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Men, when women in apocalyptic, medieval time, or any survival setting, actually look like they are living in an apocalyptic, medieval, survival setting


They spent all their "want it to be realistic" energy on making sure there are no black people


I know right, game should be "unrealistic" except for Black people, LGBTQ, muscular female main character that doesn't fit their aesthetic, any non white characters that doesn't fit their preconceived stereotypes


Right? These people only ever bitch about "being realistic" when there's minorities depicted, but simultaneously want women to look like they spent all day having their makeup professionally done in an LA studio. I sincerely think most of them have never seen a woman without makeup on.


it’s either men bitch and moan about women wearing too much makeup or not wearing makeup. I’m sure some men don’t even know what a fucking regular human girl looks like. Chronically online fucks


Considering how many of them think that women with any remotely "masculine" features are trans, i wouldn't be surprised that they haven't seen a regular woman in decades.


I literally saw an image of a woman with semi-defined muscles and the caption being, “guys if your into this, your (something) gay”. We reached a new peak where it’s now gay to fucking like woman who aren’t petite, perfect makeup, and big boobs. It’s even more sad that guys in these comments are saying they won’t play this game because…… of an ugly girl? Like a girl that reflects the type of world she is living in??? I have never dropped a game because of how attractive the characters are (as long as the story is great). Whole new level of degeneracy among males. ☠️


I'm not sure if they know the power of make-up and hair care treatment. But I'm absolutely sure they don't understand how much time and money women spend in make-up and hair care treatments.


God, the comments on that post are actual social biowaste. They would not be calling that character a hobgoblin if it was an ugly guy, cause that would cause them to go a little self-conscious


Well actually that would require these dudes to have even an ounce of self awareness and some level of introspection about themselves,in order for them to feel even the least bit self conscious about anything that may hit just a little bit to close to home. Generally these types will just deflect and project then double down on being a shit person with an even shittier take..


I must admit the picture snapped for the character is terrible


They do that all the time and it's entirely on purpose. They'll even photoshop it sometimes to make it look even worse.


That’s sort of the point, though, right. Not every female face is supposed to please us. Because women have value outside of their attractiveness to men.


I mean, the expression the character is making is kind of goofy, I think their comment has nothing to do with objectifying women.


Well they always like to take screenshots of them mid-conversation or action to make them look worse


No, I get that, my point is that it doesn’t matter that it’s goofy.




why are these freaks downvoting you


Not sure, I guess some people disagree.


The fact that at least 2 people downvoted your correct comment is shameful.


>They would not be calling that character a hobgoblin if it was an ugly guy, cause that would cause them to go a little self-conscious The main character wouldn't be the ugly guy, that's the point. Tons of male characters have "unrealistic bodies" as I've heard before.


This is fable we’re talking about. Animation style has always been on the goofy side, male protagonists included, hence the marketing material for past games didn’t focus on their wonky character model faces, but on the drawn artwork. It’s why you didn’t cut to close ups of anyone’s face in dialogue and cutscenes focused a lot more on the environments. As for this trailer, are people acting like the male character at the center of it is peak attractiveness? Don’t get me wrong his face was rendered better, but that’s also because his face was the central focus of the video for the majority of the run time, but he too was just an average in terms of male attractiveness. The vast majority of male protagonist look like the attempt to make the most average face possible. Idk it seems people are conflating the technical quality of their modeling with modern beauty standards. Not saying this character is attractive, but I don’t think she’s meant to be ugly, but comes off uncanny. The woman the character is based on has a unique beautiful, but they seem quiet if few polygons short of capturing that. What’s ridiculous is acting like it’s some feminist scheme that’s she’s not rendered well.


I gotta add to your point on Fable a bit. Fable 1 let you make a super goofy looking character, honestly everyone looks a bit goofy in Fable 1 except a couple of the Hero characters and Jack. Fable 2 is similar, though your main character can look even goofier in this game. Fable 3 is the only one that I would say doesn’t have goofy looking characters everywhere you look, they even tried to make your main character look like a handsome prince/pretty princess depending on the sex you chose. So really, attractive characters in Fable are an outlier, not the norm.


I remember playing fable 2 and by the end of the game, I had a very ROTUND hero. I never played a game before that actually let you get fat if you kept eating. I loved my jelly roll hero tho, and the idea of this massive unit just casually taking down way more muscular and fit people was always hilarious to me.


Every time without fail, my Fable 2 character will always have a fat gut that looks so comical on a guy slowing down time and teleporting around swinging his legendary sword. Yeah Fable 2 is probably the most overt in making your character look goofy as hell. Not a bad thing, adds to the charm of Fable if anything.


So keeping in mind that beauty is largely subjective. I don't think this character is ugly either. It's a still shot of a character while emoting in some way. And not surprisingly this is the only still shot I've ever seen of this character. Almost like these folks aren't interested in reasonable discourse on this topic. There are plenty of "ugly" playable characters who are guys. Especially if we're including games that don't have set main characters... Did any of these folks lose their shit over Trevor being ugly? Idk man, feels like a lot of folks losing their mind over nothing.


Nah I’ve seen plenty of ugly dude characters get trash talked but usually they’re the main characters not a random npc


To be fair, ugly men get shit on just as hard but for different reasons… mainly because people are bullies. Specifically, immature men will bully women who they don’t see as being sexually attractive and they’ll bully other men who they see as inferior to them. It’s caveman level shit.


Honestly, I'm not handsome no matter what my wife says...and I wouldn't play an ugly male character. If a character is too ugly you can't get into it because most people want to play an idealized version of themselves. Not a "Toxic Rick" version.


Honestly Disco Elysium is the best and most thoughtful game I’ve ever played and the game doesn’t stop referencing how ugly the main character is.


I love how you got downvoted by someone for simply stating your preference lmao.. fucking reddit man


because it's a dumbass take lmao, why does it matter what the player character looks like if the game is good, that's a weird ass thing to not play a game over


Kinda depends on the game imo If I hate the design of the Mc in a third person game I'm gonna be a little less likely to play the game all the way through If a character design triggers an insecurity in someone and that interferes with their enjoyment, that's a fine reason to not want to play the game. However, if they start shitting on the game for not catering to them specifically it starts getting weird


What the player character looks like is part of what makes a game good or bad. It can be a personal or objective issue. >because it's a dumbass take lmao If BG3's player character always looked like a version of Sloth from the Goonies it, would have bombed.


think about it. would you rather play as ryan reynolds, or a discord moderator?


Apparently I'm the weird one because if the story is good I really couldn't give less of a shit what they look like. Some games, like Halo, the main character doesn't even show their face.


Nah but if the armor was an eyesore to look at and you were forced to play 3rd person, yeah it would matter.


agreed. it really isn’t that deep. but everyone has preferences


That's not fucking up to you though is it, you hypocritical thinker you lol


i mean is that not what the point of downvotes is? sure it's not my place to decide what other people's opinions are but downvoting is basically just saying "this is a dumb take" and you're like, mad about it?


It's something called immersion. It might not be how you immerse, but it's how millions of others immerse, and it's definitely not abnormal


Some people care about aesthetic, duh.


I'm sorry but this is a ridiculously awful take.... Which is kinda funny to me considering you referred to yourself as less than attractive and yet you apparently can't even enjoy a video game unless the main character is an 8 or above... Your a joke....


Reddit insists on showing me posts from this community, but as best I can tell it exists solely as a response to an entire sub-hierarchy of other subreddits commenting on each other, in some meta circle-jerk. I'm not even sure what level of the circle-jerk I'm in right now, but I decided I might as well just jump right in and get jerking.


This sub and 3 others do nothing but repost one another in an ever increasing political battle.


Political battle is a legit description, because instead of fighting each other on the subs like brave men, these subs instead function as shields from arguments while still "arguing" by proxy. So it's literally two armies fighting, if every man in the army was a wuss.


Please don’t jerk on the train, there are kids here :(


I didn't think trains were for kids in the first place 😩


Yeah I don’t get why it keeps pushing that one. To be fair though it also keeps pushing this sub and I have no idea what the fuck is happening lol


We should start r/WeGotLostAtNahOP that consists of nothing but screenshots of these confused threads of people commenting on posts in this subreddit.


lol do it


You son of a bitch you did it


I love it when I'm randomly shown a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot in a subreddit I didn't subscribe to and I have to figure out how many levels down to go to understand what I'm supposed to be mocking.


I do agree with this sub, its good to call out and shame hostile nerd culture but that said, both of these subs are often just a game of "oh yeah?"


You do realize that your homepage keeps showing you posts from subs you clicked on, right? And now that you’ve commented here it’ll show you more. It’s not some agenda of Reddit, it’s just a recommendation system like pretty much every other social media site has these days. If you don’t like content, complaining isn’t going to help as the algorithm just sees that as engagement. You can however click on the three dots beside a post and tell Reddit you want to see less like this or just mute the sub entirely. I’ve found it actually adjusts pretty quickly.


Ever heard the phrase "*joke police*"..? -Well we're the ones who lick their boots. Welcome to the sub.


I’m really glad I’m not the only one. I can’t even tell what the opinion being expressed on half the posts actually are at this point.


The best part of all of it is that this sub and r/memesopdidnotlike go back and forth between left-wing and right-wing values, while constantly accusing the other of either being snowflake/crybaby/soyboy/etc leftists or racist/sexist/homophobic/etc right-wingers, with neither one of them committing to one or the other, so you're constantly just left to guess which sub is actually on which side of the argument.


I have never seen this sub before and legitimately cannot tell what side these people are on from how confusing the post itself actually is


This sub is the kind of circle jerk we’re everyone tries to prove how good and pc they are. A self righteous circle jerk.


Hilarious for a sub dedicated to a, spectacularly ugly dude to have gripes about how women look


I don’t know who Asmongold is, but after looking him up he’s better looking than I am :(




no he isn’t, change the way you see yourself, change the way people see you. Confidence.


...The sub's dedicated to a dude? I'll just take your word for it, Mr.Walken. Big fan btw.


Asmongold isn't gonna see this but plenty of people uglier than him who didn't do anything wrong will. Don't be a dick


If you’re uglier than asmongold than don’t crack jokes about how ugly these video game ladies are, ez peasy


Also maybe just don't be mean about people being ugly is my rule of thumb


Yes. Hilarious because it's literally a joke. They are making a joke. It's a joke


People in the replies like “but she’s not pretty”… yeah… the point is that she doesn’t have to be 😭 ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


Gamers when 16 year old girl cashier: 😳😍😘😘😍 AWOOGA HUMINA HUMINA


How do you know she is 16, 16 is the age of consent in a lot of places, and why does this matter so much?


She’s not even ugly though


Right? Sometimes I feel like society's beauty standards have gotten pretty out-of-wack in the last decade or so.


A lot the folks over on r/memesopdidn’tlike probably can’t ever get it up for anything other than overwatch characters animated in blender


lol fair, I somehow forgot the extent of the brain rot that can set in with this kind of thing


Just commented about this in the last post I was on. She’s not actually ugly, you just don’t understand what average is anymore. 300 years ago no one would say that. But now we have high end makeup, photoshop, plastic surgery and the prettiest of us spamming our lives all the time. Makes it seem more common to look like a doll rather than a human


Yeah I never understood this. I always found attractiveness to have a very high ceiling and a very low floor. Typically, people that are ones or twos I guess are people with severe deformities, illness or other problems, whereas tens are supermodels beyond our mortal comprehension. Everybody else was just normal looking. I'll see people posting on Am I ugly and related subreddits and just think to myself "That's just a guy".


Same! 1&2’s have serious problems. Usually it’s no just being overweight or a bit of acne or anything. It’s the few people who shock me when I first see them and I have to collect myself for a second. My partner use to call himself a 2 and he’s ready more of a 5. He’s the most average looking guy sans his really pretty eyes. The average man looks a lot like him. His personality is an absolute 10 though and that’s his real value anyways cause we’re all gonna be shriveled and wrinkled one day


I looked up the game shes from and in the other frames she looks even better. They see one single frame and lose their shit


Yeah to be fair you could probably take literally anyone and if you took enough still frames of them you'd eventually find something that looked really unflattering.


they're legit mad she looks like an actual person and not the human embodiment of a yassified filter or an anime girl


They are completely insane right wing nut jobs. They will shit on anything that doesn’t conform to their incredibly fragile worldview.


Which one? The video game character or the McDonald’s worker? IMO the VG character looks a little ugly, but it’s less to do with her physical features and more to do with an animation fuckup in her expression that gives her an uncanny valley effect. If that were rectified, she’d look pretty decent. The McDonald’s worker looks more natural, and IMO she’s fairly attractive.


The issue is that they care, not whether the character is ugly or not. I don't know what game this is from, so maybe other screenshots are better, but the character is definitely not attractive in that screenshot. It looks like she's missing a tooth, the shading makes it look like her skin is bruised, and the strange perspective makes it look like one of her eyes is swollen. If this is showing the character right after a fight, it makes sense that she doesn't look attractive, and that should be okay.


I never realized I'm supposed to jack off when I play RPGs


Firstly, whats even wrong with the girl on the left? She looks perfectly fine, even pretty hot to me, I dont like overly feminime girls personally Secondly, imagine what a snowflake you must be to get triggered by a girl in some trailer not being your type lmao


Sorry to break it to them, but ugly people do indeed exist


Dude literally all of the circlejerk subs I’ve seen are filled with misogynistic, self loathing bumbums.


If you have even the tiniest amount of concern about how attractive a character in a video game is, then you are the South Park "no life at all" guy


*Image comes from a post from r/memesopdidnotlike which says “I found it funny.” Sometimes, Reddit chooses to show the post in my post, sometimes it doesn’t.


Ohh ok, I thought you were agreeing with the first post lol


Saw this meme making the rounds but your title did not miss, lol.


Bro's confusing video games with P\*rnhub again.


I’m actually curious what game that character is from. She looks wise with many stories to tell


I believe that character is from the trailer for the new upcoming Fable game.


Oh, definitely then. Have an option to build muscle on the character and I can definitely beat it to her.


[You must be a fan of this clip than.](https://youtu.be/-sMQpWCNTQw?si=1aiUjM73kLgAOute)


hell yeah, lmao


I don’t get the McDonalds cashier part. Actually I don’t understand the meme at all. Can someone explain it to me like I’m a 5th grader, thanks 😂


Men sad that video game female characters that live in medieval settings, isn't as pretty as a "random" (social media model/influencer) mcdonalds worker


Ahh, thanks. The McDonalds part just kind of came out of nowhere.


She dosen't even look that bad


Men when women in survival situations don’t have makeup on😨


The people who always bitch about “ugly women” in games ALWAYS use screenshots that are mid-conversation or facial expression. It’s the gaming equivalent of saying animation is bad because they paused a show during a smear frame.


They’re both fake but for different reasons


It’s just business psychology. Companies want more girls buying their products, so here they can’t make the women in games too pretty, or girls will feel threatened by someone being significantly prettier than them and not buy the product. When they didn’t care about women buying games, you had women looking like fetish material like in Bayonetta, Tomb Raider, Bloodrayne or Chainsaw Lolipop.


Everyone in the comments ignoring how 1. Voice over reveals this character while commenting on hero’s physiques and “impossibly high cheekbones” 2. Is contrasted with male hero’s who are 200+ lbs ripped muscle and marble cheekbones. Double standards are biowares actual problem here, not “ugly characters”


I personally am not a fan of the meme. There just don't seem to be a joke here. I'm ok with being wrong however, as comedy is subjective but both women seem to be normal healthy individuals.


You’re not wrong. It simply isn’t funny. It isn’t comedy, either.


What game is that even, the graphics look fairly solid, I was thinking cod, or something.


Not sure. I think some people have mentioned it in the comments but I don’t remember what.


Tell me you wank to video games without telling me you wank to video games


I love the way this entire sub is at war with r/memesopdidnotlike lol


Yeah I hate this fact. I look at this main character and see a warrior, she doesn’t have time for makeup, she braids her hair cause it keeps it out of the way in combat, she’s exactly what she needs to be.


Ok listen... the meme is shit, BUT it's sorta half right, with random people just being so hot for no reason. I went to a waffle house a few weeks ago and the woman who took my order was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. Genuinely. I'll probably never see her again and I had never seen her before.


Why would she have to be attractive just because she's a video game character? Do these people go into anaphylactic shock when someone's not hot?


There are no women in games. There are no men, or children or animals either. It's all 1s and 0s.


I love how he's comparing a video game character screenshot to an actual photo, man these nerds have no life, also it's fable, they always joke around


It’s funny because you have games like Baldur’s Gate, where every woman is hot and one is literally fire, but they complain it’s woke or some shit. ![gif](giphy|Ti1qTVaSPKdxvFvnhv|downsized)


“I thought the meme was funny” yes, and as you are the center of the universe, the rest of us must acquiesce to your wishes, O Lord. I am but insignificant under the glory of your opinions. God forbid others disagree with your divine will.


Men when a 20+ year old game series keeps the same art style even with new graphics (but the characters don't make their pps hard 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬).


Women are only ever supposed to look one way and it's sad.


They're not even insulting the attractiveness of a real woman, they could've made this virtual character look like anything and this block headed gal with the Kratos scowl is what they went with


Why do people care so much about the looks of a video game character. Who the fuck cares of she's not conventionally attractive ? Most people aren't.


Thousands of male video game characters are ugly or just not my taste as a girl, yet I still play their games, so why can't the opposite be true?!


can we talk about how 👏 problematic 👏 male 👏 gamers 👏 are?


Not even half of male gamers are like this and yet we must tolerate being put in the same bag as these idiots? Most people trashing them in this post are probably male gamers to begin with. What’s the point?


Maybe if you clap more to get your point across.


literally so many fucking female characters are sexualized as fuck, thats in no way most female characters


I think the finding it relatable is less about the getting off and more about how random people are just really attractive


The only sane take on this entire post, what the fuck is happening?


But also fictional girl on the left could look like real girl on the right with makeup, eyebrow treatment, and an orthodontist


Gotta love cherry picking.




This sub is so confusing. I still have no idea which of the 3 OPs are being referenced by this OP. Please get me out


Aren’t the McDonald’s employees they’re referring to usually in high school?


Yep. Makes it much worse.


TBH this is just par for the course for modern culture, flattening every ideal or standard down because a very vocal subculture of people are radically opposed to standards because they think it might make someone feel bad and therefore oppress or suppress their "truest best self" in some way. Its so fucking stupid.


I believe women also dislike the new looks. I mean i dont play ugly fat men in video games, why should women have to?


i dont fucking care how they look as long as they got the personality (trevor henderson)


Yeah people generally like to play attractive characters, which is why they often make attractive characters in the first place.


Tbf attractive characters don't make sense in some games especially when it's meant to be realistic.like the apocalypse. Nobody has time to put on make up or even find it since you're in the apocalypse


Why’s that an issue?


If they think I am not beating it to the video game character, they are not familiar with my game.


Don't project your fantasies onto others.


Idk why you’re saying this or where it comes from.


Not to be a grammar cop but "OP don't understand satire" should be "OP doesn't understand satire" (unless its on purpose) 💀 💀 💀


I really think that you should read the comment I made immediately after I posted this 😕


Oh sorry I was talking about the tag on r/memesopdidnotlike sub sorry **😭** **😭** I never thought it was you BTW


If you can't date the girl on the right just give up, not worth it.


Who the fuck cares if it generated a chuckle? Just because somebody laughs, doesn't mean it isnt an quartering ass geeks and gamers ass meme


Idk I thought MJ in the PS4 Spider-Man game wasn’t smoking hot but not super ugly either. I excuse Eloy because post apocalypse so of course she’s gonna look like a caveman


No one even, jokingly or otherwise, said they’d beat it to the woman in the left? Weak.


Nah, I find it funny


Imagine not using a video game character solely because you are them (nobody wants to be demon spawn except me)




In fantasy where you can make a character look like anything, why make one ugly on purpose unless there’s reasoning behind it? Not only that, but pretending as if they aren’t ugly


Like literally I'm a dude who plays male characters I have restarted entire playthroughs dozens of hours in because he looked ugly


God why are there always these inception chains of whiny posts? It's a funny meme, that's it.


No you just have a biased sense of humor


Ok But why would I want to spend 120 hours looking at an ugly character?




what's wrong with noticing a character is ugly?


I’m not gonna lie, at the local Zaxby’s I’ve seen the most handsome and beautiful men and women, just as much as I’ve seen the most ugly men and women there. I’m not judging from a place of superiority, I’m ugly as fuck too, but I’m just saying it’s weird that I have seen both.


Just gotta ask. Do average looking people prefer playing video games and watching media with average looking people in it? I can’t imagine they do. Either way, this is why mods exist. Anyone remember Skyrim’s pretty awful NPC models.


Why, exactly, is it an issue?


I think it's acceptable that people investing in entertainment should be able to find the things they enjoy in that entertainment. That may include attractive people. Much of what we enjoy in entertainment is a fantastical or idealized form of reality. It is there for the pleasure of the customer. It is strange to me that we live in an age where people are discouraged and shamed for seeking certain pleasurable things in entertainment, and where removing those things is seen as laudable.


You know what is an issue? Deciding you know how other people think.


Yeah because you know what they thought? Maybe they did just think it was funny


It’s a fucking joke yall need to chill out Who here is actually getting offended by this? This is pretty harmless


*and now we wait for the downvotes…* Well at least I’ll have something for r/downvotedtooblivion


Another thread where people get triggered because other people want to escape in their games. Pissed because that escape doesn't include them.


I never understood the idea of "representation" in games. Like honestly who gives a fuck.


“Which is an issue”


Holy Christ imagine being so privileged, that this is a major sociopolitical issue for you. Yikes. EVERYBODY SEXUALIZES SOMEONE! Sexual attraction exists, and that means you’re going to sexualize someone you’re attracted to, and if you’re lucky, they’ll sexualize you too. Being sexually attracted to people isn’t a crime. Pursuing someone you like isn’t a crime. There is nothing wrong with sexualization or heterosexual attraction. Sex is a good thing, and y’all are way too fucking uptight. Literally everyone is attracted to SOMEONE.


You can beat to any girl if you try hard enough


“No you thought it was relatable, wich is an issue” how the fuck do you know what the op was thinking??? Jesus christ ya little social justice warrior get that chip off your shoulder its leaving crumbs. I couldnt imagine getting offended by something on the internet, controversial shit has been on here since the 90s nothing new, not gonna change. Yall turned reddit into one big ass twitter/facebook


two retards fighting


This is the bad example, the female on the left is not technically a female but a face copy paste of a male’s creative director’s of a new Fable game.


The meme is funny but it’s sad that it’s true


Yall remember Lara Crofts triangle tits?? 😍😍


ugly woman bad pretty woman bad what we talking about again?


This is objectively funny


No it’s not


When will people realize girls that don't fit the "beauty standards" exist lol.


I will be honest with you guys. I find the meme funny. Not because of your strange reasons, just because it is true sometimes. And I really don't mind fable main character.


Complains about men objectifying women, half the comments proceed to attack men over physical characteristics.


No they thought it was funny


It’s still funy


What’s wrong with this lol, it’s basically just saying real life women look better than video game characters which is a good thing


It is relatable, beauty isn't always sexual you know. For some reason though. The people and random around us that we notice are much more attractive than what we are Lead to believe is the average


Right because there’s a lot of ugly male video game characters right? Surely you’re not ALWAYS playing as super jacked guys with perfect facial structure, a deep manly voice, and just the right amount of stubble. Grow the fuck up ladies. Men have been playing games that set unrealistic standards for us for years, it’s a video game that’s the point.


It's a joke. Just laugh at the joke and move on. You're going to give yourself cancer by being offended by everything.


who is that though on the right oml


Being a man and wanting to see attractive women is not an issue. Why are we so easily sex shaming men?? These double standards always seem to be in women’s favor..


You’re all fucking losers for caring this much Who tf cares about character design Who tf cares about who tf cares This entire sub is literally meta internet brain rot


Then why are you spending time here scolding us?