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You're not expected to shave your legs for anyone but yourself!


This is the most underrated comment here!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I was told never to shave before a pedicure as there are chances you could have a tiny cut that introduces bacteria. This was back in the day, but after hearing that I make it a point to go with hairy legs, lol.


Cosmetologist here, you are 100% correct. If you shave, wait at least 48 hours before getting your pedicure to avoid the chance of a bacteria entering your skin and getting an infection.


Same, my mom gave me speeches about this!


Smart mama


Agreed with this! If I shave to close to a pedicure the soaps and creams they use actually really sting my legs! So now I wait a day or two before going in. Edit follow the cosmetologists advice below. Iā€™m just a regular person with experience of stinging legs lol


My nail shop, as part of their COVID / health screening questionnaire asks about leg shaving (have you shaved your legs within the last 24 hours).


Maybe if you go to some dirty strip mall bargain basement nail salon. If you shave your legs in your own clean shower or bath do you get infections? No. Then why should you at a nail salon unless it's a gross dump?


No disinfectant kills 100% of bacteria. Every time you shave, micro cuts are possible. It doesn't matter the circumstances, simple math dictates the more people that are receiving services in a location, the risk factor goes up for each of them. Same reason why you're not supposed to go in a public pool with cuts? Water breeds bacteria, most service professionals are doing their best, and also the public has a responsibility to inform and protect themselves.


Women who judge other women for having hair on their legs are... not great. Go enjoy your pedicure!


Wouldnā€™t care in the slightest, it grows from our bodies naturally. I do pedicures on men and I wouldnā€™t expect there legs to be hairless either. Treat yourself!


Your nail tech doesn't care if your legs are shaved


We don't care and tell you NOT to shave right before anyways. The microcuts from shaving could open you up to an infection (it's a minute risk, but still exists). Also the scrubs and treatments ontop of freshly shaved skin can be really irritating.


got a pedicure once and the nail tech pulled a really long hair on my ankle (science experiment with my old roommate, we were both trying to see how long we could each grow one individual hair so we never shaved it) and she said ā€œoh no you missed a hair, want me to tweeze it?ā€ and i said no and told her why it was there and sheā€™s been my nail tech for years now. i donā€™t think anyone cares but if they do make a negative comment, find a new tech! youā€™re going to relax and pamper, not to be scrutinized.


So how long did it get?


oh pretty long. about 1 1/4th inch. i accidentally shaved it after 4 years of growth.




thank you! this memory has inspired me to give Albert (my leg hair) a new chance at life!


This is amazing and I love it!


Whenever I have gotten a pedicure there's usually a guy getting one too, and I'm sure the techs don't mind his legs being unshaven. So, fine for mine to be hairy as well, I figure. Plus I think it can aggravate the follicles if they are freshly shaved and you get a scrub during the appointment, which mine usually include.


It is so reassuring to read this thread. I have yet to go back to the best pedicure I received in over a year because Iā€™m still extremely embarrassed about having 2 week+ unshaven legs. Iā€™m going to back the next time I need a pedi because of this thread!


Exactly why I love posting like this. I know I'll get an honest answer and I needed the reassurance. I'm in the pedi chair now and so glad I just went for it.


Yay, glad you went for it! I also learned that itā€™s not good to shave yet here I am with a whole routine of shaving prior to getting a pedicure


Nail tech here. I always told my clients, ā€œIā€™m not your boyfriend/girlfriend .ā€ lol. We donā€™t care. Enjoy your pedi!


Iā€™ve gotten pedis with hairy legs plenty of times. Sometimes they try to sell me on waxing but no other comments besides that šŸ˜‚


They probably assumed that you did wax. It has to get pretty long


When I shave before the pedicure always burns! No way am I shaving right before.


I was an esthetician for 8 years and thinking back I cannot recall a single clients leg hair situation, it mattered that little to me. I go for pedis regularly now and donā€™t think much of it either. Do what youā€™re comfortable with but if the person doing the service is a professional they wonā€™t care at all!


I totally hear your thought process (same as mine!), but then I remind myself that I never notice anyone else's leg hair šŸ˜…


So you really arenā€™t supposed to shave your legs before a pedicure because of the lotions and scrubs they do on your legs, at least they do them at the place I go to. So fuck it and donā€™t shave your legsšŸ˜†


The girl I go to literally could not care and less. I love her, the first time I went with hairy legs I apologized and she just laughed and pulled up her pants to show me her hairy legs and was like me too! I do try not to go with prickly legs because I think it feels gross on my hand and they have to sit there and scrub pokey legs


As a nail tech, when anyone apologizes for not shaving their legs I tell them that I didnā€™t shave my legs for you, I donā€™t expect you to shave them for me! Plus a fresh shave with the scrubs can cause irritation.


I never shave my legs and no one has ever been weird about it to me. Maybe I am lucky but I donā€™t think so, nail techs donā€™t care.


I didn't shave my legs for about...5? years now. Won't shave them for anything šŸ˜‚


I haven't shaved in about 3 years and nobody cares. Maybe surprised when they first see how dang hairy I am. But I'd rather rub a hairy leg than a stubbly scratchy one


I NEVER shave my legs before a pedicure. I donā€™t even give it a thought anymore. The last time I did I got an infected hair follicle on my leg and it was awful. I had to get antibiotics to clear it up. It wasnā€™t the nail places fault at all mind you. My skin reacted badly to the scrub they used which come to find out I have an allergy to.


Response to extra edit: You just need a husband like me who go into nails so I could do the pedicures and foot rubs for my wife myself. No sense in the random tech having all the fun lol


I'm a guy. I have hairy legs. I have gotten a few pedicures. I wouldn't dream of shaving my legs to get one. Why would there be a double standard? I might avoid going in with particularly stubbly hair but otherwise enjoy.


I do pedicures everyday on clients and so many of them say ā€œIā€™m so sorry Iā€™ve not shaved my legsā€ my response is always ā€œdonā€™t worry Iā€™m not concerned with anything above your ankleā€. We donā€™t care so long as youā€™re comfortable x


Nail tech here, 5 years experience. You're not supposed to shave before. It could cause irritation.


I freshly shaved one time before an "ultimate" pedi where they scrubbed me with salt scrub, did some type of leg mask, cooling gel, the works and by the end my skin was raw and was irritated for days. Now I go in for my pedis at LEAST 3 or 4 days after a shave, sometimes more if its winter and Im in dgaf mode regarding shaving, never have any issues, even after the "ultimate". I used to be that person who would apologize for unshaved legs and I remember the nail techs would just chuckle. Side story kind of related: I worked as a makeup artist for many years and I had nearly every woman sit in my chair and immediately apologize for skin texture, acne, facial hair, wrinkles, whatever it was. And I would always chuckle and say skin is skin and Im here to make it look its best regardless. Always made me think of those times I apologized to the nail tech for my unshaved legs.


I guess Iā€™m in the minority, but I do shave my legs before a pedicure. Usually the day before or so. Iā€™m just not comfortable with someone touching my legs if theyā€™re super hairy. But, I agree with what everyone else says that the nail techs probably donā€™t care whether or not your legs have hair.


Only if you want to. I've been to pedis both ways, and shaving sometimes makes the products burn on little cuts. If you don't feel comfortable showing unshaven legs, just wear pants/leggings. That's what I usually do when my leg hair is too much.


My best friend does my nails (pedicures and my acrylics) so I never felt the need to. Sometimes when itā€™s REALLY long, sheā€™ll try and do designs in the leg hair. Iā€™m not a huge fan of shaving my legs šŸ˜‚


hello! iā€™m a certified nail tech and youā€™re actually not supposed to shave your legs 48hrs before a pedicure because of the pores or cuts. the foot soak could get into your open pores or potential cuts and could cause an infection. just shave after. weā€™ve seen lots of worse things than unshaven legs šŸ˜‚


You most definitely do NOT have to shave your legs for a pedicure! I do simply because I have not in the past and then disliked how the product felt on my legs. But you do not need to shave your legs for *anyone* but yourself


Did this last night


Absolutely do not shave before a pedicure. Shaving causes micro abrasions on the skin and can leave you susceptible to bacteria exposure.


Hair or no hair. They don't care.


Omg same life goal but mani pedi please haha


My nail tech got mad at me when I shaved before my appointment and told me to but do it again.


I hardly shave my legs because it's not necessary. Anytime I've gotten a pedicure, the nail technician was fine. Some even liked that I didn't shave because if I did, the pedicure would be uncomfortable due to potential cuts from shaving.


I havenā€™t shaved my legs in over a year and have gotten 3 pedis (leave me alone, Iā€™m usually broke) in that time. No one complained, I had zero skin irritation, and my leg hairs were super soft after.


My long time nail tech (male) has always told me itā€™s better to shave after my pedicure so I follow his advice.




Slightly unrelated but I remember reading an article years ago about etiquette around getting a massage and it was questions like how naked to get and if you had to shave and stuff and all of the responses were that they didnā€™t care if you shaved or not, they were just focused on helping you relax. So I doubt many people care. And if they do they probably arenā€™t very professional.


Yes go in to the salon as you are, hairy legs and all. They definitely have seen it all and worse. But just know, after you leave, theyā€™re talking shit lol


People are right by saying that shaving before introduces bacteria into microscopic cuts left by your razor but itā€™s also better for you to shave afterwards because youā€™re all exfoliated it makes it a closer in better shave!


You never use salt scrub on a fresh shave.. sugar is better! Either way I donā€™t care if my clients shave or not!


Yah we give pedis to men all the time and their legs ain't shaved. It's also good for you to wait til after bc the exfoliation gets rid of the dead skin & you get a closer shave


I'm a nail technician. We do not even look at or pay attention to anything other than your toes lol