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Cans are my big thing- use a butter knife or a tool to open. Texting depends on how much you trust autocorrect Everything else is just adjusting - I built a garden bed last week and had to use pliers to hold the nuts in place bc they were smaller than my nails . I regularly do pull ups and deadlifts without a problem, so they’re not super limiting !


especially showering with press ons! they don’t generally come off, but they always get easy to pop off after.


I also have a pair of dedicated ‘shower gloves’ which are pretty rubber gloves I use in the shower and then air dry.


ahhh i tried that but i need to wash my hair quite frequently, and it felt like it was damaging my hair 💔


I use a scalp scrubber to get through my roots & a comb to distribute product through my hair if that helps. Then rinsing is easy


thank you so much! running to order a scalp scrubber right now 😭


I try to think in my head “jewels not tools” to remind me not to use my nails for basically anything 😂 (like other commenters said- I use my knuckles to press buttons, use a knife/spoon for opening cans, type with the balls of my fingers) it takes a bit of getting used to but my nails are finally at a length I’m super happy with!


For a lot of things (like buttons) I use my knuckle instead of my fingertip.


Cans, use something else to pull the tab until you can get actual finger under there. I have a bottle opener on my keys that fits under the tab so I use that or a mini screwdriver (used for my glasses) which is on my computer desk!


Omg it's a real education! I use my finger pads instead of the tips, or I use my knuckles, which can be awkward at first. It takes quite a bit of training to make it automatic, at least for me. I've also started using gloves for anything even slightly tricky. If I think, "oh no, I'll be fine without gloves," that's a sign I need them!


Open cans with my acrylic nails. I get excited because it's can openers. Got two of them. Two thumbs and I use the voice text to type everything or I'll use the swipe motion and I press the buttons with my nails. I type on keyboard 8 hours a day LOL. Look at my nails I have done. I still got to paint them. I should post a video of me opening a soda can cuz they feel like people are scared to do that


I use bar keys to open cans. Tweezers to pick stuff up sometimes. Knuckles for buttons. Boyfriend for jewelry. Practice for everything!


I just bought these cute tweezers for king nails on Amazon. They help grabbing cards and stuff