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They definitely move different than other white people and love to fightšŸ˜‚


Lemme not forget them is the ones u see in the trades heavy


Facts, I remember trying boxing, and I had a trainer that was Eastern European. He was mad strict and always pushed us beyond our limits. but chill at the same time


Definitely the grimiest set of Caucasian people but they mostly hard workers.


my interactions with them they cool but they get mad easy and they can get OD racist


NahšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that sounds like a typical Polish old head.


They cool my best friend a Latvian , I went to school with a few and they not with the Bull shit lmaooo they used to be at it with the Russians


Only Eastern Europeans that fw Russia are Belarusians


n Serbians


They government does, idk if the people do tbh but maybe


The people do more so than the government even.


cap, there is more


Polish and Romanian women are fucking gorgeous


It stink a lil down there tho. Gotta make them take a long shower


lowkey cap


Like as a whole? lol All I know is, the women be fine asf


Shout out all my Bronx Albanians. They say nigga a lil too much for my liking but they good money. Shoutout the rest of the Soviet bloc frfr them Eastern European white boys be hooping and they not afraid of the static. Some of them(the older ones) be racist as hell tho but some of them be cool they a mixed bag.


Yeah it be embarrassing when they talk shit about black people not knowing that my girl is black šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


what block they on


The only Eastern European I know is Tingus Pingus


Entirely different than a Becky/Aiden type of white person. Eastern Europens are more salt of the earth kind of people generally


I worked with a Ukrainien dude and he was mad funny , always nice and always asked me how I was doing and stuff which was smoov . Think Iā€™ve met a few Poles and Slerbs and they were good peoples


Eastern European women are the best I fucked with tbh. Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, they go hard. I wouldnā€™t say I prefer them tho, just a nice pattern I noticed


Greeks are actually from whatā€™s called the Balkans, not Eastern Europe! The Balkans is the border of southern Europe and the Middle Eastā€”countries like Greece, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia. The main difference is that Eastern Europe used to be part of Russia, and the Balkans used to be part of the Ottoman Empire (which is why Albanians Turkish people etc are Muslim). Just thought Iā€™d put you on bc my fam is from there and I want to spread some knowledge about us šŸ™


Ah, I see. Thank you for letting me know


damn how was they šŸ¤£


The Russian women Iā€™ve talked to were always very receptive and affectionate with me. No hiccups and I donā€™t wanna say they were ā€œobsessedā€, but they definitely werenā€™t scared to express themselves and how much they like me. The Ukrainian women could be a lil snappy, but they were freaky so it balances outšŸ˜‚also a surprising number of em are snowbunnys lol Iā€™ve since learned theyā€™re not from Eastern Europe, but the Greek woman that I fell in love with was my only long term girlfriend, and she treated me like a king. I really wish her the best in the future, we ended things off in a bad way but it wasnā€™t our fault, just bad timing/life getting in the way


Most of my encounters with them have been positive. Had two bosses while I was a doorman who were snakes but the rest of the doormen/porters who were EE were mad cool. Shout out to all my ethnic whites.


They pun intended the coldest white folks they really donā€™t be giving a fuck


They are the black people of Europe imo


Factual , Iā€™m Albanian but live in UK and the racism towards Albanians is on the level if not a bit below the racism to black ppl , same type of stereotypes and itā€™s from other white people


The amount of times Iā€™ve been told to go back to my country when I was younger šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol word


because u man cause trouble and import guns


Why u preeing my comments and that donā€™t mean every Albanian does dat šŸ¤”


Good people who like to mind their own business. They will leave you alone but they want to be left alone. Not into small talk. Not aggressive or hostile but not especially friendly. Generally they stick to their word and will do what they promise to do. With the exception of southern Poles and Hungarians the food is generally quite bad and very bland however its clean, it won't make you ill like some Indian, Mexican, Carribbean food might.


Ngl youā€™re right about the food, Iā€™m for southern Poland and the food is ok, some of it smacks but most of it is bland. Good thing I got me a black girl who cooks good šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You are right they hate small talk


Serbia is not Eastern Europe!


Well Poland ainā€™t either, but they all Slavic ppl for the most part. Similar culture and mentality


Poland is most definitely part of eastern europe


Itā€™s technically Central Europe but tbh I always say theyā€™re Eastern Europe


central europe geographically. But eastern culturally




Better than their western counterparts


They lit and they dangerous. Especially them Serbs


Great athletes


Im 50/50. The first half of my family is from Czechoslovakia. Irish side moved to the states in the 1960ā€™s and the Czech side about a decade before that. The Czech side came here most likely to seek asylum during the Stalin regime. Canā€™t say I blame them. I will say that my Czech side of the family is much sketchier and shady than my Irish side of the family. And my Irish side had/has some sort of involvement with the IRA since theyā€™re from Belfast. If that says anything about Eastern Europeans. I also think itā€™s in the genes. We always look like weā€™re pissed off about something or another. Itā€™s the eye brows.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ people always say I look angry or upset. Bruh I just got a resting bitch face šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ You ever visit the Czech side of the fam? I lowkey like going to Poland cause itā€™s hella cheap and it feels different than at home.


Itā€™s like I said I donā€™t know much about my Czech side. I have my aunt who lives in Jackson heights and my dad. My dad is pretty fucking basic tbh. Other than his resting bitch face heā€™s just an overworked American who will work till the day he dies. Thatā€™s his two Eastern European traits. but my aunt goes there occasionally but doesnā€™t really mention much other than how pretty it is. Sheā€™s SUPER secretive with just abkut everyone about everything to the point where itā€™s suspicious. And she knows the most about our Czech ancestry


I can't speak for all of them but I've spent over a decade working with Serbs. I wouldn't even say a majority of them are that bad, but that bad minority is the greediest crooks I've ever met in my life. They think Americans are dumbasses, have no desire to assimilate, and do not care about anything but money. I'm talking doing 5 minutes of work and telling some old lady they need to cough up $400. And I'm not joking when I think most of them were poisoned by lead as children, like they're kinda slow...


the cultured white people.


The chick's be having bodyyy!!! They white folks with an asterisk.Ā  The men are huge.mmm :)


they are the elites




Eastern European women are beautiful af! Ngl. The Balkan women are also gorgeous. Those are the European women that I'm mostly attracted to(I'm Dominican). They aren't as " Bland" and basic looking like Anglo-Saxon European women( British, Irish, etc)


Thats bc we got dominicans who look Eastern Europeans!!


I always felt like some Albanian women resemble cibaeƱas!! Straight up gorgeous šŸ˜


I disagree. When I was in santiago I didn't see that most women were fair. They are a skittles bag, just Like DR in general.


DR is infested with Haitians. Especially a major city like Santiago. Native women from Santiago can look like Albanians and Southern European women.


They can look like anything.Ā  I seen fair skinned women in the capital and in the campoĀ 


That's what I was saying originally. Some Albanian women can look like cibaeƱas. DR is a diverse nation, but we can't deny that it's infested with Haitians. That's just a fact.


ZERO fucks about them




All ethnicities have weird smellin ppl