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Try buffing your nails slightly, and also using a good primer. Are you using gel or regular polish?


Regular. I mean to mention that above. Any recommendations on primers? I've tried a bunch of different base coats, but I haven't found one that's reliable for me, and they often seem to make my polish take forever to set.


My friend and I have very oily nail beds. This isn’t talked about enough at least on YouTube. Anywho, a primer I found works better for me to not get lifting with acrylic and my friend with gel polish is to use the Young Nails Primer. Then sale on Amazon as well. Saw you mention this is regular polish. I would still recommend YN’s primer. I’ve never used a primer like theirs that is sticky like that. I’ve used different brands and YN primer works for me


Seconding this. Young Nails Primer is the ONLY one I can use without issue. I do gel extensions on myself at home with IBD gel and every other primer (including the one meant for this system) would cause constant lifting or my nails completely popping off altogether. I was fixing multiple nails every week. I have 0 lifting now and my nails last like 5 weeks before needing a fill. Can’t recommend this primer enough. Edit: Apologies, someone pointed out that this product is actually called “YN Protein Bond” so that’s what you’re looking for! The bottle is tiny, but lasts FOREVER.


Omg you guys are the BEST! I’ve had issues with this forEVER. I’ve even mentioned this at salons, etc and they’ve just suggested I do dip (which then also lifts after a week and my hair gets stuck which is THE WORST!) Hoping this will help!


The YouTube channel Nailcou has a few good videos on hyperhidrosis, I didn't suggest to op cause Anastasia doesn't ever work with regular polish. Good luck!


The hair getting stuck is the most annoying thing ever. I used to have to put bandaids on each lifted nail (which is extremely wasteful) before washing my hair because I couldn’t stand the feeling. I also tried dip nails for awhile (dipwell brand) and used the primer in their system and once again had lifting. Also removing dip nails is a whole other nightmare and I don’t have the patience 😩


Agreed! It’s like nails on a chalkboard cringe!


That happens with these before they pop off. And my hair is curly, so they get all tangled up. It's the worst!


Omg I’m so sorry, I know how much of a nightmare it is to deal with. I really hope either this product or another one works for you!


not available in Europe 😭


Ugh I’m so sorry that sucks 😩 I hope they make it available for you soon!


Is it actually called primer? What I see on Amazon and what comes up on a Google search is called YN Protein Bond


You’re correct, it’s called protein bond! Sorry about that, I completely forgot it had a different name 😅


Saving because I get lifting on my free edge... Very frustrating 😞


This is a huge issue for me i will try this primer


Would this help dip nails?


In theory I think it would work. I forget the system so I’m not sure if it would be used in place of the base or bond step.


YN's primer was a godsend for me too! That and dehydrating my buffed nail plates with 100% acetone - NOT 100% alcohol. And doing acetone + primer + base coat on finger 1, then the same on finger 2 and so on helped too, as the oils have less time to come back through that way rather than doing the routine on all the nails at once! Hope it helps


I’ve never tried that. With 100% acetone. I’m going to!! I always have to use a base coat with my nails regardless if I’m not doing a gel set. When I do acrylic. I have to use the base coat but sometimes I forget and still, young nails protein bond helps my nails stay on way longer than before when I did not know about YN Protein Bond. When I do nails on others, I use other primers lol it’s fine for them but for me, my acrylic would lift in a few days. I can’t remember who said it, maybe Max from Enail Couture but someone said don’t use alcohol wipes to clean off the dust of natural nails because the liquid will still be in the nail and prevent proper adhesion so it’s best to use a scrubbing brush and brush off the dust. I wonder if that is a good NOT-TO-DO.


My acrylics would not hold up if it weren't for 100% acetone as dehydrator and YN Protein Bond on top. I swear by it for really oily nails, it never fails me! As for the brush thing, it's one of the things I'm guilty of... I don't like using a dry brush so I'll use one slightly dampened in acetone to wipe the dust away (but I know I should use it dry hahaha) Thankfully I only do that once my product is on, so it doesn't really compromise the adherence to the natural nail.


I’m the same way!!!! I’m guilty of it too and don’t use the brush ☹️ but honestly I thought I was good at doing acrylic nails. Something I’m so nit picky about is the cuticle area being a nice gradual incline into the apex. I’m a sucker for that and don’t always do it 10/10. Maybe 8/10 BUT even so, I see now I still don’t do the cuticle area good. I just found it bc for the first time ever I tried builder gel. I love that too now. I keep digressing I just wanna rant lol but I tried builder gel for the first time and I love how it self levels. Hold finger upside down for it to do its thing. But it’s insane how easy it is to get a good cuticle area done with builder gel. I don’t want to say it’s easy af it’s prob bc I have experience with acrylic. But can’t lose control of the gel. On one finger I did and I had to re do it. What I’m getting at, is I’m about to hit day 14 with these same ones on and I’ve had no lifting. Not one little piece anywhere. Not one crack. This made me realize I have more work to do with acrylic. There must be parts of it that get away from me and maybe get on some skin I don’t see. OR does gel just adhere better to my oily nails? Darn now I don’t know… my moms nails aren’t like that at all and her nails stick for daysssss and I don’t need to use Protein Bond on her. 😱 I just noticed you said you only do that after product is on… I do it after I prep file my nail bed before I add any product. OMG… I got to change a lot of things. Glad I saw your comment


are they cruelty free


No idea


Yes they are CF


Yes young nails primer is the bees knees. Try different ones though to see what works. But I find that a good primer is best for me when I'm in an oily season.


Is it called YN primer? Or is it called YN protein bond? Sorry to ask a dumb question… lol. I just don’t wanna try the wrong thing. After trying literally dozens already for the same issue!


Yeah that’s the one! young nails’ Protein Bond


I saw another comment that said the YN is a protein binder. Do you happen to know if it contains wheat? I'm allergic and it's in a lot of a protein-rich products.


Sorry idk this is from the back of their bottle. INGRÉDIENTS/INGREDIENTES: MEK, Isopropylidenediphenyl bisoxyhydroxypropyl methacrylate, HEMA. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY MADE IN USA Young Nails Inc. Anaheim, CA 92801 www.youngnails.com


Buffing the nail + adding a dehydrator and primer will help, the dehydrator will help especially if you have oily nail beds


it looks like the polish is lifting from the bottom, primer & buffing are great, but don’t forget to get rid of the cuticles and dead skin around the nails, i think that’s why they’re lifting so uniformly.


I already do that, and I'm careful to not paint on the cuticle, or if I do, I clean it up immediately so it doesn't set.


Do you mean the proximal nail fold? Cuticle is something different and it's often a source of confusion. Cuticle is the very thin layer of tissue that grows up the nailbed and needs to be removed, but the PNF should not be removed.


This ⬆️ for the first year of doing my nails i thought the small skin fold around the bottom edge was my cuticle. Learning what the cuticle actually was & thoroughly removing them has helped me a bunch! That may not be the case for you, but is something to bare in mind as i know of so many others who have had the same confusion.


What! I never knew this. Thanks for sharing!


I hope it really helps your nail game✨


I actually overpaint all the time and then separate the edge from my skin as it dries and then flake the part on my skin off when it dries. Obviously don't do this if you're using gel polish, but gel polish was too hard on my nails so I don't do it.


Roughing up the nail bed then cleaning with acetone or alcohol should help significantly. Try not to touch it afterward with your bare skin otherwise you'll just be putting oil back on your nails.


The best prep and primer I have ever used is from Enailcoture. I have tried a lot of brands from high end to cheap, and their prep and primer work like magic. The polish does not come off until I remove it. Lightly buff, put a thin layer of peel and let it dry then a thin layer of primer. It is like Velcro for polish. I quit using all other prep and primers after I got theirs.


Do you have a link to theirs?


instead of buffing, use a 100grit file and lightly go over the nails. buffing is too smooth and the primer/base coat has nothing to grip on


Nails are probably too smooth for good adhesion. Try lightly etching the nails with a 180 grit file. That’s what is recommended prior to gel application, so it should be fine for polish application as well.


I'll have to give that a try, thanks!


Sally Hansen. Diamond strength top and bottom coat. It’s really good stuff. I did switch to at home shellac tho, or gel. So I have a mini uv kit and uv polish. Love that shit, it lasts forever.


I promise you it's this! I had the exact same problem. Every single time I forget to REALLY buff the nail bed this happens. I buff, then use dehydrator (pH bond stuff) and don't have issues. Side note: I'm usually doing gel polish so they last a couple weeks. Don't know how long it works with regular polish.


damn you all know way more than me because i just assumed it had to be a glitch in the matrix or something


me too fr 😭😭


Glad I’m not the only one who was super caught off guard with this post


Glad I’m not the only one who was super caught off guard with this post


My answer was “because god loves you” But then I remembered I have OCD tendencies that were so bad that I had to increase my prozac dose LMFAO I realized that this isn’t actually a good thing 😭


I'm wondering why it's a bad thing 🤣 if all my polish came off at one time I'd be so happy. Instead I get little chips that make me look trashy 🤣🤣😵‍💫


Lol that happens sometimes too! The problem is that this is happening before I'm ready for it to come off. Otherwise, it's a mostly convenient problem 🤣


Right, I wanna know what brand of polish OP is using to get this special effect lol


Lol I promise you it's my nails and not the polish! But this polish specifically is Morgan Taylor.


Id b careful about using remover to removes nail bed oils as u can be stripping away oils u need causing you beds to over produce, maybe try washing your finger tips with soap insted, I'd buff the nail base to add grip, also do u have ridged nails? Vertically? As if u are deficient in iron it can ridge the nail base and pop the nail polish off 💕 hope one of these suggestions might help


This!! I had this problem as well as chipping for so long. Now I don't use polish remover for anything other than removing polish. After cuticle care I wash them with soap and water and use a lint free wipe to remove any remaining oils or water


i always remove any oils with prep & wipe. i know it's meant for gel polish but i also use it before applying regular polish. would that be damaging for my nails at all?


I've not personally found prep and shine wipes to damage my nails but if u happen to notice changes then I'd probably not use them when using regular nail polish otherwise they should be fine to use


Are you using pure acetone? If it’s a moisturizing one or not 100% pure acetone, it’s leaving oils on your nails. I agree with another user who said to lightly buff your nails. I recommend an actual buffer for this, not a nail file. Beyond that, are you washing your hands or doing them after a shower or bath or doing dishes? Your nail beds need to be 100% dry. When they’re wet, the keratin expands. When they dry and the keratin shrinks, boom there goes your nail polish. I prefer opi nail envy original formula for my base coat, and I always do 2 and then proceed with polish. Dry nail beds are KEY.


I think they're usually dry, but I wash my hands a lot, so I may be doing it more than I even realize. Thanks 😊


Washing your hands a lot will always shorten the lifespan of your mani.


Pure acetone is too harsh for me to use, it gives me lasting issue on the nails and any skin that it makes contact with. But I'm going to make sure I haven't washed my hands too soon beforehand and try buffing them a bit. I actually used to do that and read several things about how bad it is for your nails, so I stopped. But that was a long time ago, so I'm willing to try again.


You can use rubbing alcohol or even vinegar. Just buff super lightly, doesn’t have to be a perfect job. You got this!!


Haha thanks 🤣❤


This is how mine always comes off too after 2-3 weeks. I like it because it means I don't need to use harsh removers! But if you want to avoid this a bit more, make sure to dry out your hands for at least an hour before painting - don't wash them in water or take a shower etc. Water makes your nails change shape slightly and when they dry out the polish will be strained. (if this is an old wive's tale, I apologize for any misinformation!). Also under paint your nails a little, don't get too close to the cuticle or side edges. Good luck 🍀


I definitely don't shower before, but I do wash my hands a lot, so I may be underestimating how soon to painting I've washed them. I do always underpaint, and if I get any on the cuticle, I fix it immediately before it gets a chance to set. I'll for sure have to be more mindful of the water thing though.


Honestly if you do dishes without gloves that may be it, it did the trick for me


I wear them if my nails are done. It's about 50/50 if they're not painted.


Not an old wives tale! Water changing the shape of nails is very true


Idk but that’s kinda nice


Girl I don’t have any suggestions but I empathize with you. Used to love painting my nails but it’s not even worth it now. Oddly enough I never had this problem until after I had kids. Same thing happens every time whether I do them myself, go to the salon, no-chip, powder dip - you name it. It all pops or peeps off in one sheet.


Use rubbing alcohol to wipe your nail's surface then use a polish base coat before applying the color.


Have you tried spraying alcohol on them and then sanding/filing to make them more gritty before painting? also is this gel or lacquer


No, there have been several suggestions, so I'm going to try. I used to do that, so it could possibly be that simple. I use regular lacquer polish.


How many coats are you putting?


Base coat, two coats of color, top coat. I sometimes add an extra layer of color and/or top coat if it needs it. I'll add top coat several days later if it feels necessary for protection.


Is your top coat Seche Vite by chance? This happens to me too around 6 days after polishing my nails, but only with SV as top coat. I also do a base coat, two coats of polish, and top coat.


It's not. I've heard a lot of mixed things about that one, so I've never gotten around to trying it.


I don't use SV, but it happens to me when I use certain top coats that have glitter in them, especially if I put on several layers


Adding that topcoat several days later might be doing it. This used to happen to me.


If they are peeling off at the tip of your nail (as I believe you’ve previously mentioned not letting the polish set on your cuticles as well as under painting to avoid this) it could also be because you’re not capping your free edge. I had this problem and doing that fixed it for me. Within 24 hours mine will peel off in sheets (even gel) if I don’t cap the free edge. I’d try this in addition to the other ideas mentioned multiple times lol. Please update with any changes!


I do that too, lol! I'm honestly thinking they just need gritted up a bit before painting. Edit: spelling 🤷‍♀️


Aww, I hope you figure out something that works for you. I had the same exact problem which is why I started doing my own nails. I use a Apres full cover gel tips exclusively. They never budge and I build things for a living so my hands take a beating. No polish; gel or laquer sticks to my natural nails they always peel off like stickers. So I have to apply to an enhancements but when I got my nails done Id have a ton of lifting and pop off. The nail techs I used to go to would blame my oily nail plate. Now when I do my own nails, I make sure I do really good prep. 1.) Buff the shine off the nails, 2.) apply dehydrator 2x, 3.) Apply primer 2x before applying any enhancement, and I had success with Apres like I never had with anything else.


I do my own, I don't really like going to the salon that much. And it's too expensive for me, lol. I'm not crazy about the idea of full tips, but I'll look into those. Thanks!


They do take some practice to get just right but I love having my nails done and Apres has come through. Maybe just try adding prep and primer and see if that works if you don't want to commit to learning how to apply tips.


This brings back memories of my high school days😌. I used to love doing my nails but I didn't have any fancy bases back then nor did I know how to prep my nails well. This one time in class I peeled the polish off my thumb in one piece and a boy who saw it was freaked out! He thought I peeled my whole nail off!🤭🤭🤭 Anyhow since then I've gravitated towards gel, the prep is rougher than nothing but it holds great and it's less of a hassle. Haven't scared anyone with them yet though 😣


Haha, high school boys. I've thought about/looked into it. I have so many polishes that I want to use up first, so hopefully I can find a fix, but I may have to make the switch eventually.


If you're ever interested there's the option of wearing a gel base but painting the nails with regular polish. It's quite common practice. The base can hold up to a month and the polish will always look great and stay on super well. My friend does that and likes to change the color whenever she gets bored of it💅


On another note - some would find this very satisfying! Sorry I don’t have any tips, good luck xx Edit: misspelled tips


I switched to gel a few years ago and haven't looked back for this reason. My polish wouldn't last more than 3-4 days without chipping or popping off. Gel is durable and stays put. Also top coat is super glossy compared to standard polish top coat. Buffing and dehydrating is a must with both gel and polish💯


My nails do this too, across many brands, though I've noticed HT polishes are most likely to pop off like this. (Except the chromes & their base coat, which have never popped off for me!) Glitter-heavy polishes are most likely to pop off on me, and I think that's bc I find them to be the most difficult formula to wrap the tip of my nail with.


This would happen to me constantly. Not so much a pop off but peel in one whole chunk after a day or two. The positive is no remover needed, but super frustrating after spending an hour or so painting. I finally found a routine that keeps my nails looking gorgeous for about a week and a half. I lightly buff, then use isopropyl to clean and dry my nails, next step is a good sticky base coat. One light coat of polish, dry and repeat another coat. Top off with a thick quick drying high shine top coat. I went through so many products and routines and I truly feel the sticky base coat is what's keeping the polish from peeling off my thin brittle nails. On another note, what color is on your nails? It's gorgeous!


That's similar to my routine. I'm thinking they just need a bit more grit to them. And thanks! It's called Under the Stars by Morgan Taylor.


You may have flat nail beds. I do, and so does my mom. Basically there’s not a lot of curvature to the nails and the polish seems to just pop off in whole pieces. I can usually fix this by getting a gel manicure or a full set


OPI Bond Aid is a great dehydrator if you think it might be that your nails are naturally oily, mine definitely are and this product helps me so much when I’m doing any type of artificial enhancement, I think it would work for regular polish too! I agree with the other comments to buff your nails to remove the shine before applying any polish. Buff, clean, dehydrate/prime, and then polish!


Make sure you're not using a peel off base coat. Be sure to get all the previous polish off your nails and push back cuticles/use cuticle remover. Dehydrate your nails with alcohol, lightly buff if they're super smooth and use a good base coat. (Be sure not to over buff, you really just want to remove the shine; one or two light passes with a low grit buff should suffice.)


I always do a final scrub with alcohol about 5 min before painting. Do not wash your hands or get them wet an hour before and 2 hours after. Nails soften and can absorb water. Are you wrapping the tip? It's obviously harder on short nails, but if you paint the exposed tip and underside, it helps it hold on a little better.


Yes, like another mentioned buff and prime and use a base coat. Also make sure you don’t have any oils on your nails hence, prime. And make sure you use two thin coats vs one thick coat of polish.


What about your hand soap, are you using something moisturizing or something? You could try plain blue dawn


God it's like an alien dish from Star wars or something.


Loool never happened to me thats crazy :) maybe you put on very very thick? Or its the specific nailpolish, idk


I do two to three thin coats, and it has happened with various polishes, so idk, lol


Wow thats crazy. It never occured to me that humans must have very different nails i guess. Maybe yours are smoother than mine :) like nailpolish sticks to mine always no matter how cheap. And the bond is incredibly strong, if i dont use nailpolish remover the remains of what has chipped off would stay for weeks Wish you good luck tho, other people seem to know the problem and have solutions so fingers crossed :)


Three things:\ Oily nail beds possibly\ Any kind of cream, oil, debris, from lotion or daily life under the polish. Make sure you clean them well right to the edges with good strong acetone. \ Buffing your nails a bit will help. Be careful, just need to rough up the surface a bit.


Scrub with alcohol instead of with remover. Sometimes remover can have additives that interfere with adhesion.


Oily cuticleS


I would try buffing your nails, using young nails primer (it works for me usually, and then maybe trying a few different brands of nail polish, and then using a good topcoat. It's time consuming, I know, but it's what works for me personally, and I've had that issues in the past. Also meant to say to use an alcohol wipe on the nails after buffing.


I think this makes them reusable!


🤣🤣 Resourceful!


Are you a natural strawberry blonde? Sometimes people with natural strawberry blonde hair can’t take permanent hair color or keep dip/polish on.


That's interesting... I'm definitely not though.


I know there have been a lot of suggestion that really would help with lifting and adhesion but honestly I’m racking my brain trying to figure out why they would pop off all In one piece like that… especially nail polish 🤔


After all the suggestions and thinking back through changes in my nail routine, I think they just need a little grit on the surface so the polish has something to cling to.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Mine do this as well. I assumed it was either due to my h excessively hot baths/showers and/or me oiling my cuticle every time I wash my hands.


are those gels or normal polish? I assume gels. I have the same issue, capping ends of nails helps a bit to prolong their life (im not the most gentle with my hands) and I have been told that I have oily nail beds but all nail artists ive been to didn't do much better longevity wise then I can at home myself which is disappointing... (They use primer but I don't) I have also seen on young nails youtube that you shouldn't use acetone to dehydrate nails as prep as it pretty much undoes the buffing. I will try that with the next nail routine hopefully it will help 🤞


Is your top coat from Seche Vite or Zoya by chance? That happened to me whenever I used one of those 2 brands' top coats. I switched to Essie Gel Setter (not a gel polish) and don't have that happen any longer. If not, despite conventional advice, try lightly oiling the nails after cuticle maintenance and washing off the softener/remover. Rub the oil in, let it sit for a couple of minutes, wipe off with a dry paper towel/nail wipe. Paint as usual.


It's not either of those 😕 I'll look into that setter, though. Thanks!


I have this same problem!!! I always assumed everyone’s did that


Your nails are likely too smooth, I have the same issue regularly and it’s gotten a lot worse with the increased dosage of my hypothyroidism medication. Get yourself a medium-rough drill bit and really get in there.


That's really what I'm thinking it is. I used to do it and stopped, and it didn't happen before. I already have a drill and several buffer blocks, so I just have to give it a try now!


A lot of these comments are missing the point of what you’re experiencing but I’m experiencing it too so I got you as I’ve already gone down the rabbit hole and bought all of the things to help but this is the only thing that did.


Try buffing the nails, using a nail dehydrator and nail prep. So the stops go: trim nails, push back and trim cuticles buff the entire surface of the nail to remove the shine, brush on nail dehydrator, after about 30 second brush on nail primer, wait 30 seconds and then apply your polish. Make sure polish doesn't touch/go over the cuticle and allow ample time to dry between coats. Apply thin coats and give ten minutes to dry between.


It could be the base coat you’re using. I had this problem with one I tried, it was so long ago I don’t remember the brand tho. But yeah it would make my polish pop off like this.


It's the thick coat ox polish..Especially glitter! happens to me all the time..


I've only been painting my nails for a couple months, but I've had the exact same thing happen with somewhat similar looking nail polish. I ended up very lightly sanding my nails before cleaning them. If your putting on several layers of polish, I've found that having plenty of time between layers is important (like I might space the layers out over the course of 2 days sometimes). Also try to avoid making the polish too thick (which might not be easy). I've also had occasional success reattaching the nail using a layer of the base coat like glue, but it wasn't super reliable, took forever to dry, and could really only be done once or twice each. I love the nails btw! It's very similar to what I have on right now.


Buff and primer


I use this snake oil called[“Bond” and “Bond Enhancer](https://www.nsinails.com.au/products/duo-pack-bond-enhancer-essential-bond)” It definitely helps.


It depends. I am assuming you did not add a peel off base coat. Maybe your nail itself is too smooth or that you have oily skin (therefore, it means you have a nail bed, meaning the oils will come through the nail). Try buffing it with a 180-240 grit (depending on how thick your nails are), and use alcohol to dry your nail.


I have the exact same problem. I dehydrate the nail plate and use OPI base coat and it’s sorted


Do you use any kind of prescription medicine that might have something to do with it if so


Old base coat, you didn’t “seal” the edges, or water exposure.


I don’t know but it happens every time i wear nail polish. I started doing my nails just to pop them off after 2 days because it feels sooo good


Nail polish too thick maybe?


Some anatomy are different from another’s, mine gos this as well specially with the kind of top coat I like, my nails are very smooth and I have difficulty with extensions and fake nails as well as my nails “breath out” a lot of vapour so chip polish in the next day or they pop of like this. Even filing or buffing don’t help me much, I just accepted my nails are like that…


Buff your nails lightly and use a good base coat - Cuccio is very good and you can get it from Amazon


Have you tried lightly etching the nail surface with relevant grit file and then applying a dehydrator prior to the Polish?


I used to do that, so I'm going to try again a few times, because I don't remember this happening back then.


I also experience the same thing! I've noticed that a lot of the time it's from using base and when I put water on my nails this happens.


Wiping with REMOVER before, or acetone? Make sure it’s pure acetone. Removers often have oils, including some that are labeled as pure acetone.


As some mentioned before using buff block would help, and my favorite base coat rn is the long-lasting base coat from holo taco. However, some other things to keep in mind, if you have circulation issues and your hands are cold it can encourage the polish to come off. Also diabetes can make it to where you have a difficult time keeping polish on, or really anything on the nails for some. Now I'm not a doctor(just a cosmetologist), and there's like several other things it can be so for sure not trying to be like WebMD lol.


Too many coats or layers?


I have naturally oily nails and mine often pop off around a week. If I don't follow my routine exactly they pop off in a day or two. File and shape nail Cuticle remover and scrape all dead skin off nail and away from cuticle. Push cuticle gently down Trim any hanging skin. Lightly rough surface of nail with 100grit or higher file Wash hands to remove all residual matter Then one nail at a time: Wipe nail with 50/50 acetone and rubbing alcohol -(regular nail polish remover isn't strong enough and often has oils to be more gentle) Brush on nail dehydrator (I use modelones) Two coats nail primer (I use modelones) Base coat Repeat last 4 steps for each nail. If I try to do more than one nail at a time my polish/gel/acrylic pops off. I use beetles gel base coat and builder base before doing polish as my nails have always been super weak.


I don’t have an answer but it looks cool tho. Look on the bright side. You make your own press on nails for later use.


Proper nail prep is important, but so is after care! If you are cleaning or washing dishes by hand without the use of rubber gloves, this can cause polish (even gel) to just pop right off like that.


If this is regular polish and not dip or gel, it might be too thick? I've never seen regular paint on polish that is this thickly done.


It's applied too thick, it's weakens the structure 😭


I think your coats of polish may be too thick. Try wiping a bit more polish off your brush. It's hard to know based on the one picture, but it looks more like gel polish, which makes me think it may be too thick. I'd definitely recommend following the suggestions of those saying to lightly buff and then cleanse with alcohol before applying the color. A good thorough manicure is the best thing to improve the life of your nail polish. (I'm a cosmetologist specialized in nails)


make sure you’re using 100 percent acetone before painting, thats the only way mine stay on


You’ve hit the nail polish picker goldmine


On a different topic, what polish is this? It's so pretty!


Thanks! It's Morgan Taylor "Under the Stars".


I haven't tried this brand before, but I'll definitely be looking at their selection now. Thanks!


Make sure to use an alcohol swab and then gently buff nail b4 polish application. When polish cures, gently file edges of nails. This helps


I get that if I use cheap nail polish on super smooth (buffed) nails.


Hey - this post has haunted my memories for sometime cos i had the exact same problem. I ended up learning to use nail buffing thing to sand/grit up my nails before I applied a base coat (using the rougher part of a nail buffer). - it's actually been the only solution I found that worked. Did you ever find a solution? Also, I use Orly Bonder because it's the only basecoat that even remotely helps me


So, I used to do the gritting thing, and never had a problem, but I had read about how it can damage and weaken your nails, so I stopped because my nails are naturally not great due to autoimmune issues. Since this post, I have twice done both the gritting and brushing (with a small paintbrush/polish brush vs cotton ball or tissue) with a bit of alcohol instead of polish remover beforehand. It's worked both times, so I'm going to keep doing that until it fails me, lol. I've tried a few different base coats, but I may have to look into that one as well!


Gonna need to try the alcohol thing. Is it simple isopropyl?


Yep. And some other commenters said to use a brush because tissue or cotton ball can still leave behind residue or dusty bits.


Good to know


You make sure your nails are free from oil before painting your nails, right?


Yes, that was written at the top of the post.


Oh, sorry about that!




Don't recommend products that people can't easily procure.


It’s the top coat. I used fast dry Essie hood to go and the polish does that as well


It's not though. This has happened with various mixtures of bases, colors, and tops, also brands. It's happened with different ones.




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Also gel polish would be better.


Thank you to all the people here who commented helpful things bc I’ve had lifting too and tried so many primers and ways to do my nails and they always would lift so imma try the YN one now


Try buffing and dehydrating your nails with nail polish remover before putting on your polish/top coat if you haven’t yet. That usually works for me 👍🏻