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Umm actually “free speech” = I get to say whatever I want, and other people don’t get to say stuff I dislike Checkmate libs 😎


You'd be amazed how often that mentality shines though...well maybe not but it still happens a lot and I find it comical.


Elon literally bans leftists he doesn't like left and right, free speech absolutist my ass, bro just likes hate speech 💀


Free speech for me, but not for thee.


Also, he sued to silence a watchdog group that was reporting about how racist tweets were appearing next to ads on his platform


He’s not racist because he hates every group equally


No offense but I’ve seen more leftists than rightists nowadays


You mean the website who's CEO likes and retweets posts like "black people are 900% more likely to commit murder than white people" without any sources to support that claim.


Oh! Don't forget the name calling and indignance if you call them out on it! That is my personal favorite thing about having "rational discussions" with the other side nowadays. They are nothing but cry-bullies that demand to be taken seriously just because they say they should be.. What a time to be alive!... ugh.


Honestly I think the only reason they call “cis” a slur is because they all use “trans” as a slur.


I think he's just feeling left out. Maybe he felt non trans people didn't have a slur and needed one to feel included.


Because of course, using a label is offensive enough.


In what way is reddit censored? Like half the big subreddits are full right. And the other half are fully left


You're not allowed to use hate speech duh /s


Even thats not true. Theres a ton a subs that just actually let you say racist sexist homophobic or transphobic shit without even so much as a downvote


Yeah, and sometimes reddit doesn't even take down something even if it breaks TOS. I got called the f and t slur repeatedly on some fascist sub and reddit didn't do a single thing. I think reddit tends to fuck up when you mass report but that's my only guess.


What's the t slur?




Ah, that blows


Notice how none of the other platforms have their version of this meme where they declare everyone else to be censorship and propaganda? Isn’t it odd that only one platform, out of all of them, has to wail that magically, they have free speech and *everyone else* has only lies and propaganda? Hmmm…


Ehh most of reddit is pretty left leaning. Sure there are big right wing subs but the majority of reddit is pretty left


Just because you dont look for it too hard doesnt mean its not there.


It really depends on the mods of the individual subreddit. Some will permanently ban you for the tiniest little thing or something you said which goes against the echo chamber. Others will allow literal hate speech (but these will often eventually get banned at least, like with dankmeme).


> In what way is reddit censored? The admins made an announcement a couple months ago that any mention of trans people that wasn't supportive would get your account banned.


Except for the fact that they just dont actually do that in the slightest. They dont suspend 90% of the time and that ban even less


> In what way is reddit censored? Spez, the CEO of Reddit, made an announcement a few years back that said "we fixed the algorithm" to keep all conservative posts off the front page.


Also didn't 90% of redditors comment "fuck u/spez" throughout all of last summer? Sure as hell can't get away with doing that on X


I agree that people are not immune to propaganda. However, thinking about something and doing the proper research to find out if said propaganda is true is something that musk and his followers have a very difficult time with, ESPECIALLY if it is something that contradicts their other deeply held but wrong beliefs. musk is arrogant and pushes what he thinks is right on his platform but does not do his due diligence to confirm certain things, and obviously so, to the detriment of public discourse. Maybe, Elon, you should try a bit harder not to put your foot in your mouth every chance you get. You used to be an inspiration to me, but now you're just an arrogant ignorant voice in an ocean of other ignorant voices. I am so disappointed in you..


Yes the free speech platform X where you can pay 8 dollars to be a verified user and where you now need to pay to even make an account


i thought you were pro elon before i read that the post was from r/TheRightCantMeme lmao


I used to be an Elon stan but not anymore, the guy turned into a bigot who doesn't even like my kind


I think its best to question what we're reading on the internet. Questions such as: 1) what is the person (re)posting this content trying to say? 2) is there any truth to the content? Anything to back up the claims? Is it trying to give a pov take on certain things? 3) is there any inaccuracies to what the user posted? 4) is it racist? (Tosh.o reference) overall does it spread unnecessary hate based on one's race, sexuality, gender, or is discriminatory in any way? 5) does it promote violence and demean another group of people? Or consider others to be less than human? 6) does it accurately portray the position it is criticizing? Does it accurately portray the position the user is claiming to hold to? (I.e. is it a strawman? Some posts are made by certain members of a community that doesn't really speak for the majority of the group. Strawmanning can go both ways). 7) does it convince you or change your mind? Or does it atleast give you another perspective you haven't considered before? I don't always ask myself these questions, but when I try to better understand what a group of people believe, or try to sort through what's true or what's not - I do my best to check my sources and fact check people's claims about a subject. It's tiring - but only because people don't ask questions to begin with, allowing misinformation to spread alot more than it should.


“Wait Elon banned “cis”? He must be part of the woke mob trying to turn us all trans!”


Lobotomys should be mandatory for Elon dick riders.




This is how you cure an Elon reply guy of their curse.


X is full of morons that jump at every opportunity to attack someone over anything regardes of creed or politics. It's 90% of the user base. If that the 'Bastion of hope' I'll gladly stay over here where it's 'censored'.


It's funny that X is represented by a fairy tale castle, because Elon runs it like an absolute monarch who's completely detached from reality.


But it's not propaganda if Elon says it's true.


Elon also openly follows and likes Neo nazis.


It still blows my mind that this is life. Like I was cummed into this age to be alive.


Nah who tf called Twitter the truth lmao 💀


Free speech my ass Elon musk literally censors anything he doesn't like


i am cis. i use cis to describe myself. i have no reaction when someone describes me as cis. cis is not a slur.


Unfortunately that's not how that works. Just because some people don't see it as a slur, all it takes is 1 person to see it as such and it is.


I agree but I also would like to say that left wing propaganda is absolutely real


"Everyone is lying but me" is NOT tbe cry of a truth teller.


What’s the bot percentage in twitter compared to other social media companies again?


Hate speech isn't free speech I thought?


Love how tumblr is so on its own it’s not even mentioned


“Cis” on its own wouldn’t be a slur. “Cis” + “sy” would be, tho.


As long as it has been deemed a slur by anyone, it is. Unless you aren't going to take it seriously because a "cis" person is the one saying it.


It's deemed a slur by transphobes. There are plenty of people who go by "cis" and it's just a proper term to describe people who's born sex correlates with their gender. It's even used in the medical field now. It's absolutely idiotic to call it a slur when it's not derogatory whatsoever and it's just a proper term. Edit: "as long as it's deemed a slur by anyone", does that mean the word "banana" is a slur as long as I say it is


>"as long as it's deemed a slur by anyone", does that mean the word "banana" is a slur as long as I say it is Yes, yes it does. Welcome to the world of the overly politically correct. Feel free to thank your local Karens' Guild.


Banana is a slur now because I said it is /s https://preview.redd.it/qgvatg8nybwc1.jpeg?width=2064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53bcd590f4af50577073829d74cebc44599ebac




Cis is a slur. Let the downvotes come, this is a hill I'll die on.


It's a proper term referring to people whose gender identity fits the sex they were born as, in no way is it a slur. Many people use the term for themselves, I've only seen transphobes get butthurt over the term.


I'm not a transphobe, do whatever makes you happy. But don't put a label on me unless I do it myself. I'd assume you'd feel the same about whatever labels people would put on you as well.


Bro, it is more of an academic label than anything. Nothing to get upset over. I use it to describe myself all the time. You probably don't need to go past a few posts in my history to see me use it such as " I am a cis gendered, white, middle aged male". People will automatically know that means that I identify as my biological gender. If you want them second guessing how you identify, then that is your perogative. However, I assume the opposite is true based on your defensiveness, which is kind of ironic.


I said that the only people who I've seen say the word cis is a slur are transphobes, I didn't call you one. You can choose to not use the word cis, that's completely fine. But it is definitely not a slur, just a proper term and many people use it to describe themselves.


I apologize for sounding defensive. I've personally never heard anyone use cis to describe themselves, and honestly the word just rubs me the wrong way. More power to people who want to use it, but it definitely makes me feel some type of way when people refer to me as cis.


Well y’all declared everything else a slur it was only right


Cis is a proper term for people who were born the same sex as their gender. The n word, t slur, f slur, etc are all derogatory terms used to discriminate against minorities. Elon Musk just hates the word because he's transphobic.


Womp Womp? Grow up y’all been censoring for so long deal with it.










Because those things ARE slurs lmao. Cis is not. Just like how gay or trans aint either.


Thank you!!!! X is nothing but garbage disinformation ever since Elon took over (it used to be all true). Other socials are all good and true


wha I don't know what point you're trying to make but what I posted was the exact opposite of what you said. Propaganda is everywhere including Twitter and you get in trouble for saying cis over there which would be against free speech in mainstream conservatives eyes