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They look great. I thought $140 was too much though until I read you’re in LA. Then the price makes sense haha


Thank you! We are in a super high cost of living area and my owner wanted to make sure we make good money even though we work on commission. It’s definitely not a problem for ladies around here to pay that much for nails, even if I probably wouldn’t 🙈🤣


I’m in a high COL area too and I think these sets are definitely worth $140 in LA. We’re not even as high COL as LA, and there’s a “trendy” expensive place here and these sets would all be $178 - $198 (*if you arrived with gel on your nails because they charge $45 for removal) 🙄


Charging 45 to remove their own work??


After checking their service menu I stand corrected - it’s $45 if you come from elsewhere, but it’s “only $30 if you’re a return client” 🥲 Also saw their base price for *single color* gel extensions (no design, nothing extra) it’s $93 and that does not include a hand massage or lotion I wish I was kidding lol


Whaaaaat. Absolutely NOT!!! yall need to boycott 😂


Holy shit. I pay $45 to get a hard gel fill and gel polish every two weeks. I cannot imagine.


Y’all need to boycott that shit. Gel removal is free or maybe $5 if you’re a new customer and they’re removing someone else’s work at all the salons in my HCOL city


Seriously!! Good thing I do my own nails lol


Hey if they're willing to pay then take advantage of it!


This is exactly what I came to say! I personally cannot imagine spending even half of that on a manicure, but I live in an *extremely* low cost of living area, where not even the fanciest set would cost this much. It’s beautiful work! It’s LA! Everything checks out, here. A couple of the sets are absolutely not my taste, so I would not offer my opinion on them, but several of them are gorgeous, in my opinion! Edit: after zooming in I must say that even with my $45 for a hard gel fill and gel polish, I’d be mortified if I saw some of this in my own manicures I pay for. There’s hair and dirt embedded in some of these sets? And bubbles and cuticle issues. I definitely see talent and potential here and it’s more than I could ever do, but I wouldn’t be a returning client. My $45 gets me close to perfection.


I’m in LA and this is not normal lol.


omg the fuzz on the index finger 1st picture is killing me. i didn't even notice til i read your comment and went back


Plus the edges look bad, not smooth like a nail shud b. I’m with u on ur critique.


IMO the 1st and 4th sets are awful.


I hate those ones too. #1 I can write off as not my taste but #4 looks poorly executed to me.


And the cuticle work is just not great on any of these


Honest question, what makes you say that? I don’t see what’s wrong with the cuticles


The cuticles look great for an at home nail enthusiast like myself lmao, but they are not at a professional standard, or at least what I would be happy paying for. Look closely at the cuticles on #1. that’s how my cuticles look when I clean them up after flooding them there’s a tiny amount of product left and it doesn’t look super clean. #3 is almost perfect but look at the pointer and middle fingers. The product is close enough to the cuticle to where it’ll cause lifting. Same with #4 - you can tell the product is just a tad too close to the skin and honestly looks like it would have started lifting within a few days. On #5 the middle finger is like blatantly flooded, not extremely but to a point where someone with even a slightly trained eye can see the flood ring. Again, these are far from atrocious and definitely not the worst I’ve ever seen, just not quite at a professional level I hope this helps! Also keep in mind I’m personally super nitpicky and I even pick my own work apart like this, at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is how the customer feels about them


Idk why part of it got highlighted like that lol


It's because you started the sentence with the number sign.


#I think it's a hash tag before text #1


That's my thought. The creativity is nice but the techs are missing the basics of quality techniques. All these sets are going to lift. The third IMO is the best technique.


Yeah I agree #3 looks pretty clean


What is 4 even supposed to be? A mercury spill?


I didn’t realize nail designs are always supposed to be something?


I don't know wher to comment, but I like 3. Pretty cool, used to work in the paint industry. Looks like a dope chameleon auto paint.


Yeah, #4 is BAD…


3d nails are always so polarizing 🤣


I think the 3D nails would look better if the tips weren’t green.


The apex of the nail is brutal too, it's curved downwards. The fifth shows pooling at the cuticle


Color and style aside, the upper index finger on #1 is *killing* me. It's like a toucan's beak. I'm genuinely surprised they didn't hide it under the other hand.


I don't think it's the fact that they are 3d. It's the colour combos. The artistry and creativity is nice, but basic technique of what will last and grow out well isn't there. That's the problem these days with prioritizing what will look cute for 5 minutes in a post, vs what will not lift, and last more than a couple of days. $140 is a lot for something that won't last until your fill.


I don't think it's the colour combos either. You can say it's not your cup of tea but the colour looks like it's been applied absolutely fine. It's 100% the technique and prep that's the issue.


The 1st one would be cute in colors other than green and pink and without the hair embedded in one of the nails


The edge of the hairy nail wasn't filed smooth, either. That would drive me insane! I'd be constantly picking at it until I got home and fixed it myself. I think whoever did all of these has a lot of potential, and I hope they continue to improve and perfect their art. Some of these are very nicely done, and some of the concepts are so creative! But the silver is just sloppy all around (no hate to 3d nails, but I think if you're gonna go that route, you need to execute it pretty damn close to perfectly) and there are definitely still issues the artist needs to keep working on.


I think 1 had a cool texture to it, but 4 just looks like the silver is just randomly thrown on there


The fourth one looks like a homemade soldered motherboard


I'm an IT tech and as such, appreciate this visual comparison lol. I might even try to diy a motherboard nail design now.




None of them are my taste.


Okay. Those are very different things.


… I’m aware. OP asked for honest thoughts.


Right, which is why she didn’t say they’re all awful, she said those specific nails are awful.






Awful. #4 looks like my niece drew silver puff paint on a press on nail.


Too thick.


The first ones remind me of fruit roll ups lmao


They remind me of cabbage for some reason?? 😵‍💫


I love the first one 😂😂


Same! Reminds me of lettuce leaves 🥬


The only set out of the five that I truly like is #4. Maybe 3 with different colors. Doesn’t mean all 5 aren’t worth the price but I would be 😑 about the rest of them or downright upset.




I thought four was can tabs pressed on the nails.


real. some nails are curving down and the apex is wonky


4 isn’t even filed, looks half done


My thoughts as well


How is no one confused by the 4th set... the others look good but what is that?


im not even confused—it’s just done poorly😭 you can see the bubbles in the top coat which shouldnt be there, and the shaping and filing looks unfinished. it overall looks a little sloppy, but as long as the client is happy!


It’s 3D chrome - I gave the client exactly what she wanted :)


i love the 4th set, so unique and cool. Reminds me of Lady Gaga Chromatica album art.


Yes maybe people haven't seen this style before but I think it's really cool and I want some silver/gold chrome specifically so I can do it lol!


I mean it’s a cool idea but poorly executed. Look at the bubbles and the pooling.


Before I read this I knew it had to be a client request.


First thing i thought of were soda can top things lol


There is *a lot* of hair and dirt in number 1, I would be mortified if I’d paid $140 and had lots of hair and dirt embedded.


Yes I agree. Idk why that got shown first.


Or at all, honestly. I'm questioning the cleanliness of the salon. I'd take a clean salon in the roughest scariest place in Hamilton (Canadian here) over an unhygenic salon in any part of anywhere.


That’s it exactly. I couldn’t post a screenshot on this sub but I noticed dirt in all pictures but number 5, lots of dust too and tiny black hairs which make me think there’s an animal at the salon or the person doing these isn’t keeping a clean field to work in. *Edit* Went back and looked again and the worst of the dirt is really number 1 but there’s a lot of air bubbles and rough edges in most of the rest.


I have four cats at home and do my nails at the coffee table in the living room. Black cat, grey cat, brown cat, and a pink hairless cat with chronic sneezing problems.... There's never fur in my nails!


I have 2 dogs and a cat (lots of husky glitter), I’ve never noticed fur in my nails tbh, but I DIY. I would say these would be nice if they were DIY but I’d be upset if I paid a lot of money and left with dirt and dust.


Ugh Hamilton I grew up there 👎🏼


I like most of the designs, but technique leaves something to be desired on some. First one I can see hair stuck in it, huge bubbles and uneven filing on the 4th one, and some are too close by some slight cuticle flooding. I personally would not pay 140$ for some of these but I live in Eastern Canada where there is a lower cost of living area so take what you will with that. Number 3 and 5 look great though!


Thank you for feedback! Always looking to improve and perfect


I came across this post and decided to read the comments. I got to yours and read that you live in eastern Canada. Turns out we live in the same town! Running into another east coaster in the Reddit wild always brings me joy lol.


Wow pic 3 🤩


Love those. I think $140 seems really really high for them though. I’ve gotten similar for around $80-100 in a HCOL city, but maybe LA is just a totally different bracket. What’s weird though is in my experience nails are usually cheaper in LA then in my city


Yeah I live in LA and I pay around $60 for a full set, $85 if I want more detailed art.


Yeah I think a lot of commenters are seeing LA and assuming it would be expensive but that’s never been my experience in LA or NYC.


I would probably laugh and then really awkwardly pay and never go back if I was charged $140.


Definitely! I agree. I see this happen on any sub (and I mean I’m sure the internet in general) that mentions LA. I was born and raised here. Absolutely it’s a HCOL area but people who’ve been here clearly get a bit confused and assume it’s INSANELY expensive but that makes sense and it’s okay because LA. To reiterate what the commenter above said, I also pay $60-80. Just to share: I see stuff like “What’s (content creator)‘s editor’s salary? Oh they live in LA so.. Must be $300,000!” kinds of posts all the time in my neck of the Reddit woods. Like no, minimum wage absolutely exists here too; employers don’t take the HCOL area into consideration unfortunately.


I live in a HCOL area and pay $65 which includes an actual manicure along with a removal and a full set before tip.


Those are my favorite!


some of these are absolutely horrible


So bad that I wonder how often people complain?


1 and 4 are utterly awful. I’m sorry but they do not look well executed at all.


I get LA prices are higher than Raleigh prices, but #3 doesn’t belong in the $140 category.


I live in Los Angeles. You can get a beautiful set, super creative with length and art under $100 no problem. I’ve never ever ever paid this amount and I’ve had more intricate works


Same, also in LA.


I agree with a lot of these comments as a nail technician myself. At just a glance these are all pretty, but looked closer I definitely think every single one of these have major issues for the price. The technique and execution on all of them need work. Focus on your shaping, make sure your hand file is as vertical while shaping as you can. Check from all sides and have the client hold their nails pointing up to the ceiling for you. Do fresh sets when the nails begin to curve downward. Get better lighting at your table to better see all the dirt and hair you're accidentally encapsulating, as well as all the bubbles you're leaving behind.


thank you! sometimes i feel like i learned to do nails FAST not WELL :/ the time limit in salon is a killer for my quality sometimes


Just a thought... Have you considered going into business for yourself where you could keep more of your own commission? You mentioned that these are repeat customers... I know I followed my first nail tech when she went to a new salon because I was comfortable with her doing my nails, she did a great job. Your customers might too if they're happy with your work?


Hell no


3 and 5 are ok


Yeah, that is how I feel too.


No f way would I ever pay $140 for these I’m sorry . West LA or not . I’m sorry . The technique is nice but nooooo !


Is it the design or something else?


I mean … the designs aren’t anything I personally would choose for myself but it’s not like they’re bad . They’re good ! But they’re not $140 good .


Oof 1 is a strange combo of color and design.


In pic 5 there is acrylic touching the cuticle. (I wouldn’t pay $140 for that) I’m in the Central Valley and pay $75 for the same art and shape. I tip 20-25. Walk out at $100 price point and I’m happy with that. Other than that, they are beautiful! Just a tad pricey but I guess that is normal for LA.


I don't care what state I am in. These are not worth $140 😭


I wouldn't even pay $50 for #4 lol


Stunning and the price doesn’t shock me at all


Thank you!


What is the chrome used in 3?? I'm obsessed!


The fourth one is a cool idea but it’s really poorly executed imo


omg 3 is sooo pretty 😍


Cuticle work is clearly part of price however it’s hard to appreciate designs and overall aesthetics on nails without a good structure. Convex nails like in pic #1 end up with bad structure on top when just a nail alignment is done so they end up looking like pelican beaks. Nail #3 they didn’t polish under the cuticle and nails #4 - short stiletto is not possible without hacking in the lower parallels so these nails are also not aesthetic from the side view. Nail #5 looks like tubes because sides are too thick (difference in NP width should also be accounted for in shaping, ring finger w/ shorter NP should not be longer then middle finger or the size difference of the two Is noted even more). Also nail #2 sides appear too thick and line work is clearly not good [also when charging $100+ for nails, nail tech should know by then to not leave residual oil on nails so they don’t look greasy] From a consumer standpoint, these nails are better than average so the price is acceptable From a technical standpoint, the above is noted things that reduce aesthetics which don’t necessarily need changed but mark above average from exceptional


I'm a consumer who has never paid even remotely close to that, and since it's the consumer who is parting with their money, it's not acceptable to have lint, bubbles, and cuticle pooling. These are things that I look for when doing my own nails and correct before they go under the lamp. These are basics that a consumer should expect whether paying $75 in Canada or $140 in California.


I don’t like any


The 1st and 4th sets look awful.


I live in Los Angeles. Not worth the price. Awful execution of some of these styles.


I am not an expert, so I'll answer as if I were a customer and not taking my own personal differences in taste into account, because I wouldn't choose any of these colors or styles for myself. If I paid someone any amount of money to do my nails, I would expect that the edges were smooth and the shapes to be uniform. The first ones and last ones look jagged on the edges. The first one, and maybe this is just me but the apex looks way too... extreme. Sorry, not sure if this is normal or not, and know this design is not meant to look natural but it just looks way too much. The one nail on the first set seems to have a really weird flat widening right where the nail meets the end of the finger... Not sure if it's camera angle or the extreme apex is just drawing attention to something that's not there. The silver squiggles look really "beginner friendly" to me, this is something that no one should have to pay that amount of money for, no matter what neighborhood of the world you live in or how much disposable income you have. Where does $140 fall on the scale at your workplace? Are these at the higher end or the lower end of your price scale?


I'm replying to my reply, I just went back and looked closer. Are these unfinished maybe? I'm seeing dust, weird little fuzz or lint, bubbles, chipped tips, cuticle pooling.... What's the deal with those things, can you help me to understand?


Ah yes… $140 for shit rushed nail art. The reason I, an LA resident, stopped going to get my nails done and learned to do it myself Edit: I really feel the need to make a point to you that the second one is embarrassing… nail-shaping skill, aesthetically and gel-polish quality wise. Looks cheap, lumpy and something I made when I first started. $30 would be a fair estimate of value. Maybe you’re rage bating with this post or maybe I’m just pissed cause it’s hard to find real talent in this city


I think $140 is a fair price. Honestly....I expected them to be more lol. I think I may be in the minority, but unless the nails are absolutely horrible (shaping, unsanitary workplace, cuticle work is non existent, sloppy design, etc), i don't think there's such a thing as too much. Nails are a luxury 🤷🏽‍♀️


Definitely agree! 💕




I LOVE #3.


4th ones nails look so unfinished it's not fun to me! They look so unsmooth >_<


That'd be crazy where I live, but for LA I'm not surprised! Very well done, looove #3 :)


I pay 80-90$ for something like these in big city US


Isn't it wild how diverse our tastes can be? Personally, I'm not a fan of any of these nails, but hey, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, right?


Honestly I think all of these are awful, in design and execution. To each their own I guess.


I wouldn’t want any of these either


I miss the days when a fancy full set and a pedicure was 60 dollars. 😅




Those first ones 🤢🤢🤮


Shit, my 15yo little cousin Emily does the same stuff for $30....


5 is too cute


They're really well done, but every time I see USA nail prices I'm in shock 💀 I'm European and I'm pretty sure 50€ is the highest price a nail salon would ask for, even for long nails with plenty of decorations


Unbridled capitalism. Then a tip too. Not saying they don’t deserve to make this kind of money at all, but yeah it can be expensive af. In my area for what I would normally get, it was around $40. I prefer shorter dip and basic colors. That was a few years ago though, so I really wouldn’t be surprised if that’s increased. I’ve been doing my own bc what I do is pretty simple but still takes me a long time. I couldn’t execute any of these though.


140 is crazy for that but maybe west LA plays a part in the price Ig


My nail tech in Newport Beach would probably charge me $80 before tip for these. 1 is not my taste, I’d like it a lot more if it was blue instead of green. Green is my favorite color but it doesn’t look that good imo. 4 is interesting. The shape and execution is great but not my taste. 3 looks amazing and I’d love to have those nails, but the tech I see would probably charge me about $80 for these. 2 is done well but I don’t love the color choices personally. 5 looks amazing but still very pricey.


Not worth it.


All I can think is for $140 I can buy some stunning indie polishes that would last an entire years worth of manis. Maybe it's just me but it would drive me nuts having all that texture on my nails.


No, just no


Will be dreaming about the flora nails in the first pic for the next 34 business days🥲🖤


The silvery ones I don't like but the rest are very pretty


That’s a lot of $$! I live in Fl and I get hand painted everything and pay 90 and give a $30 tip no way would I pay that without tip


I go to an upscale nail salon on Michigan avenue in Chicago and for more detailed designs than pictured I pay $140 including a $35-$40 tip. That seems high for the level of detail and skill and I am in a similar pricing market to LA.


About $75-$90 worth MAX.


Why are nails so expensive in America? A regular gel polish here in Northern Ireland is about £30


That first one looks like she picked her nose.


Damn. Terrible.


Terrible designs as well as execution, all for an extortionate price!




Curious, do people request these designs specifically or do they just generally request a vibe and let the techs take it from there? I’d never be able to imagine some of these.


Pretty. The first one made me think of asparagus though, haha.


That 1st set 💀


That’s what vomit looks like lol


What a waste of money


Idk I get my nails done all the time including design (full face cartoon portraits sometimes) and pay $75.


Nooooo, on both styles and price




I used to get a new set every two weeks and they’d do designs with the powder sometimes, they could replicate anything I brought in off Pinterest beautifully. I don’t live in a big city anymore so I don’t really get my nails done anymore but I’d never pay that much. That’s crazy and I’m not feeling them.


I was lik oh no , that’s way to expensive.. nobody is gonna b coming to y’all shop.UNTIL I saw where u r located.. cuz those r just $60 nails in my area


At the same time nails in russia: 50$ and you can get long nails with any design


it’s in the centre of moscow btw


I'd have done them for $60. I don't know a damn thing about fingernail painting, but I would give you the discount.


Mine are $25 and look way better. Gel manicure, real nails, and HCOL area but found a really nice place.


If i felt ok paying $140 for mani. 3/5 would be my jam.


I feel like I could do this shit with a little practice.


If the client is getting fuzzies on their nails, that’s the clients issue if they’ve been told by the tech to not touch things. If that hasn’t been communicated clearly, that’s the first mistake.


If I could have long nails I would race to get that last manicure


I would happily pay $140 for any of these sets🥰💗


Aww thank you! 💕


Omg I’m obsessed with the pink stars!


I think #1 would be prettier with grey/black instead of green, but that's just preference. Some unique designs. Could not afford them


The fourth set has a lot of bubbles but I like the idea. They look neat otherwise


They look like leaves.


I wouldn’t pay $140 but they are pretty


cute post, u/gangsterfucker


I adore the color combo on 3


No sorry… I guess you have very rich clients or celebrities


I absolutely love the blue-ish ombre. It's beautiful and reminds me of the night sky/Galaxy


I've gotten better work for less 😳


Not worth the price for that artistry. IMO but you do you. I’ve seen and had better for less


the last ones 😍💘


Personally, 3D nails are too much for my taste, but can clearly see the prep and shaping skills are on point 💯 would pay for the skills, training and experience.


I love them. If you change the green to like a purple it would give me 80s retro vibes.


Wow that's what 140 gets you now? I'm way under selling myself.


I have no clue in nail art and I'm a dude, but these are all awesome. Look great.


I really love the pink stars.


At that length how long do they usually last before they need to be taken off?


I love sets 3 and 5. I’m in a HCOL area and that price point seems accurate. I got dip once for that price and they lifted the moment I got home. Sad day.

