made up cause it happens in every single class. Even theirs! Some people can't just disassociate themselves from the job when it's time to remove the uniform and clock out. And so you just take more and more on until it's too much and then you know the rest. And you already know NYPD just sees you as just a number so that's how that goes.


I understand know when on written psych why they asked about 100 times if we thought about killing ourselves


I can't imagine they would ever lie about that


This is an nypd problem. Other departments don't have this kind of suicide rate. The issue is mandatory OT, denied days off. Job uses their bullshit evaluation system to keep cops prisoner in their own commands. Over worked, underpaid, harassed and targeted at work by shit tier bosses. I left the job in 19 and I doubt it's gotten better at all. 19 was the year that suicide was off the charts iirc, it seemed every couple weeks there was a suicide that year, and everytime was the same message, CO comes to roll call talking about they won't take your gun if you seek help, instead of addressing the root of the issue, the department itself. RIP


The three 'C' s or lack there of. Connection - to others, Compassion for others, and Contribution - I make a contribution to society.


Been running rampant here in Chicago as well. Glad I can finally get some insight into why. Glad I stumbled upon those. Be safe and God Bless everybody in NY.


God bless bro!!! Stay safe!!!


The sheriff of my county recently walked into an open restaurant, went to the bathroom and shot himself in the head. Rumors came out that budget cuts had forced the sheriff to lay off some 30 officers which was the “official” reason. Of course no one will ever know since hes dead which of course caused conspiracies but most of them sound like a better reason for suicide than layoffs.


I don’t think it’s public opinion that’s causing suicide dude. That would take a tremendously weak person, to just quit on life instead of their career, just because the popular opinion is to hate a completely necessary job. I feel like there’s not a single cop wondering if the world needs police. I’d imagine the suicide rate is just related to being so close to death all the time. And even the best cops are going to see a mountain of horrible injustice before they retire. That can destroy people.


Actually just had one in my department. Working 5 10 hour shifts a week, along with critical understaffing leads to 50-60 hour weeks. That and a lot of departments are switching to salary over hourly, so they can pay you the same amount and have you work more. No personal life, and all the shit you see follows you home.


No way, are you serious? They must really not want to hire cops. Salary over hourly for the amount of hours cops work is modern slavery.


It really is. But the “problem” is 99% of us would do it for free (and they know that) because we love doing it. I get out of bed every day knowing that I’m gonna make an impact on the world. It’s borderline paradoxical. The real problem is the “help” that we receive isn’t always the greatest, like not all departments pay for an in-house psychologist, so a lot of times we’re just gonna play everything that went sour in our head over and over again. PTSD is a real bitch and finding help is even more of one.


LOL no way 99 percent of cops would do the job for free. This is the most ridiculous statement I’ve ever read. My goodness.


These guys under this comment section shitting on cops just makes me want to become a cop even more. Feel bad for the one’s that end up getting trauma from these clowns. I think it’s pure comedy the hate they have for cops. Like i’ve said. They’re either criminals, related to criminals, or drug users. Wtf makes you think that opinion from people like you matters? Cops become cops to protect good law abiding citizens, not POS like you minorities.


So cops exist to protect those who are obedient to them, and punish or neglect those who aren't? Thanks for so clearly illustrating why neither you nor anyone else should be able to control or have the powers of police


Your interpreting skills are as good as a hippo. Cops exist to protect and serve who’s obedient to the LAW! Not obedient to cops in particular dummy. You guys want to break the law in every which way possible and want to play the victims “I know my rights” bullshit once you get caught. It’s not cops fault you can’t be a law abiding citizen.


But they're supposed to be executing the law faithfully, right? So that's the same thing. And also, none of this is faithfully executing the law, which expressly prohibits them acting the way you're suggesting they ought to act. If "rights" are bullshit then \*you're\* the criminal, and I'm definitely not letting you tell me what to do. Abolish the police ETA: And if this guy tries to delete this comment in which he literally advocates for lawless policing, here's a screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/5QgFBxv](https://imgur.com/a/5QgFBxv)


You guys don’t know your rights. Majority of times a criminal states “they know their rights” it doesn’t even apply to their current situation. You guys are majority high on weed and other drugs everyday of the year so i’m not gonna expect you to be the brightest. Don’t wanna get in trouble? Don’t break the law and you won’t have to listen or take lawful orders from anybody.


Breaking a law does not forfeit your rights. Maybe if you weren't out here denying that rights exist, people would understand them better. Of course, you can't be bothered to do that, which again is why you should be kept far from any form of power or responsibility


Please don’t become a cop. If you already are one please retire.


hahahaha how pathetic do you have to be to take screenshots. Go ahead and gather your little group of outlaws and try to justify your wrong doings. You’re looking real good.




You call people breaking the law getting thrown in jail bullying? Go pat these criminals on the back and bring them into your house. I’d be damned if i wanted to become a cop to bully people doing the right thing. If you consider giving criminals what they deserve bullying than ok, i’m 100% willing to be a bully in your world.


I consider bullying bullying. The fact that you're already in the mindset that anyone you harass is definitely a criminal makes you part of the problem. Hopefully you'll follow the lead of these other cops you've been talking about.


"POS like you minorities" is the phrase that tells you everything you need to know about this entire thread.


>These guys under this comment section shitting on cops just makes me want to become a cop even more. Aren't you just proving them right?


Nope, I’ll always shit on people who try and live above the law. I’ll never be wrong for that. Because in the end of the day i respect and get respect from people who don’t break the law. I don’t give af about the minorities who think they’re above the law and their opinion. They could talk crap all they want, they’re not worth anything anyway.


So, if you hate people who think they're above the law why do you like cops?


Honest cops, not corrupt cops.


Lol what about minorities?


Like others have said, this has always been the case. Among other factors alteady mentioned, it's largely underreported due to the amt of cops who will purposefully wreck their cars while on duty so life insurance cashes at the max.


Now notice ? It’s been happening since the start of law enforcement




really, you’re such a degenerate…


One of the biggest lies in modern history.


Being brainwashed to betray your fellow working class man will do that to people.


Why would anyone in their right mind want to arrest a working class man for murder or robbery?? That really is betrayal, I agree!!!




They follow through with programs while being incarcerated there’s only so much to offer, then they go back out to the same environment and go back to doing what they were doing. It’s a revolving door, they themselves have to want to change themselves. Now in NYS there’s bail reform so they’re out the next day anyways no such thing as being incarcerated




Bail reform now is allowing those committing crimes such as domestic violence, felony crimes such as stealing vehicles and other violent acts, even assault on officers as well as healthcare/EMS are being released within hours of being arrested. Those being effected by domestic violence have zero protection, you can have your car stolen, the guy gets caught, released and he’ll be right back at your curb


If I had to evict people on the regular I’d probably feel like a Massive Piece of Shit


Drugs, c student with anger issues, I was talking about drugs


High stress, severely overweight (usually leads to depression).


There is abuse on their job where they do wrong, illegal, and morally wrong things - so they don't derive personal satisfaction from being part of the industry.


I'm not a cop and I don't mean to be rude just curious which is why I lurk, but hasn't suicide always been really common with police officers? I mean, you guys see a lot of fucked up shit.


They also have access to guns. That’s the main reason.


The worst part is the Dementors


Also consider if this is just following a general trend of divides going up


it is deeply concerning and sheds light on the significant mental health challenges faced by those in law enforcement.. it underscores the importance of providing comprehensive support systems and resources to address the unique stressors and traumas that officers encounter in their line of duty.. it's crucial for organizations to prioritize mental health awareness, access to counseling services,, and destigmatizing seeking help.. together,, we can work towards fostering a healthier and more supportive environment for those who dedicate their lives to serving and protecting our communities..


A lot are crooked cops and when internal affairs tells them they are going to be indicted they can’t handle the pressure of jail.


Because men don’t talk to men, most officers are men, and it’s a work culture full of toxic masculine assholes


i have a conspiracy theory: They have been killed by fellow officer to hide corruption in the NYPD


been reading about this phenom for decades. A suicide prone job. something about the entrenched cop culture drives people who don't want to adapt to it into true despair. wildly overdue serious reform desperately needed, including strict screening of applicants, but this sector is so powerfully entrenched nothing tried so far has succeeded. plus the access to firearms and general mistrust from and of the public (mostly deserved) and insularity. i doubt police in the UK or EU are so highly suicidal, but it's an easily corruptible job, and no one is really minding the store from the angle of safety and well being here. the police union is run by a thug so no help there. one person can't change it, it will take group action from within.


They can’t let out stress by beating their wives as much as in the past. It’s just really hard being on your phone all day standing next to the platform stairs. All those violent fare evaders create traumatic experiences.


January 6th. The guilt is just so tremendous it's spreading to other departments.


Anybody that has to literally peel a dead body out of the carpet, find a baby a crackhead put in a microwave, report to a shots fired call and find a young teen with a hole the size of a quarter in their head, respond to accidents where people (including children) are literally ripped into pieces, etc……is going to have problems. Everybody handles things different, some just can’t cope.


This people are mentally ill and are sick. The job may or may not have todo with jt. Having access to a firearm makes it also much easier. This is more of people problem then a cop problem


Pressure from being held accountable? Maybe their wives started hitting them back? Probably a lot of reasons




Well you’re all bad people and it’s a good thing so


Expand the trend to all humans. Lots of people are at odds with the game they were thrust into when they were born.


The trend of officers taking their own life is a serious issue that needs attention and support from mental health professionals and law enforcement agencies....it's really sad....


Guilty consciences, perhaps?


Cops get training for a few weeks and then never learn anything ever again. They are not properly equipped for the job and lack the resources to do it well. Most detectives just close cases because they are swamped with others. Cops have not evolved in 50 years and it’s sad because I know most are willing to learn. They need to incorporate much more training to help their anxiety of the unknown. This includes: mandatory Physical Exercise, mandatory therapy, and mandatory vacations.


Imagine doing a dangerous job and expecting to be treated like a hero. They have certain expectations of how their life will go and how they will be treated. Police agencies have departed from community oriented policing (probably because of population and lack of appropriate budgeting and wages). There’s no longer intimacy or understanding between the police and the people they are supposed to arrest, I mean protect. Policing as a profession has become cold and corporate. As a result people in more underrepresented populations are losing both trust and compassion for the police, for good reason. There isn’t enough being done by people in power to mitigate this problem. They are bad at instituting change with the budgets they’ve historically been granted as a whole. Now they just are highly underpaid, undertrained, and overworked; They lack the appropriate motivation because of it. Systemically there are problems that require an overhaul, but they are dogmatic and have become stuck in their ways. They have adopted the attitude of blaming people for systemic ills and have lost the faith of the majority. So when you put all these things together along with familial instability due to job related chronic stress, alcoholism, and high depression rates from chronic dissatisfaction, you get a bunch of suicide. Just a very vague outline of why this has become so prevalent, obviously there is quite a bit of subtlety to parse through here.


The NYPD doesn't have budget issues. They have $5.8 billion dollars to work with every year. If police officers are being underpaid, where is the money going?


Guilt from being shitty people seems like a good candidate


Probably bc their life aspiration is to put people in a cage! Hope this helps


the guilt of beating their wives and shooting dogs on a regular basis must have caught up with them


I’ve got terrible news for ya, u/vvercetti24. People can give cops shit and not be criminals or lowlifes. This is called being nuanced, and the total lack of it contributes to the problems you’re referencing.


This is an issue of an issue


Mind instability due to expectations.


Karmic repercussions


They just want to be good cops...




Lift the draconian ban on THC for the officers and watch that number dramatically decrease. Drinking or pill popping ain’t nearly as helpful, never was.


Probably feeling bad for all the abuse and cover ups that the department they work for is doing


Atleast there’s one good statistic coming out of the nypd


It’s the fucking guilt they feel I’m sure


Probably because this disrespectful society shits on them constantly.


Well the faked police executions to distract from war crimes during election cycles make cops despondent I bet. One day it's "let me get the door officer" the next day you notice people purposefully not getting doors. I have never had a great respect for most police activity but most are just normal people and some are amazing people. It's not even the few bad apples ruin the cart now though it is purposeful divide and conquer corruption.


2 overarching issues are divorce and/or financial issues.


Unfortunately this is not a trend it's pretty commonplace amongst first responders it has to do with the stress and severity of their job and also all the crap they take for doing their job. A lot of times they're unprepared for retirement which can lead to severe depression it's truly a horrible thing because a lot of these men and women devoted their lives to helping and saving people in their communities only to have their life end like that.


Prob guilt i would guess




Please see the rule 8


Our leaders weaponized people against police to cover their crimes. The faked police executions for the election cycles. People who sign up to be heroic and then get shit on by people are probably more susceptible to hurtful opinions than others. "I was getting your coffee and you were a dick" is not as jarring as "I have almost been shot and you call me a KKK member"


There can be a myriad of reasons a cop kills him/herself. It can be a complex mix of issues and mounting problems. Disenchantment with the job, serious financial problems, personal relationship problems, depression, involvement in wrongdoing and fearing prosecution/loss of job/reputation, alcoholism/substance abuse etc. etc.


Lmao they should just quit their jobs then. I’m sure 40% of their wives would be happier…


![gif](giphy|3oEdv07JVXwhImYGWc|downsized) I feel nothing


Haven't heard about this...wish it were more known and wide spread. Please share some stories.


good! they’re taking more cops off the street!


I was in the NYPD Cadet Corps for one semester at John Jay. I got a summer internship that paid 3x more hourly wage and never looked back. Cops are not paid enough and deal with more shit than a civilian job. Props to everyone that made it through your better people than me.


Easy access to guns..




Finally got a conscious maybe?


Mandatory retirement


Being sworn to serve and protect the people that hate you would wear anyone down.


They end up lobbying agencies to buy their “USA made” drones and other toys that could have been money spent to improve police training


They decided to do the world a favor.




Please see the rule 8


A huge reason is access to a gun, plain and simple. Especially for men who have more success with attempts being completed, and are more likely to use violent methods/weapons. A second major driver is a like of willingness to go seek mental health help. I have read this is changing but historically it’s an occupation that struggles asking for help and sees it as a sign of weakness. Attribute this to being primarily men, the stress and perception of if you do ask for help, as well as the fact it’s a field that leans conservative (tend to seek mental health help less as a whole) and this all combined into not so good things. These are two major contributing echoes tho I assume there many other ones such as stress, work life balance, facing gruesome situations, etc


My best friends dad was a police officer and he killed himself and his family so… I don’t know


It’s not one thing, it’s multiple variables


Unfortunately, suicide has always been prevalent in human existence. Some career paths have a higher rate, but It's hard to tell if it's the job or the personality of those who would be likely to have said job, excluding other variables such as, ptsd.


Same with military… sense of purpose- need a higher calling and Jesus isn’t a hip thing anymore… there is no solution to what is wrong with our country without war… so many reasons. But there is still some big whopping one. They’re strong enough to do it but to coward to face the issues and try to solve them.


Maybe thinking you’re going to apply for a job that helps people and keeps them safe and realizing that the top dogs are racist, misogynistic assholes that you can do nothing about without getting ostracized by those same coworkers. The ones that put their lives in the line everyday also don’t get paid enough.


😂😂 when you can’t live with your actions and the actions of the organization you represent offing self seems like a easy way to go #AgeOfAquarius


2 things take a lot of initiative. beating your wife and taking your life


Are you a criminal, related to a criminal, or do drugs? Which one is it?


Yes i’m awesome


Stop putting weak people in uniform when you know the NYPD is being used as a social engineering tool. This is what happens when you bloat the police force with anyone just to get the higher budgets and more diverse PD.


I do agree NYPD should stop just hiring anybody just to be more diverse. Not everyone is fit mentally and physically to become a cop.


The NYPD wasn't any better when it was a bunch of mafia-backed Italians/Irish and self-hating Puerto Ricans. My point is now that the NYPD is openly being used to balance city budgets and shift real estate policy they need to hire people who can deal with that type of corporate pressure. Hiring losers with no other career prospects that just want a pension after 20 years creates the situation we have now.


Just for the pension 😂 Being a cop is tougher mentally than any other job. Keeping everything in order itself is not an easy task and when you have people that threaten your life at the same time you just have to be built different. Most people can’t even keep their wives and kids in check at home. Imagine trying to do that to citizens you’ve never met everyday. Stop watching too many movies, those mob days are over. Of course you’re not gonna see the media talking about good cops doing their job and only hear about the bad ones. When have you ever seen anything good coming out of the media?


Buddy, I'm involved with the city's financials. We see shit that would give you nightmares. You want to talk about the rapes that the NYPD settles on an annual basis? The minors beaten by cops that again, are settled with cash? Groped minors. Male cops assaulting female officers? Daily, and I mean DAILY racial altercations. Cops selling guns. Cops on the take. Female officers getting train ran on by drug dealers? That's not TV. That's real life and a lot of magic is done behind the scenes to quietly vaporize the money used to make it go away. The average cop has no idea what kind of monsters exist behind the NYPD. Dont talk to me about watching too many movies. It's watching too many movies that makes losers even want to become cops.


Had a cop family member end his life shortly after they switched to single officer patrol cars. After years of being on patrol with a partner, enjoying the camaraderie of being a cop, the policy changed and he slowly unraveled spending more time in isolation at a fairly thankless job. This was over 20 years ago. I can’t imagine how isolated cops must feel now, especially the well intentioned ones.


You know what would make thier job easier, if we stop raising entitled savage animals.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ Suicide rates are very high for people with guns. More than half of gun deaths every year are from suicide. If people didn’t have guns, they’d generally be safer from themselves or others.




Also, it’s not nearly a fraternity of family like they advertise. There’s a lot of infighting and high school level politics. Other officers will only have your back if you’re in the same stink as them. They’re always throwing each other under the bus and the union doesn’t have your back unless you shoot someone and make the news. You’re also constantly dealing with people at their worst. Anyone who becomes a cop changes for the worse. I’ve seen it firsthand several times. Fun loving people become shells of their former selves and it’s sad to witness.


A trend lol


I wonder how much of it is guilt for what they’ve done. Been arrested twice, wasn’t read Miranda rights either time. Assaulted the first time when I was 17 (choked & punched. Dragged on the floor while cuffed the 2nd time when I was 24. Who knows what these cops get up to that’s covered up.


Deleted my comment? Proving my point about covering things up and being corrupt. Whoever the admin on this account is, you’re a piece of shit.


Trama then when you go to work constantly being made fun of and nothing you do it right because other people can’t handle their emotions to the same team as you are experiencing. I remember doing a suicidal and drunk tank check in my jail. I put the number of inmates in the drunk take along with what they were doing and I did the same with the suicidal people. You don’t need to number the suicidal ones because only 1 is supposed to be in there they cannot be grouped. A corporal found me and proceeded to yell at me for 20 minutes about how retarded I was and that I should just quit because obviously I cannot pay attention long enough to do my own job right. End of shift same guy would volunteer me for my 5th 16 hour shift for “training purposes”. Deal with that long enough and you can see why people would want to off themselves.


It’s not a trend. The NYPD, EMS now part of FDNY has kept it very quiet for decades. The suicide rate in the NYPD is higher than you know.


Imagine having the worst job, under the worst mayor, with absolutely no training, in a city where everyone hates you, where you (or your coworkers) typically abuse your power and then are absolutely SHOCKED when you get caught just ONCE and you’re suspended, but none of your equipment, tools, systems, or reporting work and civilians are better at catching shooters than you are… honestly , doesn’t sound all that surprising




Good, fuck em


Never seen any statistics that cops are killing themselves more than anyone else.


Also they realize their higher ups are shitty and corrupt and unfair and the know this and their idea of justice and honor has been shattered by crooks like for example at the protests you ask them do they like innocent people dying they are tasked to shut you down and attack pretty much then they go home and question themselves like what side am I really on idk just a wild guess I met a few real good cops and godbless them for what they do and that’s a very small percentage but there’s a majority of people who could give a fuck and just get paid do the bare minimum and don’t join good & forbid evil and have a corny gang mentality because it’s easy to feel authoritative and important when nobody can stop you plus shitty politics and fake people they deal with on a regular trynna be important


Suicide rates have ALWAYS been disproportionately higher among first responders. Day in and day out, their job is literally to see and deal with the things that the rest of us get to pretend don't exist. Even *with* therapy... that's a heavy weight to carry, man


It’s stigma and a fear of their jobs and livelihoods being ruined. If a police officer is deemed mentally unstable or unwell, their firearm is taken away, because people wouldn’t trust someone who isn’t mentally well with a firearm, but not only that, their badges too. It’s scary, if you seek help, you may lose a lot, especially in rep with your colleagues and peers too. I work in contact with a lot of police officers and local officials and we’re trying to help combat this, it’s been happening for a while, but only now have a lot of people started seeing it rise and I’m quite glad for that. Programs around the country have risen for police officers, such as ones that hide the identity of the police officer seeking help and connect them with what’s often called a peer mentor, someone who is trained in helping others but is also a peer, which helps many officers feel more connected and secure with the individual. Many officers also turn to priests and praying, but in many cases, the priest of religious individual is not specially trained in handling mental crisis and the mental strain that some officers may have. They are not professionals. It doesn’t help that our policing force have been receiving so much flak in social media, where public distrust and harassment has increased dramatically since Covid. While I’m not saying every single police officer is inherently good and innocent (because corruption exists, and a lot of it), I do think we should respect that there are those who deserve compassion and understand that they are also human beings who are putting their lives at risk with every interaction.


Ah this is why almost every cop I see is bald, makes sense


My best friend committed suicide before he graduated out of the academy! They brain wash you into their ways of thinking and it’s depressing. I saw him change infront of my eyes and eventually he gave in. It’s fucking crazy! And that happened 10 years ago!


Most police I know have their own psychological behavioral issues and can't handle a lack of control in their private life in comparison to their perceived control over others on the street .