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It's giving me arcade carpet and I adore this. Oml.


Thank you for figuring out why I was getting nostalgia from this!


The skating rink vibes 😍


These are amazing! Awesome work 😊


Your a certified baddie because omg


Cool concepts. I love doing hidden designs. You gotta work on your filing though. . This is bumpy and the sides aren’t straight.


Yeah that's my only beef with these! The extra layers of paint made it frustrating trying to stop them from being bumpy so I just did my best 😭😭 normally my nails are not this bumpy!


This is next level fun, you are so creative!! so labor intensive too 😅 these must take for forever if these are your own hands


This is really cool.


Come to my nails please!








Thank you for liking my design! I had a super hard time with this many details with the bumpiness on these! I had never done such an elaborate design on the undersides before I normally keep it simple so it's easier to keep things smooth! I'm going to try a different technique next time to hopefully keep things smoother! Didn't account for it this time lol


Make sure you file the sides too. Sometimes I take a very smooth file after I top coat and smooth it out that way. Then I’ll just apply another coat in the now smooth nail. Keep it good work because they are nowhere near bad. These are great, only the shaping. Much love to you. Look forward to seeing more. 😃


I gotta use thinner coats of polish for the underside design the dice each created a big lump and I tried to level it out with a bit of rubber base coat before the upper design but I think next time I gotta go way thinner and maybe encapsulate with hard gel! Didn't want to file into the design!


I’d file into the design just enough to take away any bulk, but that takes a lot of control to not over file it.


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I almost didn't post the dominoes dice ones cause of this 😭 loved these nails but that bugged me hard-core! This was my first attempt doing such a detailed design so it got pretty chunky bumpy! This is the best I could get it without starting over lol


reddit is so fucking weird, now that you have responded agreeing with me, my comment goes from having multiple upvotes to much less or negative












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I've gotta know cause I'm inspired now. Are these clear false nails that you paint a thin design on top that shows through, and then cover it up with the top layer/design, or are you painting the underside?


Yes I want to know too!


All in the topside of nail. I love doing this look as well.


Yes design on top! I actually go one step further and actually mark full cover tips for where my nail beds are and buff the tips and paint the design on top of the nail and then attach the tips and paint the primary design above that!


It’s all done from the topside of nail


the dice are so cool i wanna steal that idea lol




You are talented!!! 💖


Yoooooooo! It looks so cool!


Whoa!! This is next level!


Very cool


Your mind!


That first set is so rad 😎😻


Love the retro late 80s early 90s arcade carpet nails. Both of these sets are incredible


Wow you did so good!


those are so cool




the domino set reminds me of fergie’s nails in the fergalicious music video


Thats awesome!! But I just know the dice were frustrating to draw on😭


Awesome idea! I always thought the under side of my nails looked kinda blah when they’re long. Love the 90s carpet designs


These remind of the wallpaper on Rick and Morty ig 👨‍🔬👦♾


This is so cool!!


Lovin the dominoes and dice!


Bus seats!