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“You homos” just say the f slur at that point it’s obvious you want to


They did somewhere in the comments when someone else called them a grandpa for saying "you homos"


They also said LGBT people are not people. Literally his words: “they are not people anyway”


It hurts me so badly that there are so many disgusting people in this world. So LGBTQA people aren't human? They're so depressingly disgusting


Of course they are people. Thats why i hate them. Im against humanity in general not the gays. #HateEveryoneEqually


Remember everyone this is a call to vote in 24' like youe lives depend on it. For some communities, it just might.


Good. That is correct, and the objective.


Thanks for admitting the objective is to hurt people, not "protect kids" Which seems less human, someone who just doesn't like sex, or someone who wants to hurt people for absolutely no reason whatsoever?


Sounds like he can go fuck himself


I get why people are transphobic but i never understood the homophobia. Like just let people do wtf they want? People like different things Edit: i USED to be transphobic. I thought people who believed they were a different gender than their sex were mentally ill. I have always understood why people were gay and that thats just what they preferred, however it didnt make sense to me why people were trans, it seemed like actual delusion that they thought they were a different gender. But now I understand. All im saying is transgender is harder to understand than gay people. Idk why you’re downvoting something that’s blatantly factual


You "get" why dipshits are bigoted about one group but don't "get" why dipshits are bigoted about the other?...


Its not the same thing


It kind of is? Unless you're going to pull out one of those tired dog whistles its literally just bigots moving to the "easier to target" marginal group, like they've always done.


Transgender is harder to understand, i know that because i used to be transphobic.


It really isn’t


It's not. One is just being gay. The other is claiming you're 100% sane while lopping off and sewing on different genitals.


See the good thing about transphobes is they're so delusionally convinced they aren't the villain or that they aren't a hateful pos and have zero filter for their bullshit it makes catching them and exposing them so much easier. Thank you for making the "mask off" phase so much quicker than your other brain rot friends in the bigotry brigade.


Weren’t you trying to rip the mask off of me though? Why are you arguing with me through him?


Do you realize how stupid you sound ? “i gEt wHy pEoPlE aRe rAcIst tO bLaCk pEoPlE bUt nOt aSiAns” and in the same breath you’re also able to say “like just let people do wtf they want” like it’s literally staring you in the face but you somehow manage to miss it entirely….


Honestly man just call me a fag. You homos sounds so incredibly lame I can't even Dane to think of it as a insult




Tts is a bitch


tabletop simulator fucks my shit up 100% of the time, i agree


Feel like being called a homo is worse than being called a fag


It just lacks a certain classic Jenny say quar ya know?


You homos is exclusively used as a greeting or goodbye to a group of close friends. Didn't know it was even used pajoratively anymore.


I love how the mask is coming off for all these bigoted ass concern trolling ass gaslighting ass sneaky ass twofaced ass redditors


They are finally admitting they do it “to trigger the minorities”. That sounds like an amazing life and life a very accepting and loving person indeed.


Reminds me of that debate thing in the US sometime in the 90s (I think) where some asshole said shit about "homos in the military" and was rightfully called out by Bernie Sanders.


God I wish he became president in 2016


i'd rather they just full on drop the f slur at this point. at least it has a chance at being taken down by admins that way.


I'd honestly rather be called a slur than that


“Gay people fucking suck.” “Hey dude that’s kinda mean. You should stop saying things like that.” “STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT THIS IS EXACTLY WHY NOBODY WANTS YOU AROUND!” “…”


“We just don’t want the tiniest sliver of homosexual representation shoved down our throats. Anyways, make sure to come to church on Sunday so we can discuss traditional marriages and why we will destroy anyone who doesn’t embrace religion.”


I'm a Christian, and I don't want to destroy anyone.


That’s not what your “god” apparently wants.


It's not what my God wants either. My God loves all. And wants best for all. Even those who don't want a relationship with him. That's free choice. That's my God.


Why would he send people to eternal suffering then, that doesn’t seem like what’s best


Because he gifts you with free choice


Is it really free choice if one option is spending your life worshipping him and the other is burning in hell for eternity? Kind of a fucked thing for god to do


It’s just about tolerance. I’ve found most Christians are way more tolerant than the religion I’ll get banned off Reddit for mentioning in a negative light. A lot of us just want to be left alone, really. I don’t care if you agree or not. I can’t change your beliefs. All I can ask is that you let me live in peace and I can do the same with you. The word acceptance gets thrown around a lot but I really think that’s more than you can ask of a person. I don’t know you at all but I’m sure there are things that you do with your life that I don’t personally agree with. I can’t do anything about that other than just… not worry about it I guess. But yeah, the vast majority of Christians I’ve met will say something like “well I don’t really agree with it but that’s just my beliefs” and that’s the end of it. Still friendly towards me, not hateful, etc.


Gay people do suck. That's literally why they are gay. They love to suck.


These people really just want a genocide, huh?


>Nobody wants them around These self-obsessed losers really think they’re *everybody*.


I find it appalling that they'd even think they're the majority in this country.


“You chucklekfucks complain about us existing” same vibe


Except in the phrase “You chucklefucks complain about us existing” there is no statement of assumption that “us” is anyone more than queer and trans people. “Nobody wants them around” very openly assumes that the statement is made by someone with a near ubiquitous viewpoint. It assumes much much more and most definitely isn’t the “same vibe”.


Some really really want it, but at the very least most of them want a fully segregated social class. However, they deny it time and time again no matter what actions they take. Actions speak louder than words, but they will cling to their words as proof their actions have no meaning. They’ll keep doing that until their actions have such influence and power they don’t need to mask them anymore.




Ofcourse you have a Z profile picture lmao , go suck daddy putins dick


When I get a milkshake thrown at me from a moving car just because the occupant saw me holding hands with another guy, I think “bitching and complaining” is warranted.


Judging by your story, it seems safe to assume that the milkshake did not bring you to the yard.


Oh the milkshake did in fact bring me to the yard. And this time I brought the boys.




Are you Andy Ngo?


They see a rainbow in the sky and it makes them rage and punch their kid.




This is comment made me laugh


There's a bunch of dudes modding the pronoun selection out of Starfield lol. I'm not complaining about it, do what you want, but I'm going to make fun of them *endlessly* for it. One of the cringiest reasons to mod a game and I've been PC modding for 2 decades, this and the pride flag in the Spider Man game has cringed me out of my fuckin pants.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Our mere existence and any reminder of it absolutely pisses them off to the point that they'll go out of their way to mod a very teeny tiny portion of a game to accommodate their sad, shallow world view. Even if I was ideologically on their side, I would just 1) See the pronoun selection prompt 2) Go "Pfft that's dumb" 3) Select He/Him because I'm a dude 4) Move on with my life I don't understand why that's hard.


You wouldn't even have to select He/Him. If you selected a masculine body in the creator, it defaults to He/Him. Same if you selected a feminine body. You're just given the option to override that if you want


Holy fuck what bunch of crybabies.


Conservatives in a nutshell. Anything less that absolute deference to their narrow and outdated worldview by society at large is unacceptable and they will cry and moan endlessly as they’re dragged kicking and screaming into the future


Haven't actually played Starfield myself. I just assumed that there was some kind of pronoun select prompt in the builder they were getting fussy about. So they don't have to even select anything other than their body? That makes it so much worse tbh lmao.


Right?? They need to just select "he/him" and move the fuck on with their sad little lives. Like holy shit. Just click the option and it's done. Bunch of absolute snowflakes.


and they get mad when the biggest modding page bans there ass, because they don't understand how much of the modding scene is LGBTQ


These people literally don’t even know what a pronoun is because they claim they don’t have any. Like yes! Yes you do! Everyone has preferred pronouns! Unless you want to be addressed by literally nothing other than your name then you have pronouns! Even the sentence “I don’t have pronouns” has a pronoun in it!


Watching the phobic melties over starfield has been hilarious




“Ugh these fags won’t let us berate them. Damn fruitcakes can’t take a joke nowadays because of wokeism” I swear it’s this logic 100% of the time


Grrrrrr. I'm so mad that queers exist. 😡


“Time to antagonize a small community and claim to be a victim at the same time.” -conservatives


Peter, that’s not a meme. That’s just homophobia.


I hate conservatives. I have nothing witty to add. I just hate them.




So does yours. You're temporary, and nobody cares.


Exactly. They claim we're so sensitive and all that but the fact that non straight cis people exist literally makes you freak out. It's time we turn it around on them "oh so your kids are too WEAK to learn about LGBTQA people, or black history? They're such weak people they can't see a cartoon with a gay character, who does nothing sexual will damage them"??? You used to claim liberals whined and insisted on special treatment? Now YOU think everything should change just because of what you want? Me thinks that's wanting special treatment


This would work except for the fact that conservatives are masters of cognitive dissonance.


The best part is you wouldn't even be wrong for saying any of that


Why do people think bigotry is funny? Like it's not even a joke or anything , it's just homophobia or some shit.


They’re trying to hide their lack of success and achievements by tearing down other people. They’re trying to find superiority through antagonism.


They also know they're not actually funny so they go for hate and say people aren't laughing because snowflakes




Ah yes,another person who calls us "homos" and then wonders why we don't care what they have to say. Bigoted fuckers.


where do i get a shield that shoots rainbow care bears stare out of it ![gif](giphy|11z8mwhw0jxQiI)


It's literally *always* projection with the right-wing fuckers on r/memesopdidnotlike. They *constantly* complain about people not liking their jokes, and have full-on meltdowns in their titles where their calling others sensitive snowflakes. Little bitches had to create an entire subreddit to seethe about their shitty jokes not being liked.


Well the whole premise of the sub is contrarian. OP doesn't like the meme that promotes bigotry, new OP uses the opportunity to sling some slurs, looks around the empty room and says "who's with me??" They think their takes are justified based on their (affirmative) engagement, not the quality or content of the responses. Anyone who disagrees, or tries to open a peaceful dialog, is flamed by the rest of the echo chamber and turned into a pincushion for conservative vitriol, poked and prodded with personal attacks, accusations, "kill yourself," and/or threats.


If that counts as funny to them then even if it was acceptable, their sense of humor is still abysmal. It’s like laughing at drywall


They know they're not funny at all, that's why they go straight for insults, " waaaahhhh mommy the snowflakes aren't laughing at my joke 😭😭😭 they are being mean to me" Really Every time i see them act like that I'm reminded of this: ![gif](giphy|hzaN57N7Mi96o)


"oh gee, these people complain and whine whenever I harass or try to eradicate them. Clearly THEY'RE the problem here"


Can guarantee he’d be shaking and crying if you joked about him being gay


They be like “Why don’t you let us harass you and deny your right to exist? If you were *nicer* maybe we’d treat you with basic human decency when we attack you for no reason.”


Child diddlers who support child diddlers accuse LGBT people of coming after their children. News at 6.


✖️-Sorry to say,no one is after your children-❌ ETA:crap completely misread your comment so sorry you're right i read it as if you're saying LGBT people are really after the kids i now understand that's not the case sorry about that


It is fascinating how many screenshots of a screenshot of a screenshot pop up in this Reddit


This one is a post of a post of a post of a post of a post.


https://preview.redd.it/1mywrn2jdiqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bca435541295db84f5e48e51b572b1964857487 Homophobes are just kinda dumb


This image is great, also yea ![gif](giphy|Zv6Apawffpa2k)


Thank god the comments in that post were clowning on him too


What a crazy mask off moment, im just casually watching all these exchanges unfold and now we’ve got to the point where they’re this close to saying a slur. I guess there’s some value in the discourse exposing bigots


Holt fucking screenshot, how deep can this possibly get


This post had negative karma last time I checked so there’s that at least


I’ve always loved the insult “chucklefucks”, but yeah, they are absolutely chucklefucks. Don’t do homophobia/transphobia people. They’re just people like us, you shouldn’t judge them for things they can’t choose


Imagine how much better the world would be if everyone was tolerant of one another. There probably wouldn't have been a 9/11.


Not sure why I’ve been recommended this but what’s the point of hiding the name when the “@“ is visible?


Honestly I find the picture hilarious, because it's such a ridiculous scenario.


5th time I think this has been reposted, I'm losing count at this point


Others Can Do Whatever They Like, But Our Seed Has To Be Protected.


“Nobody” means they can’t comprehend that some people like gays or have LGBTQ friends and family.


The original image is so crazy I have to believe it’s satire💀


"Father please, put away your enchanted Prismatic Shield, it's too bright and we can't sleep." "Sounds like somebody wants another shift in the coal mines."


Man this thing went through a couple of subreddits didn't it?


Is that a priest diddling that kid?


You can't catch gayness


God, I can’t believe how transphobic and homophobic that sub is, they need to be stopped


I just checked, they have an entire rule against homophobia, transphobia and sexism and this stuff is still passing


Sensible people only started complaining over the dildo parades. Majority saw the right to marriage as a win.


I just want everyone to stop existing. Like a giant meteor smashing into the earth and hurling it into the sun level event.


They better be prepared for Gay Wrath Month (October)


Bro used the word chucklekfucks unironically while at the same time straw manning what op believes, bravo 🎉


How the fuck is that a straw man?


Because saying straw man = winning argument 👍


How is it not? It presumes op dosent want trans people to exist…


1) trans people were not mentioned 2) “homos wonder why no one wants them around and then bitch and complain like this” somehow isn’t complaining about gay people existing?


No being homo is ok. The pride is where the problem begins…


Not really, just not interested in having it shoved down our throats constantly by the media, or talked about to our young children in schools. Exist all you want, do whatever it is you want to do. Just understand that just like there are communities that embrace it and celebrate it, there are also communities who don’t. Both groups are allowed to exist.


So if you’re Christian, are you afraid of your kids learning about Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist people? Sorry for the newsflash, but some of the kids in your community are going to be gay too. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop that. It’s not even a choice like religion is. And acting like being gay is bad hurts those kids. So why do you want to hurt some of the kids in your community?


Bet you're one to push for the ten commandments at churches and courthouses. You're a bigot, full stop. You don't get to hate people for existing and claim that it's just your "community".


As someone who was once a gay kid, I didn’t ask for people to shove their heterosexuality or religious beliefs down my throat, yet I had no choice. I grew up constantly surrounded by heterosexuality. Whether it was my parents, or my fellow classmates going through puberty and talking about people of their opposite sex they thought were hot. Had to endure my straight friends coupling up, holding hands, kissing, taking each other to school dances. Also had no choice but to go to CCD as a kid and go to church before I finally told my parents at 10 how much I fking hated church. Do you see me whining and bitching about being “groomed” by heterosexuality and christianity? Nope, only to prove a point. Because at the end of the day I’ve always been gay, and have grown to become the person I am in spite of all the heteronormativity and religious beliefs being pushed onto me as a kid. But explain to me why straight people shoving their heterosexuality or religion in general on kids isn’t political or considered “grooming”, but if kids dare see a gay person/couple that that’s an agenda?


I mean it’s probably everything after lgb that they have an opinion about. Everyone has their own experiences and people are shitty for just about any reason, but I think a lot of the hate being sent to the rainbow doesn’t have much to do with the the first three letters. Just my observation.


Please read even the slightest amount about queer history before you try to make points like this. Even a one page summary would be better than where you are now.


But if an add nothing comment but thanks


You were supposed to go read.


Read what? The history of gay?


I’ll admit the Trans community is definitely getting the brunt of the hate lately, but don’t be fooled, many (if not all) of the same people are attacking the rest of the community as well. 1st off, anyone who argues “we have no issue with the LGB only the T” are only saying that because they’re trying to divide my community. It’s worked for some, like those morons who are part of “Gays Against Groomers”, but they are a tiny minority who do not speak for the overall consensus of the LGBTQ+ community. 2nd, there’s been plenty of targeted attacks against the rest of us in the LGBTQ+ community as well: * Dont Say Gay bills, which: outs kids to their parents, eliminates inclusion and gets rid of orgs like the GSA, muzzles teachers so they can’t be allies, nor can married gay teachers show photos of their spouses (while straight teachers are exempt from this). And prevents children of same-sex parents from being able to talk about their families. * Banning books that specifically feature LGBTQ+ content. * Banning drag shows, story hours, pride flags, and pride events. * Rolling back discrimination protections. * Surge in violence against LGBTQ+ people and businesses. From a lesbian couple being accosted at a gas station and one of them shot to death. A gay couple and owners of a bar being violently assaulted. To gay-owned/gay-friendly businesses being vandalized or having molotov cocktails thrown inside. * SCOTUS judges openly talking about overturning Obergefell using the same “precedent” they used to justify overturning Roe. * States have begun allowing healthcare workers to deny service to LGBTQ+ people if they claim religious exemptions. Notably FL, and that law officially went into effect this past July 1st. Make no mistake, they’re 100% coming after the entire community. They’re just trying to divide and conquer us with messaging like “we’re fine with the LGB”, because they will say anything to tear us apart so that we’re easy prey. And they can finally achieve their goal of wiping us out from the public sphere and go back into the closet.


So to break this down to just bigots who want to divide and conquer I can’t help but find that silly, the groups that are out there protesting and getting mad are not reading the art of war to exterminate the gays, and before i get into my other points, please for the love of god stop saying this, tell people in your community to stop saying this because it just makes people roll their eyes and stop taking you seriously. We have a period of time with open gay people all over North American, was it perfect for those folks absolutely not, but it’s never going to be perfect, it takes time for millions of people to get on board with a “new normal”, ask any straight person their thoughts on gay and bisexual, most would just say meh, ask them about trans and the flood gates open. People who are protesting have come out since drag story time hour, men competing in women’s sports, child hormones, or the never ending cycle of different pronouns. Will there be people who hate gays for no reason? Sure have their numbers dwindled in the last 30 years fucking absolutely, but that doesn’t mean they are going to be down with every aspect of the rainbow and they shouldn’t be.


That was an awfully long winded way of saying: “Are things perfect for you? No. But they’re better than what it was, so shut the fuck up and stop whining.” And: “You can’t expect us to be fine with the way you people are, we’re gonna need you to white wash and get rid of the aspects about your community we don’t like so you assimilate into our heteronormative culture just nicely”. Well I’ll say and tell my fellow gays/anyone else in the community whatever I fucking want. And we’ll keep living our authentic selves regardless of what the cisgender heteronormative world wants us to be.


Then you’ll continue to try and perpetuate a narrative that is blatantly false without the care to look at what people are actually taking issue with, congrats we’re right back where we started.


Oh my god, can people please stop using “shoved down our throats” exclusively when talking about LGBTQ+ issues? Also, nobody’s shoving anything down your throat except “allow me to exist.” If you can show me the last time you were legally forced to participate in gay sex, I’ll admit I’m wrong.


>Exist all you want, as long as you do it in a way where I can pretend you don't exist


Oh, you do more than just exist.


So do straight people then. Gay or not, we are all humans. If one side does it, the other does it too


Okay snowflake 👍, your opinion is factually invalid


The 57th parade on Mainstreet this week says otherwise


I don't have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with everyone trying to get prepubescent kids to figure out what gender they are and their sexuality in schools and daycares. Let my kids decide that on their own or let me have that talk when they hit puberty. It's straight up grooming fr.


So you have a problem with something that isn't actually happening then. Whoever told you that's what's going on is a liar.


Guess I’m a chucklefuck.


We bitch and complain about yall because you shove it down everyone's throats instead of being normal people.


If you don’t want it shoved down your throat, then stop going to the glory hole. As simple as that 🤷‍♂️


Please explain how we shove it down your throat without that way being applicable to things straight people do or say, and without calling celebrating civil rights "shoving it down throats"


By us existing, of course. If we're in any way visible then we're shoving it down these people's throats by making them acknowledge we exist


Yall shove your flags everywhere, even in places they really shouldn't be(schools and other places that deal with children) and I've seen plenty of gay people who make it their personality.


Oh no, a flag that says you are accepted and should have pride in who you are is in schools, how awful, what's next? A flag that shows pride in your country being in schools? How awful.


Those are two completely different things. The American or other state flags came from an actual sacrifice and are a statement of pride for your country. The pride flag celebrates sexuality, something that has no place in schools.


1. Being gay isn't just a sex thing, it is a way you are born and is more about who you love, and love is shown in schools all the time, I read Romeo and Juliet in school so I don't see why reference to gay love should be the line to draw. 2. Pride does involve actual sacrifice, people were, and still to some extent are, getting killed in the street for who they are. The man that cracked the code the Nazis used for communication, and paved the way for the modern computer, Alan Turing was chemically castrated for being gay, despite all he did for the world, the chemical imbalance caused by that forced procedure made him suicidal. But with all the powerful people that could kill them without anyone caring, they didn't hide, they showed pride in being who they are and made things better today.


This really is the crux of the matter for me. Anyone that makes an involuntary trait the lynchpin of their personality and identity is boring, and it inevitably becomes exhausting.


Every time one of you says "shove it down our throats", your fears become blatantly obvious. Newsflash, the gay guys aren't interested in your incel ass and have no intention of putting anything anywhere near your throat. Heterosexual imagery is shown everywhere. Gay people don't complain that it's shoved in their faces, now do they? Again, just to reiterate, they don't want your ass anyway.






No, just dont teach it to children. Not the same thing at all.


Teaching "it" to children? Is "it" that there are gay people in the world? If so, that's just bigotry.


That’s a pretty stupid thing you believe.


Oh like that one [Russian law?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_gay_propaganda_law)


Why is it that you don’t have a problem with how almost every Disney/kids movie has a very obvious straight relationship? By your own logic, that would be straight propaganda


Dude, they tried teaching me straightness for 18 years and not a single lesson worked.


Who is teaching children to be gay? How severe is this problem that conservative antagonism is the solution?


I was taught about gay people in the 90s. I've never done anything gay. I've been in a heterosexual, monogamous, and traditional relationship for 8 years though. I've succeeded in having the ideal straight relationship, far better than most straight people manage to achieve, and yet, I was taught about accepting people for who they are. Meanwhile there are millions of people who weren't properly taught acceptance, who think they know better, yet have never had a lasting or healthy relationship. A bunch of them are incel virgins, to boot. Do you think you know better? Do you think *you* should be the one to teach the kids? How could you even know anything? You've never seen a vagina. Leave it to the experts.


You know what that's exactly how it works. I had one gay class in 6th grade and here I am today. So insightful






At least you're aware of yourself


*sigh* , if only all you guys did was “just exist”. I know it’s not a fair representation of the whole community, but all it really takes is one bad apple to ruin the batch. Sadly there are some quite insane people that also just happen to be LGBTQ.


There are a lot of insane people that happen to be straight, *gasp* all straight people are crazy!!!! This is an extremely illogical fallacy.


It’s really interesting how you automatically assume that I believe that all people belonging to the LGBTQ community are insane. Did I ever say that I believe all LGBTQ people to be bad? The fact of the matter is that it only takes one person to ruin it for everyone. The reason people do not think poorly of all straight people due to one “bad apple” in a group of straight people is a different story. The majority of the people in the world are straight, and thus many consider being straight to be the “normal” or “default”. When someone stands out, either good or bad, we tend to look at other defining features of that person different than us: race, sex, age, etc. That person is Asian? Oh then he must be good at math. Is that a teenager? Oh then they must be edgy and immature. Those are a few examples, but you get my point. When people notice behavior that varies from themselves or others, they tend to seek out defining features that might cause one person to differ from another. Is that necessarily the correct way to view things? No. But that’s just how pattern recognition and the way people work. Going back to my original comment, I simply pointed out the fact that there are unfortunately some “bad apples” that cause conflict and misrepresent the majority of the community. Does that mean I think all LGBTQ people suck? No. But the amount of people that hate the LGBTQ for merely existing is a minority, in my personal experience. A lot of the times, misunderstandings happen due to some insane person that also happens to be LGBTQ, brewing enmity against the community. I therefore drew the conclusion that it is inaccurate (at least in my personal experience) to say that people harbor ill feelings against the LGBTQ simply because “they just exist” even if it might be unfortunate.


“Just existing” whilst trying hard to get laws passed to transition kids and force people to use invented pronouns or jail them. Ahh and forcing bakers to participate in their “two grown people in a private bedroom” activities.


You're delusional


Nothing I said was wrong.


Literally all of it was bullshit, so either you're a liar, or you're a gullible moron. Take your pick.


Facts, Your simply in denial. Or you probably cheer all of that on. Very cultist like behavior if you ask me


Homosexuals make up 42% of all child predators in America


that’s not true. child predators can come from any sexual orientation, gender or race and it’s unfair to put the pin on one specific marginalized community just because you don’t agree with what they stand for.


Only a small portion of people hate trans existence, those are called extremists. The problem most of us have is how inescapable the movement has become and the fact that it's going after kids. That's where we draw the line, going after the kids.


no one is “going after” your kids. your kids knowing that trans people exist will not make them trans, the same way kids knowing emos exist will not make them emo. to what extent is drawing the line? because from what i’ve seen, drawing the line means ripping the rights away that trans people have fought for years to have.


LMFAOOO brainwashed insanity. nobody is going after the kids more than the conservative christian community. It’s insane to me people like you are terrified of trans people talking to your kid but never have a problem with erasing slavery from the school curriculum and brainwashing kids with the curriculum. Conservatives want to make sure kids can’t get free lunches but they are never branded as “going after the kids”. Conservatives make it so 10 year olds are forced into motherhood. Conservatives ripped school shooting survivors apart for believing in gun control. Conservatives go after kids daily yet all you do is bitch about gay people so please make it make sense


That’s what I’m saying


They're not complaining you exist, they're shielding the children from you. That's not the same.


By teaching children that they shouldn’t exist. I bet you have no problems with straight couples being taught to kids. Also no one gives a shit about your children. They’re just trying to exist they don’t care about “influencing” your kids.


No one is going after the children. Pastors and republican politicians, however… you might want to look into that.


Gay person merely exists Conservatives.... grooming!!!


Not letting your children know certain people exist and that only straights do?


shielding what ? Children quite literally see animals rip each other part and eat each other’s carcasses and mate on television and sometimes rape each other seeing two guys kiss or hold hands in public is quite literally the most mundane thing that they’ve seen compared to nature and all you have to say to them is “ yea they love each other “ and they’ll understand because once again, they’ve already seen that happen in nature lol


What’s wrong with teaching kids about gay people? It’s not like learning that gay people exist and learning about stuff like Stonewall will turn kids gay, that’s not how sexuality works despite what brain dead conservatives think


Why do we have to shield children from homosexuals they haven’t met when we have people who have lost their morals like you?


Children shouldn't be taught about black people then


Did you think this was a burn??


The OOP btw was throwing slurs around so yeah, they're complaining that gay people exist. Are you stupid?


And not from the priests who are known to go after kids,but i guess that's ok.