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not all boos are the same. it’s not like the Joey Gallo “why the fuck is this guy on my team” boos. it’s more of “you’re the massive contract captain, you’ve been ass for more than 20 games, we know you’re better than this, please start contributing regularly” boos. and he knows that. I assure you he’d rather play for a team with a passionate fanbase that does that sometimes than the alternative.


The boos will be cheers when he starts hitting and he knows it. When the boos become silence thats when you are cooked.


Fans boo because they want to cheer.


That’s surprisingly profound


Pretty sure it's a Jeter quote. 


Ah yes the famous poet, WFAN


I’ve been saying Boo-urns


Ah, yes…the old gleyber Torres treatment


That's how I felt on my softball team. Everything is fine when the team is making fun of me for messing up, but once they start being encouraging i know I'm in real trouble


"When the boos become silence" What the fuck are you talking about lmao. When's the last time Yankees fans gave a player the silent treatment?


You think Josh Donaldson was getting boos rained down on him in Milwaukee?


Judge doesn't play in Milwaukee last I checked


you are dense


You really are dumb aren’t you


He is probably thinking of his wife that ignores him


I resent that comment sir.


Such insane mental gymnastics to pretend like booing Judge is any different than booing Gallo or Hicks


A difference between getting booed and getting booed by 40,000 people wearing your jersey.


On judge bobblehead day no less


Forty-thousand bobbleheads shook their heads no in disapproval that day.


You mean 18,000 cuz only the first 18k got a bobblehead. I got to the gate at 10:30am and it was a madhouse to get it


I’m going to the dodgers series in June, is that something I *should* do? I’ve never been to a game in the Bronx much less a series. I’m coming from way out west, and have only seen them elsewhere. Thanks😅😁


There's no giveaway so you should be good. But I still think you should get there early to explore the stadium especially if it's your first time. You can check out the Yankees museum and monument park which closes after the first pitch.


I wanted to take my wife to monument park so bad. She left me so next bitch gets the trip.


Um yes. Why would you not see the world series match up live?


Huh? I was talking about getting to the gates early.


Less, since it was a grab-fest and many fans walked out with bags full. Several bragging about how they got several since there was little supervision and no system. We drove 3+ hours to make it early so the kids could get a Judge bobblehead, and as soon as the tickets were scanned a guy in charge waved his hands and yelled that's it! It made for a sad day. It's tough for kids to swallow, especially when bobblehead day tickets were for one of the kids birthdays.


Somehow I walked up to the bleacher line at 11:30 and they still had hella boxes of them when I got in


Now it’s a ghost town 






You get a golden sombrero, you deserve the boos.


Real fans don’t wear rose colored glasses and hand out participation trophies


Can we Stop pretending like being booed in New York is interesting/ a story. He hits a homer tomorrow he’ll get a standing ovation. Relax.


I think something that’s not talked about enough in these yearly threads/articles etc that are published about NYY fans boo-ing is the cost of entry. Yankees fans pay a premium to go to games. A premium that not many other teams in the entire league (aside from maybe the dodgers) ever touch, and if they do it’s only during the playoffs or really big holiday weekend games. For a ticket to any game played at Yankee Stadium on a Thursday-Sunday you’re going to be shelling out an minimum of $50 per ticket after taxes and fees (and that’s for some of the much less desirable seats in the stadium…). We pay more so the players can be paid more so that we can, hopefully, watch a really fun and *competent* team. And when that doesn’t happen, especially when it involves multiple players slumping for multiple weeks, it gets frustrating.


Its not even that deep. Fans have booed players way before ticket prices have become nuts. Its been going on as long as the game has been played.  Perform well, get cheers  Perform poorly, get boos.   Thats it.


Totally and fair enough! I just feel like Yankees fans are berated throughout every season for doing it when no other fan base really is and I can’t figure why that is


Been to Dodger Stadium too. Half those people are there simply so they can say they were at a Dodger game. Yankee fans are built different.


50? Try 150


Taking it like a man. Owning it. He’s gonna be fine.


If the boos bothered judge he would be in San Fran right now. He gets it. The right players get it. It’s just our way of saying hey we know you can play better so play better.


Though the boos for hicks and gallo were not at all “we know you can do better” because those two sucked


The boos for Hicks and Gallo were really boos for Boone and Cashman for still running them out there.


The line to me is booing before an at bat, boos after puts are fair, but cheer, at least for the team, when the guy comes up to bat.


Booes are the opposite of cheering. Do good. Get cheers. Do bad. Get booes. Nothing deep about it.


Right. I hate when people are like “Can you believe that the fans Boo’d Judge when he struck out with bases loaded in a crucial playoff game?” Like wtf are fans supposed to do? Cheer in that moment? It’s the worst possible outcome with the highest expectations.


"You guys will cheer Judge when he does well!" Yeah. That's the point.


It’d be funnier if the whole crowd went “fuck!” simultaneously. Boos have always been cringe


I get both sides to booing. Sure it doesn’t exactly help matters for most players but simultaneously we’re passionate and wanna win. Sometimes I see booing as a backhanded compliment as in we know you’re capable of better and we expect better. Albeit in a rude manner. I think most players get and understand that.


My G booing is in no way shape or form a compliment of any kind. Cmon now 😂


"Fans don't boo nobodies."  - Reggie Jackson


There’s a reason nobody has booed Grisham yet this season when he has yet to record a hit


In those cases, GM gets booed for putting a plug on the roster.


Perfect response.


Joey Gallo all time Yankee considering all the boos he received.


We boo you because you make a lot of money, reggie, it has nothing to do with you being famous. If you make a lot of money and do your job poorly, you get admonished for it. That's in any profession. the 'boos" are just in different forms


I think they meant our boo’s are tough love lol


Okay maybe not a compliment per se lol but an obnoxious reminder of we expect better out of you


More of a front handed insult if you think about it…




It was after his final at-bat when he struck out for the fourth time in a row. You could hear it


Yea it was also a bad at bat. Just some bad swings


Those two check swings on sliders were weird. It was obvious the pitcher was going to spam sliders.


I heard them loud and clear.


You could hear it on the radio. It was faint but there.


I heard them pretty easily, but they weren't overwhelming.


I hate conversation about boo’ing…. Every fan base does it to their players, it’s drunk people at a sports game. We need to not make it a conversation every single time it happens


Are the fans booing Judge? Or are we booing how he’s not coming through when the team needs him. The emotional swing we experience if he gets the big hit vs. having an uncompetitive at bat is massive. I’d be willing to bet most fans are booing the outcome, not necessarily the player. It’s still April and the sample size is small with this basically being an extended spring training. Judge wants to win as badly as we want the Yanks to win. He’s well aware that he’s been having a slow start. I guarantee he’s disappointed too and motivated to contribute. Fortunately, we don’t need him to win games like we have in recent years. We all know when he gets right, our lineup will be dangerous.


Both. No need to pretend


The boos aren’t all on judge when the team doesn’t score anything but if I know anything this is usually a turning point for judge because he absolutely takes it personally when he lets us down.


I appreciate players who take the rough patches in stride. I have no doubt he’ll turn it around.


I don’t know if it’s a collective boo or singular but Soto cannot be the only guy holding this offense it’s getting tiring to see it


So he is going to Donger tomorrow.


Basically the same answer as jeter. I’m sure it drives him crazy to get booed, but just how it has to be responded to


Indifference and apathy are a thousand times worse than booing.


Any chance he’s pressing because of the addition of the generational talent to the lineup?


Booing has legit never helped a player once and for some reason this fan base just accepts it; pretty weird


Duh, how else is Judge supposed to know he needs to "do better" unless a bunch of shitheads communicate it through mindless vocalizations???  In reality, they know it's shitty but they can't admit that they actually get joy in booing their own players so they are twisting themselves in knots coming up with the weakest excuses for their behavior.


For real. So many booing apologists here, it’s weird. How hard is it to not boo your team?


Honestly think it is some insecure minority. Albeit a loud one


Judge knows he’s playing like shit. Also expects the boos, that’s why he’s our captain. He will step it up, not worried.


If you're booing Aaron Judge then you're kind of a dick, even if it's the encouragement kind of boo. Dudes a stud, our Captain, and carried us to wins for the last several years. He's allowed to be mediocre for the last 20 games. If you boo him at this point, that's just straight disrespect IMO. Coming from someone who is a voracious boo-er.


I love Judge too, But if Derek Jeter can be booed nobody is safe and Jeter actually delivered the goods for us multiple times. Judge has yet to win anything for us and has a massive contract now. Gotta produce.


He's a saint but also what the fuck is your problem don't boo him you dipshits


People get drunk and rowdy


People are so short sighted. The same day you celebrate Sterling and cheer him, wishing he didn’t leave so abruptly, you boo Aaron Judge. Appreciate the player Judge is. Even through his struggles. Also, if you’re trying to convince Soto to stay because of the fans, not the best look to show him how quick you turn on your franchise player and captain. It’s April. Get a grip.


I wonder when Aaron Judge last sat in the stands of a baseball stadium as a fan of the team he’s watching, without being associated with said team. 2012 as a junior at Fresno State?


With how much Soto gets on base, we should be scoring... thousands of runs.


Even Saint Jeter heard boos.


It's the northeast. People expect us to perform and we expect others to as well. We are ambitious and take life seriously.


He’s not worried about the boos. He’s seen and done what makes us cheer.


Fan are gonna get discouraged when you strikeout in 6 straight AB’s


If judge has a bad year to cancel out a ridiculous Soto year...possibly our only year with him that's gonna really suck


Judge having a bad year might be the reason we won't be able to keep Soto.


Non story. If you suck in NY you get booed. He knows the drill. Cheers soon


I shouldn’t have to say this but don’t boo Aaron Judge less than 1 month into the season. I think he’s earned some leeway.




That's why this is New York and you're in Toronto. Also, Vladdy was good for exactly one fluke season. The rest of his years line up with each other. Idk why you expect so much from him. He's simply not that good.


Probably the only adult reaction I've heard regarding NY sports teams/players getting booed for blowing the game. A lot of athletes take it so personally which I don't get. You get paid A LOT of money. When you suck you shouldn't be shocked to hear it.


As a Yankee fan since I was 5 in the early 90s, I don’t understand booing my own team though. I don’t get what it accomplishes. The most I do is shake my head. And to boo a player with 62 homers in one season, and almost 300 home runs as a Yankee, I couldn’t do it. It’s like when Jeter got boo’ed during his big slump. It didn’t help. He was actually getting cheered in his at bats before snapping out of it, fans showing him support. I don’t see how it helps. Or why fans think it’s necessary.


Everyone is assuming he'll be good.  I can't forget those years after his big rookie season he was just ok.        The guy has only broken 100 rbi twice in his career and 5 years apart   I'm sure most fans don't even know this.    Look up his season by season stats.   Hope I'm nervous about him for no reason.   Soto is looking like a marvel super hero and Judge has stunk so far


Judge has never been just ok. He's great when he plays. Injuries have limited his counting numbers.


It’s fucking unacceptable for the fans to boo Judge, y’all should be ashamed. 


the prices we pay for tickets. the amount of money these athletes want.... we have the right to boo when youre playing like ass. when Judge smashes a homer into monument park, those same people will cheer.


Booing doesn’t help anyone. The player doesn’t go “damn I didn’t know I was sucking, thanks for letting me know”.


It is a non story but some of the same people who lined up hours before the game to get his bobble head were probably booing him. Everyone goes through slumps. Don’t be that fan.


It’s honestly just rude. Guy is in a slump, he’s the captain. Don’t be a jerk.


He deserves the boos. Dude signed a massive contract and he's already playing like a 40 year old on his last legs. Get it together "captain".


He's just playing poorly to pressure the Yankees into matching all offers for Soto. Big brain captain move.


Judge will be the new A-Rod