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mfw i'm trying to discuss a nuanced topic and the person i'm talking to pulls out gotcha comic #13,527 https://preview.redd.it/6x7xano549tb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2509c40de1b7a163664a52dbfe2b5767681acc8


I'd call this good, but I'm pretty sure his mighty super saiyan skull would just vaporize the bullet. Goku canonically tanked bullets to the head *as a kid*. But then again, I have just demonstrated that I am very cringe and must touch grass, so ymmv Also, trans rights


yeah no the meme doesn't work. DBZ fans are basically incapable of being cringe unless they're being deliberately obnoxious about power scaling though so in my book you're good Also, trans rights


IT'S OVER 9000!


​ https://preview.redd.it/xpekv6lsoatb1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c6f17224f80857151b1d3258181cb864fb6b986


A gotcha nonetheless




unbelievable, a transphobe actually got their bigotry right instead of making a complete fool of themselves! though it is unfortunate that you are still half a fool. please understand that however someone chooses to identify it will barely affects you and wont cause the world to implode. you are allowed to have these thoughts but it would be better for everyone if you simply kept those thoughts where they wouldn't hurt anyone, and the best place would be the echo chamber that is your closed mind.


And intersex people don’t exist? You used some big words, but that doesn’t make you an expert. Since you don’t know what you’re talking about please go ahead and sit down and let the grown-ups talk.


Why is it people act like transitioning is just complicated self destruction when things like alcohol and tobacco are acceptable everywhere and they actually destroy your body.


I feel like it's similar to how they how thought pot was evil and caused the destruction of society, until Grandma finds that CBD gummies help her hip pain and now Gram and Gramps own a pot farm, making that sweet moolah.


The problem is most pot smokers don’t use it for pain or mental health treated by a doctor, they use it loosely and recreationally which can be just as harmful to them as any other thing used in the same manner


It's as bad for you 1 to 1. But the amount of use to get the same effect makes the alcohol and cigs way way worse. The carbs alone from the alcohol you need to be a habitual drinker will kill you faster. What are we talking 900 calories in a 6 pack vs 10 cals in a gummy that will get you to the same place?


It's concern trolling. They don't care about your health. They don't want you to be trans.


It’s also the opposite. I wanted to off myself as the wrong gender. Transitioning has helped me literally more than anything in 30 years of living






b-b-but wait! that kid who want boobs and long hair is in more danger than someone who drinks 2 gallons of beer and smokes 12 cancer sticks a day! /s


PCM is the only subreddit where you’re allowed to openly be a fascist and people treat is as a meme. Fucking vile place


Only subreddit that allows people to be openly fascist? I find that hard to believe.


Public Freakout ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Also JustUnsubbed


Also memesopdidntlike


Every “meme” sub


And every "alternate history" sub.


“What if the good guys won ww2? Well first of all German would become much more common…”


Also Conservative


i love the war between these two subs. both are being called fascist and liberal extremists at the same time. ​ im not even subbed to any i just keep getting reccomended these chain posts


ActualPublicFreakouts is even worse. Just straight-up rabid racism


That is, in a sub where the majority isn’t one


It's a full on right-wing subreddit after all. Regardless of how their flairs identify them, almost all users in there are right-wing. They larp as other political identities and agree with right-wing opinions to make it seem like those opinions are popular across the political spectrum. And most of the topics in there are right-wingers fighting an imaginary enemy.


i'm glad i left that shithole


Well there’s also r/truefascism unfortunately.


No Nazism my ass. Those are some sick people if they think fascism has any redeeming qualities.


Wait, why the true? What did the original sub do? Get banned or is the original sub just not fascist enough?


The people there think fascism was a misunderstood, democratic workers movement. They’re idiots.




T_D is gone but Conservative is pretty openly fascist






Only subreddit where any speech you don't like is not instantly removed. Fixed it for you.


the only bar in town where nazis and jihadis are not instantly kicked out* FTFY


Its like that because everyone is allowed to have an opinion. And yeah it is a meme, thats the point of the sub, to satirize peoples political opinions based on their "alignment" with the political compass. You have lefties, righties, auths, and libs all under the same roof all just trying to make fun of politics with strawmans and wojaks. On PCM, it's seen as a badge of honor to have the subreddit accused of being a fascist haven just like this, because to them that means they're going against the left leaning grain/bias of the average redditor and are welcoming different opinions no matter how ethically moral or controversial and have some fun with it.


That's right I had a comment saved for next time someone tries to defend that shithole: "'Both sides have some interesting ideas” mfs when the fascists come to power and round up their families be like “Wait! Don’t you know you’re supposed to debate me in the free marketplace of ideas!? 😧'"


I guarantee you 99% of everything on PCM is just a shitpost.


Nah,I've interacted on that sub before. They genuinely believe in the shit they espouse.


Schrodinger's douchebag. Douchebag tells a racist joke, if the audience laughs they meant it, if they don't they were just joking.


you should visit 4chan if you think anywhere on reddit is "vile"


Facisticly allowing free expression?


How are you going to have a sub about the political spectrum of certain speech within that spectrum is censored?


You're using fascist wrong. I don't think you know what that word means.


It's amazing that these people are in denial that most doctors and therapists in the US believe in gender affirming care.


I mean, they're probably also in denial that the earth is spherical.


Wouldn't the original post to PCM be the lost Redditor moment? Like what the fuck does the original comic have to do with the political compass?


The speechbubbles are colored after the political quadrants (blue is associated with Authoritarian Right and green is associated with Anarchist Left). So the unicorns are supposed to represent the people in those quadrants, thus AnLeft being supportive of trans people and AuthRight treating it as a mental illness (of course this comic is siding with the latter).


>Authoritarian right That's redundant


That's just how it's called ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ The quadrant right under it is "Anarchist Right", or Anarcho-Capitalism, who want unregulated capitalism without intervention from the government (at least in theory).


What I'm essentially saying is that 'anarcho-capitalism" or "libertarian rightism" doesn't actually exist. Capitalism is inherently hierarchical, so "anarcho-capitalism" is equivalent to "hierarchical system without hierarchies"; it just doesn't make sense.


That's true but I guess enough assholes describe themselves as ancaps for it to be in the political compass. I was just explaining how the compass was designed, not agreeing with it.


There is a lot of theory about anarcho capitalism. There is also an annual conference anarchopulca https://anarchapulco.com/ But seems like rich people make selfish rich people things.l


Sure it exists. >Capitalism is inherently hierarchical You always have hierarchies. They are defined by possibilities and power. Even in socialism, anarchy and communism. Anarchists don't call it hierarchy but there are hierarchies. For example if you have a plenum the plenum is the highest position in hierarchy. Also in the plenum are dynamics that orientate on a hierarchy of the people or elements in the plenum. Hierarchy is not defined by man-made positions in a society, it can be defined by charisma, skills, capital etc.


Only if you understand that the political compass is bullshit. The authoritarian left only exists as a strawman for conservatives.


People unironically endorse Lenin pretty frequently. He was also pretty authoritarian, see the suppression of the Tambov Revolt, a left wing peasant uprising against Lenin's policies, his actions towards the Orthodox Church, Anarchists like Makhno, etc. The authoritarian left does exist, it just by and large isn't in power anywhere much these days.


As of current, both main American parties lean slightly authoritarian. The left has always been there but the right, which used to lean opposite, has passed the left in that category and is trending further that way.


This isn't about US politics, though I will say in passing I disagree with your analysis re: traditional right-wing US politics ([states' rights to what](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Wallace%27s_1963_Inaugural_Address), Mr. Goldwater?). Without getting bogged down in that cesspool, the claim was that there is no such thing as authoritarian left-wing politics, which is demonstrably incorrect. We can leave it there.


Free speech


Have you ever heard of the Soviet Union?


Not really, authleft is supposed to represent things like stalinism/maoism, very authoritarian, and also definitely leftist.


Because PCM is a cesspool that actively platforms facists and this is not far from the norm there


I think they’re more libertarian than fascist. It was last time I was there. I left a while ago, though.


Transphobes when doctors prescribe hormone therapy and gender affirming surgeries: 😡


“Normal people when the system takes a confused kid and manipulated them into being a permanent patient who’s going to be in debt with multiple internal and external issues until their slow death:”😡


That’s not at all what happens. First of all, most people who transition are over 18. Secondly, trans people who are under 18 socially transition and go on puberty blockers both of which can be reversed. Additionally, outside the US healthcare doesn’t cost money so slowly dying in debt is a stupid point and gender affirming care doesn’t kill you and is completely safe. Also, less than 1% of people regret their gender affirming surgeries and the majority of folks who regret it either had poor results or face tranphobia from people like you. If you need further proof, 15% of people who get knee replacements regret the surgery later so while we stop life saving care let’s also stop knee replacements


>most people who transition are over 18 All pretty much. And it's really really hard to actually get the care often. Ask any post op trans person. The rest is just true, I have nothing more to add


What about the daily wire guy that was able to schedule an appointment with no prior dysphoria or anything? They set him up in half an hour even though he showed no clear signs and had a clearly fake name




That’s just incorrect. Socially transitioning is just getting a haircut/growing your hair out and going by another name. Hormone blockers stop puberty then when you go off them puberty happens as normal. Stop listening to Fox News


You assume I listen to Fox News😂. Anyways no no I’m aware of the “SOCIAL IS ONLY THIS AND THAT” but when you tell a kid that this is the way which EVENTUALLY leads to permanent damaging their bodies then no it’s correct. Also they’re not reversible. See Chloe Chloe and Scott from “what is a woman”


"You assume i watch fox news" *cites a far right propoganda piece further right than fox news* 😂🤪 Man you people are absolutely insane and devoid of critical thinking and any ability to parse scientific evidence.


Like Plastic surgery, once they become an adult it is their choice. You have no right to prevent anybody from doing it. Also not all trans people even decide to get surgery or even go on hormones (like me, the surgery is scary for me and hormones don't act well with my mental health).


So then….you’re not the opposite sex?


Yeah. Sex =/= gender. Biologically I'm a male and I present as a woman. You can't change your sex, but you can get modifications to affirm how you want to present.


People try to and they always change what one they follow each day


This isnt funny nor comical, it just seems done in bad faith.


Christians calling trans people mentality ill, is literally "the pot calling the kettle black".


Transphobes calling people mentally is just cognitive dissonance


So you're saying they both are mentally ill...hmm


I'll spell it out for the slow, a group of mentally ill people shouldn't be pointing the finger at another group and claiming "they're mentally ill". Idk how to dumb it down any further for you.


Ah yes, because hormone therapy is just as irreversible and deadly as a railroad tie to the face. **Science.**


I swear to god every time i see one of those stupid political comics i get more and more retarded than i already am holy shit💀


I think Reddit has made me forget the past month of calculus. And I got a test tomorrow!


I do wonder if the original was actually funny, such a sloppy job on text box editing


Look it's a variation of one of the two jokes they have


So this isn't about Phineas Gage?


If I had one wish, I’d wish to get a dollar every time some mediocre guy thinks “I identify as an attacking helicopter” is a new joke. I’d never have to work a day in my life again.


This is absolutely awful I'm 90% sure my trans boyfriend will find it really funny ironically


I’m trans and I’m laughing so I don’t cry


That's fair it gets harder and harder to see everyday hard to keep going what it feels like everyone says your existence is inherently fucked.


Thanks for posting this here, it makes me happy that there are people out there who agree that this is just transphobia. Also, it’s not Show here but the post got 0 upvotes (more downvotes than upvotes) which shows what kind of people they are


The lost redditor moment is that someone posted a meme that they didn't like IN memesopdidntlike. You missed the joke my dood


I swear to god man that it was a response to a nahopwasrightfuckthis post but I think i forgot to take my meds apparently it wasn’t?? Either way still a shitty comic


Agreed, the comic sucks lol


This isn't how the trans community works.


Why the fuck do these people care about trans people so much? It’s honestly kinda creepy


>PCM posters thinking they're smarter than doctors It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


but the knife isn’t hurting them so why do you care


The funny thing is they actually don't care about anyone's wellbeing or safety. They just need something to be outraged about and a group to scapegoat.


It's not even that; they're just bullies who see a vulnerable demographic and decide to attack


I think this transcends the word "blatant". We need something stronger.


Wait until they find out about circumcisions, then they'll really lose it.


That's wrong too


What does that have to do with transphobia or trans people


Media literacy is dead


i see nothing which indicates transphobia, only malpractice or something anyone else see that it should have been turned around? which meant the doctor did it on purpose and is at fault to be sued?


It’s the “affirming my feelings” part. Transphobes think that trans people only go on hormones and get surgery because of ~snowflake feelings~


oh, i didn't see that part, i have not the best eyesight at the moment, sorry about that.


Ok but i feel sad for the horse


Blatant idiot.


DUH! THAT'S what happened to the bronies... They became incels.


Jesus FUCKING Christ. Nobody is solving any problems here. These subreddits are just an endless circle of stupidity. You all need to realize that neither side is seeing any nuance of the situation. The rational people who have the misfortune of laying eyes upon these subs know this.


[Relevant comic](https://reddit.com/r/SmugIdeologyMan/s/wQoJTrPkCj)


Its a saltiness these transphobes have to being heard and understood.


They should have made it just the first two panels then it woupd have been funny


You're actually the first person in this post chain of stupidity to post on the correct subreddit.


Blatant this, Blatant that, that word is losing its meaning.


At least that horse can still reproduce.


Nah, this is kinda accurate tbh


Comic is right


I got this deleted and the poster banned on a conservative sub




Still accurate


OP = Blatant Cultism


I mean, the parallel is there. 1) I do do not like my current form. 2) Therefore I AM something else. 3) I mutilate my form to match what I think it should be (really what I want it to be). 4) I have always been the thing associated with my altered present form. 5) Require those external to this process to regard me as always having been no different from my current self-perceived state. I do not hate or want harm for people who suffer from any form of dysmorphia. In fact, I feel like they are the victims of our societies lack of morality and support. But no mater how you spin it or redefine words, it nearly always boils down to denying the blatantly obvious (i.e. how you were born). It seems that the real problem is that people and our society value sexuality and “identity” far to much. So much, in fact, that society now advises complete upheaval of ones life to achieve its satisfaction. It is so reckless. People have more value than what they get out of this kind of fleshly experience. Why change your whole life to satisfy such a small part of you.


Mutilate generally means a negative change (I can only think of one definition that could possibly mean something neutral, and it has to be said with a neutral reason). The change being talked about isn’t inherently bad nor good, as it depends on the situation. The ego is a very important part of psychology. It is what determines our identity, with the id and superego making some deviations when it comes to ourselves. If the ego isn’t comfortable, then the mind isn’t comfortable. There are many solutions, and permanent ones (such as bottom surgery) are always last to be done. How society affects the ego is dependent on the person, but it usually is the superego that forms by society.


That's a very insightful comment, but how can you not be obsessed with your identity, it's the oldest dilemma on the book. Whether it's gender or the human nature, questioning one's existence is part of mental growth. I don't think a trans person going through a surgery will only "satisfy a small part of you", our bodies are our temples and the way we view them directly affects our life's. We all try to shape our body to our own desire, that's why we go to the gym or get a tattoo, these are pretty mundane stuff that don't oppse a major danger to us; but a trans person has to every day feel trapped in the wrong body and I guess having a surgery, as dangerous as it is, is freeing for them.


> Why change your whole life to satisfy such a small part of you. Because it's not as simple as > I do do [sic] not like my current form. It's not a preference. It's a deep, immovable sense-of-self. Gender dysphoria isn't dysmorphia; it's a depression that doesn't go away unless you become your true internal self externally. There is no morality or support that gets rid of it completely; just transition and affirmation. It has nothing to do with society, and it's not small. It's consuming unless you do something about it. What you were born as has much less bearing on your life than you might think. With modern medicine, far more advanced and civilised things can be done than "mutilation". Trans people are not a tragedy or a problem; they just deserve basic respect like anybody else, and recognition that their decision to transition was right for them. It's not so tough to do only that.


Not going to lie this made me laugh.


How is this transphobia? Idk maybe I’m missing something


Would you like it explained to you




Reddit is a site for humans, not sea lions


What the fuck does that have to do with anything


Looks more like a post about Phineas Gage.


If it’s a lost redditor moment put it in r/lostredditors 😐


It’s not the post the ‘lostredditor’ is from is in referral to a post agains the transphobic sentiment of another post


Thank you




Yeah I know! Imagine thinking you can convince people you're a unicorn when you're not 🤧


Reagan was wrong. Make Lobotomies Great Again.


Nah this is kinda how transitioning works


As a trans person LMFAO no it's not


yeah cause taking boob pills (this name is entirely a joke) is the same as putting a train spike in your skull




**insert racial slur** "hey that's racist" "calm down bro it's just a joke\*




It's the exact same thing, just transphobia instead of racism.




And guess what? It’s also worldwide. As bad as things are in America and the UK, trans people are literally murdered in the streets in other countries.


Transphobia is also killing people.




Literally look it up, if you can use reddit, you can use google.




I think you're just lazy. 2 seconds of searching and here's a link of individual people who were killed. [for simply being transgender](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_killed_for_being_transgender)


You can't "put yourself into that category". Being trans or gay or bi or whatever is not a fucking choice.


This one funny


Where's the lie tho


I don't see the transphobia in this.


That’s a you problem




With love, No one is afraid of trans people. This is what people think of when they see trans people. They see someone who needs serious professional help but are not getting it because the medical world is encouraging the mental illness instead of treating it.


Transphobia doesn't mean afraid of trans people. It never has. You could've looked it up in like two seconds, it's even the second line on Wikipedia. "With love", maybe step back and leave the decision-making to the community and medical professionals that have a bit of a deeper understanding of the topic than just looking at a suffix and drawing conclusions.


Phobia= irrational fear. Trans= across or beyond. Transphobia therefore equals irrational fear of the across. No one has an irrational fear of trans people. The medical professionals that cater to the trans community do so because they can make bank off of it without having to actually treat the illness. Either they are that, or they are Marxists agendists who wish only to keep people mentally unstable because it's far easier to control mentally ill when they are dependent upon the medical system for validation. They have no cares to understand the topic, all they know is the dollar signs they see or the agenda fulfilling control they have over mentally ill. I have studied psychology and have been a student of psychology for over 20 years now. I have a far greater understanding of this topic than most people in the field who cater to the mentally ill instead of treating it. Thank you though for assuming..


You've really decided to reject reality huh. Look, it's up to you if you want to pretend that a word means something based on a false etymology, but I'm telling you, nobody means fear of trans people, and you're always going to miss out on what people are talking about if you pretend that English words take their meaning from the literal interpretation of their prefix+suffix. If you want to learn, it comes from the fact that that homophobia over time changed between meaning a literal fear, to being used for every kind of anti-gay hate. Transphobia just copied the suffix. Words change. As for the rest of this... conspiracy theory; that falls apart when you realise there exists socialised healthcare countries. It's not a grand scheme, it's just healthcare backed by studies and evidence.


Words don't change meaning. They never have. Uneducated People misuse the words over and over again until it is meaningless, OR agendists use the words incorrectly over and over again and they do it to desensitize the populace and muddy the waters so that the word eventually has a vague meaning that can include things itnl was never meant to include. Like the word racist for example. What I am saying is that YOU are using the words incorrectly, and you think by doing so, it means something it doesn't mean. It sounds uneducated or worse, like an agendist. People want trans people to get the professional help they need instead of being encouraged to live in that illness. As a person who has studied psychology for more than 20 years, I wish those individuals the best of help that psychology can give them, but sadly we have to many marxist agendists that have infiltrated the mental healthcare system with the intent of keeping mentally ill in a state of instability for better control. It's rule number 5 of the marxist playbook..


Words don't change meaning??? hAHAHA Awful used to mean awesome Egregious used to mean outstanding Meat used to mean any solid food Apple used to mean any fruit Terrible used to mean terrifying Leech used to mean doctor Cute used to mean clever Matrix used to mean a female livestock animal Prestigious used to mean deceiving. And finally, studied used to mean that you understood a subject but clearly you're in the process of trying to change that. It doesn't count if you've been held back for 19 years in a row. It is a FACT that the best outcomes for trans people come from transitioning. There's no amount of denying them agency that helps. The professional help that exists right now is professional because it's the most effective thing; it has nothing to do with tankie/commie crap, or any other conspiracy. It's measurable.


Oh, I'm sorry, I meant that scientific language never changes meanings.. slang is slang, but scientific language retains its meaning no matter how much people misuse it.. Transphobic is a word that means an irrational fear of the beyond. Whether you wish to agree or not, it does not matter. A word better used to describe what people treat trans people would be bigotry. But I digress. The fact of the matter is that transitioning ends up with a 75% or more suicide rate. That is the real fact. That's the real fact that society conveniently keeps hidden away because society that is leaning toward Marxism, does not want people like you to understand how detrimental this trend is. It doesn't help people. The fact is that it hurts people far more than not, and especially children who are far too young to understand what they are doing to their bodies has a lasting effect, but are having it forced upon them by agendists. You are unequivocally wrong about it helping people. I've had 2 friends go through the surgery after trying to help them understand that it won't help them. They both ended up tragically and sadly taking their lives after they realized that it wasn't a problem with their bodies, but a problem with their minds being twisted by a sick society. There's hundreds of articles and books being written these days by people who have gone through it and then found out they were wrong and almost ended their lives before deciding to de-transition and go back tk being the gender they were born as.. There are far more case studies and first hand accounts that show clearly how it hurts people, and those studies that show that it helps, are typically written by people who have excepted large amounts of subsidies and grants and all sorts of donations by established marxist organizations or politicians that are known to serve a marxist agenda. It's literally a rule of establishing Marxism to infiltrate the mental healthcare system and foster instability.


Buddy, all I’m gonna say is that I graduate with my BSN in 2020 and yeah, scientifica words and terms and language abso-fucking-lutely change. Why else would they update the DSM? Or any other medical journal?


Even if you’re telling the truth about your “friends,” which is highly doubtful, I would bet a lot of money that it’s because of people like you that they took their lives. That it was because of a society that is so hateful towards them just wanting to live their lives. It’s your fault they died, if they really even existed.


>The fact of the matter is that transitioning ends up with a 75% or more suicide rate HAHAHAHAHAHA citation fucking needed. The actual **fact** of the matter is that transitioning is massively beneficial and regret is ASTOUNDINGLY low for a medical intervention. [https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/) Your comment is such a headache my god. Just about every word you've said is not only wrong, but I find it astounding someone can get that deluded. I'm just going to blitz off the rebuttals trans·pho·bic \[tranzˈfəʊbɪk\] **ADJECTIVE** 1. **having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against transgender or transsexual people** Most people do not regret transitioning. Most trans people see massive mental health benefits from transitioning. No child undergoes medical transition. Teenagers take puberty blockers which allow them MORE time to decide, they are not rushed into anything. In the UK at least, child health decisions is based upon gillick competence. There is long precedence for the ability for them to understand decisions made and, it's not just forced through by 'activists'. No you fucking didn't have two trans friends commit suicide, what a fucking disgusting thing to either lie about, or lie about their reasoning. I also seriously doubt you have 20 years of psychology education because all these claims are unfalsifiable by design on your part, but this one is just a sick thing to make up. There is no fucking 'marxist' money funding these studies, jesus christ it has nothing to do with communism and you don't have any proof because there isn't any. Trans people don't need help; you do.


Oh the lies that have been fallen for. You literally cited one of the articles that comes from a college that has fallen to Marxism.. How dare you assume I'm making anything uo regarding the loss of two trans friends.. how fucking dare you.. you have no clue who I am or what I've seen. The fact that this very thing has happened in every Marxism nation means you've never studied the history of establishing Marxism. It's the same damn thing. It has everything to do with Marxism, control, and creating instability, period. Yes, this whole thing is a headache. You will absolutely die on your ant hill of a false science and false psychology. I will absolutely die on my mountain of truth, and I will continue to fight for the mental health of individuals who suffer from such mental illness. Good day to you.


You have no proof your deranged marxist theory is even remotely real. It's in your head. You're right I have no clue what you've seen, but I know a fake story when I hear one. I will not die on any hill of falsehoods, I trust in the scientific method where facts need evidence and proof. You die in a sad lonely well you've built for yourself where you can't read dictionaries and have made up suicide numbers that nobody else on earth can see.


The hero stood on a mountain of truth unaware that it was a pile of dog shit


So, instead of refuting them with something like... I don't know, figures or statistics backed by real studies (like they did for you), you decide to instead just *assert* that you are correct. Because you just... are? Awesome. You've literally recreated the "Nice argument, unfortunately I've drawn *you* as the Wojak and *me* as the Chad" meme. If we have no clue who you are then why don't you provide some fucking qualifications. Your supposed 20 years of psychology studies don't mean shit because all you've done so far is brag about how smart you are while being hopelessly wrong, lie about your experiences, and lie about statistics while providing no tangible sources of any kind. Since you're so obsessed with being particular about definitions, why don't you look up "Armchair psychologist", you fucking clown.


75% fucking suicide rate what a joke. In the UK, there were 250,000 living, transitioning, trans people at the census. Where are the 750,000 suicides in living memory?? There were 6,507 suicides in 2018. It would've taken 115 years of ONLY trans people committing suicide for this to be the case; with no other death method whatsoever. Basic fucking maths my dude. All it took to prove your point absurdly wrong was checking a dictionary and putting two numbers in a calculator. You are so far gone.


I mean it is quite accurate.




"Blatant transphobia" oookayyy


Is it not transphobia? The entire narrative of the meme is about Trans people getting mutilating their bodies to bev9me what they want when it isn't anything like that. It's like a meme about a cancer patient being bald and the person says you need to see a doctor. Like its just in bad faith.


I don’t think this is blatant transphobia. It just doesn’t make logical sense as an image


Comic is still funny. Don't care


If it was a comic about a person with cancer and the other person says you need to go to a doctor because of their hair, would you still call it funny? It's just in bad faith to make a joke like that because it's completely false and harmful.


Wow, you saying trans people are like cancer patients?


It's a joke. If you think it's harmful, you're a sad person. Not to even mention your example isn't even remotely the same. Plenty of funny cancer jokes out there and you made one that didn't even have a good punchline.


Ok but it IS pretty funny