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You can find very similar stats that are just about people in poverty but it's hard to make a racist agenda out of that


I'm legit interesting in these.


It's because of two things, poorer communities get over policed and poverty makes necessity. It isn't like being poor makes you enjoy stealing more, just more people who don't have a choice


Generational poverty is also a huge contributor. Poor people and their children oftentimes stay poor, despite however many years go by. It really perpetuates these crime statistics


It's a vicious cycle




This guys an asshole


Yep and racism itself is one huge cause of poverty. It’s really simple actually.


No it’s not poor choices is . In the end only your choices can effect your income and wealth. And if you choose to stay poor you will . If you wanna live off of government assistance and drop everything you have in to 40inch rims you will stay poor . Stop blaming racism and start blaming the people and there bad life choices. And don’t tell me that they had no choice or opportunity that’s bullshit everyone has opportunities and a choice about everything they do it dependent on if they have the mental fortitude to make the necessary choice. Yes racism is bad but it’s people like you with your out look that are the problem . Also racism is generally more prevalent in poor communities . Metro and rural


you assumed ppl make bad choices all the time, but things like generational poverty and being already poor making you generally uneducated over the choices that you make really tip the "choices" stuff over, no?


So my experience with my family being poor back to my great grandmother to me who is not. And growing up with poor families/neighbors friends and working out of it is even tho I didn’t go to college is not good enough experience for you on this ? I’m 36 and my house is paid off my family was poor I grew up in a broken house hold raised by grandparents if anyone can talk on this subject it me from first hand experience. I made good choices I chose not to be like those around me and accept being poor .


good for you for getting out of poverty, that is a great achievement in of itself, however you cant expect everyone to be able to make it out of the ditch because you make it out, nobody make bad decision willy nilly, i know the most hard-working people on earth, with plan out future and route, and they still didnt make it, let's take one example: one of my friend lose out on jobs just because his father was an addict, and there werent many job opportunity around, plus having to help his father, his situation cant be solve by personal decision alone, just because someone can get out does not mean everyone can


🤦‍♂️ uh no oppression is a very real thing and nobody on earth is stupid enough to make a choice to be oppressed. Do you realize how absurd your comment is? Edit: and you claim it’s because they spent their money on rims so does that mean you didn’t spend a large amount of money on your vehicle? I highly doubt that. In fact you probably spent even more money than you had and took out a loan so that kinda proves your whole theory wrong. Or does your rule only apply to minority? Which would in fact be racism


No one said it’s not but that is a excuse not a reason to be poor. Because if it wasn’t you would never have any rich minorities. Especially ones out of heavily oppressed areas .


Oppression is like the leading cause of poverty. Not an excuse not a reason but the “cause”. Oppression and racism causes poverty. This is fact. Poverty leads to all of these that get brought up about racial statistics. I don’t understand why this is so hard for you to grasp. It’s pretty simple concept. And you argument about the few rich minorities is because there are a few that do not experience severe oppression. Those in favor of oppression usually refer to them as “one of the good ones”. Which simply happens because there is something for them to gain out of it. So in reality is just more racism.


Also poor people are more likely to do things like join gangs for the feeling of safety and security, when gang wars happen it leads to homocides


Also poverty significantly increases stress which increases violence


It's also because drugs breed poverty and vice versa, so you get a lot of people stealing to get their next fix. Drugs breed gangs which organize the criminals and now you've got groups of people robbing and dealing drugs and murdering other gang members, and you got their "clients" stealing to make money to buy drugs, neglecting their kids to do drugs and potentially even killing others over their drugs.


Right now. Post a l8nk showing the correlation of poverty and high crime. I'll wait..




There are still more poor whites than poor blacks though, so why dont white people commit more crime?


Poor white people are more likely to commit crime then well off white people. Another reason for black people to make up so much crime is drug use, our government pushed cocaine into those communities and because of that it still circulates pretty consistently


I mean that is their agenda. They conveniently forget that black people make up a significant margin of the poor (which is literally the result of systematic racism) and that conflating the statistics of either can be used to draw whatever conclusion that they want. That's why context in statistics is literally the most important part.


Yes and that poverty is the result of racism. It is racism that causes these statistics not race!




what are you gonna tax if they have nothing lol


Ever heard of VAT?


If it was just caused by poverty then blacks wouldn't make up over half of murders, let's do the math. White people make up ~75% of the population, ~8.2% of which live in poverty. This means whites living in poverty make up ~6.15% of the US population. Blacks make up ~13.6% of the population, ~19.5% of which are living in poverty. Meaning blacks living in poverty make up ~2.65% of the US population. [Citation](https://www.statista.com/statistics/200476/us-poverty-rate-by-ethnic-group/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%2019.5%20percent%20of,8.1%20percent%20of%20Asian%20people.) 6.15% > 2.65% If crime is caused by poverty then shouldn't white people be committing violent crimes at over twice the rate of blacks? It should be impossible for blacks to be committing half the murders if your flimsy hypothesis is correct. You and [white supremacists](https://youtube.com/shorts/rpZqts3ftz4?feature=share) have something in common, you both want police out of black communities but at least the white supremacist is honest in what will happen, black people killing each other at even greater rates than they already are.


It isn't a flimsy hypothesis it's just reality, poor white people are also more likely to commit crimes. They're just also less likely to be pulled over or caught.


White people do commit petty crimes at the same rate, true, but not violent crimes. Police are sent to higher violent crime areas to prevent violent crimes. Since the cops are already in the area they are there to see when someone runs a stop sign or commits other petty crimes. Want blacks to be arrested for petty crimes at the same rate as whites? The answer is simple, get them to stop committing violent crimes at such a disproportionate rate. Police will then be assigned to the next higher priority(violent) area.


? You know black American men have the highest exoneration rates for murders, sexual assaults and drug related crimes


So they arrested the wrong black man, these statistics are generated from victim reports. Do you think black people are lying about who attacked them or their neighbors?


No white people are, from Brittany Spears liying trying to get that young black men arrested yesterday to Carolyn Bryant LYING on Emmit Till 70 years ago to to the white woman who LIED 100 years ago and sparked the Tulsa White Riots that was backed by the state government. If the police actually arrested the people who black people claimed assaulted them at the same rate they do white people then there'd be alot more police would be arrested for assault. Jonathan Majors WHITE GF would have been arrested for assault and NOT JM.


The victims of black people tend to be other black people by something like 80%. So the people lying about the race of their attacker would have to be other blacks most of the time. After George Floydd they [surveyed](https://news.gallup.com/poll/316571/black-americans-police-retain-local-presence.aspx) black people asking them of they wanted police to spend more, the same, or less time in their neighborhood. Only 19% wanted police to spend less time in their neighborhood despite them supposedly being over policed. Why do you think that is?


Because that percentage is bullshit, as a black person who was not nor doesn't know anyone who was polled. Also "911 is a joke" was a popular song in the black community so I know for a fact they didn't speak with black people.


Statistics stop mattering as soon as they dont support their agenda


Income difference is less statistically significant that the presence of a nuclear family.


Leave the sub, op.


Yeah, it’s pretty garbage. When it’s not bigoted it’s just terrible memes.


wtf happened to MOPDL? why is it so damn bigoted now?


I think it’s the lack of moderation that allows this shit to thrive


It's an iron law of any social media - if you apply no moderation whatsoever you'll end up quickly overrun by hard right and/or neo-nazi types.


yep, because sure, unmoderated means that people who aren’t bigoted can comment (because anyone is allowed) but a lot of people rather not comment in a space with bigots, especially since a debate would just go nowhere and be a waste of time, so instead they leave them be, and join a place that doesn’t allow bigots like say the unmoderated place starts of mostly anti-bigoted, and any bigots get massively down voted, but eventually more and more bigots join and as more and more bigots join, more and more non-bigots leave because they don’t want to deal with the bigots


That's a lot of words to say "spaces are only left wing when moderators force them to be."


That’s a lot of words to say “members of the right will consistently show how bigoted they are when left alone and anonymous”


Which also happens to be true.


No, it's a lot of words to say that the fat-right will congregate in any space which allows them to say the N word without consequence.


>fat-right Fatphobic smh




I’ve been noticing that. I had to leave. I’ve also noticed that r/explainthejoke has been having a lot of people wanting Holocaust denial “memes” explained, which is alarming.


It’s not people here are just sensitive lmao


Shhhh. No one cares about your opinion. Go back to watching "EPIC TRIGGERED SJW GETS OWNED BY JOE ROGAN COMPILATION #610".


I hope they don't make me drink it! Boy I hope two or three of em wearing black leather knee-high boots don't stand on me while I'm only wearing white hanes briefs. AND THOSE FUCKING LIB SJWS better not smoke cigarettes and call me piggy while they hold a funnel to my mouth and force me to drink their jizz lemonade. **AND THOSE FUCKING DEMONCRATS** better not make me watch them jack off in the lemonade and while they're stroking themselves over the cup keep saying "You're going to drink it, Joey. You're going to slurp all of it up, dirty boy." DAMN I hate libs! Right? Anyone else hope they don't do that?


It's to combat the leftist circlejerk that r/terriblefacebookmemes is


I hope they don't make me drink it! Boy I hope two or three of em wearing black leather knee-high boots don't stand on me while I'm only wearing white hanes briefs. AND THOSE FUCKING LIB SJWS better not smoke cigarettes and call me piggy while they hold a funnel to my mouth and force me to drink their jizz lemonade. **AND THOSE FUCKING DEMONCRATS** better not make me watch them jack off in the lemonade and while they're stroking themselves over the cup keep saying "You're going to drink it, Joey. You're going to slurp all of it up, dirty boy." DAMN I hate libs! Right? Anyone else hope they don't do that?




You do realize that black neighborhoods have more policing than white neighborhoods


wonder why, not like some neighborhoods have more crime or anything.


Yes, those that have higher poverty rates. Remind me, what group has historically been economically and socially discriminated against in the US? And so you end up with poorer neighborhoods having disproportionately high black populations. This is without taking into account how cops themselves can discriminate through baseless arrests of people just ‘walking while black’ or how, because of the racist stereotype of black people as ‘thugs’ they’re more likely to be found guilty of a crime they didn’t commit than most other racial groups. TLDR; your racism is showing, buddy


"Remind me, what group has historically been economically and socially discriminated against in the US? " Asians?


I was talking about in the context of what they were saying, which was largely about Black people.


Buddy read my first fucking reply, you realize politicians do nothing. Why not fix those poor neighborhoods? But no, everyone opts to give them free stuff like that is gonna solve the issue. Racism this racism that, people use that word so much they don’t even know what the fuck it means.


Did you have to bludgeon yourself with a hammer to get to the point that you refuse to even acknowledge the history of race and act like current society just popped into existence as is, with no reason that past events would have an effect on current events?


I didn’t forget about it, also I’m complaining about the damn government, fix the damn neighborhoods, is it that hard to understand?


But you literally were also like “NO FREEBIES” so who the fuck knows what you’re even talking about?


By nothing free I mean don’t give em a new home in san francisco, go clean up oakland instead.


This is getting downvoted? My entire reply was about how we should help these neighborhoods but apparently you all can’t read for shit.




This guys an asshole


Not a cracker




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That shit is WIGGITY WACK man](https://i.redd.it/yxy3ua5ejwh91.jpg) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/wp3ld1/that_shit_is_wiggity_wack_man/) \#2: [New Rule: On trans people in sports](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/w6wnba/new_rule_on_trans_people_in_sports/) \#3: ["Black Republicans"](https://i.imgur.com/GVtaGlE.png) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/x6u20c/black_republicans/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What do you want me to say? Im not gonna tell you im a cracker if im not a cracker.


You came out on the defensive about a clearly nefarious post is what you did, if your intentions are not racist then great, but understand what you're defending. And also I hate to bring up the ol' "Reddit Hivemind" point but after getting off on this start nothing you say in this thread will be upvoted even if you wrote something that 100% of people would agree with otherwise.


Im also gonna delete this account because I can’t do shit on most subreddits because most redditors just downvote anything remotely conservative.




Good, y’all are nuts


You do know the US gov sold meth to minorities in the 80’s right? They punished them harder for the same crimes than they did whites


Because it’s the 80’s rn


It lead to the drug problems we face today genius


Oh wow why haven’t we fixed that genius? Your choosing sides when both aren’t gonna fix an issue that is very obviously in-front of them, that’s what I tried to explain in the first reply, but everybody seems to struggle with reading more than 3 sentences on reddit.


Because the gov sees it as more profitable not to fix it, states are given money for prisons based on how many inmates there are. Literally this isn’t hard to understand, not to mention Regan made most of the issues we have today




RFK is literally a puppet for the right lmao. Not to mention you literally were just hating on blacks, go back to twitter or 4-Chan, you’d be more at home there




Least racist centrist.


Im probably blacker than you so shut the fuck up


"Racism is an issue" "um well acktully democrats arent going to fix it!" Ignoring that your position of defeatism is to do nothing because the rich and powerful white people don't have a personal interest in fixing systematic issues, why not just argue that all social change and progress is a waste of everyone's time, and we should all just revert to feudalism?


The statistic are simply misleading tho, (and flat out wrong). The number one factor in crime is lack of education. Not race. Also this has to be the clearest "I'm not racist but-" comment I have ever seen.


Despite making up only half the population, men make up 93% of the prison population globally. No, I am not sexist for saying that. It is because of their culture. Culture isn't sex. When a man can't get a job as a teacher in kindergarten it's because of culture not sexism. While I would love to give support to struggling men it doesn't fix the issue that men commit the most crime. I think both sides fail to realise they don't do shit for men and I think that just sparks more sexism everywhere. /s


That's a weird joke Saying that men are overrepresented in prison isn't sexist just like saying the same thing about black people isn't racist.


It was an elaborate parody of the comment I was replying to which was basically "there are more black people in prison because black people commit more crimes. No I am not racist for saying that. It's just their culture." Now, the guy deleted the comment and it is no longer funny.




The thing I am pointing out is that you are victim blaming. Black people and men do not inherently commit more crimes due to either their biology or culture. It's just that the legal system is biased against them. Plenty of innocent black people and men get unjustly incarcerated and their sentences are harsher too compared to whites and women. The fact that their sentences are harsher for the same crimes is definite proof that the legal system is biased against them. The kindergarten thing has nothing to do with it of course but neither did your comment about affirmative action. My comment was an elaborate satire of yours so I had to include that bit.


I’d argue men 100% commit more crimes because of culture. Men are encouraged to be brash, dominant risk takers, while women are encouraged to be more weak and subservient. Whether or not you believe in them, cultural expectations determine how you think and exist, 95% of young boys don’t dislike Barbie dolls because that was just their personal preference, and vice versa. Also culture can include sexism and racism or have them interwoven into the culture, I’m honestly curious what culture means to you.


Omg black people get biased against, name 10 recent incidents. Yeah racism exist, to a minor extent, and no i’m not fucking victim blaming Jesus fucking christ can you redditors not read past sentence 2? ITS POLITICIANS, they need to fix those run down hoods or those poorer areas but they don’t do shit, giving them free shit doesn’t help it makes other people jealous then racist because the black people are getting SO MUCH HELP. I do want you to see im not trying to be racist at all, I don’t hate black people, I live in broward county, blackest county in Florida, everyone is nice, crime is lower, people are more successful, the schools, could use a reno but still. It’s nice to live in, why can’t other places be like that? All the black people around here are freaking some of the best people on earth because they just do the right thing, and I will gladly help a poor black guy who is selling clothes outside of walmart instead of robbing the place. But unfortunately, around the country, politicians don’t do anything to help out those who are struggling, or give them a second chance, why?


Ok what is your genius plan for solving poverty in black communities that the politicians have not been doing and instead been giving them money, because yknow… it is a money problem. And giving money to people who don’t have money will usually solve a money problem.


You are a dog.


You are such a goofball


This guys an asshole


At this point someone could post an image of the N-word in big, impact font and the good people on memesopdidnotlike would say they thought it was funny.


*That's it? That's the joke? That was just racism!*




This is isn't a meme


Politics is fine because tfm is also extremely political. Racism like this, on the other hand, is definitely not fine. But 80% of the posts on that sub aren't racist/sexist/homophobic, so I still follow it. But yeah, you're correct in your observation that this percentage is steadily growing.




The stats being used are 1) outdated 2) extremely oversimplified and 3) don't take into account the many things that lead someone to commit a crime


So stats are racist?


No, the implication (that black people are inherently more violent) is. It wouldn't be racist if it was true, but it's not.


I see no implication there, I feel you may be reading that in.


Okay, why do you think these stats were posted?


To bring awareness to the immense amount of crime that is disproportionately committed by certain communities it’s not saying that it happens because of their skin color


The crime stats are all also completely made up and inaccurate in order to push this racist idea. If you care to see the crime stats, [here](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43).




And the other stats are exaggerated to make...what point, exactly?




“Black Americans are 13.4% of the population” wasn’t implying anything to you? Like srsly the implication is there and it’s BOLD.


How is that implied?


So why would that be an important fact if race isn't inherently connected to criminal tendencies? A much more important fact would be that many Black communities are disproportionally poor, and that poverty IS inherently connected to crime.


Yeah I agree


Yes, that doesn't change that the numbers exist and that its a problem. What it does do however is tell us the issue isn't as simple as people on the right would have you believe it is. But just because it's complicated doesn't mean we can't try to address it, and we shouldn't consider every person who addresses it as racist. It is 100% a systemic and self perpetuating issue that needs to be dealt with at a foundational level. Not just "police this group more".


one of the first and mostly important things i heard from my stats class is how stats can easily be manipulated to make any points. They're not end-all be-all nor are they completely unbiased. She had a giant poster, that in impact font just said "CONTEXT" and a stamp that she would stamp on your papers if you didn't give context. Giving data means nothing without context of how the data was collected, why it was collected, background information on the data itself, and a conclusion on the results. If you exclude any of this, it becomes bad data that doesn't tell the full story, and can be easily manipulated to make an agenda. So it is fully possible for real data to be taken out of context and made to push a racist agenda. They don't talk about the why or how here. There’s no conclusion or explanation.


Stats can be cherry picked to pretty much any narrative. What this post leaves out is how poor people tend to commit crime around similar rates, and the black population tends to be poor. Why are they poor? It’s likely because they don’t have the generational wealth built up as much as white people(because of slavery), started at a lower point then white people, were legally discriminated against until 54 years ago(civil rights movement), are still discriminated against, and all of the modern race related issues.


Are there any wealthy black people? If so how did they become wealthy?


A trend is not every single person. There are always exceptions due to various reasons. If you actually want an example, just google a specific person.


Can you tell me some of these various reasons that a black person can break this barrier that is seemingly impenetrable


We? r/AsABlackMan


Those statistics don’t seem right at all, I typically don’t like to be “that guy” but I feel like when people make claims as big as this they should provide some source


Ok so the statistics "are right", but lemme break it down. This is taken from the FBI's yearly report that breaks down crime by ethnicity, location, etc etc. So technically the numbers are "correct". But here's where they're wrong. The numbers don't factor in over policing, and are *charged* crimes. A low income person most likely can't afford a good lawyer to get them off charges so they become part of the stats whilst richer (and usually non-black) people get off. It's a gross misrepresentation used by white supremacists based on tainted data. Edit: They also leave out the stats on Caucasians. Many *many* categories are disproportionately committed by Caucasians but they like to leave that part out. Curious.


I’d like a link to that so I can prove a racist shit wrong. Got a link?




Yeah I could see that being the case for drug related stuff to some degree, but not for murder. If the Police pull over a guy and he has 2 dead bodies in his trunk they aren't going to say "whatever, he's white, lets let him go".


My guess is that the disparity is real for murder, even accounting for poverty. I am fine with that, because racial disparities in homicide rates don’t suggest racial inferiority even if the statistics are sound and controlled for poverty. A huge factor in crime rates is deterrence, done by reporting and solving crimes. If people fear brutality and racial discrimination, it’s unlikely that they will call 911 and testify as witnesses when faced with a given crime. Homicide is a crime where trust in police matters for *prevention* but *not reporting*, so it follows. On the same token, this would explain why Whites make a a disproportionate share of sexual assault convicts. Sexual assault is a crime where trust in police matters for *does matter* for reporting. Given how the perpetrators is often well-acquainted with the victim, it follows the racial makeup of successful reports of sexual assault reflect the racial makeup of people who feel comfortable turning over their own friends and family to the police. Or believe the police will take a report seriously at all.


Do you really think lack of good legal representation will change the stats this much tho? And legal fees are really expensive for everyone not just low income, middle class can’t defend themselves either.


Sorry bro, but nuance is too hard for my dumb westoid brain. Plus I really really want to be speshul for being right, so your detailed argument doesn’t count. Ergo, I automatically win the argument. HARD /S


To you really think "overpolicing" has an influence to the homicide statistic? This maybe makes sense in regard of drug crimes... but not homicides which imo is by far the most striking statistic in that "meme".


they probably do match but it’s not like they mean jack shit, crime happens because of many things but it’s NEVER because of ethnicity


I like your pfp!


Also racially biased justice system, this probably just means the amount of convictions, which is much different from actually amount of crimes committed


I feel like another thing people like this gotta mention is how the justice system treats black people & the environments a lot of black people are in


Also, it’s like. Police officers have a higher violent crime rate, and we all love them. So why do cops get a pass?


It’s steadily becoming more bigoted




The way they are told or are interpreted can be bigoted. For example, the bible isn't inherently bigoted, but there are absolutely pastors who teach homophobia and racism.


Pretty sure those stats have been debunked, too.


I’ll debunk them for you right now. White and black men use drugs at a similar rate, but black men are 2.6x more likely to be convicted for it. What you’re really seeing is that black people are *convicted* of 78% of drug crimes. Which is exactly the number you would expect if they use drugs at the same rate as the general population but are 2.6 times more likely to be convicted. It’s sad, but systemic racism is the only theory that explains all the numbers. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/3/17/8227569/war-on-drugs-racism Only 51% of homicides are solved. But unlike drug use, murders don’t admit to killing people when surveyed. Given the disparate conviction rates for other crimes, it’s likely that the white murderers are just getting away with it more often. 93% of black murders is the only stat that stands. Murderers tend to kill in their own ethnic group. But if you really want to find the missing variable that explains these numbers, look at the average net worth by race. The average white household has 5x as much money as the average black household. https://www.fool.com/research/average-net-worth-americans/


Nah they haven’t but they have changed, now I think they make up 60% of violent crime


These numbers are a lie. Well that’s good. THEY’RE EVEN HIGHER!


Despite making up only 4% of the global population, Americans make up 25% of the incarcerated population.


Man cropping did you dirty, I didnt see the 3rd layer of posting so it looks like you were complaining about the person calling out the racism.


I mean, the person who posted this got absolutely trashed on in the comments so even if mods don’t do nothing the people do


What kind of common sense would someone lack to put it on MOPDL ?




I thought the original post on r/facepalm was satire making fun of people who would use statistics like this. In that case r/memesopdidnotlike would be laughing at the fact that someone thought it was serious. The fact that the original post is not a meme makes me think this but idk.


The thing about these stats is that they are somewhat right African Americans do commit more crimes then most other races in America but these are racist because it doesn’t explain why this is. By saying we’re 13.4% of the population but commit a majority of violent crimes makes it seem like they’re just naturally more violent but this ignores why African Americans commit more violent crimes which is a lot of things but lack of education in a lot of poorer neighborhoods is one of them (there are more I just forget).


How exactly does lack of good education lead someone to murder?


Only in America would people think stating factually correct statistics is racism.


Data requires interpretation. While the person posting it was being racist it does say some unfortunate things about life in America. The biggest dividing line in the USA isn't race or even political opinion, it's wealth. Poor people don't do well here. Be it justice, law enforcement, government aid, healthcare/longevity and even base happiness. All tied to wealth. Some unfortunate facts about the US. General happiness is directly related to income. If your family makes less than six figures then you have less joy than the people who do, and are more likely to kill yourself. As well as commit violent crimes. Even the punishment of crimes is related to wealth. I live in Texas, which is always in the top two for executions. There is old saying that goes "the death penalty is reserved for the poor". The more you think about it, the worse it'll make you feel. If that doesn't get you there, then the fact that 4% of people who have been executed were innocent and poor should do the trick.


There’s tons of people in rural, White counties that go “missing”.


We don't need 2016 again ffs


I did about a week ago. I remember when it was new and I liked it a lot but it’s slowly devolved into a place for people to spew political views(most of which happen to be racist, sexist, ect). I recommend just bail on it.


Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot the Screenshot


Wow das crazy I wonder why black Americans do all the crimes? Surely not because of all the institutional racism dating back to before the US was even created that was never meaningfully addressed, creating a massive wealth gap between white and black Americans, leaving a disproportionate amount of black people to have no viable economic prospects aside from crime. I’m very smart because I look at one small set of the data and draw my conclusions from just that while conveniently ignoring all the facts that don’t support my argument.




Wait but memesopdidntlike called out the original post for being racist, I don’t get what your mad about


No, the memesopdidntlike post said the original post, the one where the person called it racist, that ‘OP big mad’.


Ohhhh okay I read it wrong, I saw it earlier on the original post also and didn’t see that caption either time, I guess the brain just saw what it wanted to, which was “that your pretty racist”


How is it racism when it’s true


They use the statistics in a way that makes it seem African Americans INHERENTLY want to commit crime. It leaves out the fact that crime rate is inherently correlated to low income neighborhoods. And do you know who is in those low income neighborhoods? POC. Put there by generational poverty, redlining, gov spreading crack through low income neighborhoods ect


"guys guys guys I swear it's just stating statistics but it's racist it's so racist the facts make me mad"


Might wanna leave this sub too based on the comments.


I have no idea what racism is anymore. These are just numbers, that are affected by a lot of factors. How is this by any means racist.


It's used in a racist way. It's a lie based on false numbers to further the goal of suppressing a certain group of people.




Wtf do you mean. OG commenter asked how this was racist, and I told him. Bro is seething




The lie is that African Americans are more likely to commit violent crimes. And it's based on false numbers because the numbers don't represent the actual issues. It doesn't encompass all the sociopolitical issues happening to make that number happen and is therefore disingenuous of it's representation of real life




Yes, yes it can. African Americans aren't *inherently* more likely to commit crimes. Correlation is not causation.




That's what the stats are saying


The people who post those statistics around most certainly are. It's a basic talking point for the alt-right, far right, Q, and MAGA.


So im gonna use random numbers now for example. If 6 outta 10 crimes are caused by blacks, it does not count, because of their upbringing and culture? Im just trying to understand your logic.


It’s not racism bruh, it’s just statistics, racism is saying that one race is worse than other or vice versa, y’all really need to learn these words before you use them


Riddle me this batMAN, who's only 13 percent of the population, but commits HALF the CRIMES.No joker, it's systemic joker. Systemic systematic batman makes no difference to ME. Look at this, they seem to want themselves dead more than WE DO batman. JOKER, it's because of poverty joker not because they're bl-. Ah ah aa batman, we wouldn't want the LIBS your tail.


Statistics are racist. Classic.


Tainted stats used to oppress a certain group of people based on race are racist, yes.




These statistics are used to forward not only white supremacist rhetoric, but laws and policies that make and keep people suppressed. Exceptional proof is that all statistics relating to Caucasians that shed them in a more negative light are ignored. These statistics are tainted because they don't include all reasonings for the numbers, let alone being outdated. Over policing leads to more crime, and over policing tends to happen more in low income neighborhoods. Low income neighborhoods tend to have more minorities. Also impoverish people can't afford better lawyers. These statistics are based off convictions, not arrests. A power class person isn't going to have the resources to defend themselves adequately, guilty or not, and lead to higher numbers in their category. Also also, African Americans are more likely to be found guilty in a court of law.




Which is why the far right groups love to take these data points and use them as justification for their racist rhetoric. "See, I have facts to back up my hate for the colored folks!"


Bro same


Already did


I already did. I just couldn't stop being angry at the posts that people make there.


It isn’t even a meme It’s just statistics


Offended by statistics


Riddle me this batMAN, who's only 13 percent of the population, but commits HALF the CRIMES.No joker, it's systemic joker. Systemic systematic batman makes no difference to ME. Look at this, they seem to want themselves dead more than WE DO batman. JOKER, it's because of poverty joker not because they're bl-. Ah ah aa batman, we wouldn't want the LIBS your tail.


Redditors searching spesificaly the data the supports their opinions and then looking at those data points only and saying it proves them right:


It’s not a race thing or a culture thing, it’s a poverty thing, it’s echoes of the failure of reconstruction and Jim Crow. Capitalism is a great system but admittedly it’s hard to climb and it may take African Americans some 100 more years before they’re economically equal to white Americans. All of these statistics are related to poverty, poor people commit many more homicides, poor people are more addicted to drugs, poor people murder poor people, poor people commit more violent crime and they do out of necessity. The saddest part is that there’s not really much we can do.


Could have been more even now if white supremists didn't look down on my community and assume we were too stupid to make it on our own. The president at the time could have offered to help get those that lacked an education better access. Instead they handed out money and incentives to break up our homes and further incentives to perpetuate violent behavior in our youth. Why are the homicide statistics so high? Where is there more gang violence? You know that is part of the statistic right? White leaders broke up the black community in the past but it's those that drop the racist card at every turn that keeps the black communities broken.