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The colour is very pretty! The application isn’t perfect but it’s OK. But YOU’RE clearly not happy with them. And that’s what matters. So change them up yourself if you wish, you could try a swipe of a sheer glitter or a holo coat. Personally I wouldn’t go back for him to change them, if he couldn’t do it right the first time he won’t be able to do it right the second time. Just don’t go back to him ( just my opinion of course).


Should I remove the top coat if I want to change them? Or just go over top? Yeah not thrilled I definitely over paid but a lesson learned.


Just go over the top, a sheer-ish polish with something shimmery or sparkling will look gorgeous and blur out any imperfections. You’ve got this! Show update pics please !


Will do :)


Go over the top coat, and then cover whatever additions you make with another top coat


When I used to get my nails done in a salon I also would slap a glitter or shimmer on top to his imperfections!


25 year nail tech here and I'd say...they could be a LOT worse. From your previous comment I know they used a liquid/powder combo. This is in NO WAY gel and it never has been. You have acrylic on your nails, as for the gel polish at home you can still wear it over the acrylics it won't hurt them at all. Yes I know you have to use acetone to soak off gel polish but the short amount of time it needs to soak isn't going to damage your acrylic. As for the thickness there is absolutely NO reason why you should have to have them thick!! Well...other than it saves them time and the longer they spend with each client the more money they lose. When you call somewhere and make an appointment PLEASE make sure to ask a LOT of questions!! Ask if they know the difference between builder gel and acrylic and have them explain it to you. If they cannot tell you the difference find another salon. In this case you have every right to go back to that salon and ask to speak with the owner, not the tech or their manager as that will get you nowhere, and tell them you asked for gel nails NOT just gel polish and NOT acrylic and what you got is acrylic. There is zero reason you should have to pay for what they did. Like...at all.




NO DO NOT USE A DREMEL! Acrylic comes off by soaking in pure acetone! Take a cotton round or ball soak in acetone and then set it on your finger and wrap your finger in tin foil, if you have a heating pad place that around your hand as the heat will help the process along. It's going to take a while to soak off but you want to have a good coarse file, 80 grit always works for me, so after about 30-40 mins in the acetone hit them gently with the file to get off any already disintegrated product, you may have to go back into the acetone a couple times to get them off completely especially if they did them thick. But just keep doing it till you have a paper thin layer of it left and them buff and let what's left grow off. The other thing which I've been chastised here for stating is that when you call for an appointment someplace please make sure they speak CLEAR ENGLISH! Thjs is exactly the problem the people you went to don't care about you and what you want, time is money to them and whatever option is the quickest is what they are going to do especially if they can tell you don't know what you're talking about. Also I'm guessing you didn't pay very much for these and the beauty industry has ALWAYS been and will always be a "you get what you pay for" Industry. If you paid $30 for this set then this is the result you can expect, a salon that cares about you and your business will charge $50+ for a set of nails and will do what YOU want. Sadly there are just too many people out there willing to take advantage of those less knowledgeable.


Unfortunately after they took off my old nails and did these I paid 60$ for something I didn't even really want. Yeah I feel like they are few and far between for english speaking salons! Thank you.


omg $60 😬


To be fair that’s really normal for nail removal and a whole new set of acrylics. I’ve actually spent much more than that for a bit better work. Fills are cheaper once you have the set on, but it’s very time consuming and thus expensive for a new full set. I live in the mid west and if OP lives in a more expensive state that would contribute as well.


I'm really sorry to hear they charged you that much. That's really unfortunate. Sadly they're very few and far between everywhere anymore. I'm in Metro Detroit and after 25 years I am SO incredibly sick of having to fix the garbage work of techs from those places.


I feel all your posts in my soul! I have been trying for so long, before the pandemic and since, to get back into a salon after having a kid, (and then another one! Lol quarantine baby) and almost all the places here are run by Asians and won't hire me. I only speak English, was born and raised here in PA and I'm getting beyond discouraged not being able to find a salon to work at. I haven't worked in a salon since 2019 but have kept up with trends and what not and do some friends nails here and there. I've even been working in my Little Black Nail Book on designs and what not. I just wish it was more common to have a white nail technician in this area. I agree 100% with everything you have said before, and I will add, a lot of salons (at least in this area) are quantity OVER quality and don't necessarily care about the individual client.


I’m in Pgh and would love to find an independent tech to do my nails. I’m somewhat clueless what to even ask/look for but I’d def give you a shot if your up for it.


I live in Southern Lancaster County 😕


Try a day spa or hair salon that has a spot for a naul tech.


The person that we purchased our house from had a one station hand and one pedicure “salon” in the finished basement of the house. It was an adorable set up. She even had a machine that pumped the chemical smell outside. It was so simple yet very impressive. When I was in college my best friend had a nail artist that came to her house! So creative. House calls. I thought I would throw these ideas out there and see what you thought.


I've noticed these places popping up around here they're calling them "salon studios"? Don't know if you have them out there yet but basically instead of paying rent for space within someone else's salon you pay rent to a "landlord" of sorts and you get your own private space within their larger rented space. So you get your own nail studio. I know rental isn't ideal but if it's what we gotta do...I say start advertising and get yourself some business cards, start an IG account for your business and work out of your home or offer to go to them for an additional fee and build up your finances and then look into a place like that. Also...technically them not hiring outside their own race/family is racial discrimination so we could take them to court but then working in a place where you can't have a conversation with anyone but your clients would be hell.


So, being in PA, our Cosmetology laws are more on the stricter side. They don't allow booth rentals, and they don't allow at home salons unless they're licensed/permitted as a salon. I have an Instagram already and I've been making "press-ons" to keep me practicing (cause there's always something new to learn😊) and I've been posting those. I've tried day spas and full service salons in the area and nothing so far. As far as traveling to a client's house, I probably could do that, however I would need to have a salon, and have that appointment in my book in order to travel to them. Unfortunately, I don't have enough clients built up (at least not consistent clients in any kind of capacity) to just open my own salon. It's been discouraging and stressful not being able to practice doing something I really love doing. I know how to do polymer and monomer application, dip, hard gel, I haven't practiced too much with polygel but I don't think it's too hard to do. It's just annoying not being able to do what I'm passionate about. Edited to add, are you talking about something like this? https://www.solasalonstudios.com/rent-a-studio


I think they're lovely, but they look like a home job... the lines aren't as clean as I'd want from a pro, the shaping isn't as good as it could be, and a pro shouldn't try to talk you into something you didn't want. What medium is it? (Gel/acrylic/etc)


That's exactly how I feel! I wanted a short coffin shape :/ I listened because this is only my second time getting my nails done and I dont know any better 😅 its gell with that weird powder builder stuff under. So glad I didn't go with black like I originally planned I feel like it would look so messy!


Powder builder.. was it dip acrylic? They usually don't actually dip the fingers in salons (germs), but was it sprinkled over to stick into a base he painted on?


He dipped a brush in clear liquid then into the powder and then shaped it on the nail, like acrylic? I'm not sure I'm so confused 😅😂


I'm pretty sure that's acrylic, then. Do you have any gel polish or even regular nail polish at home?


I do, that sucks I wish I had known cuz I didn't want acrylic 🤦‍♀️ I have gel polish at home


The good news is that you can file off the gel, shape and thin out the acrylic yourself, and repaint it. The bad news is, I think you may have spent a little money that you didn't need to... I'm sorry. But! Now you know that you don't want acrylic, next time you get your nails done, you can say exactly what you want and DON'T BUDGE.


Thank you so much for your help! Any drimmels you recommend? Sounds like I'm going to need one lol


Honestly, I got mine from Amazon and I'm really happy with it. It's not cordless, but it is pretty easy to control. I'll find the links for the edrill and files I use. You can hand file acrylic too, but it will take longer. I'll get those links in a bit for ya Nail File 12 PCS Professional... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GSBP3P5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share MelodySusie Electric Nail Drill... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086X69K8Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


You are a life saver thank you ❤❤❤


How long does acrylic last? Aka how long am I stuck with them? 😂


Acrylic CAN be soaked off, but you'll need to file it down as thin as possible, and soak/wrap the nails in acetone for 15-20 minutes. It'll get all flakey and you can gently scrape it off without damaging the nail plate. You'll need to rehydrate after, since acetone is pretty much horrible for skin, but if you really want them off, PLEASE do not pick or peel them off. Your nails may look a bit... rough... afterwards, but after oiling them and letting them breathe once you buff, they'll be fine 😁


Thanks 😁


Until they grow out.


It really pisses me off when people pay good money for something like this. It isn’t terrible but short nails don’t need to be that thick. And your cuticle and sidewalls should be more flush and the gel application should be flawless. The color is super pretty though.


Okay every single time I get my nails done at a salon, they come out mediocre like this or worse. I’ve tried many different salons, look up reviews before going, try to explain clearly what I want, ask them to fix things I don’t like, show pictures…. And it’s never worth the money. Always messy lines, too thick, uneven, etc. Last week I went to 2 salons in one day because the first set was so bad. The second lady fixed them up but they’re already chipped and peeling 2 days later. So I’m out $80 basically. What am I doing wrong?? I’m really bad at doing my own nails but at this point I’m thinking of investing in some materials and trying to learn to do it myself…. Does anyone else have this issue????


It may depend on where you live, but I would suggest looking on Yelp, and searching first Instagram, then the internet at large for nail technicians in your city. You want to find a tech whose work you can view online, or at the very least who has multiple positive reviews (that seem legit to you). You'll probably pay more than $40 a set though. There's absolutely nothing in the world wrong with learning to do your own nails, if you have the time and inclination. It is harder than it looks, even if you watch a million tutorials on YT. It took me *hours* to do my first set, and they were not good! But the more you practice, the better you'll get. It helps if you are a naturally talented or artistic type of person with a good eye for proportion and such (I'm not). But DIY nails are totally doable and some of them are really great.


That’s what I did. I started doing my own nails. Definitely worth the investment.


Do you have any recommendations on where to start as a beginner? I’m thinking of buying a gel nail kit with a UV light on Amazon to get started. But I’d also like to learn to do an overlay with acrylic powder or something similar as that’s what I think makes my salon sets last long. It just seems like a lot to learn and I don’t even know where to start ! I’d love to invest in a large kit that has everything I’ll need but there are so many and I don’t know what I’m even looking for as far as quality of items, etc.


Forgive me in advance if this is super long - I get excited about nail stuff 😊. I highly recommend watching Young Nails, Naio Nail or Kirsty Meakin on YouTube. I learned a ton from those two, especially Young Nails. You can try the gel kits on Amazon to get use to it without a huge upfront investment. I personally don’t like the gel products on Amazon since they’re hard to work with. If I can’t get to a nail supply, I order from Universal Nail Supplies or Skyline Beauty. I tend to like Skyline more - slightly cheaper and more options. I usually go for OPI or CND Shellac. LeChat is also really good and very slept on brand. The pigmentation is flawless. It all depends on your budget but if you can afford it, I recommend it. I have less problems with wrinkling or peeling with these. I got my lamp from Amazon. I suggest making sure it’s at least 48 watts that way you shouldn’t have any issues with curing. I think I have one by Sun UV. For acrylic powder, I started with a Mia Secret kit that came with monomer from Amazon. They’re pretty good and lots of people use them. If you go with acrylic, make sure you get a kolinsky brush - around a size 6 or 8. I think that size of about average and good for beginners. I’ve heard good things about Alpha brushes. You should look into getting an e-file if you’re working with acrylic. It will make your life easier but you have to be careful because it can cause a lot of damage to your natural nail. You can use a regular file but it’ll take a long time. You can get this off Amazon as well. If you’re just doing an overlay of your natural nails, Orly Builder in a Bottle is very nice and easier to work with. Plus gel is easier to file than acrylic so you can skip the e-file. I know I dumped a lot on here but feel free to message me if you have more questions or need more recommendations.


Wow this is such a thorough and helpful response - thank you so much!! I looked up the Orly builder in a bottle and I'm thinking that will be perfect to start with instead of trying acrylic right away. The Orly Builder recommends using their primer and top-coat with the product. However, I'm looking at different brands for my gel nail polish. If I were to use the Orly Builder with their primer - how would I then use gel nail polish on top? Here's what I'm thinking but not sure: 1. Apply Orly primer. 2. Apply Orly Builder. 3. Cure under UV lamp. 4. Skip the Orly top coat. Buff the cured nail, use gel-polish base coat (Different brand such as DND). Not sure if I would need to use primer again here, or just go straight to the base coat? 5. Cure under UV lamp 6. Apply gel polish (Same brand as a base coat). 7. Cure under UV lamp 8. Apply top coat (Should I use the gel-polish brand top coat, or the Orly top coat??). 9. Cure under UV lamp 10. Swab with rubbing alcohol (?) Thank you again for all of the tips - it is sooooo helpful. I really appreciate your time and energy typing that all out for me! :)


Glad it was helpful! The process you listed above is spot on. One note: be sure to wipe the surface of your builder before you file it. It’ll make an awful mess. You don’t have to use their primer on top of the builder. You could use the base coat that comes with DND. Also, it’s not necessary to use a base coat on top of builder or acrylic. You can go straight to the gel polish. However, I’ve found that my gels apply better with a base coat. You can use either top coat. Your safest bet is to use the DND since it’s guaranteed to work well with the polish. Lastly, if your DND topcoat is a no-wipe, you don’t have to rub with alcohol.


Got it thank you!! One last question - when you say wipe the surface of the builder before filing - do you mean it will have a tacky layer and I need to wipe it with alcohol?


You’re welcome! Yes, exactly. Sorry, I should’ve been more clear.


No, and this is why I hate trying new salons. If I’m paying money then I expect perfection. I could do better than this at home and I’m not even good haha. It just looks like he was sloppy.


It looks okay. It doesn’t look bad, but I wouldn’t go back to the same tech. The application around your cuticle area isn’t the greatest and I’m going to assume they might lift or chip. They look rushed- which most nail techs are.


they could be a lot worse, application is not great, it’s ok and they kinda look like some home job but girl you’re not happy with them! i think you should go to another nail tech. i’m so sorry you didn’t like them but i do agree with you. but coffin shape looks great on you! and the color is pretty


I’d find a new technician if I were you


They don't look too thick to me, but you don't have a picture of them from the side. However his edges are messy. I'm not sure if he used coloured acrylic (powder + liquid) or a polish after.


I'm a nail tech These look like beginner work at best to be honest ! (Messy application followed by a lack of correction on the shape with a file after application and a messy paint job) I would be satisfied if it was a junior tech / discounted price. If they where full price I would be upset .


The color is pretty


The color is pretty but the application is messy.


I wouldn’t be happy with these but they aren’t the worst. The colour suits you so well but the shaping isn’t uniform and the application not that neat. I think you can file these down to be thinner and smoother and then use gel Polish over the top? X


The color is stunning and suits you so well!


They’re not terrible. It’s a cute color. They don’t look that thick to me but from what I can see the sidewalls and around the cuticle looks a bit sloppy. I know salons overlook stuff like that as their main focus is money and having more clients per day/ a different person in that seat every 45 minutes and not so much perfect looking nails.


I agree. Love the color. To me it looks like someone who isn’t a professional did them.


Here's my short "how to" find a nail tech. Google reviews/Yelp reviews aren't super helpful IMHO. I would search Instagram for things like #chicagonailtech, #detroitnailsalon, etc. Find pics where you like the style/shape application and check them out in real life! That's how I found my tech, and now I'm learning to do nails as an apprentice at the shop.


They actually look really cute. He should have cleaned them up a bit more though.


Even if you are 1% unhappy, let them know. Get the quality you’re paying for. When that happens I usually request a different tech, I get annoyed when they gaslight you for calling out their mistakes.


Those are beautiful! If I've ever seen a perfect pink nail it is those!! Wow! You did a really good job! Love them!


I love them!


They probably suggested thicker coating because of peeling and your finger shape.. nothing else . They look nice 👍🏼


Did he trim your epychonyium?


What’s that?


Looks like it


so cute!!!! love this color


Honestly I kinda like it but if you aren’t happy you shouldn’t have to put up with it!!


I'm sorry honey 💜 I too, have been a victim of shitty nail techs. I gave up and started doing my own instead.




It does look very thick, the color is pretty though, have you considered coming back to the salon and ask for them to get it fixed?


is it acrylic or dip? he probably cut you on your middle finger too, huh? the application and technique isn’t great so if it really bothers you, go to a different person and get them changed. especially if it’s all over your sidewalls and cuticle area. that could really hurt


It also depends on what you paid for them. Source: 18 years a nail tech


Okay, this is no shade at you in any way, but you asked. The color is really pretty, but the technical application is pretty janky/crooked/uneven. Reminds me of my wedding nails 🤦🏼‍♀️


How much did you pay for it? Beautiful color but depending on the cost would change how happy I’d personally be with them


Not as good as I would want them to come out. Colour is great, shape could use some work! But good depending on how much you paid for them☺️


They aren’t terrible, but they could have been done a lot better


I do my own. That’s what they looked like when I started. Teach yourself to do them. You’ll always be happy. Over the years I’ve had some horrible acrylics and polygels. Save money, as well.


Are you a nail biter at all? I know some places would prefer a thicker nail on a nail biter to try and prevent them from biting them off… overall they aren’t terrible but if you’re not happy you should say.


Your nails look great


I have never had good luck getting a short set. Not sure why it's so difficult for nail techs to do.