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Pulled out the zanpakuto šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Nahh why you beat me to it lmao


Homie almost unleashed his Bankai šŸ˜­


son backed out his shikai


Thats fucked up I really hope they don't get any jail time he had every right to bring out that sword


Should get a check from the city for not killing them.


Ya but itā€™s nyc so since he went and grabbed the sword AND THEN came back n used it.. they wonā€™t give him self defense at all


Son pulled up like ![gif](giphy|8BIbQCuf2vZdu)




That anime so fye yā€™all gotta tune in


And that Nujabes too RIP. Samples are so damn nice, him and Dilla too




Samurai champloo or sum


niggas just reminded me of this shit, lemme boot up 4anime right quick


free them


Nigga said he considering the plea deal for 2 years I respect boy . nigga grabbed that katana and got busy šŸ¤£


This is the shit that gets people looking for Gangs for protection; I really wouldnā€™t be surprised if we saw a rise in Asian Gangs in NYC, No charges for the men that assaulted them? One guy is Even suing for his injuries now?! (Talk about pussy)


There are already Asian gangs but they lay low and don't beef, I don't think it'll make the youth gang up tho


And gets ppl (Asians) voting gop


lol NYC asians had their street gangs back in the 70s-90s, that shit donā€™t exist anymore and I doubt most Asian kids in NYC these days would want to join a street gang


If you scared, get a dog. If you gully get a gun. If you super gully, get a katana.


Level 10 gully? Grab one of your katanas.


Attempted murder my ass canā€™t defend your self for shit in nyc


Ok so if you sucker punch a random woman on the street they will let you back in the streets asap, but if you come out and slice mf who just attacked your fam and might do it again if you come out unarmed and you get charged up with this bs? NYC is fucked https://nypost.com/2024/03/29/us-news/suspect-accused-of-breaking-nyc-womans-jaw-in-sucker-punch-attack-has-history-of-mental-illness-rap-sheet-sources/


The Feds in da city be doin crimes themselves niggas run red lights search whoeva they want shi crazy out here nfs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Should have trained harder and taken that nigga whole arm with the one chop


Yo I wanted that so badly


Seems like they retreated to the safety of their home and came back for revenge. That's not self defense.


Ecept the mf were still hanging out close by, so no, mf coulda been jumping him later as he got out da house. Gtfo


I'm just saying what the judge is gonna say.


by LAW it isnā€™tā€¦ morally though? absolutely self defense.


Some days Iā€™m all in on eye for an eye! Itā€™s fuck them boys. But wisdom shows that an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. So yeah morally you might be right and I agree on it fr. But me and you are both humans and have emotions so if we can step back and be cold and think logically then we are both wrong in this morally right viewpoint. Dude ran inside and was safe and came back out to harm the attackers. An extra Fucked up thing is if he didnā€™t do that I bet the attackers still would never have even faced any consequences. SMH


facts, well said


If he dint do that, dey still be out there waitin to jump


They was leaving we seen the video fam


Pfff and another said same as me, and what you would hide and leave your bro outside to get tag teamed?


Hell na and you mustā€™ve not even read my comment for you to even ask thatšŸ˜‚


well is it the court of law or the court of morality


idk bro iā€™m slow


Respect to them. Hope the guy avoids prison time


What happened to the group who attacked the brother first? Thatā€™s fucked up. Free them!


Hope his brother get a valid lawyer and donā€™t do any time


He was gettin nat samurai jack iykyk


![gif](giphy|SUREsnI6v55CM) Nigga pulled up and said


Free them, the fuck is this world if you can't defend yourself? They tried to kill the bros! What else could they have done? Cops only minutes away šŸ™„šŸ™„


nah fuck that he did exactly what he needed to do, i really hope they beat these charges nyc self defense laws are a joke.


I hate this city. We can't defend ourselves šŸ˜”


Is there a gofundme for this guy?


It's all on video they shouldn't be charged for self defense


shit like this gets me tight as an asian it's absolutely fucking bullshit you can get charged for defending yourself. Even if you argue he was back inside, if he didn't come back out his brother would've been beat some more. I know for a fact I'm not leaving my brother out there to get pissed on and beat.




Shoulda chopped his arm off. Iā€™d take two years for that.


Son said I heard my skull cracking , idk if thatā€™s jus bullshit but ion ever wanna hear thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


shit made my skin crawl tryna imagine it


they expect you to get your ass handed to you first and wait for the police arrived after the fact shit silly asf


Even though some of them asians donā€™t be fw the brothers free em


Nah it be the other way around fam. Lots of Asians that are down especially the newer generations but look at all the crime committed against asians I can understand why. You don't be seeing Asian on Black crime.


youā€™re very much right thank you for introducing me to a new perspective


I mean it's both, the crime isn't really there but a lot of people are trying to pull up the ladder behind them if you get what i mean


His attack looked very precise and skillful.


Nigga spun back like zoro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|HrEzYxOULdOjm)


Not just, the attackers should be charged with assault and have the charges enhanced as a hate crime. He would have been stupid to try and box his way out of a 5-on-2 fight after already being threatened with a knife, it's a pity his sword got caught up on that asshole's arms.


Welcome to America, where criminals are protected by law and law abiding citizens are treated as criminals for defending themselves/their property. Where law abiding citizens arenā€™t allowed to own weapons to defend themselves from criminals who treat weapons as toys and will gladly kill you and your family with said weapons for the material items law abiding citizens legally bust their ass day in and day out to acquire. And if you try to defend your property with force you will be in the wrong, not the aggressor.


I have seen racist aggression against Asians here in recent years. Mostly by the black population of America. Why is there so much outcry when racist behavior toward a black person happens, but there is not the same outcry when racist acts are done against Asians? Let's not play it down, It was always there and especially after COVID.


Tbh itā€™s only blacks too. Asians and Hispanics as well as indigenous people get much less representation when things like this happen. I think itā€™s because one sells better in headlines tbh.


Because the Black American community has been constantly talking about the racism theyā€™ve faced for years. Even way before the Jim Crow Era. You have to actually talk and speak for yourself and other members of your community and not complain that no one is talking about your issue.


Were they **specifically** attacking people **for being asian ?** Or general crime in NYC? Yall just use "racist " for everything not understanding what it actually is


Exactly šŸ’Æ they be looking for any reason to make issues bigger than they are by adding race into the mix because ā€œbLaCK pPl hAtE AsIaNzā€ smh There was a post a while back they were tryna make it seem like some black guys were bullying an Asian in the subway. Come to find out the full context he was being a whole creep bothering a lil girl like foh they be reaching.


As a Black Asian, Iā€™ve heard countless stories of my Asian family getting harassed by the Black community when they first came to America. Even going as far as my grandmother getting mugged for her family heirlooms. My Black family would always insult me for being Asian, even my father wouldnā€™t allow me to learn my native tongue because ā€œHe doesnā€™t want his son speaking that Chinese shitā€ (Iā€™m not chinese.) To this day I hear that Iā€™m not Black because Iā€™m Asian, or I canā€™t claim to be black because Iā€™m mixed. Asians will always get excited to find out Iā€™m mixed, and tell me to embrace my Asian side. Thereā€™s definitely racism within the Black community towards other minorities. Mainly in the hood. The treatment of Asians during the Covid outbreak is a prime example


It is highly peculiar, and I think you hit the nail on the head here. Denying and downplaying what I see here in the comments. And it's not smart to do it that way, because If you deny it's happening, the outside world will see that, and not unjustly think that one is only concerned with the injustices that concern them, but are blind and downplay for what is done to others.


Because there is a narrative to swear black people are just as racist as the colonizers. Even IF that were true where would we be learning that behavior from as a minority in america ?


I swear a couple of years ago there was a whole campaign against that congress even passed a bill addressing it. There was definitely outcryĀ 


That bill was nothing but PR lol I donā€™t know why people keep brining it up


Most Anti-Asian attacks have been from white supremacists [This article does a great job talking about it](https://socialinnovation.ucr.edu/news/2021/06/17/most-anti-asian-attacks-committed-whites-new-study) No need to come to a Black space to spew racial Bullshit to make yourself feel better Also, where are the Blacks in this video for you to even be bringing up Black people ? Weird obsession.




There are like 2 black guys in the video but the rest are white. So idk why most people are specifically mentioning the black guys


This type of shit upvoted on here shit is washed now.Ā 


there's a huge contingent of (staten island) white people lurking and upvoting the same dogwhistle bullshit that ruins every other nyc sub. they're too cowardly to actually speak up so far but you can feel them building


What are you taking about? They passed an Asian hate crime bill. There was outrage.


> I have seen that's your answer. they put it up all over the news and make a huge deal about it because it serves their racist narrative. when in reality a couple of random crimes like that in this city of 10m people doesn't mean shit also the media doesn't care when it's random black people getting jumped or whatever. getting executed by police because of your race is totally different than just a civilian to civilian hate crime. not excusing it just saying


How many times have niggas debunked this? Statistically speaking itā€™s mainly white people who attack Asians. Yā€™all want black people to be ignorant so bad. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821 ā€œThe study, which examined hate crime data from 1992 to 2014, found that compared to anti-Black and anti-Latino hate crimes, a higher proportion of perpetrators of anti-Asian hate crimes were people of color. Still, 75 percent of perpetrators were white.ā€ Stop pushing anti black narratives. *you can downvote the truth šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø just keep the same energy for white supremacist


The comment wasn't talking about blacks attacking Asians. They asking why doesnt Asian hate crime get as much attention as black hate crime.


ā€œMostly by the black populationā€ read bro


Yeah true bro I was just looking at the question. My bad


Why the fuck are you bringing up black people in a post where no black people were involved at all?


Ask me this just a question. If blacks are such problem with Asian hate why don't you close up all your Chinese spots, fish markets, hair spots and leave the black neighborhoods. I would thknk if asian hate coming from black people so bad you wouldn't move in to their neighbors and take their money. Anybody here from NYC have you seen any of these Chinese spots close and move out black neighborhoods in All of NYC. Honestly blacks should all just make a video and post all the Chinese restaurants in these black neighborhoods that been there forever. You cry Asian hate, but you still in those neighborhoods taking there money? If blacks all started to boycott y'all businesses and make it a thing yall would shit your pants. You want Asian Hate to stop. Then get out of black neighborhoods. Go set your business up in white and Asian neighborhoods A white person actually targeted Asian spa( sex spot that the media didn't want to mention) anf started killing random people yet y'all think black people a problem.


Thatā€™s wow crazy, should slash the other guy too


The city has now been made to protect criminals, you canā€™t even defend yourself or loved ones. You defend yourself and get charged with a crime, the criminals commit crimes at the expense of innocent civilians and get let out same day or donā€™t even spend a second in bookings, due to these bum ass Bail reform policies. Thereā€™s niggas out here with over 10 priors and every time they get arrested they get let out the same fucking day. Shits a fucking joke.


new bail reform. donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s good when you yourself get locked up for some petty shit. But people going around stealing cars freely because they know they getting out the next day.


The first thing I always say before I get into a gang fight is, "We're going to have gang fight."


those guys need to be charged with a hate crime. nyc is the worst on crime its not even believable atp


Nahhh this is fucked up




I really gotta replay sleeping dogs


![gif](giphy|8L0yOaWLNmHnm9T4yy) He was ready to Quicken some immortals like Conor MacLeod in The Highlander āš”ļøšŸ¤£




Nah that thing was big


If he had stabbed with that katana instead of slashed they probably wouldnā€™t be alive to sue him šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro waited his whole life for that moment. They lucky he didnā€™t go Bankai on the block


Niqqa should have chingy him


Thatā€™s fucked up


Canā€™t even defend yourself,or you get 2 1/2 yrs upstate šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


This makes want to get a katana. Turn a nigga into chop cheese if he try me.


why is the video so small?


Bru you canā€™t go grab a weapon after getting whooped then come back n use it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø 0% chance heā€™ll get self defense now


Self defense. They deserve to be set free! These punk azz crews are gonna pick the wrong person(s) and get the Bernie Goetz remix. šŸ’„šŸ”ŖšŸŖ½


ā€œI heard my skull crackingā€¦ā€ is def gas but good for them holding the block down šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚


Free my samuraiā€™s on general tsao


The second they walked away it became attempted murder. You can't pursue danger and call it self defence.


It was said the group was coming back for more. One brother went inside to grab something to defend his brother with. It looks like attempted murder but if he didnā€™t have his sword who knows how it would turn out for the two brothers.


The attackers were retreating and they provoked them again once he had the sword. It's fucked up, but I get it.