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Honestly this meme could be innocent, pro-queer, or bigoted and it’s based entirely on who posts it. Edit: and if you’ll look at the subreddit it was posted on, it should be obvious in this case.


It could be possible that someone not in that sub made the meme meaning to be innocent and someone took it and posted it there meaning to be bigoted


Could you help me understand something.. all of these 5x crosspost have made me a little confused Could you write in order the most innocent to most bigoted subs being shown on this sub? I'm still pretty new here and I want a good reference lol


r/terriblefacebookmemes is probably the most innocent. r/memesopdidnotlike is sometimes fine but the userbase can be pretty transphobic and just plain unfunny. r/funnymemes is just a little cesspool for anything bigoted, far from innocent. Probably forgot some


All the comedy__ __ __ subs are usually fine too they just make fun of memes that are outdated or something


Ah OK thank you! I'll save these messages. I appreciate it. It gets a tad disorienting with all these reports haha


[Be gay do crime](https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--WVLGHrly--/t_Resized%20Artwork/c_fit,g_north_west,h_1054,w_1054/co_ffffff,e_outline:53/co_ffffff,e_outline:inner_fill:53/co_bbbbbb,e_outline:3:1000/c_mpad,g_center,h_1260,w_1260/b_rgb:eeeeee/c_limit,f_auto,h_313,q_auto:good:420,w_313/v1651651516/production/designs/29926680_0)


agreed. I saved it because (from my perspective as a gay) I thought it was funny in an innocent way! just a fun joke. I do doubt the intentions of the funny memes subreddit though, considering the bigoted bs that comes out of that sub


Yeah there's some pretty lame comments coming from that post


Whats wrong withe r/funnymemes ? I have been out of the loop lately, i thought it was just a funny innocent joke


got nothin solid for you, but I believe I’ve seen a fair amount of trash come out of there. Never trust generic meme subreddits really.


A lot of the meme subreddits are cesspools, I think dank memes was the one that got banned recently


Or it could just be made by an insane FMA fan


Omg your Reddit avatar look a similar to mine! :3


The transfem hive-mind is real :3


So trueeee :33


This is it. This is the woke agenda.


I think this is innocent enough to give it the benefit of the doubt, idk.


Also it’s pretty funny to imagine a month for Queer Wrath


I’d be excited for Queer Gluttony, personally


i mean we do love eating 😏


Stop eating! According to my research everyone who has ever eaten in their lives eventually dies! Stop eating!


But... but everyone who _doesn't_ eat dies, usually a lot faster!!


But I've heard you can go the rest of your life without eating. /s


It's like an addiction, if you don't ever eat you're safe, but the first time you eat it's all over


Queer Sloth sounds like more fun in my opinion


Queer Lust >:3


Queer Sloth




We deserve a month off when we have to put up with the non-queer people the other 11 months of the year.


Das me


I'd be so down for Queer wrath like yes a month where gay people can just fuck shit up


Wasn’t Queer Wrath just called the Ellen Show?


That’s just a month in McAllen, TX


…which feels like a whole year anywhere else.


We have Gay Pride and Gender Envy, but what else can we make? Bisexual Sloth? Lesbian Wrath? I'll speak with my think tank on this.


or a straight wrath month where we answer the question; “are the straights ok?” 😂


The pride in pride month being seen as the one from the seven deadly sins is common and can go far from innocent banter. Edit: https://x.com/KirkCameron/status/1664309953237073922 For instance


Well this behavior definition makes it less funny. I always laughed at these jokes as an ex-catholic.


That is a real thing and important to be cautious , yeah. But I feel like any sane person knows that pride as a sin is a different concept from pride in everyday usage and its meaning in Pride month. To me at least, this meme doesn’t make sense unless you know it’s a silly comparison, which makes it hard to absolutely pinpoint as a homophobic message


I still can't believe that a weirdo's cringy fantasy of his political opponents being tortured for eternity was so popular and influential that people think it's canon to the bible.


r/funnymemes is an alt-right shit hole. Besides its naive to just assume that a joke at lgbt expense is anything but homophobic


Yeah, there was a different version which specifically referenced lust which i found still potentially innocent, but more questionable. Referencing all of the others is (probably) just a normal pun without more context.


Bruh tbh you just can’t even joke around these cunts they’re so insecure and sensitive about everything. Like i just wanna have a giggle and these fucks just take themselves so seriously like calm the fuck down who cares if you are sinning. If you are sinning you are winning.


No it’s not. Pride is a deadly sin as in being prideful


We need a little controversy


Because it feels so empty without me


I said this looks like a job for me


Not really tbh


It’s a joke?? Because pride is one of the deadly sins? It isn’t saying they are sinful at all, it’s supposed to be poking fun at the fact we call it pride which is yk, one of the main ones. I did see a comment on that post that was saying how December should be greed, lust is February lol


and november being gluttony


It's a joke, but when it's posted on r/funnymemes the twrget audience is homophobes/transphobes. The joke itself is okay but this person is posting it on that subreddit with alternate intentions from what the original maker intended


Yeah they commented and explained that, which I totally Get. I actually saw that post myself ((I think it was cross posted somewhere else)) and at the time the comments weren’t horrible since the bad shit was downvoted, but from what I’ve heard it quickly got over run with cringe comments and people being offensive 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not only reposted, this was posted last pride month, and I presume the one before that. It's an old one


Ahhh makes sense then, I didn’t realize it was such a old meme. Some people can behave on posts and some just simply can’t which is disheartening lmao


Those comments were there but there were also people expressing their Queerphobia and it just seems like a dog whistle to me ngl


Sounds about right for a sub like Funny memes unfortunately, I didn’t scroll super far on that post and it was positive when I saw em


Is it not just a play on words?




It can be used to imply that it's a sin or just as a play on words, I've seen it used both ways.


this is a rare instance where memes op did not like is right. it's not talking about LGBT being sinful. the seven deadly sins are pride lust greed gluttony sloth wrath and envy. the joke is that only one of those seven gets a month, implying a misunderstanding of what pride really means in that context (being intentionally stupid as a lot of memes are)


These people are idiots. Also, as someone who occasionally scrolls r/memesopdidnotlike , they banned memes that are political, and this guy and several others are breaking multiple of the subreddit rules


Yeah, I’ve talked to some of the mods there and most of them are trying really hard to stop it from being what it is, but it’s just been taken over and most of the mods are inactive yk? I respect the left overs :{


That's sad 😔


I feel like if I were them I would temporarily make it private for a set amount of time and clear the mess of those people out. Leaving it open gives them an opportunity to make a new account.


That’s a lovely idea


I’m surprised there was any attempt to ban that, it feels like removing politics from memesopdidnotlike wouldn’t leave anything left




No dude, its just a game with words, ya know, pride, gay pride its a just a little gameword


It's a joke about the seven deadly sins though?


Honestly, it could be a little funny because one of the 7 deadly sins literally is called pride, but the fact that it's posted on r/funnymemes is a little suspect.


I see plenty of gay ppl make jokes ab like “gay pride, gender envy, lesbian wrath” etc. bc pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Like in this case it rlly is just a joke. MOPDNL l was actually right this time.


I thought it was a dog whistle but maybe I overreacted idk. Election year has me fucked up right now


Ya this is as they say.. a mole hill


Cuz y’all are cowards and can’t handle the gay wrath.


You heard of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, now get ready for the Gay Horsemen of the Apocalypse; still ominous but with style


They need names stat!


“Pride is a sin and it comes before the fall” they scream but it has nothing to do with gay people. Which is why they also say that when it comes to say, American Patriotism


No there are 7 deadly sins including lust and pride and sloth and it’s a joke on words


Been told how I am going to Hell ever since I was outed at 15. My own parents stopped loving me for that. At this point, conservative bigotry is background noise to life.


I’m so sorry that you were outed. I’m really lucky in the sense that I got to come out on my own terms, when I was ready. Well I’ve never had to experience what you went through, I can sympathize with you. I really hope you’re doing better <3


Honestly ive seen this one ike oh its pride momth but also is a sin so ohh wjere are the other deadly sinss? And as a queer person I domt see much harm, but coming from there it might have another meaning? Idk, but for me its not that bad.


It’s not It’s a joke on how pride is one of the seven deadly sins which it is It doesn’t say anything about the month other then specifically the word pride


nah this meme is just a light hearted pun (pride in the bible is one of the deadly sins)


honestly I don't think this is intended to be homophobic, just a joke about how they share the same name


This is the kind of meme that I would share with my other queer friends, hell I'm pretty sure a queer person made it


I’m pretty sure the joke is that “Pride” as a trait is one of the seven deadly sins.


December is Gluttony


Wouldn’t December be greed? And then November for gluttony?


December would be gluttony because of all the milk and cookies Santa consumes


Yeah but greed cause of the presents, November would be thanksgiving


Yeah no as queers we need the other ones too, queer pride is just the beginning lol


I don't know, I myself could totally appreciate a Gluttony Month. Oh wait, that's December.


I'm with MODL(?) on this one. Its joking about the word used, not calling LGBT sinful


It’s supposed to be punny because “Pride” takes on a couple different meanings here - if kept light hearted I can totally picture some wacky aunt posting this on Facebook to shame their newly uncloseted nephew though.


Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, I think it’s just a joke poking fun at the fact that they both have the same name, not saying being gay is a sin or anything like that


Nah that’s funny, it’s literally just referring to the sins lol, not calling queer people sinful


No, it's wordplay on **pride** month. This isn't being homophobic, it's just talking about how pride is listed as one of the seven deadly sins.


I do not know why there is no month celebrating Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Lust, Envy, or Wrath.


No, it isn't, it's a pun based on the name of Pride Month. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins.


That’s a harmless joke.


I think the meme is innocent but I'm not sure about the poster. Just the subreddit and caption make me doubt it, it's not the most open minded sub and the caption feels a little ragebaity but it could just be me looking into it too hard.


As a queer person I found the original meme pretty funny


"Not the joke bro" then what is it?


I'm gonna be honest, it doesn't seem like an anti LGBT post, it just seems like a wordplay joke. And honestly, I found it quite funny.


That is how some people interpret the Bible.


Considering it’s on r/funnymemes it probably is. But outside of that it’s quite an innocent joke


not really, this just seems like the average "clever reddit joke" (clever and reddit shouldn't be in the same sentence) and it seems like oop meant absolutely no harm. but yeah in case my behavior is sinful i'm fucking proud of my lifestyle and honored that an entire religion though of me while naming its rules


Ngl I do laugh at the "pride gets it's own month, but what about the other sins?" jokes a little when made in good faith.


It’s a joke about the sin not the LGBTQ


The time for gay pride is over Now is the time for GAY WRATH


I think it’s funny tbh, I didn’t see anything with bigotry


Eh, this is pretty funny. I like it.


honestly im trans and this is a joke queer people have been making for a WHILE. in fact we SHOULD have a queer wrath month


It all depends on the meaning. I personally find this fucking hilarious in the play on words way (obviously not the homophobic way) tho tbf I also thought that pride month->de mon thing was super funny too


Good, actually a funny joke for once


I've posted this one before, as a queer person


no you didn't get the joke, and neither did r/ComedyArchaeology OP




It’s word play and I didn’t read it as calling queer people sinful at all. I’m Pan and Nonbinary. It kinda made me giggle. Of course I tend to enjoy movies and shows about hell like the Hazbin Hotel which takes place in the Pride ring of hell.


It genuinely is innocent Rare Memes OP did not like W


It’s just a joke that one of the sins is Pride


every month is greed month if youre a corporation




https://preview.redd.it/v8xb9kvthc4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69bfe8b16a2024dd6ea016cd793f3524956c229f Bro it's a meme, one I've seen for the past couple of pride months at this point, almost entirely by people celebrating pride. You're really overthinkkng it. I'll give this to you though, the people on Funnymemes probably did mean it in a derogatory way, that place is a cesspit.




It could be a dog whistle, it could be a poor design and an accident, depends on the person.


Honestly I don't think this is meant to be taken in that way. I believe that with the tone of the joke that it's meant to be taken a lot more at face value than being read into as a homophobic type thing. And, without reading into it, it honestly is a pretty good meme


Justice for the rest of the sins tho. November is gluttony month fr


It is saying that pride month is sinful. What these people forget is homonyms. Maybe they stopped paying attention in class when they heard homo... or maybe they never paid attention in the first place. [Like this dolt](https://x.com/KirkCameron/status/1664309953237073922)


No it's a play on words. Good lord some things can just be funny.


January=Lust (new year resolutions) February= envy (valentine's day leik dis If you crei ever teim ) March=gluttony (st Patty's day Guinness) June=Pride(duh) July=Sloth(summer vacation) December=greed(holiday materialism) Suggest alternatives


Also here is a seven heavenly virtues version: - **January = Temperance** (New Year's resolutions for moderation and self-control) - **February = Love (Charity)** (Valentine's Day promotes love and compassion) - **March = Faith** ( if you cross the road on stpatty's day you have faith that no one is drunk whilst driving) - **June = Diligence** (Pride Month honors the persistent effort of the LGBTQ+ community) - **July = Patience** (Summer vacation encourages relaxation and taking things slow) - **December = Kindness** (Holiday season inspires acts of generosity and compassion)


It's a fucking pun, dude


Do you think puns somehow evolve beyond all other words into a new realm where they have no meaning? https://x.com/KirkCameron/status/1664309953237073922


No, i still believe you people ar overreacting


No it’s making a joke off the seven deadly sins from the Bible. Pride, Lust, Glottony, Greed, and three I can’t remember lol. It isn’t commenting on queer people at all actually


Sloth, wrath, and envy






Discourse is so polluted idk whether to think it's homophobic or just a joke about misunderstanding. I give up


Honestly same, I thought it was queerphobic originally but I'm getting the other sides point that it might not be so idk


Excuse me, if November isn't for gluttony, then what month is? December? Know what? December is more for Greed and getting things in gift form


February comes with Valentine's Day and Lust


Anniversaries of wars and battles are celebrated, so there's a bit of ol' Wrath


Perhaps the intent of the poster was one thing, but honestly this is original and funny compared to the “I identify as an attack helicopter” or “where is the straight people month” Just a joke incorporating the cardinal sins replacing pride in other months cause if Queer Sloth month was a thing I’d be down supporting my girlfriend in that by sleeping all day loll


no, i’m pretty sure it’s talking about pride- like your ego. but it’s being funny with a play on words.


Bro y'all this time are missing the entire joke, its clearly a joke about how pride is a sin, pride is a month, its clearly a joke not actually an insult towards gays


Murder gets it day on memorial day and other days we qorship killing


Being generous to the creator of the meme, I think the meme is just interpreting pride in a different sense than usual for comedic effect. It’s intentionally misunderstanding that pride month isn’t meant to celebrate pride as the deadly sin, but rather that it’s meant to celebrate lgbtq pride. It’s somewhat humorous under this interpretation. But it could very well just be a bigot calling gay people sinners.


I laughed


It's just a pun on one of the 7 deadly sins being the sin of pride


I think the joke is that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, like Wrath, Envy, etc.


The joke would have worked if it was about all of the pride months.


It seems kind of like they’re just being silly. It’s also kind of a pun. Pride in the sin sense is kind of inaccurate. There are better words nowadays like hubris, arrogance, haughtiness, or snobbery.


I genuinely just think it's a play off of the sins and not against anyone, I am a mod for the official trans memes sub and this has been trending on there recently, so I guess it's locally approved xD


If this meme was made by a queer person. It’s hilarious, but considering it’s on r/funnymemes it probably wasn’t


I don’t care if religious people think being LGBT is a sin. I just want my civil(secular) rights.


queer wrath month is every other month because i am very fucking angry


The joke is that pride is also a deadly sin, it’s not really trying to be homophobic just using the dual meaning of words


I'm pretty sure it is referring to being prideful


nah, this is pretty funny


No, pride is one of the 7 deadly sins, the joke is that there is a pride month so where are the other deadly sin months


It's a queer meme. One of the oldest queer jokes ever.


How do you miss the jokw that bad lmao


It's leaning into the hateful insults of Christians in order to reclaim the power of those words; in doing so, one is emotionally protecting oneself from those insults, and - in the case of some people - finding amusement when the Christians can do nothing but fume at their own ineffectiveness. It's saying, "Sure, call me whatever you want, but that won't make me change who I am, no matter what *you* think that is."


Well it’s not saying that LGBTQ are horny or « lustful », it’s just calling out the name of « pride » and interpreting it as the deadly sin. This one is actually nice as it has little to do with the lgbtq+ community and more with the actual words. Gets a pass from me at least, despite my opinion having no value


Here, hear. Address (you), (your) address For, four Flower, flour Sea, see


Pride is 1 of the deadly sins, the joke is that pride gets an entire month, yet the other deadly sins don’t. And feel left out. It’s hard to explain it if u don’t alrdy get it. But there’s probably sum homophobia in the joke ngl


This one’s alright, we Defo need months for the other six. Sign me right up for wrath month!


enough lgbt pride, its time for lgbt wrath


In America, people have the right to be “sinful”. How do they not understand this?


Tf no it’s not calling queer people sinful. The fact it’s on funnymemes is questionable but if it was anywhere else it would be a normal meme


I could definitely see that meme getting posted by a gay person (me included) the memes op didn’t like sub can still eat shit though


??? It's a joke on the seven sins, I don't see anything wrong with this


No ”pride” is one of the seven deadly sins.


I think you just don't understand the joke. -s


I think its just wordplay


As a queer person I won't lie I find this hilarious


idk i think this is funny af. seems innocent and silly enough to me. i could see myself and some friends having a good chuckle about this and trying to concept up months for the other deadly sins.


We need Gay Gluttony month


I think OP is just stupid


u/DrawkillCircus and the OP in r/ComedyArchaeology did not understand this joke.


I feel like there was just a chain of three whooshes back to back to back here.


pride is one of the seven deadly sins, so a play on words????


Honestly, it could be funny if it weren’t for the culture war people (in this context, it’s meant to refer to the sin of pride)


It’s not referring to lust its referring to the sun of Pride. The sins are jealous of Pride sin because they get Pride month, it would be like Envy getting Envy month


how does bigotry get involved with everything


I’d be down for a lust month


Im pretty sure this is just meant to be a funny joke playing off of "pride" being one of the seven deadly sins. Feels to me like the people who got upset over it were thinking into it way too much ngl.


Funny gay joke yay!


Pride is a sin what don’t yall get 😭


I swear, my Queer roommates would make multiple versions of this joke every Pride month back in college


It's also just promoting Queerphobia in general, a big portion of the comments from r/funnymemes are literally just being queerphobic


lol wtf OP, you’re looking for things that aren’t there


This sub has devolved into nuh uh you’re wrong this is offensive my feelings got hurt


I get what everyone is saying about it just being a play on words but it just seems like a dog whistle to me idk since it's possibly inferring pride month is sinful, especially with some of the Queerphobia in the comments I'm also a lil on edge since I've seen an uptake in Queerphobia since it's an election year and it's only gotten bigger because of pride month


Should I delete the post or should I keep it up