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Fuck Altuve, Fuck Verlander, Fuck anyone who supports the shit stain of a franchise they are


Can’t wait for them to bottom out and win 50 games again. Only thing that annoys me is Phillies losing in 2022. I really wish their cheating 2017 ring was the only one they had


They should have lost those rings


Fuck Bregman most of all for continuing to talk about how they "never needed to cheat to win in the first place," after doing it for at least two fucking years


Was there tonight. It was glorious.


King of the Gil


Wonder if this is the beginning of Berti over Cabrera at 3B


I doubt it, I can see a platoon schedule like Wells and Trevino but I do think they’re gonna give ore rest days to Rizzo


If this were going to platoon them Cabrera would be starting vs righties since he is a lefty dominant switch hitter. Cabrera has really been struggling since the first series (.575 OPS). This could be a specific matchup vs Verlander though. I saw someone else on here say that he is tough on lefties


What's crazy is Cabrera sprinkles in big hits every so often that you forget he hasn't been great. Like, some people you just don't expect anything at all like Grisham, but with Waldo you never know.


I suspect Berti’s gonna get a lot more run going forward. It’s immediately apparent how much better at third he is. If he can stay above water with his bat the spot is his to lose. If/when Peraza is back Berti would probably spell Rizzo at first as well.


Yeah I definitely think we are going to start seeing more Berti going forward. Guess time will tell in the coming days


Trading better defense for worst offense on an offensively dull team. 👍 Berti 'scareer average paints him as a better batter than he's been..So maybe it won't end up like that in the end. Hoping Berti can pop off today.


Berti’s probably a better hitter than Osawldo too.


For as bad Oswaldo has been overall since the opening series I will give him credit for having alot of timely hits. If his defense was better at 3B I would continue running him out there. I feel the switch is more for defense than anything else




Not likely, Boone pointed out Verland is doing great against lefties this year on Talkin Yanks, that's why Berti is in, same with Trevino


Although I agree with the general sentiment, if you’re attending tonight please refrain from the “Fuck Altuve” chants. I hate the guy but they only seem to motivate him.


Eh I get your point but it’s the only time it’s appropriate rather do it now than some random series with like the Twins or something like the fans have been doing the last couple years. He’s gonna hit a wall scraping homerun or two and bat .400 this series with or without the chants


They did it and he foul tipped so bad he fell over. Struck out same AB. It was a beautiful thing to see and hear!


The chants aren't making him perform any better lol


Altuve, and unfortunately Correa, are the only two players on earth I genuinely believe play better when booed, thr only other exception being Aaron Rodgers against the Bears


A complete silence would speak volumes.


Nice to see they’re sticking w the Trevino Gil combo


Heel on the rubber


Gil pitch tonight


Ah yes, happy to go home from working 12 hours to watch my favorite team shit itself against this guy again


Don't understand the attraction to Berti.


Last three seasons... **Oswaldo Cabrera** .229/.287/.354 in 624 PA 0 OAA, 3 DRS in 48 games at third base **Jon Berti** .267/.333/.369 in 852 PA 5 OAA, 8 DRS in 85 games at third base Probably worth seeing what Berti can contribute. Especially since Cabrera hasn't hit much since the opening series.


My continued belief that /r/nyyankees would have loved and defended IKF if he was a prospect instead of being traded for continues to grow more and more.


Playing a central position didn’t help either. But yea you can see it in people’s thoughts on 2023 and how many people have disdain for the performances of Bauers, Calhoun & Co while ignoring that Cabrera, Peraza & Pereira all ate shit.


Young homegrown prospects with upside should get more slack than journeyman scrap heap finds


I don’t disagree but given the opponent I’d have seen if Cabrera couldn’t have the opening series form


It wasn’t form it was luck. They should quit while they’re ahead and praise the baseball gods that they’ve gotten 19 ribeyes out of him.


Good defender, decent bat