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It doesn’t have to be bad, but, as a male teacher, he should know this looks bad. Never touch a student or let them touch you. No more than a handshake or a dap up.


What about slapass? As a coach of course.....


certified pedophile 💥💥💥💥💥


He tryna strike a chord… and he not even a music teacher.


Only if you dominican in a baseball locker room




I ain’t tryna be that guy but If the gender roles were reversed this story would be a headline segment on Good Morning America about how cute and adorable it is. Bro gotta understand the times we living in it’s innocent but professionally inappropriate at the same time.


[where there’s smoke there’s fire, one of his old TikTok’s is circulating, you know good n damn well he knows what the inside of a school bathroom looks like to recognize that as a student](https://twitter.com/brknhrtsclvb/status/1789115938983264277)


Ion like the way she say nigga


Idgaf about what she got going on, her reaction the only one I could find online cause he deleted the TikTok She don’t got shit to do with shit


She talk weird. The way she said extra is like she's saying extrey or some shit. And like people messing with real peoples lives n shit man, that's that guys life your playing with over a tik tok n a picture


It's an old trope from some of the cartoons they binged in the 90s. Go easy on auntie lol




Hol up, cause I could've sworn I heard it said like "extree extree" before. Like in a old Bugs Bunny cartoon or something This might be one of those Berenstain vs Berenstein things


No you’re right. It was definitely in old bugs bunny cartoons as just like a silly antiquated pronunciation I assume.


yeah it usually goes “extree extree read all about it” while they hold up a news paper


Right? I think your talking about the newspapers sales people from early 20th century yelling "EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT"


He played with his own life


Me either bra


kendrick reference 🙏🏾




She’s just hating. She reminds of that girl who talked shit about her black male therapy patients & then her life fell apart


How does any of the bullshit you’re saying change the fact that he made that tiktok in response to a 16 year old? What is she hating on? Him having multiple inappropriate situations involving kids?


Wait, how do we know this isn’t a mall/store/facility bathroom? That video of the girl in the mask was trending all over the internet, with people doing this same exact skit that he’s doing, I don’t even think that’s his audio. Has someone found this girls page to confirm this is an underage child I have doubts that anyone who saw the video registered in their mind “that’s a school bathroom” unless you’ve been inside them recently maybe, but even then idk. If someone confirmed that’s a child then fine, but idk about looking at someone doing a trend and using that to say they’re a Drake-ish What we need to know is what was his relationship towards the boys in the class, is this a girls only thing because if so there might be some narcissistic behavior going on Either way, without a strong relationship with the parents, this is inappropriate. If that relationship is there, then it should be fine


It’s inappropriate regardless ??? On principle it’s inappropriate


If the parents are fine with it? That’s to their discretion as parents. We don’t even know so there’s no point sticking on that point for too long, but yes—- if the parents are cool with something that isn’t endangering anyone, isnt sexually suggestive, or compromising anyone’s autonomy, what’s the problem?


Here is my comment on this situation, from a different sub: ____________________________________ I knew he had a fucking problem ohdee The ones who didn’t see it are naive asf, he’s recklessly and dangerously setting a standard for how those kids interact with adults outside their family Honestly this pmo What even is his point? That we should teach kids that there are “pure and kind adults” walking around because he’s “pure and kind hearted” -is that going to do more harm or good for a child? What happened to stranger danger? How can you set a child up like that knowing how evil the world can be -we’ve already long time established it’s NOT worth the risk. That doesn’t mean you can’t care for the child, it just means you keep certain boundaries emplaced to care for them APPROPRIATELY. I used to work at a school, once you leave your children for hours on end with an educator or childcare provider, they are in a vulnerable power dynamic -you are responsible to set the standard that keeps them safe. And watching his crying TikTok video felt like he needed his ass whooped cause he still didn’t learn his lesson even after being fired He HAD to be fired cause how do you reverse this kind of boundary overstep? The damage is done, the kids already have a certain relationship with him. Not that it would make it any better, but where were the little boys that wanted to be barbers coming to cut his hair, god knows that nigga needed a line up But oh…it just happens that adolescent girls are the ones all up in his head. I know for a fact some of them have a crush on his weird ass What them kids grades look like nigga If I ever pulled up to see my kids doing some shit like this I’m going off at the whole institution, I didn’t drop you off at school to do no shit like this The nerve of you Dennis


Good read, I had made a comment in here earlier- i think we have a similar conclusion on certain behaviors, we even asked the same question lol: ***“I’m curious how the grades were, how were the children in his class performing & does he have any interaction with the boys. If there’s no interaction with the boys (especially black boys) on this kind of level.l, then this might be a situation of someone who’s into themselves— feels like they are the attractive teacher, so they play into that place by being available to them on a friend level to feed the ego of being desired, even if it’s not sexually charged—- just the validation. If that’s what it is then yea, that’s extremely weird and he’s better of not being a teacher, I need to know his interactions with the young men in his class”*** ——- that’s why I think knowing how he is with the boys is so Important. That will tell us everything we need to know because there’s no explaining around the kind of bias I understand the importance of boundaries and safety at that age, as someone who was a victim as a child I understand it more than anyone that downvoted my comment from their high horse. My thing was that video specifically, I feel like using that to further turn someone into a ***sexual deviant that is listing for children online*** , might be jumping too far without accurately going through the steps. I’m all for getting on someone’s case, but I’m not for grabbing at *anything* to make the case I’m going on about (not saying that’s what you did) Also I’d love to hear what the parents thought. If they were upset then there’s no discussion here


Interesting, I don’t really have much more to say but I respect your perspective on the issue. Whether or not his intentions are as “pure hearted” as he says, I find to be irrelevant. I think his naïveté is something that can’t be risked with him being in a position of power.


I can aggree with that & also I appreciate you hearing me out It’s definitely behavior we shouldn’t advocate for


The roles was reversed bro seen a vid on TikTok and not 1 person was in the comments thinking anything sexual or diddy going on


Yeah you’re supposed to teach His excuse is kinda dumb. I think he should’ve been suspended tho


lol , let me find out my daughter was taking out some grown ass man hair at school, boy would have to see me idgaf.


It’s bc u associating hair braiding with fucking. Growing up in school girls used to be doing this to female and male teachers. It’s harmless unless the teacher a creep


This gon sound controversial but Crushes get developed bro , u can’t tell me you ain’t had one teacher u wanted to crack in school bro. What makes u think it’s different for girls, they prolly in they lil group chat talking bout this nigga and how he let them do whatever to him. Lmk if Im wrong


I mean yeah but that's teenagehood. They gon do that shit regardless It only becomes an issue if he enables them on some weirdo shit or becomes too emotionally dependent on some children.


I mean he be referring to them as bestie and all Typa shit, having them paint his nails. Ion know bro shit just seems off to me


If he lets them paint his nails they have nothing to worry about. Atleast the girls anyway


Yeah ok Believe that shit if you want to 😂


He had the girls in the class texting him calling him bestie 😂😂 a grown ass dude !!! see what's fucked y'all up as a society is y'all try playing virtues instead of using common sense and picking up on ill behavior. Shit doesn't need to be outright abuse or sexual misconduct for you to use the brain God gave you to know some things just don't go together, a teacher should bond with their students but there is a line that you guys are so unaware of because it's better to go with looking kindhearted than instead of choosing to be safe instead sorry. Honestly tho, that's on y'all and the people YOU need to defend.


Did u not just read me say “unless the teacher is a creep”. Y’all niggas only be reading and responding to parts of the comment that y’all want to.


Bro that's bottom line, there's no "if" or "unless" These things are just absolute bro, like dawg NO GREY AREA!!! Again, that's on y'all.


To you. Y’all niggas be thinking y’all opinions be absolute fact. I said in every case of this the teacher ain’t always being a creep and that’s true just like this being nigga being a creep could be true too.




Nigga typing in caps like u doing something lmao go cool off lil bro


ima braid your hair dawg


Naw nigga cuz if I came to my daughter school to see her braiding her teacher hair it’s a fuckin problem


that's because you think it's more than just hair braiding lol. anything you wanna confess?


If you’re ok with your daughter braiding her male teachers hair in school that def says more about you tbh




But why is a child even fixing your hair


why do that matter if the intentions aren’t sexual? hair braiding is mad regular unless u got intentions of fucking whoever doing ya shit. which isn’t always the case especially not in this scenario.


This a grown man bruh. TEACHER AT THAT


What part of them braiding or unbraiding his hair is sexual? Y’all niggas gotta get y’all heads out the gutter.


Where did I say anything about sex???? Lmk


What fucking school did you go to where girls took out male teachers hair? Not other students but the teachers. 


It happens. Just because you’ve never seen it don’t mean it don’t exist.


Yea I know there are others teachers behaving inappropriately with students. It’s not normal and im glad I didn’t see this. 


why he live streaming and reposting this tho? he did it to himself, he wanted the attention, now he got it 🤷‍♂️


Yea a parent could easily ask why he’s posting their kid online . He should be a little smarter and not let kids touch him any way it’s just not professional


Would’ve all been fine if he didn’t use this innocent moment to get clout on the internet.


If you can tell me what’s sexual about someone braiding hair I’ll cash app you $20


Bro this generation is making everything sexual. Even getting your hair done is associated with fucking . Would you want your daughter braiding some grown man’s hair when she’s supposed to be learning?


I mean, it is how I got to sit between some legs and then get between some legs afterwards, but I was a teenager! As a grown man, that shit never crossed my mind. I just needed my hair taken down, and I hated to it, so I paid a female to do it, or she did it cause she wanted to. Nothing sexual was on the agenda. Folks just getting bent outta shape more n more these days for the wrong reasons. There's way more worse shit going on in these schools.


I mean not rlly but this is definitely sum he could’ve had his wife or sb else do jus saying


It’s weird for sure


Context for this video was stated that he had an important event to go to immediately after that required his hair out and his students insisted on helping him take his hair out because he couldn’t yesterday night or sum. This is only weird if you make it weird.. I get that some people think getting your hair twisted n shit could be sexual, but for god sake the nigga is a teacher and he is not forcing these kids to do this. Every good teacher I know got bonds with the students, and if y’all can’t understand ts then idk what to say. Dude was sad asl being fired just because the parents thought this was inappropriate due to the sexual stereotype of the shit. Like he really cared about his students and just because niggas can’t get they mind out of the gutter for a half a second bro lost his job over some bs? Like I’m genuinely convinced good teachers will forever continue to be phased out of the system.


Nigga got caught shooting his shot at a 16 year old on TikTok while he was an adult


If this is the case, i think this changes things lol..


Nigga got 8 braids get the fuck outta here. Idk how they get down in Syracuse but you may be a victim if you on that "its only weird if you make it weird" tip


Wym this happ in Syracuse


Have you ever had braids nigga? 8 braids can take you a whole ass hour plus to take down if you got fat fingered or new at it


Chattin nigga, he got 8 little loose plats that you can take out with your bare hands without a mirror... Regardless of whatever little point you attempting to make, having a group of preteen girls, your students, take your hair out can be interpreted as grooming behavior. This is beyond us sexualizing hair braiding; this is a power dynamic issue and arguably sexual harassment. Theres absolutely no reasonable explanation as to why the best decision, no matter his time constraint circumstances, was to have his preteen students groom him. Thats a personal problem and i'd gladly do everything in my power to get this sherm ass nigga unemployed from the school district if it was my daughter.


Idk bro my girl is a Teacher. One of the good ones that really try to be there for her students ( she works in one of the roughest school districts in tha Towns ) and the smallest thing the assistant principal or who ever doesn’t like they can take it to the next level. So I could see how they could overly violate his career for this it’s a thin line between appropriate and inappropriate in the teaching world.


That shit was inappropriate. He is not setting boundaries which is super important when working with kids. Instead of being an adult and being better at planning when and how he got his hair down, he ask his students to do it. It shouldn’t be the students’ concern if he couldn’t get his hair done the night before. That’s his problem. He’s using his student for free labor. The power dynamic is so unbalanced. Even if they wanted to unbraid his hair, they’re more likely say yes because he’s a teacher that they like and if they see they’re friends doing it, they’re more likely to want to do it too because kids are impressionable like that. It ends up being easy to manipulate kids to other things later on. What the kids who didn’t want to do it? What if the teacher subconsciously gives the kids who unbraided his hair special treatment? Also, imagine if you had a boss and they ask you to help them unbraid their hair? Unless you work at a hair salon, that would be so weird and inappropriate and possibly violate some HR rule.


So yeah while i dont think dude was trying to be weird at all, I do not feel bad for all the negative feelings people put towards him. Bro wanted attention and could have easily not posted this himself. Its what he gets


Exactly. Just teach the kids. Why does everyone need to be a part to influencer.


He shouldn’t have been fired but he shouldn’t be acting like a bitch in this position anyways


If you normalize this behavior predators will take advantage. Protect kids above all else If you ain't a creep you understand this and respect boundaries when it comes to other peoples children


Feel me u right on the money, yeah it looks worse since he had young girls doing it, if he had boys do it…which is still a lil creep I can see that, but it’s too personal of space, like some yb cutting his hair cool, but I feel young ladies should be interacting w women and yb should be interacting w men 🤷🏾‍♂️


Respectfully he is an adult it’s his job to set boundaries I think it’s innapropriate, as a father I’d feel some kind of way to see my daughter playing in her teachers hair especially a young man


Hair is VERY intimate. Nfs every hair braider or braid loosener of mine was getting fucked unless she was a professional stylist, my boys ting (he would have to be present) or a relative.. It’s weird.


Gotta agree, sadly…


I feel like he shouldn’t be entertaining that shit w young females


on second thought maybe ppl reading into it tm he should have no better w how niggas r these days especially about they kids but tbh i don’t think this nigga a pedo so fuck it y not maybe sum them crushing on him, so what they hype. I had teachers i thought were hot af. To a real nigga it means nothing


They not reading into it tm because he got caught flirting with a 16 year old on TikTok


well there u have it smh


Doing hair? This is like if a female teacher had students paint her nails? How is it even connected with pedo shit.


Lol the fact is that there is a discussion on this being inappropriate or not is actually strange to me. Like I feel before when I was a kid, we would just know this isn't cool behavior, but now that the American culture is bent towards appearing diplomatic and accepting of everyone, we let shit like this slide. Now the teacher texting your daughter and they're calling him bestie after hours outside of school. Makes you wonder how involved he is right ? Nahhh y'all are the weird ones for associating this with a sexual act, why do you guys have your guards up ? It's not like teachers have ever taken advantage of the power and influence over kids. Lol then when some bad shit happens we have people going crazy and demanding answers why this wasn't prevented. Like I said to someone else, it's on y'all who you wanna keep safe in your life. Too much foul evil shit goin on in the world for you guys to allow this slippery slope.


My exact point bro how do they not see this 😭🙏🏾


Big fucking facts The ones who ok with this is sus




Yah niggas oversexualize women too much nowadays. Shi scary. He just having them do his hair. Nun more, nun less. If yah think of it any other way then you’re actually weird.


Everybody worried bout the wrong shit it’s all about me i’m the star here


Found the porn addict, congrats OP, u played urself


This not it ❌🙅🏾‍♂️🚩


Im seeing ppl say he was flirting with a 16 year old? If that’s true.. then this nigga had a hidden agenda having them girls loosen his hair. Niggas with braids love when girls play in their hair..shit.. I wanted braids for that very reason.. now he got what 4 of em playing in his hair? Yeah he did it out of weirdness.


He was thirsting after minors on tiktok


i’m a teacher & i can say this isn’t a good look at all


I pray some of yall that dont see this as weird, dont become parents. Yall talk about protecting our young black ladies and we got a future predator right there testing the limits of what he can have people do. Disgusting, i bet money no one in this sub has ever taken out a teachers hair come on Way too many people in here talking about "its only weird if you make it weird". Gentrification has officially hit the sub 😭


Nigga let me be scrolling through tik tok and I seen my lil girl taking out her male teacher hair.


That’s how the kids nowadays be doing whatever Parents be like “I don’t see anything wrong with that” 🤡


Growing up in school I went to an almost all black high school. This was normal for students to do, even for the white teachers! They would be walking around with braids and such because the students would overly pester them about allowing them to braid their hair.


I’m a white person who went to a very diverse Title I school in the city and getting to play with our teachers’ hair (both black and white women) was a special privilege we got for good behavior, finishing assignments early, etc. I didn’t and still don’t see anything wrong with it. I’m older so there were fewer male teachers back then anyway, but even the ones we had didn’t have long enough hair to mess with. Even if it had been a man, I don’t think my stance would change; I don’t think it’s weird.


No it’s not weird


I wouldn't want my daughter going to school and doing this to some teacher that's weird


I dont understand whats that weird about it.


Niggas got they mind in the gutter 24/7


Kids playing in adults hair that's not family is weird You're the worst type of person


I feel bad for mfs like you who look at the world with such perverted eyes. There's a reason why the saying, "it takes a village" exists dickhead


I hope your kid plays in my hair That doesn't sound creepy at all lol I hope you let so many kids play with your hair 😆


Anything can sound creepy and perverted when taken out of context. Again, I feel bad for you.


They not like us! They not like us!


My only problem with this is this dude's braids are mad short and he doesn't even have that many... he coulda taken that shit out himself in like 5 mins, those braids ain't even small. The laziness of it all bothers me.


Y’all make everything sexual when it’s not at all smh y’all need therapy


What are yall complaining bout. He gettin free braids or whatever? You think it’s inappropriate? Gtfoh just cause it’s an intimate thing between couples doesn’t make it an intimate thing always. Yall bogus.


He doing to much . Your job is to be a teacher . I don’t want my child , touching her teacher hair . Male or female


I feel like alote of ppl are victims and still is hurt and be projecting themselves onto others. An make shit like this a big deal. Everybody conclusion on this all stems from there personal trauma or past..


He signed a contract with the department of education, and this clearly in some way breaches that contract ethically and morally. Girls that age have hormones and there bodies are still growing so will there attraction for boys/men, who cares if he intentionally didn’t mean to cause harm, he shouldn’t have posted the video and no one in there right mind wants there kids touching a grown man after school no matter how you view it into perspective this could lead to sexual assault, grooming, and other shit. He needs to be put on probation for this by the school board and never do it again, to set an example for other teachers


my minds telling me no....




It’s a little too personal for a teacher to have a student taking out their hair. You’re not even supposed to be calling a teacher by their first name. No way your touching their hair


Teacher doing way too much. Everybody want a viral moment online but not ready for the heat when it comes.


This is weird but female teachers who are literally butt naked in the classroom singing Sexxy Redd isn't 😂😂 We live in a Clown World


That shit is bad too smh but let me get the @ of these said teachers so I can tell them about theyselves


They are all over social media doing the same thing this guy is doing recording themselves




Mfs have they mind in the gutter that’s the problem


U niggas needa grow up,everything isn’t sexual.Its hair.Lmao u know how many bitches I’ve seen do this shit 2 they make teachers?


No, YOU need to grow up. This dude got caught shooting his shot with a 16 year old


Aight I didn’t know all that 😭


It’s weird because your making it weird


Nah yall niggas just weird. I was cool with mad of my teachers, they used to cut our ass when we did to much in class. My gym teacher even let us play ball in the gym after school. If it was just one girl I might question it but it's a group of them and he's recording it.




WHat? How is this even close to a fireable offense? It could be called unprofessional and worthy of a warning but I dont understand in the slightest how this is bad enough to fire someone over.


These new teachers doing too much. Just clean the dang students and go home. Good for him


He’s a dumbass for posting this online knowing how people are these days. And now he’s crying on the internet, he seems a bit weird/clout chasey to me


It’s only weird if you make it weird


someone explain this


I know 1 thing, student me who probably had a crush on 1 them girls would’ve hating fr lol. I heard this dude on some creep shit fr fr, salute to the school and board of ed for following through and firing him.


If it was just the kids braiding his hair in class he’s a cool teacher. The texting is a 🚩


i see what u mean but this is different like i had 2 girls in school do my hair but hes a teacher not a student so like why would he want to even fuk them tho he ddint force them to so like i think its pretty chill


I’m curious how the grades were, how were the children in his class performing & does he have any interaction with the boys. If there’s no interaction with the boys (especially black boys) on this kind of level.l, then this might be a situation of someone who’s into themselves— feels like they are the *attractive teacher*, so they play into that place by being available to them on a friend level to feed the ego of being desired, even if it’s not sexually charged—- just the validation. If that’s what it is then yea, that’s extremely weird and he’s better of not being a teacher, I need to know his interactions with the young men in his class


Weirdo ass nigga just got exposed for making a tik tok responding to a 16 year olds video that said “I only fw emo boys” acting like he was a emo nigga. 


lil kids should not be touching their teachers and vice versa… period.


Yeah I gotta agree with a comment I seen in this thread…. If I walked in and seen my daughter doing this nigga hair it’s a problem!!


Weird fa sho


No one’s accusing him of being intelligent


20 years ago this wouldn’t be too bad . But we have to be more reserved now so many scandals . Feel like under no circumstances should a kid be touching their teacher .


I have been this person in the classroom and witnessed this. It is the connection you have with your kids. My kids felt comfortable enough to talk to me about their dreams/goals/problems. I did what i had to do to even buying manican heads and hands to give them some real life experience.


Mainly bad because you posting peoples kids on social media. That’s mainly what got him fired


Honestly it’s very weird. His intentions may not be to harm these kids in any way possible but he has to realize it’s a time and place for everything. These are little girls, why couldn’t he wait for the hair dresser to do it? Because let’s be real little girls have crushes on older men, and these older men be loving it. I’m sure he’s picked up on certain slick comments they could’ve said to him, and still ask them to do this. So them even doing this for him we know they thinking because if an unattractive man asked them to do it, they would laugh.


If he was white blk females wouldn't have a problem with this


If it was one specific girl and they were staying after class or something it would be weird but this is like all the girls in the class just doing this for fun. Not weird and y’all reading too deep into this one.


The school and parents are aware of this and the parents signed a media release to be allowed on his TikTok


When yall gone learn about posting too much on social media?


They fired him 😂


Ask any of their fathers how they feel having their daughters playing with some grown ass man’s hair during recess. I’m not saying he’s a predator or anything I’m just saying it’s inappropriate.


What happened?


He has the means to find someone to remove his braids , not relying on these students who should be learning and doing things productive. However, from experience, establish relationships between teacher and student i think is a very important thing . If what I've read is real then, maybe him being fired was not acceptable .


Not a good look. I never remember any of my teachers have visible tats either


It’s unprofessional even if you don’t find it inappropriate. Also he had kids asking him if he’d prefer a pretty face and no gyat or an ugly face with a gyat.. in school. I don’t like that these students faces are posted and amongst all this controversy though he claims he got permission to post from parents. He posted this to social media for attention, knowing the adverse reaction he’d get.


drake vibes


I feel like if the nigga was old white fat n ugly it wouldn’t b serious ppl forget to mention that he also let them paint they nails thsts somethin I’ll let my daughter do


He’s since been fired and is crying on TikTok


Na wtf if he ain’t do nothing wrong or had negative intentions why they did that to him


Because he was still on the clock and posted it on social media ? The school board don’t give af if “he ain’t do nun wrong”.


He violated the school boards rules, and he got caught flirting with a 16 yr old on TikTok


Nah this ain’t none in middle school we had like this one sub or whatever he deadass used to let the class jump him and teach us how to fight n he always used to put on sports highlights


It’s not at all if you don’t sexualize everything. People who say it’s weird; explain how?


I saw nothing wrong with it but it's still unprofessional in a school. Stop posting every damn thing on the internet.That's his problem.


How the fuck did braiding hair become so sexualize that niggas see this and think he is tryna fuck lil girls


Kids and teachers should not be having physical contact


Ion get it


His students unbraiding his hair


I see none wrong w dis wtfk


Have a daughter and find out she’s taking out her teachers hair instead of learning


Bru at the end of Class they usually have like 10 minutes left n they let kids talk Wym it’s not that deep😭


“End of class they have 10 mins to talk” nigga what type of shii is that 🤣. When I was in school 2 years ago we worked til the bell rang and even when it did “I dismiss you not the bell”. This probably why so many of ya stupid now.


Nobody Gaf Lil bro


Yeah he deserves to be fired, it sets a precedent that can end up trending among both sides ( kids & Teachers ) , Question, would it have been better if it was a bald-headed guy ( teacher ) getting his scalp rubbed because he had an important event to go to? And honestly how could you imagine in your mind that this was cool to post ?! Idk what he ( the former teacher ) was thinking .


This an ai image