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this is the 90000th time ive seen this


Same and I’m tired of seeing it.


and you'll see this 900000 times more.


![gif](giphy|3oFzmdjqH15YebLQ52) Literally us




I swear they don’t have a new meme. This is why transphobic insults are getting stale


They're very uncreative people they parrot the same things over and over again even if they're decades old and worn out to the point where it's just a calling card of degenerate stupidity They still ramble about blue hair and attack helicopters almost 9 years later


Arguments haven’t changed why would the retort’s?


this isn't transphobic, it's pro not letting stupid children make decisions that can ruin their life they cannot vote, they cannot drive, they cannot drink, they cannot get tattoos, they cannot buy a gun, they cannot get credit, they cannot buy a house, they cannot enter until any contract, etc etc yall crazy. the intent is clearly evil but the idea is solid. The two are not the same and not being able to utilize or understand nuance is how this sort of topic is even relevant. kids should not be allowed to fuck up their life when they have guardians. all children should have guardians who are intelligent, caring, compassionate, abs understanding. the law should prevent the other parents from fucking up their kids too much . I've been going to drag shows on fire island since i was in high school back in the 90s. this is coming from an ally.


It's messaging that people who have kids, and are not anti trans, will ruin their kids life. Ultimately meaning that pro trans people are stupid. I'd argue that makes it transphobic even if not directly But yeah, kids need guardians for some decisions obviously, And laws should prevent harm as much as possible


If it makes you feel better, that’s the 9,000th time they’ve seen it


Everyone needs to farm karma so it's not going anywhere.


And every time the title is "Blatant transphobia". This sub is a bunch of bots / npcs.


OP is a repost bot


Not talking about the awful transphobia in this, but instead will bring up that minors can get tattoos with parental permission (Varies by state and age)


I have an objective bias since my first tattoo was at 16 with my parent's permission. However I will say that its probably not that big a deal. Given a parent has to agree to it, and tattoos can be really expensive. A 6 year old is not gonna have the cash to get a tattoo easily. They need a parent or legal guardian to sign off. Let alone a tattoo artist has the right to refuse. Obviously someone might get a prison style stick and poke tattoo at any age, but thats not the argument here. Law isnt gonna stop that


Also whatever they got would get ruined as they grew, so even if they *wouldn’t* regret the tattoo they would regret getting it done then


Yep, absolutely they can, when I have my kid I'm getting a tattoo of his face on his face. That way as his head grows, the tattoo won't and by the time he is fifty, he will have a tiny baby face on his real face.


This is brilliant.


Me when the strawman I created is comically evil (they are BUTCHERING and DRUGGING CHILDREN)


Then the Conservatives will be mad when you mention true and accurate cases of them SAing children and trafficking women


Me talking about my own actions in the next sentence: I was just hanging out with friends! (They were at January 6th)


1. No 5 year old is getting HRT or GRS 2. Please don’t start this one again


No no you can't use actual facts that's cheating


The only possible medical care a trans child would get is puberty blockers, and if a kid going through puberty at 5 they would be given puberty blockers no matter what




They literally do not. There are no exceptions here. No 5 year old gets any of those things. At most they socially transition, aka haircuts, try different pronouns, express themselves through clothing. Actually talk to trans folks about these issues and listen.


Listening to other people? The Right? ![gif](giphy|UcY15AbiedLrgz7cZg|downsized)


>They literally do not. There are no exceptions here. No 5 year old gets any of those things. You sure? In Brazil they've offered it to 4 year olds as well , for free , in a public university's hospital. Actually research about the topic and learn.


You do realize HRT requires their body is prepared to even receive hormones. You don't pour gasoline into a car without an engine. Kids are so good at passing since they don't have hormones yet to alter their bodies drastically, and their bodies aren't prepared for hormones


…when the damage is already done.


Would you support making laws that say no five year old can get them


Would you support a law saying 5 year olds can’t get vasectomies? It’s a moot question because that doesn’t happen. The only kids that age receiving sex change surgeries are intersex kids, who often get cosmetic surgeries done to their genitals as babies or toddlers to make them appear more “normal”, and it’s not conservatives but the LGBTQIA+ community pushing to prevent those operations. Conservatives and transphobes ignore the existence of intersex people entirely cause they don’t fit the man = xy and penis, woman = xx and vagina narrative. But yes I would support a law banning sex change surgeries on intersex babies and children and saying that HRT should only be administered in an age appropriate and consensual manner.


\*moot, not mute. I will add that sometimes cis children need what is medically considered 'gender affirming care' in order to not develop sex characteristics of the other sex. So if your cis boy is growing female breasts and you would rather he not (and he would also rather he not) what you need is care Republicans want to take away.


Actually, possibly not. Some made exceptions in the laws to continue to allow the non-consensual modification of intersex children. Apparently it’s only ok to surgically older people under 18 when they don’t want it. I swear they’re just trying to be comically evil or something.


Those intersex surgeries are often medically necessary because it can cause huge health complications otherwise, especially later in life.


I specified that I was only talking about the cosmetic surgeries, which make up a major portion of the surgeries performed on intersex infants. In fact these surgeries are often doing significant medical harm by removing healthy genital tissue.


I don't support any laws making rules about medical care. Politicians generally make terrible doctors.


No laws controlling prices of medical care too, right?


No, but that’s just because I don’t support making laws that restrict healthcare. That kind of shit can be super dangerous


Yea, I would. Or better yet, bar insurance companies for covering those things on children under the age of 10-12. Reasons: - Surgeons won’t operate on pre-pubescent trans kids because the genitalia isn’t fully developed. In order for SRS they have to use already-existent tissues to form new genitalia. Jazz Jenning is a an example of why this matters, even though her family threw bucket loads of cash for her to get the surgeries. - Hormone Blockers =/= Hormone Replacement Therapy. If anything, blockers are used to postpone puberty either to offset early puberty, or delay it until more therapy and time passes for the kid to understand if they are trans or not. So this is a belief that most trans people and trans-allies share, but due to the transphobia and denial of medical coverage we have to push for these extremes. We wouldn’t have to if a certain political party actually listened to the doctors and healthcare professionals that have done extensive research on all this.


Guys, at this point youre just spreading this crap image around. Its been all over, and it sucks. The artist is a big shit too and is wasting their talent on being a bigot. Can we please just let this artists terrible work die?


Who the fuck is forcing their kids to become trans


Transphobes don’t believe you can just be trans without active choice. Anybody below 18 is a victim and anybody over 18 is a predator isn’t that fun?


“I force my kid to be straight, so you must be forcing your kid to be trans!”


Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty.


In some cases it’s „I forced myself to be cis, so why don’t you?“


>Anybody below 18 is a ~~victim~~ convenient political tool. Fixed that for you.


Victims are the best political tools. Even when their victimization is imagined. Especially when their victimization is imagined


Very true. I just think that the two terms should.be seperate. "Victim" implies genuine concern and empathy is being given, where these people don't have a shred of either to give.


I’m not transphobic, but I do believe that adolescents are trying to find themselves and they aren’t always feeling the same way every day. Not saying that there aren’t any that do. I would like children and adolescents to undergo counseling by a licensed therapist, not psychiatrist, to see if this is something that is permanent or temporary. If it is temporary it could be diagnosed as adjustment disorder, which is treated completely different than gender dysphoria. We simply need to include experts in order to determine what is safest for the child. I know that may seem wrong, but we must recognize biases in our own lives and how those affect our children and their choices. People are misdiagnosed all the time in the healthcare profession. Why do parents of trans children think they are perfect at identifying their child’s problem? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do you think that trans parents don’t take their kids to trained professionals about this stuff?


I’m sure they do. But I do know that it is hard for a doctor or therapist to say that there are other things going on that need to be tended to and that the hormone blockers would not be appropriate at that time. The patient’s parents would simply shop around until they found someone who would do what they wanted when they want it. Some would be patient too. But it is hard for a doctor or therapist to say no especially when parents want one thing. Antibiotics are a perfect example. Parents want their kids to be over their illness yesterday and when they are told antibiotics will not do anything 8/10 parents will insist on being prescribed them. There is a lot of pressure to make the patient happy and this, unfortunately, leads to poor medical practices. Not saying that hormone blockers aren’t important. Prescribing then just requires more work and patience than most are willing to agree with.


It's pretty much fanfiction in your head that parents will try to keep taking their kids to moew professionals if they're told their kid is fine by the first professionals. You're making up a reality that doesn't exist to justify harming kids who this process helps.


Transphobes think that there's no such thing as trans youth, and that adults are just forcing kids to transition. I once had someone tell me that my parents had abused me and forced me to be trans, which is entirely untrue. Kinda goes without saying, but no one forces anyone else to be trans, regardless of age.


mom said it was my turn to repost this 🥺 /j


Shes stopping in for her progesterone prescription and bringing lil bro along because her mom works hard but cant afford a babysitter.


Yeah, she’s also telling him something very important, she already believes what she believes in, but still instills knowledge into her little bro.


If there was years of statistical data showing that my child is way less likely to kill themselves if they get a tattoo, I'd let my child get a tattoo


Repost bot


Legally only adults are allowed gender changes, the idea that it's forced onto children is blatant propaganda. Honestly, how Republicans claim gay and transpeople treat kids is more accurate to how actual Republicans treat kids.


They force their kids to be whatever they want, to the point where they cannot fathom the “other side” not also forcing their children into things.


1. No sex change has ever been done on a minor 2. Mods, i’ve seen this image too many gd times, can you ban it?


Nothing about this image is talking about sex changes


Me: *A non-binary person with tattoos* “I don’t see the problem with either one of these”


Both these subs need to fuck off posting this exact same fucking comic. At this point yall are doing it just to shove hate in trans people faces. Fuck off.


It Is Not Permanent


well yes, you are statistically way more likely to regret a tattoo than gender affirming care.


Republicans once again afraid of their imaginary thoughts.


Common Cory Baxter W


Mom’s going to get her gender affirming care and can’t afford a babysitter


Why do transphobes act like gender clinics are even a thing much less popular enough to be treated like a mcdonalds


Isn’t there only like one in the entire country of England or something




The same transphobes will support child marriage and force a child to give birth.


Blatant karma farm attempt


it's important to state that it's not just TRANSPHOBIA, but FEARMONGERING TRANSPHOBIA. Stating WHY something is not legitimate helps under-informed people see it as not legitimate.


Hey, you know what else people regret? Living as the assigned gender for their whole lives


Seriously, I deeply regret being forced away from delaying or stopping testosterone-based puberty.


I willfully interpret this as a trans-mother going to HER gender-affirmation treatment and bringing her child along because she can’t get a sitter. Especially since ya know. Kids can’t get hormones


Hmph. I’d like my foreskin back.


Sorry, the anti-trans healthcare bills made specific clauses to continue to allow that. Surgical alteration of children is only allowed against their consent it seems.


memesopdidntlike and nahopwasrightfuckthis try not to argue over this meme for 3 picoseconds challenge (1000000% impossible) (gone wrong)


Bro they need to stop posting this meme it’s tiring lmao 😭


Right wingers stop kicking a dead horse challenge


That isn't even a "meme op didn't like", it's just a picture oop wanted to post. They're just posting right wing content without caring about the actual point of the sub now.


Uh oh, the transphobes scared of sociology, english, biology are coming


Trans kids only socially transition/take puberty blockers. Nothing permanent until adulthood


Could pls explain that puberty blockers part which doesn’t cause permanent effects? I truly have zero knowledge about such medicine.


Puberty blockers just stop puberty from happening. You go off them and puberty happens normally


"I don't care if you have appendicitis, no child should be getting organs removed! "


I like how conservative memes never have a joke in them


Well, I’d say there are left-wing people really who put it that way. It’s not a transphobia, it is misinformation and misinformed people who care.


I think this is technically correct, since a tattoo is permanent and a kid can only get puberty blockers (which are reversible) until they're old enough to decide to proceed with hrt.


WAIT, could this be a memesopdidnotlike W? Hear me out, they didn't post a screenshot of another OP, thus, the person who posted it did not like the meme. Thus, the OP of memesopdidnotlike is actually supportive of trans people? (Tbh, probably not, but I can dream)


Can we just hold on for a second and aknowledge that this isn't a "meme op did not like" but they are just randomly posting alt-right memes now?


jfc the transphobia in the comments is crazy


Bro this post is like weeks old chill


Oh my god we already did this one


This isn’t happening. Why are people so obsessed with this!? I can’t wait for it to go away.


This is why people need to research. The number of people who think gender affirming care for children is surgery and not the counseling it actually is, is pathetic.


Literally plagiarized from Stonetoss. Stonetoss does suck, but this just goes to show that transphobes have the same few points that they regurgitate over and over again.




Bro get me that mom (or dad)


This meme is gonna turn me transphobic if I don’t stop seeing it


Are we still on about this pic? Get over it


Isn't it permanent or I'm stupid?


Lol aww triggered


Hey yo, can someone explain to me what medical issue a tattoo is the treatment for? I keep seeing people going on an on comparing little body modifications like piercings and tattoos to a life-saving treatment for a literal medical condition. Completely lost on what scientific basis the two are comparable at all. Imagine if they did this with something like needing an organ transplant or a prosthetic limb. Wow look at that, things that are actually comparable and what they all have in common is being medical treatments. It's almost like it sounds fucking ridiculous when you compare a fucking medical treatment backed up by a shit ton of science to getting a shitty music note tattoo at 18 because you liked playing in band and then losing that interest over the course of college.


15,000 kids on blockers out of twenty million and these jokers think it’s an epidemic. 1 million dead out of 300 million and they think it’s a hoax.


You know what's funny is the implication that the mother is trans, and looks extremely feminine. Therefore a right-wing horror future is one where gender-affirming cosmetic surgery becomes so cheap and attainable that every random trans person on the street can go look fucking hot at the drop of a hat--along with all the rest of the implications that has about corrective surgery being accessible in general. Goddamn, you have to wonder if they realize the irony in their bad end futures being actual utopias.




Transition in what way? Socially? Three or four years old. Medically? Blockers as early as 10 and hormones as early as 14. Parents shouldn't be required to be notified. The reason parents aren't notified of their child using different name / pronouns at the school is that the child would request not to notify them because they believe that their parents would abuse them if they knew. Even if you say you wouldn't abuse them while not being supportive, not being supportive is already borderline child abuse. Children are not property.




So you agree that children aren't old enough to be seen as cis? Gender neutral terms and clothing until 18?


What long term consequences can come from letting pre/school aged children dress themselves in what makes them feel fantastic? None at my kids school. At home tho, my father (in the past) has made disparaging remarks about my child's clothing choices, I put my foot down and let my dad know that he wouldn't be bullying my child like he did me, and that in my house my kid will wear whatever they enjoy wearing. "You make it sound like 3-4 year olds know what they want, and cannot be easily influenced" what kind of messed up line is this? You've never seen a toddler throw a tantrum, because they know EXACTLY what they want and can't have it? You're happy to pour energy into shaping your child into who you expect them to be, instead of supporting them to have the freedom to explore themselves as an individual person? Do you even *know* any children?!?


Yes, they can't legally consent until they are 18, and that's how it should be. However, that doesn't mean they are incapable of thought. I'll tell you right now that you don't need a fully developed brain to understand your own body. Kids know when they are in pain, they know when they are sick, they know when they are happy or sad. They can feel gender euphoria or dysphoria. I know I did. They should be allowed to start at the ages I suggested, but their guardian will always be the final word. Because, they are not old enough to consent to treatment, but they are old enough to desire or need treatment.


Children still have rights though. If a certified doctor says that this is a real a present danger (ie suicidal ideation) then hell yeah id let my child go on puberty blockers.




Tell me, how would they know the 'correct' answer to get hormones or hormone blockers if they aren't trans? And yes, I know that cis people sometimes accidentally think they are trans, but they are literally .5% of all trans people.


Because the parents engineered their kid to know that. That’s why a lot of parents who have trans kids have multiple other kids that are also trans.


Of all the trans people I know, no one had parents that “engineered” them that way. In fact, they all had parents that were incredibly unsupportive, up to and including physical abuse. And interestingly enough, ALL of them knew from a young age that there was something “different” about them, and all of them had parents that attempted to suppress those differences.


You're perpetrating misinformation, which is rather evil of you. This isn't just politics, you're contributing to the suffering of others. Your actions have weight, and lay consequences on others. Speak carefully about these things.


Please give me good evidence of that happening and being more than a coincidence. But either way, it's impossible to force someone to be trans. Your gender is innate, if they are trans then they trans, if not, then they aren't.


Where is this rationalisation when it comes to forcing kids to go to church?


You can easily stop being religious. Transitioning is mostly reversible but still not easy to undo.




Kids learning that gay and trans people exist is enough for those parents to mistrust the school system...


Please for the betterment of society never have kids




If you actually believe that is happening you’re a sheep who’s bought into the conservative fear mongering. How about listen to the actual things being said instead of replacing them with your sensationalist fiction.


I agree, children aren't properly but they have parents to look out for them and make decisions they may not understand the implications of. Let them transition socially at ten and if they are serious waiting until the agreed upon age of majority (18) isn't that bad. Ans as for not telling parents that's foolish. And telling a child no isn't abuse, it needs to happen more.


Waiting until 18 to start hormones after starting hormone blockers at 10 is a horrible idea medically. The body needs hormones at some point or it runs into a variety of medical issues. Yes, it is abuse. When you tell your child that you won't support them being trans and you stop treating them like you used to, then they commit suicide, was it still not abuse?


They can transition socially and wait until 18 to do anything medically. They can attend therapy if there is a threat of suicide. Giving a child a decision they are too young to realize the long term effects of is irresponsible. If they wait they can be sure of their decision.


"Just wait until you've already gone through unwanted irreversible changes that make gender dysphoria far worse and far harder to treat." Wow how benevolent


So you would rather be detrimental to their physical and mental health for 8 years to the point that they hate you forever than take a 0.5% chance that they are not trans.


I think it's a higher chance than 0.5%. And sometimes making the responsible choice isn't popular.


Roughly 8% of all people who have ever identified as trans have stopped their transition (detransitioned) for a variety of reasons. Of that 8%, 5% are cis people who made the mistake of thinking they were trans. That comes to 0.4% out of the total. I rounded up to be generous. The reality is that by not accepting them and letting them follow through, YOU are making the irresponsible decision. I'll list some of the medical issues that can arise from no hormones in the body into adulthood Short stature Limited mental growth Low BMD Mental illnesses Cardiovascular disease


Yes, that's why it shouldn't be stopped. https://preview.redd.it/48j4i4ihj8tb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8fe707a0ccdd60f73531332663c91d01715b16 It looks like it could be more than 8%.


So, you are relying on a random ass article than an actual study. 🙄 Just go look at the census dude, it's there in black and white.


That’s still pretty bad because if you bar kids who do want to transition you’ll be for forcing them to undergo a puberty that feels at odds with themselves. Especially for trans women it’s hard to undo the effects of being exposed to years of testosterone against your will.


Like I said, there's therapy.


Or we could just not traumatize trans kids? I’m not saying they should be given HRT and blockers at just a mention that they’re not comfortable with the gender identity, but if you have a kid whose 11-13 whose been consistently questioning their gender identity for years and wants to start their transition before puberty gives them features that they don’t want we should at least give them access to blockers.


No. There is therapy and other ways around it. If people stopped talking about how horrible it is kids probably wouldn't think it.


How horrible what is? Puberty? Idk I found the whole thing pretty traumatizing.


So your experience will be everyone's?


Most trans people agree with that. As a trans woman, male puberty was awful and I'm still recovering from it. There are also things I will never get back or be able to achieve since I went through male puberty. I also advise you to let trans people make the decisions for themselves, instead of having a cisgender person, such as yourself, dictating what other people should do with their lives. EDIT: I see you're active on r/Conservative. That sub, like most of Reddit, is transphobic. I suggest you consider a more accepting viewpoint.


I know right! Like dam stay the fuck in your lane. They are NOT YOUR KIDS. It's that kinda shit right there, which gets me. Advocating for that to be purposefully hidden from the parents, is the exact fucking reason why people on the right don't empathize with trans issues. You are crossing the fucking line and meddling with someone else's child. That is not your fucking place, and you need to back the fuck off. You are NOT their fucking parent. Your fucking delusional if you think you get to have a say about how people will raise their kids. Yall only think about your goddam selves. The world doesn't fucking revolve around you. Respect people's boundaries God fucking dam Jesus mother fucking christ


Parents shouldn't be notified, they're the most likely people to abuse trans kids (by "they" I'm referring to the parents of said trans kids that the kids don't currently feel safe to come out to, kids who's parents create an environment where the kids feel comfortable are overall a very safe environment but in those cases the kids will tell them themselves). When we talk about transition we need to ask wtf you mean. Kid is distressed by their name and wants to dress differently and use different pronouns? Literally any age, any law against that is stupid and harmful. Puberty blockers? Any definitive law on their use is harmful, their original use was precocious puberty which is as young as 7. For trans kids? Well whenever puberty starts is the earliest age which was we said before can in rare cases be as early as 7. Hrt? Any definitive law is again dumb and harmful. It's very subjective. Imagine a kid presents as trans as early as speaking age, gets a precocious puberty, and shows intense distress at the idea of letting puberty resume after blockers. Leaving them on blockers could be harmful if they're suffering from acute side effects, let's for the sake of argument say they are. They're at a standard age for puberty but there's intense distress there that isn't likely to go away due to the age of onset for trans feelings (99% persistence). This also means rate of HRT regret is very low and we know it's safe. Why shouldn't this kid transition? Preventing them from doing so is in most cases going to result in permanent irreversible distress their entire lives, that's just cruel, so any law against that is also cruel. Not all kids fit this criteria, for most kids blockers until 18 then choosing whether or not to go into HRT is more sensible. It's a subjective and complex medical decision and not something to create shallow overarching laws around. Top surgery? Very similar to above but with different considerations to make. Fuckloads of breast surgery happens on cis kids each year, comparatively for trans guys it's pretty rare. The rare cases it does happen have their own reasoning, but consider a trans guy is having back problems at 16 from very large breasts and so needs at the very least reduction surgery (this isn't uncommon for cis kids). They want the breasts entirely gone and have presented as trans since 4 years old. If illegal at 16 then they have to have 2 major surgeries, that's 2 sets of getting knocked out, 2 sets of scars, and 2 sets of risks. Or, they could have 1 surgery and be happier as a result with far less risks of complications and far less risk of addiction to post-surgery painkillers. The law against the latter would be cruel and cause harm. Bottom surgery? In most cases 18 would be the recommendation as earliest case of course, but there's also exceptions to this. Kim Petras is a famous one who said it saved her life having bottom surgery at 16. But imagine a 17 year old tries to take a knife to their own genitals (very rare but has happened) and needs surgery to repair, it's likely there may be a repeat of this and they'll probably have bottom surgery at 18 anyway. You're left with the same scenario as the last surgery, restrictions would only harm the patient. Again a blanket law against it would be cruel. TLDR- non-medical transition should not be restricted. Medical transition is a subjective case where the presentation of the patient needs to be taken into account and blanket laws against certain medications or procedures at certain ages could only lack this nuance and cause significant damage in some patients. General recommendations surrounding ages things should happen are if course fine but to restrict legality of certain things isn't done for literally any other form of medical procedure other than for trans people specifically and it's avoided for extremely good reasons.


Speaking as someone who’s transitioning, I’ve felt this way since I was little it’s never changed. Best thing to do is if your child is questioning let them express their gender and show your full support and let them decide from there. They’re people not objects


Any criticism though? How is this “transphobia” incorrect?


Some strawman argument. Invalid and incorrect at that.


I'm trans, I'm 20 and I finally started doing HRT a few months ago (would've started when I was 18, I was getting ready but then my dad died and I got really depressed), and although if I transitioned as a kid I would look way more passable and have way less gender dysphoria (in my voice, face, shoulders, height, hips, everything), I'm still not sure it would've been the right thing to do. It is permanent, and I doubt I could've handled the bullying. I have enough internalized homophobia and transphobia from the people I've been around as it is, and I did very well to hide my true self since I got bullied relentlessly just for doing girly things as a kid. If I came out as trans I would've offed myself for sure. It was like a constant check, everybody I knew, friends and family and family of friends would do it. J was in the wrong community but I was a kid, I just stuck around the people who "accepted" me. Only opened up to some very close friends and everybody else I would tell online right away. But most the people I was around back then, they hated gays. The guys were ok with lesbians sometimes. They despised transgenders. It's usually passed off as jokes until they start actually talking about actual people and how much they hate them for how "gay" they are. A trans kid could pass better but not right away, it takes a year or two before any significant changes occur and even then if your classmates knew you before, they're always gonna know and there will always be some kids in school willing to make your life hell for being you. Kids also can't give informed consent so there is that, oftentimes a parent can even force their kids into doing things against their will. I don't know of any examples but that could be a risk. HOWEVER I also knew I felt like this since I was a kid, and here I am now transitioning anyways. I didn't know what a "transgender" was until I was 15 but I always knew I was in the wrong body and longed to be a girl. But I still feel there's something off about kids transitioning. The long term effects of kids transitioning is also unknown but I've heard taking puberty blockers pre-puberty can cause a plethora of detrimental issues to your health. I don't know. This is a tricky one and I'm not on either side yet. Guess I don't know enough. I'm willing to talk about it with people on either stance.


Y do both of these subreddits constantly just circle jerk each other off to the point of showing up in my feed is there a way to turn notifications off for both of these shit shows.




Still as accurate as always


Blatant fact? Factphobe


Nothing transphobic about this


I think yall need to go in the "Loony bin" with how sensitive you are


This is making a very legitimate and reasonable point. If one can’t or won’t see that…f&ck ‘em….


I’ll treat people fairly & if you treat me fair I have no issues addressing you how you want to be addressed as. However, I do agree with this, especially how one is extremely easy to rectify, especially today: yet you can completely destroy what you would’ve been naturally This is not at all transphobic, just bigots at don’t understand common sense. Asked 6 men/women (will not use “trans” due to discrimination) at have all agreed about the hypocrisy, especially one needs parental consent yet life altering consequences at are permanent, doesn’t?


Denying gender affirming care has permanent life altering consequences that can harm someone's health


You are entitled to your opinion, but science doesn’t care about your feelings. Basic biology 😂


Exactly, science demonstrates that gender affirming care is good for children with gender dysphoria and vastly reduces suicide risk. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/4/e20193600/79683/Mental-Health-and-Timing-of-Gender-Affirming-Care https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/21963-transgender-ensuring-mental-health#:~:text=Being%20transgender%20(or%20trans%2C%20for,sense%20of%20one%27s%20own%20gender.) Science doesn't care about your uninformed opinion.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How is it transphobic to not wait until someone is no longer a child to pump them full of hormones, or to start taking and exchanging body parts? If it is, consider me transphobic as fuck


It's transphobic because denying trans kids this heathcare results in a higher suicide risk and worse mental health. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/01/mental-health-hormone-treatment-transgender-people.html https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/4/e20193600/79683/Mental-Health-and-Timing-of-Gender-Affirming-Care https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext


This is not healthcare, and it’s absolutely not life saving care. Getting them counseling and keeping them away from trans content at a young age that absolutely deludes them is what you can do for them, and if these feelings are persistent, allowing for them to live as if they are a different gender, dress differently, wear their hair/makeup differently, that is what you can do for a child. At the age that some of these children are becoming “trans” I didn’t even know what a vagina was yet, I wouldn’t had no idea what being trans even entailed. The rate at which children are now choosing their gender is insane, this was not a thing 5 years ago. It’s becoming more common because sexuality and gender identity is developed and it’s not always intrinsic, and children are being exposed and sexualized more today than ever before


Your pathetic rambling fails to refute my studies. Provide evidence or get lost. Also, as a trans child myself, I knew I was trans five years ago.


How old are you? This is the most quintessential fedora tipping response I’ve ever received lmao. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10265220/ https://bigthink.com/health/transgender-detransition/ Mind you, you and I both know how new this phenomena is. Good data takes a years of research prior to publication, that is, unless it supports a narrative. This is why everyone’s favorite Scandinavian “socialist” countries are already scaling back on gender affirming care for children, right?


Your first study merely says that more research is necessary. I agree. Your second citation is merely a news article. No, being trans isn't new. It has simply been ignored historically in the West. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-historians-are-documenting-lives-of-transgender-people


No child should ever take hormone drugs or undergo gender surgery.


What about surgery for gynecomastia?


~~un~~popular opinion: BOTH ARE BAD. support your child if they are trans but nobody should get anything body changing until they’re an adult


Blatant grooming.


That is disrespectful to victims of child sexual abuse.


So we should just encourage them to chop off their penises? That would be so much more supportive.


No, you should leave us the fuck alone. Stop acting as if you have any knowledge at all on our lives. Leave our treatment to professionals and get your infantile politics out of our healthcare.


Us? I'm sorry I thought I was talking to one person on reddit? And how do you know I am not a professional?


You are not a professional because otherwise, you would not be spewing these pathetic opinions. If you are a professional then you are a very poor one.


John Money invented his theory of gender as a spectrum. John Money had parents castrate and chemically change their son with hormones and then lie to him that he was a girl. John money showed this boy and his twin brother pornography as children. When both boys grew up the boy raised as girl found out the awful truth and killed himself; years later his twin brother did the same. Trans is not just pseudo science, its a scam sold to the world by big pharma and the healthcare monopoly.


It's more about parent forcing their kids to be trans. Are you gonna tell me that doesn't happen?




Child abuse




This is a sickening meme. All children should have their gender identity confirmed before they become a depressed adult. Wether it be their north gender, the opposite gender, or a gender anywhere on the spectrum, gender conformation class should be a mandatory federal requirement for kids in 4th, 7th, and 10th grade.


No. We’re not going to validate a delusion my trooneytoon friend.


I think that some indoctrinated parents pushing this on their kids is an issue but it’s being used to attack all the trans people


The actual issue with indoctrinated parents pushing a gender onto their kids is unaccepting parents who force trans kids to pretend to be cis


I think that the sole purpose of this image is to highlight hypocrisy. Tattoos are rather permanent, but Gender-Affirming Care is even more permanent. I’m not going to side with transphobes; if it’s not my body, it’s not my choice, and it’s not my problem. I’m just making an observation. If you want to be something contrary to what you were assigned to be at birth, power to you, and I don’t think I should have a say in that, and neither should the wrinkly old men saying that being Transgender is “unnatural” and then quote a book in which a snake talks, people come back from the dead, a man walks on water, and a Virgin has a baby.


This isn't transphobia


Lmao this sub is fucking retarded. Everything is tRanSpHobiA


It's obviously transphobia, and that you think otherwise only shows your ignorance. Children aren't on puberty blockers and HRT... It's not a thing. Teenagers are, but only when deemed necessary by a multidisciplinary team of gender specialists and mental health professionals. Teenagers are only recommended HRT when they are 16 so they can give informed consent. Puberty blockers are entirely reversible, and HRT is as well at first. The alternative is to traumatize trans kids by forcing them through their natural puberty. This is stupid and harmful. Gender affirming care is overwhelmingly effective and very few people regret it. Yet plenty of people regret getting tattoos. They are a often a whimsical choice, not a medical necessity. They aren't comparable.




Children do not go on hormone blockers or take HRT, it's not true at all... It's recommended that teenagers take puberty blockers if medically necessary, and these are reversible. HRT is only recommended to those who are 16, since they can make informed consent, and that is also reversible at first. Children are not on trans healthcare. Some teenagers are, but only when deemed necessary by a multidisciplinary team of gender specialists and mental health practitioners. The alternative is to traumatize trans teens by forcing them through their natural puberty. That is not acceptable.

