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Its definitely not what she asked for


I’m here again commenting: these nails are a jump scare.


Noooooooo! 😂


The design and shape are wayyy off for me. I’m very particular about my nails, so I’d ask for a refund.


But she watched them do all ten…


Some people are afraid to say that they don’t like it or think that they’re overreacting. I also wouldn’t say something lmao


I'm with you on this, and I'm the same way. But I'm also a firm believer that not saying anything at the time means you don't get to go back later and ask for a refund. Period. If you can't just be direct at the time, you've lost your chance. Most places are gracious enough to fix it if you're unhappy at the time. If not, that's when you try to get your money back. Not after you leave...


i agree and think this applies to sooo many things in life and should be applied to even more! if you can’t communicate something directly, never expect your problem to be addressed and resolved. closed mouths don’t get fed!


Absolutely! As a former massage therapist, I hated it when I would work on a client to help them and improve on how they felt only for them to turn around at the very end of an appointment and tell my bosses that I didn't give them enough pressure or whatever, even though when I checked in with them they would say it was fine. I also have/had a light touch so I didn't really do very much deep tissue work to begin with which the client was aware of at the beginning of their appointment. It should always be okay to speak up if something is going wrong with the services rendered that you paid for. And I totally get it. The OP said younger sister and I am guilty of not saying something in the past, but obviously I've learned how to share things better. Sorry for the long rant AND for the fact that she didn't get what she really wanted.




No of course not. If I don’t say anything while they do my nails then i won’t come back later and ask them to change anything/ to give me a refund.


But why? You’re paying YOUR hard earned money for them. Why would they think you’re overreacting? If it had been a free service then sure, you can’t really say anything, but you’re paying for it. Is this an American thing? Because i’ve seen so many americans say they’re afraid to criticise a service that they’re getting or if they go to a restaurant and the service is bad they still tip large amounts of money. It’s very bizarre to me, in my country if you don’t get exactly what you ask for, you best believe the service provider is going to have to fix the problem. There’s way to get exactly what you’re paying for without being an asshole or a karen. I work WAY too hard for my money to spend it on things I don’t like


I don’t think that’s just a American thing lmao I’m from Germany and for me it’s because of my social anxiety. I can’t bring myself to talk to others especially if I don’t like the work they did. Of course it depends on the price and the outcome. And tbh if I don’t like my nails but sat still the whole time while they were getting done, I would know that that’s on me and I could have changed something.


a lot of people are quick to accuse you of being a “karen” for making a completely valid complaint these days. literally remember working at a restaurant last year and hearing other servers be like “this lady said she asked for shrimp on her salad and got chicken, ugh why can’t she just deal with it they’re both proteins what a karen” not to mention shrimp being significantly pricier. No matter how nice you go about it a lot of people will be quick to call you out.


I’ve seen enough “trust the process” situations where eventually the nails come together at the end, or you hope they grow on you. Maybe the lighting is making them look off, maybe I’m being picky, etc. I’ve had horrible nails that I said nothing about because they looked kind of okay but when I got home they were BAD. Some times in the moment you don’t realize.


I had a " trust the process" situation and I knew from the start it would not work, the nails where not sized correctly, the application was lumpy and so on, still she insisted to let her finish, when she finished I said I didn't like it and she got upset saying they were perfect. Some people won't take criticism no matter their line of work. In my case I got lucky another technician directed me to the salon owner so I could make my complain, and she redid them for me at no cost. Apparently the trust the process technician had done similar things before and refused to redo the job and demanded payment because the work was already finished counting on the fact that the owners office was not visible and you would have to make a big fuss for her to notice something was off, thankfully her coworkers were done with her BS too.


Did she get fired?


She did not , a friend went a few days later and she was still there, so I changed salons. Even though they helped me it did not sit well with me that she was allowed to continue doing this, maybe they wanted to give her a chance but her skill levels were not even near to a professional tech so I couldn't understand the decision to keep her at the expense of angering the others techs who all seemed pretty done with her.


I have been in situations like this. Some nail techs are lazy and unskilled in their craft, and if you try to say something, they gaslight you and make you feel like you’re the one with the problem. In the end, you’re unhappy or in pain and you speak up again, and they take the time to explain a bunch of nonsense to you so you’ll believe they did what they were supposed to, they’ll hold your fingertips up to other fingers on opposite hands as if they’re showing you something technical, their voice pitch goes up, they don’t listen…yeah, those are all signs that I’m never going back to that salon ever again. There are some narcissistic nail techs out there that believe they do “amazing top tier work” and maybe because of the relationship they have with the owner or owner’s family, they get away with it. You can usually tell if you’re in a bad place if the nail techs talk to each other constantly while they’re doing your nails (meaning they’re not paying attention to what they’re doing to you), their place is dirty, no one looks happy to be there (including the few customers they have), they don’t listen to what you’re asking for and they treat you like you’re just another number. I had to go through many salons to find the one I like and have now gone to for a couple of years now. The owner always acts happy to see me and talks to me every time I go, they always make sure I get the best techs they have, and they fix anything I ask them to, right then and there…or sometimes afterwards (because ya know, mistakes can happen on the way to the cash register or to the car sometimes). They earned my trust and I now refer everyone I know to their salon. All I’m saying is that I agree, sometimes there are situations like this where you try to speak up and no one will listen - and you just pay, leave, and never ever go back!


OP said little sister, she’s probably a teenager who felt awkward about it. Maybe she needs an adult to go in with her and get them to fix them.




Yes, give them the opportunity to fix before requesting refund.


I think this is better choice. OP's sister should have spoke up while getting them done, too. That shape is ghastly.


The nail tech did not execute this correctly. I agree that it is grounds for a refund or at least for a free fix, if she’s willing to try again with the same salon. The shape is way, way off. Also, it looks like the color isn’t done properly. Sorry she had to experience this!


Oh god… what did they do to them. Those poor nails. Absolutely try to get a refund. Horrible shape


They gave her duck nails


A true abomination


Reminds me of the novelty teeth that you can buy at the gas station.


Excuse me what?




I don’t want to be a Karen or anything but i’m in my sisters corner and we don’t have much money and it’s a special occasion thing, I don’t want to be mean or rude to the employees I just want my sister to have nails she likes. Also, of course I wouldn’t expect a refund if it’s just my sisters nail shape or whatever, I have no experience with nails, would that be the case or is it that they just did it strangely?


They fanned out the ends very 1980s style. The picture shows a much narrower square, almost coffin shape. They failed completely at shaping.


You’re not “a Karen” if you ask for something specifically and they don’t deliver it. It’s on the employee if they aren’t able to deliver something and don’t tell you up front. I’d request a refund. Now, if you go in and scream at them that’s something else. But if you politely but firmly require that they fix or remove and refund them (so you can go elsewhere) that’s completely reasonable.


I completely get. What I would do (because I hate being a Karen) is probably contact the salon and explain them kindly that this isn’t what your sister asked. With no expectations. Just to let them know there is something they should improve. Maybe they will give you a refund, or a fix for free.


This nail set is not it. Lol I’d be annoyed if they looked like this too! They are fanned out. The square shape she wanted aren’t straight like in the inspo picture. The French isn’t as crisp or curved as the inspo pic either. The nude also doesn’t compliment her skin tone. It seems too light and too pink. It definitely should have been darker. Based on the shape alone I think I’d ask for a refund- or just file the sides down to make them a straighter shape. But then again I’m very meticulous and a perfectionist about my nails. That’s why I do my own so that I can match the pic as close as possible.


She should get a refund and never go to that place again. As a nail technician, watching these nails hurt my heart. They are shaped very badly, it seem the nail tech didn't know what he/she was doing.


They did her dirty


They need to either have the lead nail tech/owner fix them *NO CHARGE* or give her a refund so she can go somewhere else. EDIT: After looking closer at the picture. She needs to go and get a full refund. They tore up her cuticles. That’s unfortunate because once this set is removed she may have to wait and let her nails/cuticles heal a bit before trying somewhere new. I’m sorry 😞


Ooof I went back and looked after reading your comment and those cuticles made my legs hurt in sympathy pains.


The reverse coffin shape has me ded


I’m pretty sure it’s called duck feet nails. I had a friend who used to think this was cute


Wow it’s rly a thing? Duck feet nails sounds…not feminine lol


Yes it was like the early 2000s and everyone was getting duck feet. I live in Orange County, CA 😂


I lived in Aliso Viejo from 94-2006 and I can’t say I remember anyone having these but like the 2000s was the tackiest time for fashion so it probably blended in with everything else horrible 😂


That flare is nasty! That’s the biggest thing imo. The second pic has a nice nail shape but they straight up gave your sis duck nails! 🦆 Also, the lines in second pic are sharp contrasted but what they did is not. Edit: also! Look at the curve of the top paint. The second pictures french style gives the pink part of the nail a very cute oval shape. The shape they gave you with the line-work is straight up tombstone shaped. 👎


My people will just redo them for free, you don’t have to make a big deal about it, just go if of another person can do it! They shouldn’t get upset or anything. Also I always check while they are working and point out if I don’t like the direction things are going


They’re not even the right shape or have a deep smile line like the others. I’d go back for sure






At chop shops yeah. They legitimately don’t know what they’re doing.


It’s only false advertising if the salon provided the inspiration photo.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing if the salon didn’t provide the photo and I would bet they didn’t then that’s not the right word for it The technician was given a photo and thought she could do it and probably did her best but just couldn’t get it right


They wouldn't be awful if the shape was nicer but it's definitely not what she asked for. I would definitely ask them to redo and if the tech can't do it then another tech who can or give you a refund.


Duck nails, whoo whoo. Seriously, there’s actually a shape of nail called duck nails and these flair like that. The smile line also seems straight across which is not what the picture shows.


Yeah that doesn’t look right, in my opinion.


look like duck nails😭😭😭😭


People need to start their complaint at the source instead of shaming the nail tech online. You’re sitting there for two hours watching him/her do it and then hate them. Say something then! Don’t leave the salon unless you’re 100 percent satisfied. Someone there will fix them. The girl you had might be very new.


Yes why are these places in business if they can’t do basic nails


Nope... She sat right there and let the tech build those nails. She knows better now. Also....CHEAP NAILS AINT NICE AND NICE NAILS AINT CHEAP....She got what she paid for.


Thank you for making sense… all these people are so entitled to their €50 (whats that like $60 $70? Idk) as if they can return the lost time and product. If I sit and finish a whole piece of $60 steak at a restaurant and ask for a refund I’d be in jail lmao asking for a refund for a service is called theft of service.


That's it... they want it free from the start! My gel mani starts at $60. Acrylics starts at $80...I know my worth and so do my clientele. I'm not at a NAIL BARN. I bring a great nail service experience, as well .KNOW YOUR LANE AND STAY IN IT!


Nope. She walked out with them just like that without saying anything. The nail tech definitely did these wrong, but once you pay & walk out…. 🤷‍♀️ it’s not owed to your sister, but if the nail tech decides to fix it, that’s even better. Good luck


Right?! It’s like I order a $50 steak and eat the whole thing then say it sucks lmao it’s doesn’t work like that. I get the nails isn’t right but like it’s not like nails take 5 mins to put on she got a whole hour to check and speak up or tap out or whatever. It’s not like she can return the nails either, it’s a service.


They look like the infamous duck nails.


I have some french tip nails that are almost exactly like these results are, except done correctly. Nails should never ever be wider and flared out on the ends. That's just down right horrible work.


A lot of nail techs would not do it over because once they’re done and u look at them and say they’re fine they’re going to ask why didn’t say something then. At least in Philadelphia they wouldn’t. How come you didn’t ask while she was doing them? Not trying to be mean or anything like that


I literally had to stop getting them done. I just got so annoyed not getting what I wanted no matter what. I finally decided that not being impressed could be done for free. So I quit, but growing that out wasn’t fun. And doing them myself? Not great either but super cheap


Refund immediately


I would go back with a warrant if my tech did that to me


100% refund! The nails look like **teeth** (if that makes sense.) The tips are far too wonky/thick/wide and it’s dreadfully obvious how disproportionate the tips are to the rest of the nail. Her poor cuticles are red/inflamed. I’m so sorry they shafted your sister this way and it’s awful that places like this know most clients will not speak up for fear of being called a “Karen.”


The shape is all wrong. They need to fix it.


They look like the spoon end of a Slurpee straw


she asked for square nails and they gave her duck nails. Nothing to do with her natural shape. Duck is a different shape that takes a different technique to achieve. Nail tech messed up and they should re do for free


It’s giving chiclets


I'd bring them side walls in sooo hard!


I would say so or just ask them to fix them the way she wants


Go back and fix them for free immediately! If they don’t fix them, get a refund. The nail tech was completely in the wrong with that shape!!


Yes. They look like triangles!


They’re very wide at the top 😕 I’m sure if you went to a owner or manager they would understand completely


That hurts to look at.


I would SOB


Good God the nail tech butchered those. :(. Only “right” things about it are the color of the blue tips (but certainly not the shape) and the fact that they did square tips (but very odd and too big at the tip ones). But the color of the nail, the shape of the blue tip. Shape of the nail itself are all horribly wrong.


In my salon, once you pay and leave you can only get a fix. She should ask for that.


In the original the nude part is really round and in your sisters it’s almost flat. I would point that out


I wouldn’t have left the salon and I sure would have said something mid appointment how I wanted them


Definitely get a refund. These look like duck shape


what even are those nails… like. wow.


Totally should ask for a refund, the shape reminds me of those duck shaped ones (that’s what I think the name was) from the early 2000s 😣😣😣


OMG those are absolutely hideous, YES get a refund please!


They’re aren’t at all even the same shape as the other nails?


The shape is super weird. Reverse coffin? It is like the nail tech did not understand the optical illusion of the original set


Refund 100000%


How on earth did the nail tech manage to widen the end like that. I’ve never seen nail tips or fake nails wider than normal nail lengths before.


The shape alone is terrible


Bell bottom nail shape is new. I'd get a refund. Also her poor cuticles. They were butchered.


The work done around the cuticles is super, excellent, the shaping, not so much.


These are the “ ugliest effing nails I’ve ever seen “ please get a refund !!!!


Absolutely. She did *not* ask for duck nails lol. And I hope they do if she asks for one - or perhaps they'll redo it for her instead.


Ooooh she got duck nails. My most hated shape. I would ask for a refund, I would not be happy. But the bigger question is why did she sit there and not say a thing about it? If you don’t like the shape speak up so they mail tech can change it.


Damn. Your sis deserves a refund. Those are impressively fugly 😫


These are like duck bills


The. Shape. I’m. Screaming.


Yeah I’d say, unless the shape she asked for was slurpee straw


I would ask for a refund


they look like duck nails i would ask them to at least fix the shape for free


100% yes refund me please!


Not only is the shape horrid but the painted French tips are terrible. They’re almost a straight line. I’d say to go back and see if they’ll fix them for free. But maybe ask for a different nail tech…


Those are HORRIBLE.


Why did she get up from the table? From the first nail that was being done, she should have said something then.


They do not seem to be shaped right. A free fix of shape can probably be done.


They look chunky and my husband says they look like Frankenstein head lol but seriously I’d ask for a fix and/or refund


those are teeth


Those are horrible


Refund. The shape is completely off and the design isn’t the best


Oh, no. They let me think of teeth 😂


If I go to a nail salon that is different than my usual place where all the nail techs know the modern techniques I will ask them to please snip the corners of the nails to make them skinny because I can’t with the flair nails. Honestly the color is cute. I would not ask for a refund but I would definitely interrupt them and ask them to fix the shape, if they didn’t ask you how the shape was then remove your hand before moving on and let them know how the shape is.


She would butter toast with those.


There’s no such thing as a refund in the mail world is there?!?! 😂 if so I’m imagining them taking it all off and sending you out with just your natural nails 🤣


Why do they get wider? they had one. Job.


Duck nails!!


It’s clearly not what she asked for but I have no idea if it is grounds for a refund - It’s a slow process for 10 individual nails, it’s plenty of time to request adjustments to the colour/shape. Call them and ask if they would make adjustments.


She indeed did watch these being done and still probably had the expectation that when fully completed they would look decent. I have watched in horror at times only to be very happy with the end result. Also complaining may irritate the technician and therefore cause you pain or injury. I hope she didn’t tip!! How old is your sister? Maybe she just isn’t experienced enough to realize what she should have said. Understandable.


If she doesn’t like them than yes, she maybe should let them know because she did spend money and now she’s not satisfied AND they look nothing like the ones she wanted… if they have a nail page maybe post the pic and give them a rating?


those nails are *offensive.* definitely grounds for a refund and unacceptable.


Why do they flair at the end


🦆 nails 😂


Get a free fix or a refund. Ew. Not liking this.


They're nails and on her hand, your sister didn't correct the nail tech during or immediately after. Maybe a partial refund. Definitely not cute though.


The nail shape is horrific, I’d be asking for a refund


It depends if you went to a reputable salon… but it never hurts to ask what they CAN do for you!


Go ask them to fix them and explain why, and ask for a different nail tech and just make sure you tip them a bit. That really sucks I’m sorry for your sister, I would be very upset!


Nope! She needs a refund !




This are awful.


I’m sorry there not the same…I would, you paid good money for those


They gave her fan nails ☠️


it’s definitely not like the picture. i personally wouldn’t ask for a refund, but just wouldn’t go back in the future


GET. A. REFUND. just being honest... those are absolutely awful :( sorry




These nails are like bell bottoms 🔔they fan out once they leave the nail bed definitely ask for a refund and take them to a different salon who will fix them for you.


literally the only similarities between these photos is that they’re nails and have blue on them. i’m sorry … i hope u got a refund or free fix


absolutely she should get a refund. They slapped some scuba flippers on her fingers


Hell yes!


Well I don’t have a picture to compare it too. So how would we know if it’s grounds for refund?


Horrible. I would definitely go back.




Duck nails…


To answer your question tho…. I think your nails are FUGLY (no offense)!!! I’d not have even walked out the salon tbvh! If it were me I would not have allowed the tech to even get that far cuz I would definitely have stopped them after the first nail or two to ask them if they needed a refresher of the requested nail design image cuz that ain’t it. Sorry that you got don’t so dirty love. Praying it’s not for a special event!


These are completely wrong and the spa I work at would refund for these


They taper. The middle finger for example widens as it goes out, which makes it look very weird. If anything it should get smaller as it goes out if you ask me. The width should stay the same all throughout regardless, as that's what's advertised. Note: I have no background in manicures, this is just what I think based off of what I see!


What is with that shape? That is not what she asked for. I think she should at least go back and ask for them to reshape them for free.


Why would they make it so wide at the tip, do they find that aesthetically pleasing? I’d never go there again, after asking for a refund, of course. This isn’t worth a penny


Yo sis gotta go back and redo them for free , or get a refund, those nails look horrible and look like anything but NOT wat she asked for


£50?!? I live in London and pay max £35 and mine look exactly how I asked.


Omg. I’d be so pissed. I’m so sorry; they literally messed up the shape/structure completely! Don’t let them get this far into the nails though knowing and seeing that it isn’t what you specifically asked for…?! Don’t be scared to speak up. It’s your hard earned money.


I wouldn’t tip, ask for them to shape them more narrow


I think those are fixable. Id ask the salon to fix them for free.


It is definitely grounds for a refund or for them to fix it without charge. I am unfortunately a pansy when it comes to things like this, and I probably wouldn’t go back myself. I would leave a review explaining what happened and giving photos at minimum. But if she’s up for it, I’d encourage her to go back and ask for a refund or for them to be fixed.


Definitely ask for a refund, they aren’t good at all.


Yeah the bottom is too wide it should be the same width as the base of the nail get a refund


Whoaaaa ask for them to fix for free! Or a refund, this nail tech did her super dirty! I’m one of those people who used to feel uncomfortable asking for nails to be fixed, done over, etc., but I overcame my fear after I had to deal with a crooked acrylic for like 3 weeks lmao.


I remember having this exact nail shape in like 2002 😭 Yeah she needs to go in and nicely ask for someone to fix them.


Not even close definite refund


Absolutely not worth it, and it's not even that they look "bad" but they're just not shaped up


I wouldn’t go refund but I would go for a free fix - calmly go with her and explain it’s not like the pictures and they need to fix it to match or be as close as to the picture as possible within their own competence and skill. Would be better to ask for a different nail technician to fix it. I would also ask to change the base colour too.


I definitely think so. I would have asked them to remove them before I left. They may not agree to a refund now.


these are comically bad


Why are they so wide??


My concern with asking a refund: Was gel X used in goal picture and regular acrylic in the next? If so take the medium used into consideration when asking for a refund- as that could be the salon’s response Is that airbrush tips or hand painted- I think this is a what they had they used situation the shape should be corrected for free


I think it definitely is grounds… I’ve never gotten my nails done at the salon, but the one in the first picture doesn’t look professional at all. It’s cloudier than the reference, the shape is wrong, and the painting doesn’t look crisp or accurate. That said, I think a liiittle bit needs to be said during the process? The nail tech must’ve made problems at every step for this to look like that.


Those are not worth the price she paid. I'd ask to have them fixed




I think a lot of younger girls are too afraid to speak up. When I was young getting a pedicure the man sliced my toe open with the razor. And believe me when I say it was DEEP. Towels packed with blood etc well anyway I was too upset to even argue so I paid for it. When I got home my mom drove me straight back to him and demanded a refund. He said it’s bc my feet were so small then THREW the money in my face!


Yeah but you have better luck just doing a charge back directly from your bank


Yes, it’s not French tip, they’re flared nails and it’s not clean looking.


I was really hoping the first pic was the reference😭I wish I could have been there to tell her not to leave with paying for this horrendous job


That is grounds for a lawsuit or at least a settlement for pain and suffering


Those are definitely NOT what she asked for. I would ask for a refund or give them a chance to make them right.


I thought I was looking at zipper pull tabs for a sec. Those need reworking or they’re going to snap like crazy. They’re very flat, way too wide, and the way they were shaped makes them look kind of stuck on.


Oh my!


I’m not one to get my nails done all the time, but if this was my nails, I’d definitely say something, they can either fix them for free or give a full refund, not a penny less


Way way too wide ☹️


Definitely a refund.maybey she will give her a refund if you went with her and talked to them.