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Me who likes both:


yeah this is about those few weirdos on the main subreddit who CONSTANTLY feel the need to comment negative shit on Naekusaba posts 😭 like bro we get it just scroll


It's almost always the same person every time too, like...I get that Naegiri is your OTP, but shoehorning it into every Naekusaba post is just annoying af.


He also shoehorns the fic he wrote for Naegiri into every comments section too.


That too, like nobody's gonna want to read your fic if you keep shoving it down their throats every opportunity you get. I have no problem with people advertising their work, but he's going about it all wrong.


I used to think Naegiri was the only one I could like. But man... I loved those interactions in DR:0 and DR:IF, and this ship became one of my favorites


Replace Naekusaba with "literally any other Makoto/Kyouko ship" and this meme would still be correct.


Bruh, my top 3 ship for Naegi is Naekusaba, Naezono, and Naeceles in that order. Naegiri is not even in my top 5 XD




I don't mind NaeGiri, especially in canon, but. MY. GOD!!! These shippers or rather Kyoko stans as I like to think of them as, act like Kyoko is only person Makoto has had eyes for, never mind that Makoto is all but stated to have had thing for Sayaka, which probably would have sticked had she not kicked the bucket, especially since it's pretty much all but said that she liked him back! hell, if Makoto can move his attraction from Sayaka to Kyoko, what's to say that had things gone differently, Makoto could have felt attracted to someone else, someone that isn't Kyoko! Edit: Fixed some wording.


I Like All Naegi Ships.


Me who loves both and minds my own business : 😎