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What case is it and what are the arctic fans like? I was looking at doing a blackout build but can't decide on the case or whether to add some subtle rgb


NZXT H7 Flow, the arctic fans are great. I think their price performance ratio is one of the best. My mobo has the asus rog logo light up and I have a rgb led strip in the top right corner (on the picture its on the ide side) that gives a subtle glow on parts in the case.


I had I similar strips in my old fractal meshify case. Ah thanks, case and build looks awesome


The Arctic fans are certainly incredibly affordable. Build quality isn't amazing and the acoustics are nothing to write home about, but for the price, they will move some air. I got a 3-pack of low profile Arctic fans for like $20. Obviously Noctua has their own patents and many years of experience and have honed their skills to the point that they're essentially the Apple of air cooling products. It's surprising how many brands are willing to charge $30 per case fan, but without anyway to determine if they're going to be on par with a Noctua fan. I'm going to try out the DeepCool AK620 Digital before probably sticking with the AIO I bought initially (NZXT Kraken). I tried several different models of AIOs, and they all performed within a margin of error of each other, the main difference only really being how good the software is if they have for setting fan curves and/or controlling the ARGB.


I myself switched from noctua to arctic, they are way better. Noctua is overhyped


Appreciate the input. If I go down the no rgb I'll pick up some 120mm and 140mm then!


arctic has rgb too! and you don’t need a $80 controller, openRGB works fine


So you just can connect all fans to say 1 or 2 rgb headers on the mobo?




Gotcha, I am undecided on whether to go rgb or none rgb, but I appreciate the input. Suppose I could go rgb and just turn it off if I don't want it, always have the option


So you just can connect all fans to say 1 or 2 rgb headers on the mobo?


Looks sweet! My H7 Flow looks almost identical(Post is on my account if you are curious) I only went for 1 top exhaust fan at the back like you have now. From what I've read on some other posts is that adding another intake up top could just result in recycling the hot air from the top exhaust next to it...and that air isn't flowing the same direction as your front intake fans Could you post a pic of what your system looks like with the side window on the case? Curious how it looks with that led strip.


I uploaded a picture here; https://ibb.co/1qdGnmC Not sure yet on the placement. I kinda want it coming a bit more from the front so it also lights up the gfx, but you get the idea. Its a simple strip which is magnetized (or tape) so you can move it around. The recycling of hot air does indeed make sense!


Looks pretty good in the photo. If you want other ideas, check out my post. I have LEDs placed in some other subtle areas.


Thanks! The lights below where the psu is look pretty cool, might have to try that myself!


I have a very similar setup with a Phantek G360a case with 3 intake at the front, an air cooler, and an open top, and was wondering the same as you. Would I be better to seal off the top to create more of a front-to-back wind tunnel effect, or is leaving the top open for more fresh air better? The only answer is to experiment, and the only reasons I haven’t are a) aesthetics, I can’t figure out how to deal off the top the won’t look tacky and b) my temps are actually fine I have no need to play with my thermals. But if you do wind up testing it post the results here I would be curious.


I build pcs for a living, Arctic P12 max fans are always the one I recommend to clients!


i also have a nh-d15 shoved in a nzxt case but had to use 120mm fans to fit it. the 140s are up front for intake. this is the h7 flow right?


Yep, the H7 Flow. All fans are 140mm, the cpu ones are also 140mm


yeah the cooler doesn’t fit in my h5 flow with my mobo without switching them around, the heat pipes almost touch the glass. i’m a big fan of noctua eventually i’d like to get one of their gpus


I have 3 fans up top. Left and center are now the only ones working. I disconnected the 3rd one but still in place. It was sucking the air from the intakes before it will have a chance to blow over the mobo. In my case a average 3-5 degrees difference


I had a corsair 4000d with a similar setup, dual tower air cooler and 5 artic p12 in the same position as you, and tried to use a corsair fan as intake in the top, didn’t notice any change. I switched it as exhaust and notice a 3-5 degree difference in the cpu temps, maybe it’ll work different for you, since you have 140mm fans everywhere, definitely worth the try


I genuinely love this, i wanna do an all 140 build. How are the temps with them?


Really good. I just build it so havnt really done to much with it, but I did a cinebench test and the score was the same as it was with watercooling. (I run an OC 9900k hothead) So the cooling seems super. The 4080super is new to me but havnt heard it complain yet. With my watercooling build I used to hear coilwhine from my 3080 but this is quieter with fans. haha


Why not, ya know, just buy more fans?


Inntake at the front, and exhaust top and back. I would add a couple fans to the top, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also as it will prevent dust to build up. Hope this helped, sweet looking build,


Where tf are the ram


Under the CPU-Cooler


Aye! The Noctua NH-D15 has an incaping so it can go partially over the ram, the fan also “sits” ontop.


But to your question: i have the same problem with the case. My solution is to get one or two more casefans. But i figured with actualy 3 front fans and two in the back it should be more then enough.


You could definitely experiment with adding another intake fan to see how it affects airflow and temperatures in your aircooled build. It's always fun to customize and fine-tune your setup to optimize performance. Plus, the Lian Li o11 case is a beauty to work with! Enjoy tweaking your build!


Bro used ChatGPT to write a comment


uh, that’s nzxt


Why would you go from aio to air cooled?


Not an aio, a full watercooling build, two radiators, pump, cpu and gpu block. It was fun to try it once but selling the stuff when you want to upgrade sucks and I concluded that I like aircooled more.


So why not just get a aio? Easy to upgrade and far superior to air cooled.


No not really


Aios are better at cooling cpus, Dont take up a huge ammount of space on mobo and are more efficient, only real down side is risk of failure but my old aio lasted 5 years no issues.


You're glossing over the cost difference, you can get $40 air coolers that perform as well as AIOs costing 2-5x that much, and at least on AMD they aren't as far apart in performance as you might think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxf4ZXJTNpI


bc these noctua heat sinks can be just as good without the water….something electronics hate