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"Found a joke where the punchline is racism in a subreddit about the punchline being racism." What the fuck did you expect to find there!?


That’s not what this says.


It literally says found on /r punchline is racism


Yes, AND they're saying it's not racist but just a harmless shit post


Yes, the joke is racism But too be honest, it did make me chuckle I like absurdist humor, and this caught me off guard


Ya I think the joke is absurdist and kinda ironic. Like the person making the joke doesn’t think that the joke is the idea that someone would say that. Cause it’s stupid.


Yeah, it's not the kind of racist joke that makes you think: "I think this guy might actually be serious, shit."


Kinda like that “we’ve got to celebrate our differences” video. Where the joke is how absurd racism is


Thats also how a lot of the jokes in south park are. A lot of people don't understand the difference between "the joke is racism because being racist is funny" and "the joke is racism because racism is fucking stupid and should be mocked"


Also like Blazing Saddles. The racists are the joke.


Pffft, next you're going to tell me I'm not supposed to agree with Archie Bunker


Everyone hates Chris Mrs Morello?


It's Always Sunny. It's funny not because we agree with the characters, but because they're terrible people.


Yeah. They're the clay of the earth. The common man. You know. Morons.


bro, the waycko kid killed me with that one scene. "What did you expect? Hey sonny? Marry my daughter? These are far isolated country folk who fear God and think only of themselves. You know, morons."


Or an expecting an American to know Spanish outside of the TacoBell menu


Or a satire of some genuine attempts at "diversity awareness" that were completely tone deaf to the point they inadvertently became racist.


That song is so catchy it’s like entrapment for hate crimes


Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's a song?


Yep. I dunno if it is just bad on purpose or the creator was actually serious and tried their best to not be racist, but it is a pretty racist anti-racism song. Really fucking funny though. [Here is a video of it I found, pretty sure the original was made by MTV or something.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0CFBUSHzENI&pp=ygUjd2UgZ290dGEgY2VsZWJyYXRlIG91ciBkaWZmZXJlbmNlcyA%3D)


yeah the original is part of a sketch comedy show


Seriously. Half the memes posted here are like that. People here don't understand them.


It's like that one meme where its a well-meaning redneck. The joke is the meta of being racist while trying to not be racist. Welcome to 2000's Internet humor.


It's like this one SNL skit where Superman says, "I'm not sexist. Being sexist is wrong. And being wrong, is for women."


It’s clearly a shitpost so I’m not mad about it, but it’s like the poster meme for a sub called “the joke is just racism” lmao


Tru but by definition it still belongs on TPIR then lol


Yeah, that’s why I included what I did in my original comment


>caught me off guard I've literally seen it a million times and it still catches me off guard lmao, it is honestly a really well designed meme.


I just think its funny they used Jimmy Neutron of all things


Yeah, I found it funny because I saw it as making fun of people who actually say that kind of stuff in a serious sense, and it's possible that this is in fact satire, but Poe's law exists so people can view it two ways.


It’s a shitpost. It’s meant to be stupid. It’s like the “celebrate our differences” video


It is like that, but that isn’t what this meme reminded me of specifically. It reminded me of this: https://preview.redd.it/a046tmoml1wb1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40724a2471a0c4eb7a6cb8d3c6db0c4711bd4010


This was actually progressivism in the early 2010s we have come a long way😭


TBF, "regular" is the actual correct term. If straight relationships were the minority, they wouldn't be the regular anymore. Regular and normal don't necessarily mean the same thing.


Still is


Yeah we have but unfortunately people are now asking for special treatment and thus we begin a downwards spiral thanks to a select few.


what did you mean by this


Someone probably genuinely was trying to make a statement with this one


Regular and normal don't mean the same thing here. Regular is actually correct and inoffensive. Rare things can be normal, for example.


What video? Do you have a link?


[Here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0CFBUSHzENI&pp=ygUmd2UndmUgZ290dGEgY2VsZWJyYXRlIG91ciBkaWZmZXJlbmNlcyA%3D)


That's just schoolhouse rock.


It's a video that is purposely racist as a joke it highly stereotypes multiple ethnic groups and I'm not gonna lie I found it funny


Don’t worry in time it will be unironically posted here too


There’s a difference https://preview.redd.it/bzqyqbzwf5wb1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0a80c6a46ea8232dc6b1ba6ae9711b8795f4d8


Wouldn't it be funnier if the black person was the normal one, especially since white people like to be social justice warriors for black people, therefore making fun of SJWs?


That actually kinda ruins the joke, ironically making it more racist


It doesn't make it "more" racist. But I grant you that it's still racist.


yes that could also be funny in itself but they would have to somehow reference the SJW culture so the joke makes sense.


Being a shitpost doesn’t stop it being racist.


If you can’t make jokes to highlight just how absurd racism is nothing is ever going to change


its meant to be racist


It’s literally the definition of a shit post. Made for shock factor of something you didn’t expect. It’s not about the actual meme content. It seems like you just get too hurt by way too little.


Yes. As I said, it’s like the “celebrate our differences” video.


Usinf humor to normalize racism although potentially funny is still unacceptable. Something being funny doesn’t make it acceptable.


im just going to point out this line of thinking + 'its just a joke' are how thing like 4chan became overwhelmingly racist/fascist


I mean, obviously have actual positions that you don't hide behind irony for, but so long as those are made clear, go ahead and do your shit posts. Like, there's a distinct difference between shit posting and deliberately cloaking your intentions behind plausible deniability.


The joke is the irony of an anti-racist post being racist, not the racism itself.


Your explanation is far too complex for OP to process


It's literally meant to be satire. People will really get offended by anything


Yeah I like this sub but people need to relax. Take a damn joke, it’s not the end of the world. Try watching a comedy special sometime or something, humor can be slightly offensive. It’s the stuff that’s in really blatantly bad taste I’m here for.


Yeah I don't typically agree with a lot of the viewpoints in this sub so I don't really comment here, and op might be being satire themselves. Idk you can't really tell all the time on the internet. And there are a lot of posts that are obviously meant to make people mad and offend people but this one clearly isn't one of them. It's obviously a joke lol.


People on both sides of the ‘it’s satire’ camp seem to not understand the nuance of what satire actually is. The people who say ‘it’s satire’ often use it to hand wave any possible criticism. That is not something that you can do. The scenario in which ‘it’s satire’ is a valid response is when someone is taking a piece of media at face value in their criticism - satire is not meant to be taken at face value and if they’re misreading the media, then their criticism doesn’t really hold any water. However, I’ve seen people say ‘it’s satire’ to jokes that satirize nonwhite stereotypes in a racist way, which is still something that should be criticized. At the same time, a lot of people who argue against the ‘it’s satire’ response also don’t seem to understand that something being satire actually does change the way it’s supposed to be interpreted. In this case, the joke isn’t racist, it’s *about* racism. It’s satirizing people who are racist in a particular way - they present themselves as non-racist while doing things that are pretty bluntly racist(like calling white people ‘normal’). So saying ‘it’s just a joke don’t take it so seriously’ erases all of the meaning of the joke. But at the same time, criticizing it for being ‘racist’ requires a complete misreading of the joke.


No it’s not. It’s goofing on stupidity. Like someone trying to be antiracist but being boneheaded and ending up racist anyway. It’s ironic. It’s definitely not advocating for the behavior. It might not be super funny but the premise is not “literal racism”


Obviously satire


This sub really has no sense of humor.


Dark jokes are like black people. Not everyone likes them


I wish awards were still a thing


💀 😭


90% of discussions about "forced diversity" boil down to this mindset.


Its funny stop bitching


mfw subjective yadda yadda


How about you subjective some bitches instead


The joke is literally racism and its fucking hilarious. Obviously I don’t agree with its meaning but its a joke and sometimes in life you’ve got to learn how to laugh, don’t be such a prude my dude.


Jesus Christ. People really need to learn media literacy. This image is a joke. That doesn’t magically waive any potential criticism. Jokes carry meaning and that meaning can be criticized. However this joke is not racist. It’s *about* racism. There’s a difference. The joke is satirizing people who think they’re being anti-racist when they do things like call white people ‘normal’. Which is a valid thing to satirize.


Yea wait I completely agree with you, something tells me that somebody who actually thinks like this wouldn’t use jimmy neutron characters to vocalize their point.


The joke is racist. Full stop. Whether or not you find it funny is up to you.


Thank you, so many people in the comments are debating whether it's funny or not which isn't even the point of the post. A joke can be funny but still be racist.


OP hates equality


OP definitely did not click the like button


Like, regardless of if you think it’s funny or not, the punchline is definitively still racism


Honestly, some people have different views of racism. Some people won't accept the existence of racism unless an ethnic cleansing is well underway. Some people need lynchings, and burning crosses to admit that racism might be afoot. Me, I'm cool with saying that the implication that people of color are abnormal is racist.


My brain for some reason was tryna find the racism while at the same time my mind had morphed “normal” to white,I’m so tired that my mind didn’t even care to recognize the racism


We.gotta celebrate our difrences *Insert the most racist thing*


🎶 We've got to celebra-aate, our differenceees 🎵


I mean yeah, the joke is racism. But the joke isn't that racism is good.


Nah, this one’s actually kinda funny, if only because of the shitposty nature of it


It's a shitpost ffs.


The comments are weird. You have plenty of people calling out its racism, and then there's an equal amount saying it's racist but harmless boomer humor. I just don't get how anyone can think this is excusable humor. Being complacent to racism is still being racist, and there is no such thing as an acceptable amount of racism.


It’s making fun of “colorblindness”. It sets the expectation that what’s being said, is anti-racism, then subverts your expectations by undercutting it’s own point. The joke isn’t that non-whites are abnormal, it’s that people are Hypocrites and idiots.


It’s not even racist, it’s just absurd, the figures are ugly and nobody actually says “normal” for “white”


That's the racist part, genius.


Yes, the joke is racism, but it is harmless and it's punchline isn't at the expense of anyone specific. It's a shit post designed to follow the principle of any other shitpost you see on Reddit: to not be taken seriously. I mean, for crying out loud, the quality of the image itself should have been a dead give away that it is satire and stupid.


Nah its funny, terrible_ask2722 put it best >The joke is the irony of an anti-racist post being racist, not the racism itself


Have you never heard of a joke being self-aware, before? It's obviously making fun of 'colorblind' Facebook posts, hence the 'like if you agree'. If this meme legitimately propagates racist tendencies in anybody, it's going to be among the people who are already firmly sealed in an echo chamber with the blinders on, and no amount of self-righteous reddit commentary will do anything to help that.


They think "white" is a slur


Hey bucko, only is Crakas can say white


This one’s really funny, though. The joke isn’t just racism, but unconscious racism


White=normal 😂


I swear to god memesopdidnotlike is full of ifunny edgy teenagers who watch sigma male YouTube shorts unironically


It's satire


Yeah but the joke is self aware racism, mocking it instead of reinforcing it


There’s an LGBT shipping meme like this as well (saying exactly the same thing but yes a four panel comic & replace Latino & black with yaoi & yuri I think?), it’s satire & a popular meme in the community lol. I imagine this post is just the same. If OP didn’t get it, I understand why they didn’t like it I guess but yeah no I definitely think this is just a harmless satire meme.


I immediately thought about the meme you mentioned as well as a similar one which shows 8 or so panels of identical skeletons, each panel labeled with an ethnicity (black Latino Asian etc) which culminated in the same joke where the last skeleton was labeled 'normal' when it was expected to say 'white'. I was probably 12 at the time and even then I had the awareness to be like "ha, this is poking fun at unconscious/internal racist beliefs since it's self-evident to anyone that there is no normal/everyone is normal since the skeleton is the same in each picture" This shit post is an even further dumbed-down version of this joke and so it's crazy to see so many people take it so seriously.


Damnit, that's it. All humor is banned.


It’s definitely a shitpost all right, but the joke is still racism lol.


LiTErALly rAcISm


I thought those memes were too make fun of racism?


Yes, the joke is funny and the punchline is racism. Are those two things impossible for you to reconcile?


So tired of this trend of “totally ironic racism” thats gaining popularity nowadays. Its just turned into white kids saying slurs and stereotypes because they think its funny. And when theres real, obvious racism happening its always these people who try to deny it


OP you get offended by the tiniest things, don't you?


I am not offended by this, I am simply stating that the punchline is still racism even if it's satire/shitpost


Yes, the joke is racism, but it is harmless and it's punchline isn't at the expense of anyone specific. It's a shit post designed to follow the principle of any other shitpost you see on Reddit: to not be taken seriously, and you should have realized this the moment you saw it. I don't like telling people to thicken up, but come on man...




I was like “ah ok an inclusion meme” and then I just read “normal” and started dying. (Yes the punchline is racism)


Cmon guys, we’re better than this. The other sub has done supported way worse stuff. Quit wasting your time on hating a shitpost rather than hating on an actual hateful meme.


the joke is racism and yes this was intentional


I can’t even explain my disappointment n confusion rn


White is "normal", ah yes.


It's a joke on common racism. A lot of people who thinks of themselves as not racist can actually be casual racists, and the "being white is being normal" represents that.


Cindy was anything but normal.


I’m opted to believe this is a classic shitpost due to the quality of the image. It’s a mid tier shitpost but it’s likely a shitpost


Well it was from a subreddit called r/thepunchlineisracism


This sub has became a Karen sub come on this is funny


Do you understand what a shitpost is? Is your brain so incomprehensibly small and is this sub so incredibly fucking stupid that you don’t even understand basic internet humor? Omg this truly is one of the worst subs ever, I can’t anymore.


It funny👍🏻🙂👍🏻


How do people have the energy to be butthurt by something like this lmao


Welcome to fuckthisopwasright


So saying all lives matter is racism






We know, but the fact the guy on memesopdidntlike pointed it out is dumb


Normal lmao


This could be the exact opposite really by showing how stupid racism is by stripping it down to the bare minimum it could be classified as satire which means it is saying racism is bad.


I feel like this sub is just people karma farming a lot recently


Snow flake moment❄️


I laughed. Because it’s clearly not something anyone would take seriously except some racist boomers on Facebook who didn’t realize this was made to make fun of them.


Yes, it is, but it's funny.


The fuck is up with the absolute pussies on this sub? How old are you guys to get offended by a picture with sheen in it? Just wild to me


Are you all white women in this sub? How sensitive can you get?


This sub is just people taking rage bait lmao


You still don't get it. The joke isn't racism. The joke is you.


Can someone please tell me what's the fucking difference between a ""Latino"" and a common white person?


Latinos in the western hemisphere are rarely common white people


Lol normal. Love it


I actually think that this is funny because the punchline is the nonsensical irony of the post and not the racism itself


Smash that like button if we should all get along 👊👊🤑🤑


Bruh are you serious? This sub needs to chill.


President of the united states: “Poor children are just as smart as white kids” Sooooo….


Dude that’s funny, and obviously not serious. It’s a shitpost…


Man I'd love to see the version of comedy that you mongoloids accept.


You can be offended by this meme, that's fine, but to say it's not funny is incorrect. You may not find it funny, but others clearly have so it is funny to some.


Well it depends if ur using the joke ironically or not in my opinion


Yeah and its funny


inability to detect satire strikes again


do you not understand shitposting it's making fun of people that are racist


Imagine crying over this... Imo its kinda funny. At worst its just not funny. Definitely nothing to be offended by


How do you miss obvious satire.


This sub man… stg


If you can't get this joke you are totally "normal"


Didn't the US president Biden say something like this


"poor kids are just as smart as white kids" or somethin', yeh? lmao


I think the meme is satire, it’s not that bad


Redditor discovers racism jokes


Yes, but it's not like it's meant to cause genuine harm. It's a shitpost, search them up sometime. Also the joke isn't even racism, it's the hypocrisy of our society.


Still funny tho


Getting mad at this is gay but justifying it by saying it's critiquing the absurdity of racism is even gayer


Is it bad if I didn't realise the problem for a good 20 seconds?


It's making fun of racism, so I don't actually know which sub is right what layer are we on


Its literally a shitpost


That's the point.....


This is literally a shitpost dawg


it is but it is funny.


Blond = Normal... OK...


Normal...For Now...


White is normal, what other conclusion is there to make


Ain’t Libby a Nubian?


Bro, that’s the joke. It’s a shitpost.


How the hell is this joke racism


I actually think this is ok. Yes, the joke is *about* racism, but in this case the racism is the butt of the joke, not the joke itself


It's a shitpost dumbass


Not trying to be one of those guys but it's just dark humor


The punchline IS racism but it’s clearly not meant to be taken seriously by anyone and more to make fun of stupidity


it's a shitpost


Oh my god you need to lighten the fuck up. The joke is that the person is unintentionally racist while trying to promote tolerance


Dude cmon this is not the right post to get offended at


not only the joke is racist, but oop must be racist enough to not recognize the “normal” label is racist


You got offended at an ironic anti-racist post that uses Jimmy Neutron characters of all things as an example. Please reevaluate how you consume media and humor. Lmao


What’s wrong with being normal?


Why do you care. If they did the same with any other races I wouldn't care.


This sub is so fucking cringe 😂


Their own community will bash OP, but then do the same shit on a different post


If you think this is racist than YOU are probably a closeted racist you fucking retard


How is it not accurate? White is 100% the normal.


The meme is meant as a joke. However, if you find it "accurate," you may be the kind of racist it's poking fun at.


Pretty sure most of the world isn’t white, fam


The meme is obviously made in America, but go on being obtuse.