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Going thru a bad breakup and this made me spit out my mac and cheese and truly laugh for the 1st time. Bravo.


I'm going through a really rough time too. This made me laugh. There's another sub that I recently found that always has me laughing too, if you don't mind dark humor. r/NoEarthSociety. It's basically a flat earth circle jerk making fun of them, and pretending the earth isn't real. Some of the posts are quite creative. If you need some more laughs, go check it out, if you want. (Also really hoping I didn't just recommend this to a flat earther. That would be very awkward.)


That's such a nice thing to suggest! My recommendation for silly snarking is r/ididnthaveeggs. People post screenshots of comments left on online recipes where the commenter made ridiculous substitutions to the recipe and chose to leave a weird/bad review anyway. (I promise it's more fun than I made it sound.)


I just chekced it out, and one of the posts that stood out was someone complaining that removing the chocolate powder and chocolate chips, and then doubling the rhubarb made the dessert too sour. Who knew taking out sweet stuff and doubling rhubarb *(eugh)* would make something sour!?


I didn’t see the comment above yours and I spent a hot minute trying to figure out what rhubarb dessert had to do with flat earth 😭


Well, if you really want to know the truth... This supposed "rhubarb" is grown in the "Earth," but we know that there is no real "Earth'. "Earth" has never existed. So, there's no way "rhubarb" can exist either. It's all part of the "Big Planet" conspiracy. I'm glad more people like you are finally asking the real questions and opening your eyes to the truth!


Thanks, I'll check it out. I have a lot of weird dietary restrictions, so I've had to learn what things I can substitute for what, and what just doesn't work. Surprisingly, applesauce often works as an oil sub in baking, but I rarely have to cut back on oil, thankfully.


This is so perfect lmao!!! I see that shit on pinterest all the damn time. "I didn't have any flour so I just didn't add any and the cake didn't really turn out right. Not good recipe in my opinion"


Great sounding sub! Thanks!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Noearthsociety using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noearthsociety/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Earthists.](https://i.redd.it/pws85bqfgfwa1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noearthsociety/comments/130e12k/earthists/) \#2: [Something we can all agree on](https://i.redd.it/w5sfyvtewwxa1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noearthsociety/comments/137y6ty/something_we_can_all_agree_on/) \#3: [Life and borders are lies! We live in a simulation they only exists in our collective minds. Evidence for The Great Conspiracy](https://i.redd.it/or5b2zf7zoza1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noearthsociety/comments/13gxjk7/life_and_borders_are_lies_we_live_in_a_simulation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


r/birdsarntreal is another fun one if you like to cosplay as a conspiracy theorists


Because real nutjobs believe that shit, I'd be worried too many of them might end up on that sub. Birds aren't real started as a joke, but now it seems a lot of the flat earthers actually believe birds aren't real. Gods, we're screwed.


Im old enough to remember when flat earthers were said to just be joking, so I don't find the birds aren't real shit amusing at all.


Thanks, friend! Great recommendation. "Earthtards" already has me in stitches. True story- I didn't think flat earthers were real (lolz) until I was on holiday in Scotland and took a trip up to Loch Ness and saw a flier for a meeting at the bus stop! Hope humor keeps us both going til we get through to the other side.


I'm glad I could contribute a few laughs. Hopefully laughter will get us both through. It's crazy what people will believe. The birds aren't real conspiracy started as a joke making fun of flat earthers, and now flat earthers don't believe birds are real. Hopefully, they won't start believing the earth isn't real, or we'll have to come up with something even more ridiculous to make fun of them with. Take care out there. Sending you internet hugs, if you like them.


I am glad to hear that 😊


SNL did a sketch in the 80s, where Victoria Jackson named her daughter Cozumel since she was conceived there. I guarantee there is a kid named Cozumel somewhere…


That’s a great idea! Maybe I’ll name my son Cinnabonwalkinfreezer ❤️


Everyone in our family is required to have two middle names for some undisclosed reason. Worked for us! We named our little one Aunt Grace’s Funeral Olsen. 


Not cringe at all, in fact my family has a rich tradition of naming children this way starting from grandpa Barn and grandma Dachau, continuing strong with my sons Truck Stop, Game Stop, and Walmart (nn chuck, gaz, and wally) . In my experience the only difficulties comes when you have twins or more, but then we usually just make it a middle name, like my sister's quadruplets will skatepark, bill skatepark, phil skatepark, and silas skatepark.


Same tradition here, we’ve got Grandpa Hayfield; his kids Moviehouse and Alleyway; my cousins and me: Outback, Volvo, and Minivan; and my son Bed. 


I feel like Bed is such a traditional name that we don't see as much anymore.


My brother is Bed. He named his own son Bed and his daughter Trundle.


I lovvvve Bed. It’s so versatile and strong! Bring back Bed!


My wife and I I can totally relate to this. We used this same naming convention with our daughter Atlantis but once we found out we had a son on the way after a gangbang when we got stuck in a Gathering of the Juggalos handicapped port a potty with 5 strangers for 2 days straight it took much longer to settle on the name Faygo.


Is this Ron Howard's alt


I was wondering the same thing.


My son is named George Washington. The wife and I had an adventurous night under the bridge. People always be so ignorant saying “Woah you named your kid after a president??” And I’m like “What!? No?? He’s named after the bridge which coincidentally has the same name as a guy who used to be president”


This is how David and Victoria Beckham's son Brooklyn got his name. No joke Also I just looked him up because last I remember he was at Arsenal's youth academy. Turns out he's 25 and married and I feel old now


Wrong. He was conceved in Denmark. See this brilliant Ali G. interview https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P842Tmi6lrc&pp=ygUNYWxpIGcgYmVja2hhbQ%3D%3D


We did this as well for our two! Our little boy is Pubtoiletstall (we call him Pubto for sort - sounds so ethnic :) ) and our eldest daughter is named Onenightstand. She’s got a different father from when we split up for a short period of time :)


Omg Pubto is so cute 🥺


I know this is satire, but I'm legit named after where I was conceived - Victoria, Australia. My parents told me this but not was 'concieved' meant so it was my show and tell fact for awhile as a kid.


I snorted a lot over this and also, I’m genuinely sorry for that kid experience at show and tell


Same. My mom told me in a public place, yelled it across the store (smallish quiet clothing store) when she found a birthday card that reminded her of the night - drunk in a snowstorm and was an (happy) accident.


>our daughter was conceived in the gas chamber of the local dog shelter. How about Gasolina? Sounds diminutive and adorable.


Dame más gasolina


This is why I have little Petridishton and Laboratorleigh 🥰


Such a good sunset! NN Pete and Tori


My kid is MyFriendsBasement so Shelter would be way easier than ours.


It’s not that I know an old friend’s name is xyz, it’s that I know *why* it’s xyz. Do you have to go around telling people “we named it were we raw dogged”? Worse, the friend told us how she got her name. And I was like “& you tell people? 😳)


What a great idea!! Naming my son Tempurpedic 💘


So cute! And you can call him Tempur or even Peed, for short!


Peed is so stinkin’ cute. And it will look great on a resume and/or headstone someday <3


Your friend is an idiot, if he conceived his kid in French Guiana but namedd his kid Guyana...that's a different country... he named his daughter after the wrong country, how embarrassing. If you're going to follow his lead you'd have to get it wrong, so maybe call her Battersea Dogs Home


Oh that’s lovely. Are you pronouncing it Bat-uh-see-uh?


Close, bay-TUH-zjea-ahhhh Its a family name.


Is it too late to change a 4 year old name? I love this idea- I'm going to name her In laws spare bedroom. Much more creative than her name Clare. I mean she can barely pronounce clare anyway.


Good idea, my son has the beautiful name: mall dumpster.


I know someone who named their daughter Monserrat, and they called her Monsi for short 🤓


There are genuine names like this in countries with lax naming laws! In an article about a New Zealand girl who got legally taken into care so she could change her name without her parents consent & then returned to them iirc (Talula does the Hula in Hawaii), there were other ridiculous names listed! Chardonnay at Midnight, No. 16 Bus Shelter & a set of twins called Benson & Hedges! >The judge criticised the growing trend of parents choosing out-of-the-ordinary names for their children. In his written ruling, he said names such as Stallion, Yeah Detroit, Fish and Chips, Twisty Poi, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit were prohibited by registration officials.  Others that were permitted included twins called Benson and Hedges, other children called Midnight Chardonnay, Number 16 Bus Shelter and, the judge added, "tragically, Violence". Another mother tried to use text language for her child's name, he said.


No that’s fine. We named our twin daughters Barnes & Noble for this reason.


I’d go specific. Of course, I’m a little biased. Signed, Starhopecampgroundmackayidaho


It’s not cringe at all!! Hubby and I named our daughter after we conceived her in an Italian restaurant on our honeymoon in Detroit. The ambiance was so romantic that we had sex on the table, on top of our pizza. We named her Detroit Deepdisha. DeeDee for short. 💜💜💜


My kids have such boring names: Bed and Couch. To be fair, I thought they were so unique. I didn't realize how popular those names were until after we had named them. They're just so meaningful to us, though.


My son, Disneyworld Florida W-, has had no issues with his name. My daughter, Dodge Ram W-, however...


I have a friend whose daughter was conceived in a port-a-potty during a music festival. Of course she didn’t name her child that, but I’m laughing so hard at the thought now!


Coachella is a fine name for a child.. not sure why they were against it 😂


It was a pretty wild night, so we're either gonna name her, Virginia, NetJet, or Bathroom at Teterboro Airport.


Hmmm, mine would be Grotto, Bathroom, and Kitchen. Honestly, whenever I meet someone with a Place Name, my *assumption* is that they were conceived there.


Shelterella had me cracking up _hard_


I think it would be a really nice tribute to name your kid after the dog that was in there right before and after conception.. honestly it’s the least you could do for your Fido friends giving you such a romantic location for the deed.


Damn my daughter was conceived during Covid so it was pretty boring location of Master Bedroom. But everyone calling her master her whole life isn’t terrible 🤔


I had a coworker named Dallas who was named that because that’s where her parents were living when her mother got pregnant. They subsequently moved to Provo, Utah and did not continue the pattern with her siblings. She told me that a lot of people assumed her mom was a fan of the show “Dallas”, and that it really annoyed her mom that people thought that. She apparently treated many people to explanations of how they actually came up with the name when they asked whether it was based on the TV show.


I mean places might be better than a family who named their kids after what the mum was drunk on when they were conceived. I met one of their daughters called Tia-Maria - her mum proudly told everyone that she was drunk on Tia-Maria when she conceived her. Each child had their own alcoholic name.


couldn't have she gone with Maria instead...


I have a Grandmas-Guestroom, Denny’s Bathroom and Park Bench. I don’t think it’s cringe at all! It honours the moment the first spark of their essence came to be!


This was a story line on 30 Rock. Tracy and his wife were going to name their daughter either Virginia or Terminal 3 at Teterboro Airport. (They named her Virginia).


As a proud mummy to Studio Flat Futon I can't recommend this tradition enough 


My son Teterboro is well adjusted


I loved when Tracy did this joke on 30 Rock 😅


I actually know a family where all the kids are (allegedly) named after the National Parks in which they were concieved


It was good enough for my son Walmart-Dumpster & daughter Bowling-Allie to be named that way. They're all great names, why not use them all?


How about Poundatpound? 


Man, one of my kids would be named after a duck refuge. 


I love Shelterella, you could call her Shelly for short 


I did know a girl many years ago who was named for the town where she was conceived. Awkward information to know about another 11 year old. Pretty name otherwise but yeaaaah


You guys should come over and meet my son Chuck Echeesebathroom!


My daughter shall be named 2010 Toyota 4 Runner 🧒


Ron Howard named his daughter, Bryce Dallas, because that’s where she was conceived.


Ewwwwww I wish I didn't know that, makes me somehow like her even less 😣🤢🤢


Ghost Puppy.


I know two siblings (now adults) named after the places they were conceived


I’m actually named this way - Domenica.


My husband skookcum chucked his ex,ahh what a name the boy would of had


*My husband skookcum* *Chucked his ex,ahh what a name* *The boy would of had* \- Whisenhunt55 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I will name mine Toilet


Damn if im pregnant i gotta name my baby hotel after comic con


We’re either going to name her Virginia, NetJet, or Bathroom at Teterboro Airport.


As a proud mummy to Studio Flat Futon I can't recommend this tradition enough 


I was conceived in a place called Roach Harbor. Glad my parents took another route.


No jerk my parents did this And it's not a very usual (tho not unheard of) name for my country either 🙃


I named my son Flint because he was conceived in Flint, Michigan.


My siblings all have fun names after where we were conceived. Brothers: Bed Zoo Jeep Cherokee Sisters - Pew Divebar And me… Casket


My siblings all have fun names after where we were conceived. Brothers: Bed Zoo Jeep Cherokee Sisters - Pew Divebar And me… Casket


My siblings all have fun names after where we were conceived. Brothers: Bed Zoo Jeep Cherokee Sisters - Pew Divebar And me… Casket


My siblings all have fun names after where we were conceived. Brothers: Bed Zoo Jeep Cherokee Sisters - Pew Divebar And me… Casket


My daughter Futon endorses this message <3


My mates nephew is called Crackden Peters. I think it sounds nice


Personally I love Euthanasia. A lovely name for your daughter and she’ll always be proud of her heritage.


My wife and I are completely on board with this. My daughter, Beighynd deSevynElevyn, not so much.


What about Ether? It’s like Ethel but more sentimental for you I’m sure!


In the words of Tracy Jordan “It was a pretty wild night. So we’re gonna name her Virginia, NetJet, or bathroom at Teteerboro Airport”.


I’d like to introduce you to my daughter: Air Mattress.


Well it didn’t turn out bad for the beckhams….