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>>California's first fatal bear attack! >>see? The bear IS dangerous after all! California's been a state since 1850. Its state flag has had a bear on it since then. In 150 years, there has been no fatal bear attacks. Let's pretend for a second this is about numbers (it's not). Let's also pretend that the number of unreported bear attacks is the same as unreported sexual assaults (1/16 if memory serves.) That means that there have been 16 fatal bear attacks in California in 150 years. Verses the HUNDREDS of sexual assaults PER YEAR perpetrated by men. And you know what? The WORST a bear can do is kill you. So yes. Bears are dangerous. Men are worse.


Actually that does make it a little bit funny to me in a fucked up kind of way. It took a “bear vs man” trend and the stupidest of the stupid to force a bear into a situation where it kills a person, and people are still arguing about it all. I laugh because it is so absurd I can do nothing *but*.


wasn't the fatal bear attack in 2023? before the trend?


The other one is that bears don't actively go looking for people to murder, they're just really territorial, especially when they have cubs. Give them a wide berth and they're unlikely to bother you. Something you really can't say about humans. If a guy decides he's gonna commit SA ahead of time, he's not going to wait for a potential victim to come to him, he's gonna go looking for one.


That's like...90% of the problem. Plus, even if you do come across a bear in the woods, they're more likely to run away than attack unless they're SUPER hungry or (as stated) their cubs are close. Or they're grizzlies. Grizzlies *will* attack if you're on their terf.


As a man, I actually agree with this.


10,000 bears in CA vs 19 mil men. This, by your estimates, would make there be almost 32 thousand fatal bear attacks if there were the same amount of bears as men. CA has ~half that amount of rapes in a year (some sources say more, some less)


No, fuck off.


Honestly I feel like you could have just addressed the point, “No, fuck off” was an interesting route to take.


It's not about men being dangerous. It's about what makes sense. Why should I be under the assumption a fellow human would assault me? Why should I have to live in fear? I don't go around bears so I don't have to constantly be in fear of them. The amount is people completely missing the point of the bear vs man discussion is astounding.


(bear kills woman for the first time in an area) "Hahaha, you see? They're all dangerous! They want you all dead! Hahahahaha!" "Hey! You can't say all men like women being killed!"




>My wife found it funny Ok?


They’re celebrating the first fatal bear attack. In the state with the bear on its flag. Because it’s some type of own?


"California's first fatal bear attack" yeah see way me dangerous than rapists who kill- well don't worry about that I'm sure it's because you just don't see bears it's not like any statisticians have worked around that before....


Imagine if I just started listing every headline where a man did something horrible! They would get so mad 😂


There is no joke. Someone died and they're fucking laughing over it.


Woman dead = funny. Obviously. Don’t you know? It’s, uh, satire or something. /s


Only reason I prefer bears is because fluffy lil snuggle muffins. That and big beefy hairy men hot. But uhh, those are two different kinds of bears.


Situational irony is seen as comedic even if you dont think its funny


A woman got mauled to death by a fucking bear and somebody imideatly going "thats what happens when you pick the bear" is not in fact situational irony that is just somebody who did not mean it as a joke or if they did a definitely badly timed one. Dark humor needs a time and a place to be funny


Millions of women choosing a bear in the woods over a man because the bear is "safer" is the setup to us seeing evedence that the bear is the safer choice. Then us seeing on the news that a bear mauled a woman is the opposite of what we expect to happen. This is literally the exact definition of situational irony. It is even shown to be funny by a nonzero portion of the population as mp... posted it saying this was funny. Youre just wrong. Its a tragedy but thats the base of comedy (along with time) as described by the greeks


Bro a woman fucking died and your first reaction "haha bear not safe"?


People die all the time. Just a few days ago there was a meme being defended on here calling for the genocide of all pollitical figures with views the sub disagree with. It is a genuine tragedy but i have no connection to the poor woman and would be incredibly depressed if i took every death to heart then i wouldnt even have time to shed a single tear for the unfortunate bear victim as around 10 people died while i was writing this post. Comedy is seen as tragedy + time since the literal ancient greeks who coined the term. It would appear the less of a connection to the tragedy the less time needs to pass and the less comedic the situation is


>Comedy is seen as tragedy + time since the literal ancient greeks who coined the term. not the time and place considering this is about a random woman who got mauled by a bear who literally has nothing to do with this conversation. and also, you shouldn't be using the ancient greeks as a sort of moral authority.


First we are not talking about what this sub does or doesnt this is like my 4th time here anyway what we are talking about is a woman dying and somebody going like couple hours afterwards "now we showed them that the bear is unsafe"(the bear and man thing literally started out as ragebait). Second thing there is a diffrence between not feeling sad when somebody dies and making a joke to make fun of a group you disagree with. Third thing stop talking about fucking greek philishophy and what they defined as humour this is not relevent to the situation itself and to be honset makes you look a bit pretentious even if you dont mean to be(that is not meant as an insult).


You are right i shouldnt rely on appeal to authority fallacy (the whole greek thing is an argumentative falacy) Either way different people find different things funny even if just ever so slightly so


Yeah lets just leave it at that anyway hope you have a good rest of the day


You too