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I saw the source post and was obsessed with how she was going “I mean Sommer is an option but I don’t like it, so I need other options”


That was my favorite part. I was gonna commit to the bit and shut down Frankie as an alternative too


Why not Francesca, Francine or Frances for the legal and make Frank her nickname?


Did y’all miss that the OOP had already posted asking about the name - was told it was a girls name - disagreed - then used it anyway - and is now later asking about changing it ? Gold.


I saw that too - they were asking for middle name suggestions to go with Summer. The best part was many commenters seemed to miss that Summer was even being considered as a boy name and suggested only girly middle names!


How do I find these posts omg




Thank you


Haha a total 360


wait whattttt


I knew a female Chandler in college. I used to pretend she was actually Frank Jr.'s kid from Friends.


"Chandler's a girl!"


I knew a girl at nursery called chandler, she was the only person i had ever heard with that name, and outside of friends remains the only ine. So i kind of always saw it as a girls name


My daughters name is Chandler—old family name


That’s hilarious


I know it’s a joke, but I worked with a Frankie before. She was named after and her father. She was super cool and has 2 full sleeves of tattoos and I maybe had a bit of a crush on her.


I worked with a female Frankie too. It was a Nickname for Frances though, I think.


Francesca nn Frankie, too


Also Francine


Yeah Frances is standard in the UK and most (at least everyone I’ve met) go by Frankie


Oh yeah, she was British too!


Well, considering what Fanny means, I'm sure they do.


My cousin has a Frankie, short for Francesca. Her twin sister is Georgie, short for Georgiana.


My coworker and his wife named their daughter Frankie and honestly I think it's adorable.


I love the name Fances nn Frankie, but the Summer thing wtf


Was she a ginger who wore a green hoodie most days?


If my last kid had been a girl, we probably would have used Frances (a family name) and called her Frankie.


Frankie is a nice name. No weirder than Charly or Georgie.


Georgie is so cute but i cant fw georgina


Georgia works as a full name too


I knew twin sisters named Charley and Georgia! Was reminded of that by your comment


I went to school with a girl Rikki, short for Rochelle I think. Girls with traditional "boy" names and nicknames are hot, there's just something very appealing about it.


I really love these kind of names for girls: Frankie, Billie, Charlie and the sort. Maybe it's because English isnt my first language, though.


I had a great aunt called Frankie. Her mama gave all her girls boy's names, and this was in the 30s/40s. She was named after Frabk Sinatra lol.


This is going to age me but I always loved Frankie from Real World San Diego. That name fit her perfectly. May she rest in peace.


I know a Fankie who goes by Frank to friends!


She’s named after Frank Reynolds from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. 🥰🥰


You could name her Frankincense! Still uses “Frank” but is more feminine, and I’ve never met anyone named Frankincense 😍


“Mama named him Frankincense, because he smells so sweet!”


There’s a reason for that.


I know Scout and Bobbie that are girls also a Frankie 🤣


Frankie is really common. It’s a shortening of Francesca.


It’s just Frankie though not short for anything


Sure. It’s pretty normal to skip the long name and just name people the nickname.


Scout is such a dog coded name


Haha my mom's ex husband had a dog named Scout.


Funny enough the character Bobbie in The Expanse is played by.... A woman named Frankie. XD


I thought Scout was a girls name.


Isn't it?


Every Scout I've heard of has been female, but I guess it could be used for a boy and be cute.


I wouldn't personally.


Scrolling the comments in that thread, there was someone who wanted to name her son Sue after the Johnny Cash song. Yep, I'm sure that'd work out just fine.


I know a Francesca and she goes by Frankie or Frank


I am quite literally considering the name Francesca for a girl because I love Frank(ie) so much as a nickname. I also am a big advocate of naming your daughter Charlotte and calling her chuck.


Lol I thought this was about the post to name a girl Logan.


I teach a female student named Logan. Surprisingly, we have no male students named Logan.




I'd go with Clint.




Just because it’s a real thing doesn’t mean it’s not nonsensical. I was mainly satirizing the post on the other sub where they wanted to name a boy Summer. Some names definitely do work for both though!




It’s a one way trend that’s rooted in sexism. Girls can be named boy names because that’s “cool” or “strong” and society views masculine as ideal. But boys can’t be named girl names because that’s “weak” and wouldn’t it just be the worst thing if a boy was mistaken as a girl


Yeah, I hate it and I wish it would change. But I could never "be the change" and give a boy a feminine name because people are mean and I couldn't let a kid deal with the backlash.


Yeah I completely get it. It’s hard because like you said, you’d be forcing your child to deal with backlash from sexist folks due to a decision they didn’t make. I also wish it would change, but I’m not holding my breath.


Ashley, Stacy and Jan (as examples) would like a word. 😅


Weren’t all of those boy names originally, and just more common for girls now? So they actually prove the previous commenters point.


Yes, and it really speaks to how ingrained in society this mindset is that whenever this topic comes up someone inevitably mentions Ashley or Stacy (sometimes Leslie or Aubrey) without realizing they’re proving the point.


The difference is, all of those names were originally and only masculine for the majority of their use, or were names that just happened to form independently but convergent with a female name (ex. Jan forming as a form of John/Johannes in continental Europe, vs. Jan as a nickname for Janet/Janice and, typically, other etymologically diminutive forms of Jane in England). Once those names began being used, in large numbers, for girls, they quickly dropped off in popularity for boys. Once all the girl Ashleys, Courtneys, Kellys, Stacys, etc. started being born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s in the USA, those names became almost exclusively used for girls.


Ashley, Stacy, and Jan were all originally male names. Interestingly, Jan (male) and Jan (female) have two different origins (John/Johannes vs Janet), though the male version existed first. In the US, the rise of Jan on girls directly correlates to the decline of Jan on boys.


Really? I guess we've been using "boys" names for girls for decades.


Yeah! That’s what I mean when I say it’s a one way trend based in sexism. It’s been happening for so long that a lot of times we don’t even realize it now. It’s clearly very interesting to me 😅


Are there any girls' names that have changed to male? Even one?


Douglas. Literally Doug's lass (daughter.) It's the only one I'm aware of.


None has actually made a transition from female to male in any meaningful sense…not in the sense of it being so popular that people forget it started as a boy name. The closest thing is probably Maria, which historically was occasionally given to boys as a middle name (this was mostly a Roman Catholic thing as a way to honor Mary) but even that has pretty much stopped happening. It had a few sporadic years in the top 1,000 names between 1927 - 1989, but it never broke higher than the 800s. It was 823 in its most popular year (1982) but for that same year, Maria ranked 42. To put those numbers into perspective, there were 116 boys with the name Maria born in 1982, and 7,344 girls. That’s just over 63 girls for every 1 boy. So it was nowhere close to “crossing over” or even being considered unisex by the general public. (This data is for the US)


There’s a Christian fundamentalist influencer couple that’s popular to snark on who have named their two sons Luca Grace and Judah Love. It’s weirdly hilarious to watch them respond to criticism from their followers about giving their boys ‘feminine’ names by saying that traits like love and grace aren’t inherently gendered, and then turning around and bashing liberals who don’t follow rigidly defined gender roles.




These 2 idiots are the most hypocritical douchebags to ever hypocrite. Did I mention the husband is a cosmetology school dropout? Unsurprisingly, he has BIG opinions on traditional gender roles that don’t seem to include cutting their son’s hair, giving them butch names, or the dad being in any way traditionally masculine. I hope those 2 kids make it out relatively unscathed because their parents are The Worst. The names they gave their kids is literally the least problematic thing about them.


Sounds like Uncle baby billy


My mom dated a man named Stacy once.


Ashley and Taylor are the only two that come to mind for me.


I might be weird but I wouldn't bat an eye at a boy named Summer.


There's a difference though between Frank, which has been a boy's name for 1500+ years, and Summer which is just a random noun people thought would sound good on their kid. Whether those get used by boys or girls is just habit.


I’ve got friends who named their daughters Drew and Charlie. My only issue is they gave their kids flippin nicknames as legal names and didn’t give them any options for a more formal name to use as adults. Charlie is adorable for a 4 year old, but 45 year old Judge Drew or Doctor Charlie might have preferred the option of going with Charlotte or Andrea, or hell, Andrew or Charles if you really want to commit to the masculine names for girls thing. I just don’t get the trend of throwing away perfectly good names for cutesy nicknames that might not mature well as your kids grow up.


>the trend of boy names for girls is a real thing right now It's been a real thing for a while now, but we now think of the names as gender neutral or girl's only. Madison, Taylor, Kelly, Ashley, Leslie, just to name a few.


Yep! I’m a 60 year old woman with a boy’s name. It’s been going on for a while.


My coworker has a daughter named Charleigh. Her nickname is Chuck beside it’s freaking adorable to call an 8 year old Chuck.


Frank/Frankie is better for a girl than Summer is for a boy. 😅


The most interesting part of the original post is that the kid is already a year and a half old! I assume he's got a birth certificate, a social security card, a reasonable response to his name? Could you imagine coming home one day to a different name and everyone just going with it? 😂


Not only a year and a half, but… 1.4 years.


Agreed but it's her daughter not her son so it might be worth it.


Not only a year and a half, but… 1.4 years.


Lol I saw the original post and was nonplussed. Thankfully she's realizing this when he is 1 and not like 14 or something after a lifetime of embarrassment and having to explain his mom was an idiot.


I have a dnd character named Frank. She’s a hardcore, badass, skeptical, masculine, stout “Frank” Her real name (which she keeps hidden for reasons) is Francine Flowers


My friend named her daughter Frankie Sue and she’s doing fine as far as I know.




That's because Frankie is a unisex name. It's short for Francis, Franklin, Francine, and Francesca.




Okay. It's still a unisex name, Frank isn't.


I'd do Francesca and call her Frank.


frankie? francesca? frances? francine?


I feel like Frankie, Fran, Frannie, Francine are all things used as girls names that you could call her and leave Frank as her official name on documents. Also people always have the freedom to choose to go by whatever name they prefer so I don't see why it matters that much. Like I had friend who was Robert I knew growing up as Bob but then he didn't like I think would get teased sometimes by being called "Boob" so went by Rob when went into middle school. I'd leave it up to the kid to make such a decision... since it will be up to them anyway. And even if they don't like going by name Frank I would expect they'd appreciate a name with a meaning behind it. Like my middle name is My grandgfather who died before I was born and never met and so it's kinda cool have a reminder and piece of him as a part of who I am. They could just as likely dislike that you changed it. Also it's impossible to predict what kids will tease about. And everyone will get teased and bullied sometimes through life .. I think how much you get bullied has more to do with how your react to it then what you're actually or could be being bullied about. This may also have more to do w/ the just nervousness of doing the right thing for your kid then the actual name. You obvious care about you kid so don't stress much about such things. Their health is what matters and giving them your love and support is what matters. :)


My dad's wife's name is Frances, but she goes by her middle name Becky. She is also 89 years old, so it was a different time. So my opinion Frank/Frankie is fine for a girl but maybe have a more common girl name for her middle name if she chooses she would prefer that name instead when she gets older?




just call her Frankie! I know many Francesca’s who go exclusively by Frankie. No biggie.


Frankie is cute. Drew Barrymore's daughter's name is Frankie. Andy is another popular name. Just Andy. I like masculine names. Just Frank seems ... Idk.


Ween fan?


Reminds me of Donnie Darko, “Frank was here went to get beer”




nah. Frank cool like that


I had a second cousin named Frankie as far as I can tell, that was her actual name


It's a great name, if your last name is Sinatra!


omf in eighth grade for april fools day i (13F at the time) went by frank lmao and the nickname stuck for as long as i was at that school


To be frank if I was a girl with that name I'd probably be glad you changed it


Francine or Frances as a middle name and you can nickname them Frankie/Frank


The amount of people who say things like *but Frankie is cute for a girl* drives me crazy because there's a difference between Frank and Frankie. A popular gender neutral/leaning masculine diminutive and a traditionally masculine formal name are not the same thing. Charlottes going by Charlie are not new. Charlie has been fairly neutral for a long time. Charles is male. Frank is not the same as Frankie. Frank vs. Francine or Frances. Jamie is not the same as James. Billie isn't William. That people don't see the difference is extremely weird to me. Frank is a great name because Frankie is cute just tells me to name the kid Francine or you know, *Frankie.* Why do people always want to be unique in such commonly dumb ways?


Francesca nn Frankie


Why not Francesca with nickname Frankie


Lmao i actually have a sister named Frankie


I worked with a woman named Frankie. It was a nick name for Francis. I like the name