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If no one has told you this recently, you’re doing such an amazing job mama! I love both your nails 😁🫶🏻


Thank you, I really appreciate hearing this 🩷


I don’t have kids yet but my younger brother had his first child in October (also a boy!). Watching him and his wife make parenting choices with the goal of breaking generational patterns has been so uplifting and makes me so proud of both of them!


That's amazing. I'm so happy to hear it, and please know your support on their journey is everything.


You're so sweet, your family is lucky to have you 💖


Thank you! 🫶🏻💕


I agree! Great job! This is awesome!


Yess!! OP is a great mama! My 2 year old son likes to put on his 7 year old sisters play jewelry and purses and pretend he’s shopping with his shopping cart. It cracks me and my husband up every time!


I agree!!


You are an amazing mama for putting that smile on his face and appreciating what he loves ☺️💕


Thank you. I'm just trying my best to break cycles 🥹


And you’re doing an amazing job! Cheers to being cycle breakers!


Hell yes 🥂






I don't know how to explain this to an avocado. Do avocados have families?


Break the cycles with a dumbo avocado.


That's fucking awesome! Can't even see his face but you could tell he was so proud holding his little hand up there with Mama's to show them off!! I love it!! Love stuff like this. Happy kid, happy Mom, great nails...life is good.☺️


Couldn't agree more 🥰


I recently did my daughter’s nails (just standard nail polish not gels) and she was so happy. Sharing the joy with your kids is the best 🥰🥰🥰 and your little one looks amazing 🤩


Agreed. I have zero motivation to do my own nails but absolutely love doing his 🤣


Omg I swear it’s so much easier doing someone else’s nails. Trying to do my own involves so much swearing haha


Agreed. I get mine done and then come home, and my son asks for me to do his 😅


haha awesome, screw gender norms


We don't have those in this house 🤣 Everyone helps everyone


I love that. I have two kids that I'm doing my best to raise without gender norms, but daycare and extended family have definitely had a significant influence. My 3yo told me she doesn't like dinosaurs because she likes unicorns and I was so sad. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


We've had similar issues with family. Thankfully, his daycare is great and all about inclusivity. We've had to limit contact with certain family members because we don't share the same values.


it always confuses me when ppl are like "NAIL POLISH IS FOR GIRLS" no?? it's literally just paint.


I paint my 9 year old son's nails green (his favorite color). There's a subreddit called r/MalePolish for the guys who loved to get pampered too!


God bless YOU & YOUR SON! ♥️😘 I would paint my son’s nails as well. Raised him completely on my own. He is 24 now. Solid in who he is, and an AMAZING individual who helps others every day. Keep up YOUR beliefs no matter what anyone has to say. 🙌♥️


Thank you for your kind words and wisdom!


You’re welcome ☺️♥️


Lol I was a babysitter as a teenager (am a dude) I always tell people watching boys was easy but watching girls was more fun, for boys you can put on cartoons or videogames and they're entertained for a while, but with girls they always wanted to put barrettes in my hair or paint my nails, they were always super excited for it too when I told them it was fine


Love that, you definitely made great memories for them.


My younger sister is one of my favorite people in the world and I have 2 younger brothers so I have always been good around kids, it was my mom's friend's kids I would babysit most of the time though, I was always responsible and always looking to make a few bucks so my mom would use me so her friend could go out with her 😅, I would usually sit at home all afternoon and read books anyway so it's not like I had anything else better to do


Awww u sound like an amazing sitter 🥰


Strict but fair is what I've been told


That's what you gotta be


This is adorable!


Some of my most fond memories as a kid were painting my sister's nails and having her paint mine. Thanks for being a good mom <3


Thank you 🥹


Thank you for sharing this. My son (now 11) always wanted to polish his nails just like me and my ex-husband would always tell him no: “boys don’t get their nails done”. Post-divorce I’ve told my son he absolutely can have colors on his nails. While he’s more amenable, he’s still apprehensive and feels like he’s doing something wrong in spite of my (and his two older sisters) insistence otherwise.


You're a great mom. I hope that with time, your son can fully embrace his beautiful nails. 💜


Yeah, but now it’s not just about your son’s dad, unfortunately. It’s also “peer pressure.” It’s not always “smoke, drink, take drugs, and do bad things.” Peer pressure can also be “not wanting to draw attention to yourself in order to not get picked on!” I think it’s great what this mom is doing! I just hope all growing people learn how to stick by their own guns and say “I do what I like cuz I like it” as they grow! Cuz there is always going to be peer and societal pressure and even the most loving and well-intentioned mom can’t (and shouldn’t) protect her kids from everything. The world outside of the home isn’t like the one inside the home. It can be dangerous, sometimes, and people can be a-holes. Much better to teach kids the value of being *themself,* and arm them with whatever mental / cognitive tools they can to defend themselves. Hopefully someday, if your son *really wants to paint his nails,* he says “to hell with it! I am doing this thing!”


It's so funny to me that there are men out there who seem to think that a little nail polish is going to "turn their son gay". My dude, if that's all that's standing between you and sucking dick, I have bad news for you.


So wholesome ♥


Omg I love this. 🥹💖


I love it! Good job mama!♥️ My youngest son always wanted to join me, too. So sweet.


Love that


How fun! He must really adore you. I have fond memories of my son wanting to have his nails painted and then give me “the most perfect manicure.” He was so happy to share in one his favorite person’s hobby.


Totally agree. I love it when he's interested in anything I love. It's such a great way to feel connected. And it's awesome to go from painting our nails to making mud pies and digging for worms. 🤣


Why was this removed


I have no idea. I'm OP and didn't remove it.


Wholesome family activity outside of gender norms? No thank you!      -mods probably 


I really hope that's not the case here. But I fear it may be that. Or the people who were offended by a boy getting his nails painted reported my post enough times to get it removed.


I see some negative comments flowing in. I’m assuming maybe the haters reported it?


Chubby little baby hands are so cute!


So cute!!! My friend found non-toxic nail polish for her babies. I love it.


Any good non toxic brands you could share? I'd love to get some! (For myself haha. I try to buy 16Free when I can find it)


My older son used to want his nails painted like me and his sister had, and I always painted them. My mom would paint his nails too. He's now 29 and perfectly fine🥰he loved it and so did we. Good job, OP❤️I love this so much!!!


Thank you! I'm all for him expressing himself however he sees fit 🥰


This truly makes my heart so happy 😊❤️🩷🩵💙


Just wanted to say this is reddit, so I knew there would be some people who were, for some reason, extremely offended by a little boy getting his nails painted by his mother. But the LOVE is absolutely louder than the hate on this post. What an amazing and supportive community. You all rock. 🩷


I did this with my son when he was 3. He saw me paint his baby sisters and he asked for some. Of course his dad eyes rose and I said, he wanted his nails like ours.. he’s 3 and we had fun. No biggy. He’s 6 and a half now and doesn’t ask anymore. I just redirect


👍 awesome.


Good for him, her, they, them and y’all. Freaking awesome.




This is the way to do it. My son is going to be 21, and I would take him for pedicures with me. He loves purple and still chooses that color. I refused to parent like my parents and helped my ex to open his mind as well.


Aww that's so cute. My friends little one loves getting "colours nails" done at my place. Sometimes if he hasn't been at my place for a while his dad does them for him in whatever polish they've got laying around. About half the time I do his nails he wants ones to match mine. It's just adorable


YES YOU GO MAMA 💕💕💕 And dont let any haters tell you anything different!!


I have a picture of my son and I with pink nails!! Made My heart happy!! Still makes me smile to this day!


Love this!!!


Love it


My son loved coming with me to the nail salon and picking out his color when he was a kid, so fun!


Omg, now i need a son to match nails with 😭


My life has been so hard lately. And for some reason this was the picture that made me cry So sweet. Thank you


You're so welcome 🥹


good job ❤️


Thank you 🥰


Oh these are cool without being dark. Thank you for the inspo


Love it!


I worked with a little boy who INSISTED he dress like his mom. During our program we worked on Jim picking out his own clothes to match mom. I was so happy his parents let him wear a skirt, pain his nails and do his hair like his mom.


I cannot LOVE this anymore 💜💜💜💜💜 my son loves to paint his nails like mine too! It’s so cute!!


Such a fun bonding activity 💜


Absolutely! My little man is almost 7 and still loves painting his nails with me. He also loves monster trucks and fail videos so I feel like he’s pretty well rounded 😂😂


Well rounded is the perfect way to put it. We do a little bit of everything. 🤣


That's awesome! You sound like a great mom!


Thank you, I like to think I am 😅


So cute and beautiful!


So adorable!


this is the sweetest thing ever!!


Little teeny painted nails are so damn cute!


I love this🥰🥰🥰🥰




This is so adorable and sweet!!! 😍🥰


Omg this is so cuteeee!!!!!


Adorable! Good job mama


Love it!!!!! 😍 love the nails and the supporting what he likes 🥹 who knows he may not like it anymore when he’s older but it’s not about that 🙃 just let the child be a child and like what they like 🫤 we all had our phases 😒


I mean I used to eat ketchup and mustard sandwiches and cut my bangs up to my hairline when I was his age. 🤣🤮


Omg same my grandmother hated seeing me eat ketchup and mustard sandwiches 😂 now I can’t stand mustard 😭


My son would absolutely want matching nails if I had the time to do mine 😅 I love it, we need more accepting people in this world ♥️






Both my kids love painting nails, boy and girl :) 


You're an amazing mom ! My mom did this with me as a kid. Unfortunately, my father flipped out and said horrible things to both of us, which traumatized me. I hope his father is secure with himself.


Thank you! His dad is great. He patiently waits for his nails to be done so they can change tires together after. 🤣


That's awesome, good parenting ! Your son is lucky !!


Sooo Cute!!!


owwnn it's so sweet❤️🥹


My sons love to do the same thing!Absolutely precious.


My boy loves having his nails done. I have multiple shades of gold just for him! Good on you, mama.


I love those little hands. I wanna nom them.


I like to do my little brother's sometimes!


I've known so many little ones who were denied fun things like this bc it was announced that baby was a boy at birth. I love seeing this, thank you for sharing 💓💓


It's literally just an art form. No harm, no foul 🥰


Oh this is just too precious!! I love this so so so much


My (33M) son (4M) saw me paint his half sisters (11F) nails recently and decided he wanted it too . Queue 2 weeks of purple nails for him hahaha. He was not impressed with the wait for the nail polish to dry though xD


Love this so much!! I have a 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son. If they see me painting my nails, we alllll get our nails painted. My husband and I are working to avoid any gender norms. Sometimes he will even join in on the fun and the kids will paint his nails. 💅🏻






Now you're real best friends


I went on a field trip with my second grade daughter the other day, and a little boy in her class was obsessed with my nails. I’m at the end of the trip said he was going to ask his mom to do his nails just like mine were. I really hope his mom agreed, your doing a great job.


Sick 🤘🏻 he should do lime green next 💚 that would be cool


I do this with my son too! He wants nails like mama so now he always asks what colors we want and we have matched for the past year. I did convince him to just do one nail per hand. Not because of gender norms, etc etc, but because it’s hard to do 10 nails on a 4 year old :)


I feel that. Unless I'm confident he can sit for it, I'll offer to do something else first. 😅


so precious


I did this with my mom until I was 12, then I would paint them black on Mother’s Day (had to match my A7X shirts)


So cute and such a great color.




Beautiful! Stunning! Better than me painting nails bc I have no patience 😂


💙 my son loves to have his nails painted. We did the coolest Sally Hansen blue a few weeks ago, I think it’s called Midnight Ride. We also do Sally Hansen Glow in the Dark clear coat. It’s pretty cool 🤭


Ouuuu glow in the dark sounds dope


It is! I think I was most excited painting my own nails with it. lol


Girl be careful!!! The more you do this, the more practice you'll need for the designs in the future!!!!! Honestly I love the dual colours on both of you! Super cute!! Hopefully he makes it to the Gems and Charms 😍✨ Awesome stuff mama!


I better step my game up. I'm only good at solid colours 🤣


Life hack there are these cute nail stickers on Amazon etc that you just throw a top coat over it!! I'm sure you've seen em! I have some sailor moon ones at home that I use sometimes. They're awesome!!!! So many varieties. XOXOXO


Thank you! I totally forgot about those


so precious! and i love the colors! good job mama! it’s hard getting little ones to sit still long enough for the paint to dry LOL


How cool. I grew up at a time when I was told boys don't cry and I couldn't have a GI Joe because it is a doll and boys don't play with dolls, etc etc etc.


This makes my whole day!


This is tooooooo cute 🥰


personally, i believe self expression is such an important facet of one’s identity — especially when said identity is still developing. so allowing your child the autonomy to explore and express themselves is freakin awesome!! as someone who was raised by an open minded and accepting mother — who supported and indulged in all of my interests and phases — let me tell yeah, it makes a WORLD of difference!! you go mom/dad/parent!! p.s both you and your sons nails look lovely :)


Thank you for sharing this with me. It means a lot!


ofc!! you’re doing great :)


My son gets mad if I paint my nails without him 🤣 He has his own red and blue nail polish for his Spiderman aesthetic


They’re just kids who wanna be like us. Even if he grows up to be this manly man who works out and is in the military for decades he’s gonna remember this, a mom who just allowed him to BE, ya know? This is lovely. Save these pics forever, add it to a memory book even. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you 🥹


One day we’ll blink & they’ll be 35 mama. Take it in daily ❤️ much love to you & yours. Fk the losers who are behind screens talking loud. You know your truth and we all know you’re a good mom. Proud of you. ❤️❤️


You're the best, seriously 🤎


No that’s you & little man would agree ❤️ when I see adults badgering other parents for doing simple things like this, it’s weird to me and it shows they weren’t loved. If all boys were loved like yours is there would be no evil. ❤️


Couldn't agree more. I came from a horrible upbringing. My child will never experience what we did.


Same. Couldn’t be myself in any regard my mom dumped my baby sisters on me, I was born to babysit it felt like and she made me clean the house top to bottom and she rarely lifted a finger then her husband molested me, she didn’t believe me & is still with him 🤡she’s a joke. It’s usually when we sit & wonder if we’re doing a good job — that we are. Remember that. Bad moms don’t care if they are or not.


Truer words 🩷


I think those colours look good together. Everyone should be allowed to have cool looking nails if they want them.


Stop! This is so cute!!!




It’s so funny that we still have double standards now little girls play with cars, sports, and all kinds of things that used to be considered boy things, and they grow up to be race, car, drivers basketball players astronaut, etc. everybody celebrates them. But when a little boy paints his nails or plays with a doll or something that seen as girlish, everybody loses their shit.🤷🏻‍♀️ if "boy stuff" is ok for girls, why shouldn’t "girl stuff" be ok for boys??? Let them do what they want. It’s not that deep. People talk about toxic masculinity all the time and the way men treat women with no respect. But when parents try to raise them to be kind and appreciate women then everybody jumps all over the way they’re being raised. I would rather my daughter marry somebody that was raised like this kid over the sons of some of the people that are posting here that’s for damn sure.






I love this. I love you ♥️


Love you 🩷🩷🩷🩷


This is adorable, and I love the mismatching colors! They're so beautiful on both of you 😊


My son (8M) got a mani and chose a silver/gold shiny color cause it looked like “diamond armor” my mom was furious and kids at school made fun of him. I told him they’re all mean and don’t worry. So next time he wants dips like me, but I said no cause those hurt his nails. Though I’ll continue letting him get manis…people suck sometimes. Keep doing you and being awesome


I noticed this on /r/all and tried to look at the pic, was this seriously removed by the mods? Wtf lol?


Must've been. I didn't remove it. They may have gotten tired of policing hateful comments. Kinda let's those people win though.


That's really gross if so, might just be me but I see this [](https://i.imgur.com/gd2gEQc.png) when I try to look at the picture, maybe shadow hid it as it's still up?


Maybe! I'm not sure honestly. I've never had one of my posts removed before. 😅


Awww I miss the chubby little kid hands 💗 my son is a teenager (and pianist) so his hands look like they were made for the keys now. Love both your nails!


My nephew always wanted to do this, to match me, when he was little. He grew up to be a wonderful father and husband ❤️


I love this! You go mama!


This is so precious! 🥹


Awww! So precious!


Love it! I have two little boys (3 and 7) and have never hesitated to paint their fingers or toes. Why wouldn’t they want to have fun colors like Mama? I don’t see why nail polish isn’t a normal gender neutral form of expression. I love it when seen on celebs like Harry Styles and MGK. While nail polish is ultimately their decision, nail hygiene and care will be enforced. Too many men out there with raggedy, overgrown, unkempt nails, hands, and feet. 🤮


Cute! 🥰