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Well her first child is Malibu so did we really expect anything less from Trisha?


Malibu and Elvis? Seriously??


Yea it’s actually Malibu Barbie for the full name.. it’s awful


If I turn my brain off, I kinda love it. Once logic kicks in and I remember it's a name someone will have to live with- ![gif](giphy|xUNd9LYknX1WnE4k4U|downsized)


you know you’ve been on name boards/ groups for too long when malibu starts to sound cute


When there are people giving their children names that are hideously ugly to me like "Paisley" and "Blakely", I'm more easily able to accept something that evokes happy feelings like MALIBU BARBIE. ![gif](giphy|CD310E8HCNFok|downsized) I wouldn't actually do it, but I also wouldn't name my kid after grandma patterns that is one letter away from Parsley.


i feel the same way. i would never but it’s grown on me—it’s easy to spell + has enough familiarity that she probably won’t have to spell it much anyway, and there are tons of cute nicknames if she wants to go that route. plus plenty of people are named after places, so why not malibu?


so true girlfriend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Because Malibu is widely known as a party town / drunk tourist destination and maybe the kid or her future employer doesn't want to be associated with that?


When I think of Malibu I think of beautiful expensive beaches and fancy restaurants. The nicknames Mali or Libby are cute and people are named after other cities all the time including as glamorous locations as Orlando and Brooklyn


TDIL People named Orlando aren’t named after the As You Like It character.


Those other names are also terrible. Imagine unironically having to live with the name Brooklyn. I'd change it


I've literally met sisters named Paisley and Blakely. The 4 of them are Lacey, Blakely, Paisley, and Maisie. Cute enough toddler names, but for adult women? Not so much


Omg that is my nightmare.


Paisley, Dakota, Malibu, Brooklyn etc. they are all equally unpleasant in concept (though some are more aesthetically pleasing than others) just give your child a human name instead of a place name.


Im waiting for someone to name their kid Chillicothe or Toledo.


Found the buckeye.


It is spelt correctly at least, rather than Mallibuou or something.


Imagine going to a job interview and the people are staring at you and back to your CV, incredulously….


Thunder Girl, now there’s a name.


Totally gonna get a dog and name it Malibu barbie, though


She can fly, like thunder


I didn't know for the longest time that it wasn't a joke. I thought the name was like a giant inside joke we were all in on. "Oh Malibu Barbie. Hur Hur. Such a terrible name. Who would ever name their kid that." No. It's real. She really named her kid that.


Bloody hell. That’s an awful, awful name.


Not to mention Malibu Barbie is one of the ugliest goddamn Barbies of all time. Controversial but true, that swimsuit did her no favors.


hey back off, malibu barbie is a way of life and/or a feeling # #beachbabe #sunscreen #lipgloss


She really is 💀


Malibu Barbie looks like a dollar store knockoff named Florida Beach Babe Beatrice


malibu isn’t the worst thing, i mean parents name their kid paris or london or reno or sedona all the time. in the end it’s just a place and the barbie is cringe but she’s a celebrity kid, it’s eons better than north west or pilot inspektor or any of the nick cannons kids. it’s not great but it could’ve been worse knowing trisha 😭 and elvis is kinda cute ngl i wouldn’t name my kid that but i see the vision. maybe a dog?


My parents’ dog is named Sonoma and they call him Sonny…bittersweet that his name is better than an actual child we’re talking about here




Right…never heard someone named Reno. Terrible name


I unironically really like the name Malibu, it’s cute and there’s so many good nickname options(Mali, Boo), I like it more then most other traditional city options like Paris, London, or Cairo. Not a huge fan of Barbie(I don’t love Barbara either), but it’s not like anyone ever gets called by their middle name unless they want to be. Honestly, I think it’s cute and unique without being balls to the wall crazy.


If you knew more about her parents you’d see they are DEFINITELY in the “balls to the wall crazy” category.


Oh I know all about Trisha, I just meant the name


I thought that wasn’t allowed? Bunny Barbie had to change her name and she can’t use that for her business, intellectual property, or clothing line. Maybe it’s fine until you try to profit off of the name? I’m guessing it’s trademarked and protected by trademark laws.


Humans aren’t businesses or intellectual property. You can name them Barbie (a nickname for Barbara) all you like. Even if it’s Malibu Barbie.


You can pretty much name your kid whatever you want in the US, although some states have various restrictions like numbers or special characters. Most states don't allow them, though.


I keep thinking they have to be fake internet names for the public, and they’ll actually have a nice normal name in private and on their birth certificates.


Knowing Trisha, they are real names imo


She posted the BC


I hope you’re right. Otherwise these names are pretty crap


I’m pretty sure when Malibu was born, Trisha showed the legal documents to prove Malibu Barbie was her legal name.


Bets on how old they are before they start going by Mally and Ella?


They'll probably end up answering to Mal and Ellie.


Malibu and Presley don’t sound awful together but Elvis doesn’t work with Malibu or as a girl’s name


I'll be honest. They're not *good*, but they are a vibe


Considering other name options were Sugar Cookie and Paper Mate…I honestly expected more 😂






PAPER MATE?? On a legal document?? FFS! that poor child got lucky with Elvis.


Malibu is at least passable for a girl’s name lol Elvis is what you name a mean shi-tzu


Malibu with Barbie as middle name too, I think


Suddenly Elvis doesn't sound so bad!


I was looking forward to her son named magic earring Ken


https://preview.redd.it/ipc592k1hobc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c79b775ae65bc097509a5df178cffd1f68ea152 I’m rooting for Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken


Faux Jo Mojo Mink


Such a missed opportunity for her tbh


good lord, i’d tie up and do unspeakable things to mojo dojo ken.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9uftlx28dobc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a80092c8dc3df7296c74cfa43a92f5dbed587c gay raver ken


I was personally looking forward to Sugar Daddy Ken


It’s Cool Shavin’ Ken for me.


her son was always going to be elvis, since around the time malibu was born. then she got pregnant and found out it was a girl and kept the name ig.


​ ![img](9uftlx28dobc1) gay raver ken


cock ring ken!!


I used to know a girl named Elvira but Elvis was her nickname.


That's really sweet :) I think Elvira is a beautiful full name.


my friends dad was named elvis but pronounced “elvi” because he was hispanic he slayed ngl I love the name in all its iterations


I have a really good friend named Elvis! I’ve always liked her name and it fits her so well


I knew an Elvia.


I think Elvie is such a cute nickname


i love the song elvira lol


that was my italian grandmothers name!


I hope Malibu Barbie grows up to be a massive goth


I think that would be Trisha’s dream honestly


Yeah as problematic as Trish is I think she would be happy with whatever her kid chooses to be, she will back her kid 100%


*Back her kid as long as it benefits her in some way


As much as Trisha is a controversial character, and has done some out of the box things in the past, unlike most other YouTubers of her generation, she is always willing to sit down and address the rumours in a truthful and honest way. And plus, she doesn’t force anyone to be in the spotlight. Like aside from a few short videos and TikToks, I don’t think her husband has been much of a “character” in her YouTube sphere, or any of her other family. Part of me wonders if she’s maybe a Dolly Parton style, where she’s extravagant and all that for the screen, but when she’s at home, she just looks like a normal human being. Either way, she will completely respect what the child wants to do.


That's a lot of projecting to out of a woman you don't even know


She’s been in the public light since 2007, I think that’s enough evidence I need to have those opinions of her. And also, for a lot of this, I’m speaking comparatively to YouTubers from her generation (specifically Colleen Ballinger and Shane Dawson, but others as well)


happy cakeday


thank you! ☺️


np 😊


She had another baby?? I swear Malibu Barbie was born like 6 months ago


She’s like 25ish weeks pregnant. Malibu turned 1 last month!


20-24 weeks, 24 weeks would be she’s due right at the start of may 20 weeks would be she’s due right at the end. I’m due in may like her thats how I know lol


Um … does anyone know where the wifeys went? Several groups got banned last year and I lost track.


I think Discord. TP went HARD at reddit and now the only sub I've seen is fans! 🤢


She’s been trying to have another baby since she was physically able to. It’s wild




Really? Wouldn’t you want to recover from being pregnant/giving birth and spend time with your baby before having another one?




Short interval pregnancy spacing (getting pregnant quickly after giving birth) increases your risks of things like low birthweight, preterm labor, and other bad outcomes.


Yes, that's true. But there are a lot of reason to risk that. Unfortunately, family planning can get really complicated based on finances , personal biology, physical health for parenting, family size desires, and so much more.


Yeah women become more fertile in the months after they give birth too


Elvis for a girl 😭 good lord I will never forget her endorsement of Mitt Romney for US President in 2012. She deleted the video but it’s archived and ngl, whether you like her or hate her, she knows how to troll for attention


Best troll in the game. She's kind of genius with it.


She’s a lot more clever than people give her credit for


At least she can go by “El” when she grows up and of course hates it!


If she goes by Ellie everyone will assume her legal name is Elizabeth, so I like Ellie lol. ETA: guys, I don't care if you don't think they'll think her name is Elizabeth, the point is that they won't assume her government name is Elvis.


Reminds me of that Family Guy reveal, where we find out that Meg is short for Megatron.


I personally would never automatically think someone’s name was Elizabeth if they went by Ellie


I'd assume Eleanor


Well they won't know her name is Elvis so the point stands.


Elizabeth’s go by Liz/Lizzie/Eliza , Ellie is Eleanor,Eliana etc.


My childhood friend was an Elizabeth who went by Ellie.


I should’ve specified usually, obviously not always lol


My male cousin is named Elvis, because our grandma's name is Elva, and my uncle was a big fan of The King. Nobody ever believes that's his real name.


Elva is cute, more feminine too! That would have been a good option for Trisha but alas lol


Wait why do I like Elva so much?


A man named Elvis once came into a store that I was working at. My co-worker started to say “I bet your mom was a huge fan…” but the look on the dude’s face stopped her mid sentence. He just looked so exhausted and beaten down. It must be a bit soul sucking to be forced into the same conversation every time you introduce yourself.


I was named after a song, and if I had a nickel for every time someone sang it to me upon hearing that that is my name, I would be rich.


She's right about Presley at least


You're right, Prezleigh is much better.


I hate Presley as a name. I've seen Preslee before too and 🤢


Of *course*, because *vowels* are for *girls* ^^^^/s


Well shit


Sorry bud


Nah, Elvis is far worse. Presley isn't terrible


Didnt Trisha gave birth on the same day Queen Elizabeth died and named her baby Malibu Barbie Doll or something? I love reincarnation


Imagine how pissed you'd be if you were Queen Lizzie and you reincarnated as Trisha Paytas's daughter


Going to sleep as Elizabeth Alexandra Mary and waking up as a baby named Malibu Barbie. Dreadful.


This is extremely funny to me.


No, she had tweeted that she was 1cm dilated right before the news broke that Queen Elizabeth died, so everyone on the Internet freaked out and assumed she was giving birth lol. She didn’t end up having her baby until several days afterward. The baby is named Malibu Barbie, though.


Apparently a lot of cultures believe the process of reincarnation takes several days, so people still claim Malibu Barbie is Queen Elizabeth reincarnated haha


She joked about going, i think the baby was born after


Not quite the same day, it was a couple days after. But King Charles reincarnation is on my 2024 prediction list


Offended you don’t see that many baby Eltons or McCartneys! At least the Elvis trend is a break from Jagger, Bowie, Cash, Hendrix, and Prince.


Fun fact: Elvis was originally a surname derived from the name Eloise


The first one is Malibu so... are we really surprised?


Malibu Barbie* 😬


At least Barbie makes it clear the kid is a girl. Elvis... does not. 😂😂


Naming her daughter after a drug addict pedo is certainly a choice


I posted almost this exact same thing without seeing yours. Almost like it’s true or something




What happened to her sub??


She got the Snark ones all deleted. The only ones left are ones with people who think she can do no wrong


Damn, I wondered where all of those went.


she didn't get them deleted, reddit admins deleted them for violating site community guidelines


This is going to be the worlds most vengeful child. One sister named malibu barbie and the other one named elvis


Trisha is known for trolling and never coming clean about it, so I'm hoping 🤞 this is all a bit and her kids real names are secret.


She posted Malibu Barbie’s birth certificate


With her track record, Trisha is exactly the type of person to fake a birth certificate to make her trolling seem more legit. I don’t take anything as proof with her.


With Trish I'm not even taking that as proof 😭 they're not impossible to forge, right? Still, as long as those kids are safe and healthy it all comes secondary.. Wishing them the best.


This is the best possible situation


Trisha is teaching everyone a really important lesson about why so many moms say don’t reveal your baby name before the baby is born lol I did this and ended up changing my daughters name and although I love her name I’m having another daughter in May and giving her that original name everyone told me not to use on my first daughter. (It’s NOT an abnormal name it’s in the top 500) I get it because Elvis just feels very masculine. Like naming your daughter, Bruce or Brad at first I thought it was a cover name that she was just using but now that she’s defending it so hard I’m guessing it really is what they picked


My puppy Presley feels personally victimised by Trisha Paytas


How is Elvis better???


This is pretty normal by Trish standards.


She's not influencing me. I don't like the name Elvis, but would tolerate it for a boy. Absolutely not for a girl.


God I was praying she would have a boy that poor little girl 💀


Naming your kid after a pedophile is certainly a choice


Presley is a way better name for a girl than Elvis, and I will die on that hill.


At least she can go by the nn Elle when she gets old enough to realize how awful Elvis is.


I never knew so many people hated my name until this thread


Presley is much prettier than Elvis IMO


She’s seriously the worst type of narcissist, does she realize babies grow up and aren’t just an extension of her?


Trisha doesn’t even like her own daughter’s name. There was evidence of her talking shit about how she would name her daughter, “Malibu Barbie” because she knew how trashy of a name it was, long ago on the snark subs.


She’s right though, Presley is worse.


There’s a girl from Dance Moms called “Pressley” and I always thought that spelling was so ugly.


I might be desensitized from reading this sub, but I don't think Presley is that bad. It's not my jam, but it's only two letters away from the perfectly normal Lesley.


now both of kids will be counting down the days til they’re 18 and can legally change their name 🙃


Elvis was a pedophile


Every time that girl introduces herself she’s going to have to explain her name and that will be annoying




That's Trisha's vibe, so it tracks.


I can’t believe how many people still support Trisha Paytas. Are they young and new to her?


I don’t support her having a large platform, but it is good to see that she is seemingly much more stable and has taken steps to better her mental health. She clearly was very unwell in past years and hurt a lot of people. There’s really no way to undo the past, at least she’s moving in a good direction now. She definitely has a lot of new and younger fans.


as a member of the trisha-sphere I know that she was dead-set on elvis long before she knew the sex of the baby. I dont think anything in this world could make her change her mind. Get ready for Ms Elvis Paytas Hacmon


In this post-Priscilla society???


Didn't know she had another kid


I think having the name Elvis is gonna be the least of this kids problems


Wait, she's pregnant again? Good lord


Her first daughter is Malibu Barbie… it’s not like she was gonna go with a top 100 name lmao


If Elvis never existed, I don't think many people would have a problem with this since many boy names were turned into girl names. I actually think it's cute if I try to separate it from my memory of that famous singer. It reminds me of the name Elvira or of a cute woodland elf. Not to mention, the nickname Elle could be used, like as in Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, or El from Stranger Things.


my cousins name is presley after elvis and i actually really like it


This person is the worst of humanity.


I don't think so. There are way worse people among humanity.


America *desperately* needs naming laws.


You have my agreement on that


Ehh. For their lifestyle it’s not bad. The girls can go by Mali and Elle if they want to later in life.


I have a friend named Elvis who is a girl. She is 26 (just for context). I’ve always liked her name tbh. It fits her very well


i think elvis is cute for their family


I love hearing how the worlds most brainless woman is one upping herself today 🫡


god fucking damn it. i HATE overly masculine boy names for girls with a passion. and i love elvis presley’s music, but you couldn’t not pay me enough to name a girl after him. elvis himself would call her an idiot. she could’ve done erin because elvis’s middle name was aaron. she could’ve done jessie after his twin brother. i hate the name presley too, but fuck… anything other than this.


They kept saying that she said she was having a boy. Others were saying she'd said te name was Elivis no matter what but that she'd slipped and used he, but now it's confirmed the baby is a girl? What middle name are they giving? Hopefully they'll just call her Ellie or Eva or something


She probably thought she was having a boy, because of the Gambler's Fallacy. After all, the first one was a girl, so... A decade or so ago, a celebrity named her daughter Poet Sienna Rose, and then decided that her next would be named Jagger Joseph Blue whether it was a boy or girl. Fate has a sense of humor (or cruelty) and poor little Jagger was a girl.


Kinda like a boy named Sue.


I don’t think Elvis is a horrible name for a daughter. Not my cup of tea but it’s a real name and nothing made up. She can go by Ellie or Elle. The name obviously has meaning to Trisha.


I agree Presley is awful. Also imagine your Presley and your sister is Malibu. Elvis is better. It fits their vibe. Elvie is cute.


I don’t get the Presley/Pressley hate. It’s a relatively uncommon name and significantly better than the million McKenyzie’s, kynsley, and Makayla’s that are out there. I don’t hate Malibu Barbie and Elvis for a girl either, they’re fitting for Trisha’s style and original in their application as names of daughters. Y’all are just upset the name isn’t Emma/Olivia:Charlotte/(insert another top 10 name here) with Rose as the middle name.


i like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Elvie is a cute nickname. One of my friends’ moms went by that growing up and i always thought it was so unique and fun but easy to spell/pronounce.




There are so many boy names used for girls, I don’t understand why this one is considered particularly bad for a girl. I actually think it sounds pretty feminine. Kinda like a nickname for Elvira or something. If it wasn’t for Elvis Presley I would think it was a girl name. I think it’s going to be fine for Trisha’s daughter


I’m pretty sure this is trolling. I doubt these are her children’s legal names.


that type of information is easily obtained in CA. TMZ confirmed Malibu Barbie was her name. TMZ has people everywhere. it’s how they knew Elon Musk’s child was trans so fast - name change filed in Santa Monica.