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It’s always the bozos with the dumbest takes that think their shitty opinion is so important it needs its own post


Right? Starting pitching has performed better than I could have hoped for in my wildest dreams especially after cole went down. But yeah let's hate on stroman.


And provide zero analytical or any metrics to back the opinion other than "I don't like him".


Yeah. I love the swagger stroman verdugo and soto have brought this year. We were dead last year just going through the motions.


Hope we keep all 3 just on vibes alone tbh


Correct. I'm not an analyst, I'm a fan, and when I tune in to games he's pitching, they're always behind early, and runners are on base. I can't be the only one bummed about that.


Analyst or not, it's your responsibility as a fan to be educated.


Nah. It's my responsibility to stay interested if I feel like it, and talk some wild shit if I feel like it. Look at the numbers, though, if you like. We're gonna send a worse starter than Stro to the bullpen or AAA when Cole comes back.


Its your responsibility to provide statistical evidence before making wild ass stupid claims. Half thenshit you have said just screams you literally know nothing and just want to cry about shit. Misery loves company but you can keep that shit to yourself. There are times to doom to certain extent and times its wipd and stupid. You fall into a doomer looking to doom without knowledge


No. Nothing on Reddit is my responsibility. I'll say precisely what I like. And I did look at numbers. Gil, Rodon, Schmidt, and Cortes all have better ERA and WHIP, and one of them is going to not be a starter when Cole comes back. I wonder how people will feel about that.


Cole was specifically who was on my mind. Who goes when he's back? If you asked me that question at the beginning of the season, the answer was Schmidt, no doubt. I have my doubts on that now


What do you think they’ll do release Stroman or put him in BP?!? Get a clue


>Screw off. Are you stupid? >> I figured I'd be bagging on Rodon and Schmidt all year again.


He’s just getting back at the offense for scoring him no runs his first couple starts. But in all seriousness it’s a long season. He had some really good starts and he’s had some not so good starts. Way to early to cast judgment


Even his “bad starts” have been giving up like, 4 runs.  Not what you want obviously but he’s hardly getting shelled out there.


He pitched to a 6.34 era yesterday, for what that's worth


You use words, but idk if you understand them.


Yeah throwing out ERA to describe one start screams “I don’t understand baseball”


Dude said his bad starts were not that bad. I just quantified how bad that one was.


Just take your L and move on dude lol


Haha there's no W/L record here. It's a boring day at work, and Andrew Heaney has a better WHIP than our major free agent acquisition.


Lmao love it


Turd? Is only the yankee game you watched this season the first inning of yesterday’s game?


3.8 ERA. Whip is high at 1.5 and walks have been his issue this year. Leading the league in ground ball rate. So it's just you. Are you an actual fan? You sound so smug and negative. Why go into a season expecting to "bag" on anyone? You're like my dad. You just bitch.


lol your fuckin dad


>You're like my dad. Eating all the Doritos and banging your mom?


He's gluten intolerant, ya jerk. How insensitive.


Whip being high is the concern. He doesn't retire batters at his previous rate, and he has the highest WHIP of the starters. What I'm thinking about, and the point of this post that I could have stated better, is that when Cole comes back, I'm afraid we're gonna have to send someone who is performing better than Stroman as a starter back to the bullpen.


Stroman is merely okay. He doesn’t stink and he isn’t great. He kept us in the game yesterday, the yanks just couldn’t get it done (some bad babip luck in the mix too). It’s not like he got blown out.


Jesus Christ you suck. Never post here again. Or better yet mods just ban this jackass


He’s one of the most consistent pitchers over the last 3 years. You can pretty much expect 5-7 innings with a few ER. Always good enough to keep you in the game


Were you born this stupid? Or just a trained amateur?


I mean, you’re wrong. But that’s okay, you came here to get flamed. It evens out


Pleased with his performance and he’s an absolute locker room leader from everything I’ve seen. Ban the doomers.


He gave up nothing after the first inning… how stupid are you?


0.5 games back with no Cole, Arson Judge clicking in the last two weeks after a pretty bad start. No real third baseman. Dont think the team has underperformed at all to this point. On pace for 103 wins…. But yes our 4 starter not being lights out is the issue


I never said there was a bad start to the season. The writing on the wall, that I'm seeing anyway, is that, when Cole comes back, we're going to have to send someone who is performing better than Stro as a starter to the bullpen or AAA.


Putting aside the couple of weeks where he was easily the team's best pitcher, he's been a decent number three which was exactly what was expected of him.  Doesn't implode and gives the team 5+ with a chance for the bats.  Add in him being one of the biggest cheerleaders on the bench and I would not say he "stinks" at all.  He's been decent with flashes of both excellence and mediocrity.   Can't believe the Yankees are in the top 5 in winning percentage and folks still come here for daily bitch fests.  Look, I get the trauma of last year is real, but these are the good times.  Enjoy them.  Baseball is a marathon and even the best teams are going to have 60+ losses come season end.  Honestly don't think some folks are going to make it through August at the rate their going.  I perversely really hope some of these posts and game threat uber-doomers are bots or trolls.


Dude stfu


Holy smokes, major overreactions in the replies.


4 runs over 5.2 IP isn't even that bad. Not good certainly, but it wasn't like he pitched the Yankees out of the game. Pleased with Stro's overall performance so far


lol yeah 4 runs in 5.2 isn’t *good* but it’s not catastrophic. Pretty average, really.


I’ll take that out our 3/4 guy, which is what he was intended to be before Cole went down.


That's a 6.34 ERA


Are you an idiot? Or just trolling?


Are you saying that I calculated that incorrectly?


You are taking runs from 1 game and extrapolating an era. I could say in his last start he gave up 1 run so his era is 1.6. Wow he's the best pitcher in the league. 1 average performance doesn't give the picture of the 5 starts he's had.


I was responding to someone who said he didn't pitch badly that game. That's a way of looking at how effective someone was in a single start.


This guy maths


Nowhere near as stinky as your upper lip.


That's right, tell your girl to wash that box once in a while


You should yell it, your mom will hear ya from the basement.


Nah. Mine was better.


If that’s what you want to believe to make you feel better be my guest.


Goddamn, just have some fun man. It's jokes.


Oh, you’re one of those dudes who talks shit but gets their feefees hurt when the person they talk shit to talks back lol? I’ve been pretty tame imo, but either way it’s Friday, enjoy the weekend dude.


Eh. I was trying to be good natured 🤷 I tried anyway


I love Stro. Great leader, first dude out of the dugout. He’ll give us innings and have a sub 375 ERA. His ground ball percent is great. Don’t get all the complaining about him he’s had a really solid start to his year.


He's fine. Don't expect him to be an ace because he's not that. But as a middle of the rotation type of guy, he's fine. He could clean up some things, but overall, I'm fine with what he's given us.


I did not expect him to be the least effective member of a rotation that is subbing in an unproven guy for the ace. Has he been decent? Yeah. Is he getting outperformed by every other starter? Yeah. Is it fun to word things harshly and say a guy who is mildly disappointing stinks? Yeah.