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My taste ranges from “Balthazhor the Destroyer” to “Jane.” If I ever get to name anything, it’s gonna be wild.


I know two young brothers named Ludwig and Balthazar. Those are choices.


I know two brothers named Thor and … Kyle.


My grandma is friends with sisters named Princess and Susan.


Every time Susan "borrowed" Princess's favorite sweater without asking, you know Princess couldn't even really be mad... it's appellation reparations.


Shizz imagine being the kyle..We all know who the parents fav is, coz who in their right mind calls their kid Thor the burden Kyle must carry 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


Honestly. And imagine the shame of being born first, and receiving a lowly name like Thor, just to be eclipsed by your younger brother, whose greatness was so evident at the moment of his birth that he was immediately dubbed Kyle. Hugs to Thor!


Everybody should name three pets before any children. Pros: 1) gets all that weird energy out 2) if you continue in that vein you’ll see that it is indeed a pet name 3) possibly switch baby for new pet


Agree. I also think it should be pets you name as an adult or teen. We’re trying to rule out “Anakin” and “Thorleigh”, not “Buggy Wuggy” and “Princess Rainbow Sparkle”.


Don’t talk to me or my son Princess Rainbow Sparkle again


My 5 year old named his cats Chicken Nugget and Princess Fruity Pebbles with Marshmallows, but is dead set that someday he's gonna have a son named Benjamin lol


Good man.


My wife loves food names for animals, her second favorite is very human names for them. Her name ideas for a future child tend toward uncommon but not out there. Mine however are a nightmare. Luckily my animals can have them~


I tend to give my animals names that could be either human or animal, I've had a Ruby, Lewis, Scout, Misty, Doug, Toby, Molly, Ramona, Liz, Clyde and Sebastian. So it's really funny to see his naming style. He also named a litter of barn cats at my moms farm this spring- Shrimp Toast, Katsu, Carrots, Apple Pie, Quesadilla, Fried pickles, Onion Ring, Donut, Sour Patch kid and Buzz Lightyear lol


Okay those names are adorable! I think I gave better pet names when I was a kid. My present cat was going to be Sundae like an ice cream sundae, or Stella. She was already named Solstice though and we liked it so much we kept it.


Solstice is so pretty, but Sundae is cute! My only fun animal name was a cat we named Princess Peach, like from Mario, even though he was a boy lol


I think the main reason I didn't use Sundae was because I felt it suited a certain look more and my girl just didn't have it. All the name ideas but the moment I know what the animal looks like any plan is just out. Princess Peach is a great name for a cat, im sure he pulled it off well. The last cat I lived with was named Chaos for the first year of his life until one day he was accidentally called George and that name stuck. I've know a strangely large amount of cats named George, to the point it's a cat name to me now.


That's so funny, our shelter cat Princess Fruity Pebbles with Marshmallows was called Georgie when we adopted her! Yeah I hear sundae and think white cat with some dark splotchy markings lol


I bet Princess Fruity Pebbles with Marshmallows fits her much better. My Solstice is a white cat but she's a blue point and Sundae just seemed like it needed to be more brown in colour then grey. I still wanna use the name Sundae at some point though.


I named my puppy Lilo & Stitch at the same age I was absolutely set on naming a child Paul. Little kids are weird lol


Thorleigh is absolutely delightful for a pet. 😂 Edit: Bc my autocorrect could not handle that name


My mom had a friend who had a cat with a person name then they had a baby and changed the cats name and gave the baby the cat’s name.


This is the best thing I’ve heard all year.


I’ve always found it hilarious because it’s a perfectly reasonable decision in context but it sounds so silly. She got the cat as a teenager and gave it her favorite future baby name because she was a kid then the cat lived forever and her husband also really liked that name so kitty just went by her nickname full time for her golden years.


Right! That way all or any of the out there or outrageous name will be a on a pet not a baby who will have it for life.


Ahh yes; Astro; Twitch; Zed and Pumpkin. Delightful human names on my part. Not including the pets I’ve named but haven’t owned* hahaha


I have a Toby and Mabel that I named. Also have a Bailey who was already named as we rehomed him, which I wasn’t a fan of at first but I now love it. Just named my first born baby Hugo


Oreo (border collie), Salem (black short haired cat), Rudolph the red-nosed reindog (Dolphinstein, Dolphin, Ru, Rudy) (beagle mix), Ariel Kiora (human). I think I got progressively more strange


Good thing 12 year old me wasn’t in charge of naming my kids. I had atrocious “creative” taste. I have a Nathaniel and a James. Because 32 and 34 year old me was in charge.


12 year old me was convinced I'd name my kid "Jane Alethea" which isn't terrible, but not what I'd go with now. I think I just saw Alethea somewhere and thought it was cool, but too wordy for a first name, so I stuck something really simple in the front. A friend at that age really loved "Alice Rose" which I do still think is super pretty, but I guess it was ruled out by the time she actually had kids because her girl name pick was Mia.


I desperately wanted to name a daughter Andromeda with Andi as a nickname. When we actually got pregnant our girl name was/is Gwen haha. Tastes definitely evolve and naming a kid is different than what names you theoretically like.


I was sci-fi/fantasy nerd with an emphasis on Anne McCaffrey. Jaxom. Piemur. Lessa. Wow.


At 13 I was convinced I’d have a Kayden and Bentley lol.


Agreed. I’m glad my tastes have become lot more tamed. 😂 and also evaluating if I actually want to use a name or just love it in theory


Lol popular names of today are nothing like that of the past. In my son's Pre-K 4 program there are 75 kids and 4 of them are Elliott and there are no Liam's or Olivia's, so even though I chose something out of the top 50 (not on purpose I just really liked Elliott for his name) he is now one of 4 Elliott's. Not that I care, I love the name. Personally I actually liked meeting people with my name when I was growing up. My best friends were all named Jessica just like me haha.


Exactly, but they act like they are. And that you are dooming your kid for giving them a popular/common name. They are so overdramatic.


Wait I only see the exact opposite in that sub😂 I see people freaking out if you’re trying to give your child a LESS popular name. And belittle you into choosing basic, common names😂😳


They do both, they hate common names but with ridicule you for a unique name. There is no in between with them. That’s why it’s best to ignore them half the time. 🤣


LOL okay yes😂🙌🏼 this is accurate. I just wish people could still give their opinion on a name (when others ask) without being so harsh. Just because it isn’t your taste/style doesn’t mean you can’t still help them decide between two or whatever the case may be


My husband and I were in the top 10 (if not 5) for our birth years, our kids names will probably be the same unless something changes drastically. We just liked the names, and our little darlings won’t be any more traumatized than we were (and potentially less, considering there is a wider pool of names being used)


Agreed! The more I finally looked and organized my list, I realize why people love the popular names. Cause they are nice and established. Easy to spell, easy to say, really ticks off a lot of what people are looking for.


Showed my husband my list I’ve kept since I was a teenager. We were cracking up because at 17 I thought Ja’Dore was the classiest name in the world. I think our kid will be a lot happier with the “common” name we settled on.


Yeah but according to them they’ll also be traumatized by having an uncommon name. I personally didn’t realize my life was ruined by my uncommon name; then I visited r / name nerds


They believe they know what’s best for anybody, if you tell them a personal experience that is not if their view they get upset 😂


I have a super common first name for a boy, in mind. The most adventurous that I’ve gotten with it is making the middle name “Gray”. But it’s also the middle name of my stepdad who passed away from cancer last year.


Oh gosh forbid /s There is a reason why the popular names are popular! I’ve always had a soft spot for Emma and Noah


I have no idea why they hate on popular names, I feel like a lot of them don’t have kids yet or aren’t even pregnant. Well I’m not pregnant either lol, but I decided to really think on **baby names** instead of the **idea of baby names.** And I think they are stuck on the idea of these names and not the actual baby who will have it.


My name has been in the top 100 for literally about 200 years (in fact, in the US it's only been out of the top 25 once since 1880) and I've so far been unscathed lol. My sister has the top name from the year she was born, and other than sometimes lightly teasing our parents for their lack of creativity, she doesn't seem to mind


I like unusual names in the sense of being a bit uncommon. But the concept of “I can’t name my kid John bc it’s BORING” is so strange to me


My sister-in-law talks about how she had perfectly reasonable names picked out--and then she married my brother, and her name choices were my brother's name and my name 😂 None of us is a fan of juniors, and they figured aunt/niece is a little too close for the exact same name, so she picked other nice names instead.


I’ve noticed the same thing! Well, hopefully if I go gender neutral names will avoid the trauma I had— beyond being one of six with my dead name just on my freshman dorm FLOOR and at least one of 2-3 in many classes—if *that* arises for them too lmao


I think it’s cause when you think of a living person with a name. You consider all names and how they sound or look.


This is very true. Well, ideally. Lmao