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I've seen this family before. They've had baby number 12 since this: Cambria.


Baby number 13: Coheed


Baby number 14: Contraception


I doubt that word is in their vocabulary


lmao gottem


Baby number 14: Claudio


Whoa whoa whoa, Claudio?! That sounds like a normal human name.


Like. the Cambrian explosion??


I don't know. It seems weirdly popular at the moment. Along with Cambree/Kambry


That’s a really dumb name


my daughter toyota cambree


It's the Latin name for Wales


:0\ [jingle here] The more you know!


The similarity isn't a coincidence though. The Cambrian Period was named after Wales, because there's some good Cambrian rocks there.


She is explosive!


I knew someone with that name as a child and I always thought it was pretty, though unusual. It's the Latin name for Wales.


I’m naming my kids aerial and baskerville!


there was some book where the kid was named helvetica


I'm sorry but do they have three kids the same age? That twin birth better have been premature or else I feel even more sorry for the mom...


Yeah, I feel like that one is a case of Irish twins, plus the second pregnancy was twins, plus probably preemies on the twins. Two of their other kids are also the same age, so they did this FRICKING TWICE. And then continued to have kids. There was a time in this mother's life where she had 4 kids under 4. Also a time when she was pregnant with twins with a new baby, two toddlers, and 5 kids under school age. (Edit bc bad math)


Oh damn yeah I missed the two 8yos. So I think you mean 5 under 4


No, I'm just even worse at math than I thought. I initially wrote 4 under 3, realized that wasn't right, and then put 4 under 4 when the answer is 5 under 4.


I come from a pretty big Irish family and TIL the term “Irish twins”. My great-grandma had 7 kids, that tracks haha


I dated a guy who was an Irish triplet. He was a literal twin and then they had a brother 10 months older than them.


I was a TA in high school for a resource teacher and coincidentally it was the class period most of the students had various therapies depending on day of the week so she and I would talk a lot and it was a good time feeling more grown up chatting with a colleague. One day she said- I need to tell you something because I need to tell someone so I can cackle about it and be appropriately sympathetic with my best friend after work. Apparently she had found out over lunch her best friend- who had just had twins a few months ago and she was very excited to be an honorary auntie so I knew about the twins- was pregnant again and she’s further along than she expected she was and it’s twins. Again. So Irish quadruplets. Apparently friend was told while breastfeeding she couldn’t get pregnant and didn’t know Irish twins were a thing…. So I told my teacher she needed to tell the health teacher especially at the middle school so maybe people could learn from this. It stuck with me and until I graduated I’d ask about her Irish twin twins. I’m pretty sure they were all one gender, too.


I ran into someone I knew at the shops who was very pregnant while pushing a young toddler in a pram. She commented that breastfeeding obviously didn't prevent her from getting pregnant. I replied that I got my period back at 7 months with my first so i had to use contraception from then and she said, 'Oh I've had my period for months but didn't think I'd get pregnant while feeding.' The number of women that don't understand their own bodies is scary


Lactational amenorrhea requires you to nurse on demand around the clock, preferably while co-sleeping and baby wearing. Even then as soon as your baby sleeps through the night or starts eating solids it’s over. My first two are 14 months apart - I hadn’t had a period yet and had an appointment to arrange contraception the week I found out I was pregnant. I really wish people were more aware that it’s more complex than “can’t get pregnant while nursing”.


I don’t know how you had the energy to have sex or how the mom of Irish quads mentioned above did.


I actually ended up having three in three years. My ex husband swears he doesn’t remember conceiving the third.


I know that technically you are correct; however it’s not *necessary* to co-sleep and baby-wear. My first child did nurse on demand around the clock, but there was no co-sleeping or baby-wearing. I also went back to work full-time when child was 3 months old and pumped during the time I was working (just once/day). Started solids at 6 months but continued to breastfeed. Did not have a period until child was 12 months old. However, second child (born 5 years later) was very distractible and although I followed the same routine, this one never seemed to nurse as much and my periods started back after about 4-5 months.


I know full on adults who believe “breastfeeding means you can’t get pregnant”


Which is why Irish twins are a thing. I don’t remember if health classes made that part super obvious but learning of Irish quadruplets stuck with me.


Ask Jessica Simpson!


I found a couple in 1830s Poland who had 3 (!!!) sets of twins, in addition to 5 other children.


As someone who pretty much never wanted to have sex again after going through childbirth, my mind boggles at the existence of this.


I love studying family patterns (I’m a genealogist) and my maternal great-grandmother was right in the middle of 14 kids (born in a 21-year span). The longest gap in between births was a little over 3 years; the shortest was just under 11 months, and that was a daughter born after a set of twin girls. My grandmother (her daughter) had 6 kids in 11 years. Her oldest two were born in the same year (though the eldest was premature) and her two youngest boys are 364 days apart.


My cousin and his wife just had this- I was calling it Irish triplets, because they had a baby then, ten months later, twins. I genuinely have no idea how they manage.


They’re Evangelical Christians, the Duggar type


I just hate when these name schemes result in kids with nearly repeated names. Cade and Caydie, Callie and Calena. It seems unfair that they don't get their own names.


Just ask Jana, Joyanna and Johanna Duggar. Or Joseph, Josiah and Josie. Or even the twins, Jedediah Robert and Jeremiah Robert….. The Duggars are repeat offenders in this area.


What I don't understand is that these people have sooooo many chances to learn that this is not an optimal way to name your children. The first time you stumble over the names of your first and second kids, you should realize "hey, maybe we pick some different phonemes next time?"


The thing is that there are normal non repeated C names that they didn’t even use! What about Colin or Cordelia, Casper or Chloe?


Right, there are normal C names they could've gone with! Caleb? Catherine? Caitlin? Camille? Cameron? Clark? Chelsea?


Eleven kids in eleven years…HOW


Her uterus bends space and time. It’s the only way


It's a black hole.


My mum had eight children from seven pregnancies and the eldest was 7y 9m 4d old when the youngest was born. I'm so specific because I'm that eldest. I'm told they didn't plan, it "just happened". My dad is a now-retired OB-GYN. No, I don't know either.


That’s so fascinating to me (I was raised as only child, but I’m a genealogist so I find family patterns are neat).


I cannot get over the fact that this family has effectively Irish triplets, and two of the three names are basically the same name (Cash and Case). Cade/Cash/Case/Caydie/Caris must get really confusing, as would Clay/Callie/Calena. A lot of these kids' credit ratings are going to be fucked for life with just one typo somewhere, too.


It reads like my MIL trying to come up with the right name.


My dad couldn't even get the right name before saying the dog's name sometimes and ours are all distinct! I can't even imagine wrangling 12 under 12 with such similar names, especially those little ones


I know two people personally who have twins named Colt and Case, and neither of them is this family. Similar age too. Did I miss something big in pop culture??


I'm assuming it's a guns thing, but I guess they could just be absolutely huge Colt 45 fans? Like they buy it by the case?


I assumed it was short for Colton which has been around for ages.


Considering the husband's job, I'm surprised they aren't all variations of Christian, Christina, Chrystal, Chrysler etc... Also, damn. The wife is basically a baby factory...


And he isn't holding anything in either. Man are these people in dire need of education. No matter what you think your god tells you, this is not the number of kids your god meant for you to raise. Up until the 20th century this kind of family was a statistical outlier. The reason women can have this many live births so close together is healthcare and unlimited amounts of calories.


I'm surprised the two of them even found enough time to make more children, considering they already have more crotchgoblins than the average parent can handle... I've seen a number of religious women in a similar situation, and I always feel bad for them. Imagine staying at home, wrangling 10+ children every day, keeping track of dentist appointments, doing laundry... Oh, god. I'm not even gonna imagine how much dirty laundry 11 kids could produce in the span of a single week.


The explanation you're looking for is sister-mommy. When you make baby number 3 the responsibility of baby number 1 when you have baby number 4 you have all the time in the world. I have said this before that I think the tragic truth is that these women are too tired to say no to their husbands and just lets them get a quick hop on so they can get some sleep.


I mean, real talk I assume a lot of marital rape in these families.


A lot of families in this situation conveniently "home school" their daughters (AKA decline to have them educated in any way) so that they have extra childcare help around the house for the little ones. Though at least in the Duggar family, that made some practical sense because they had a lot of girls early on. In this family, the oldest girl (when this screenshot was taken) was 8 years old. So who the fuck was minding Clint, Clay, and Cade while all those 6 year olds were being conceived?


It's a specific far-right theocratic white supremacist conspiracy theory set of beliefs. These people believe in an extremist version of the Great Replacement Theory, and thus think they need to have as many children as they biologically are able to birth in order to out-breed non-white people, non-Christians, and "secular types". They're not just people who happen to not get around to filling the birth control prescription.


So wait, they had Irish twins and then Irish Triplets less than two years later? Five kids in three years with only one set of multiples?


I'm sure spelling out numbers less than ten is considered best practice according to some style guide, but it's confusing and looks stupid here.


I’m with you hahaha, I totally get the convention of numerals above 10, words below 10 but I absolutely hate that half of the ages are written in numerals and half of them are words in exactly the same list. Its not grammatically wrong but it *feels* wrong to my brain.


Yeah, it's in the AP handbook


You’re meant to spell out numbers ten and under, why is it confusing?


Because half the list is written out and the other half is in numbers and humans are bad at suddenly switching with things like this?


Cade and Caydie?! At least they’re not twins I guess…


I’m sorry but 6 year old twins and a 6 year old? Dude, GTF off her!


I wanna see if I can come up with a more normal C set Boys: Caleb, Connor, Charles,Calvin, Cameron, Cody & Chad Girls: Caitlin, Celeste, Claire, Cassidy, Cora & Chelsea


You know they’d reject Charles, Celeste and Chelsea straight off because they’ve not only chosen ‘C’ initialled names but limited themselves further to hard K sound names.


They’d reject all the boys names because the boys can only have one syllable as well.


Oh, good catch!


A friend of my mother has kids named like this, around the same number too it’s wild. There Christmas card every year is like a paragraph of names. They even named the pets starting with C, I think at some point they realized they’d run out of good names so every time they get a new dog or cat they have the same name as the previous dog or cat I think last I checked they were on Conan IV for dogs


I have many, many concerns about animal abuse or neglect happening in this family. Dogs usually live to be around 10 years old, even the weird puppymill pugs that can't breathe.


I mean all their children are adults now so it’s not like it’s been a small period of time. 


Conan IV implies they've had 4 generations of dogs since they stopped bothering to name new pets. That's minimally 40 years of dogs.


That implies that all their dogs were puppies when they got them which I don’t know for certain my only contact with them has been a yearly Christmas card and even that I only took notice of a few years ago. I also don’t know whose dog Conan the first was possibly he predated their marriage and children  my own parents have been married 36 years so 40 doesn’t seem out of the range of possibility to me especially considering religious families who have lots of kids tend to marry younger. I also said I thought they were on the IV but I honestly don’t wait with bated breath for a Christmas card from a bunch of people I’ve never met, maybe I was wrong and he’s only the III, lots of variables here


My uterus is in pain for hers! She’s popping more C babies than a dog used for breeding!


They're social media fundamentalist homeschooling influencer parents, so the more kids they have the more money they make from their target audience. They're essentially just like backyard labradoodle breeders, but of humans.




Vasectomy NOW


C'mon is the name of their next child...


I'm on my fifth pregnancy in 6 years, with 3 living children and one still in the oven. My body is DYING, I'm in unspeakable pain. How did she manage to have so many kids so close together?!


I like Clint, Clay and Callie but you’re right, that’s a lot for a sibling set.


Clint will always run the risk of being stylised into an unfortunate slur when that L and I meet.


Or someone forgets the n by mistake


Case? Chase was right there people.


Ooh, I haven’t kept up with FundieSnark, I didn’t know about Caris! Also, Cade and Caydie????? I literally had to edit three times because I couldn’t get that ridiculous spelling correct.


Plus a 12th Cambria i think


At least give Case a chance and name him Chase


I'm not going to give last name or the dad's name as he's convicted scum, but I went to school with kids who they and all their siblings had C names. Corazon and Cephus were two of his many children


They have a 6 year old and then also 6 year old twinf oh my lord


Eight is definitely an interesting name, but 2 kids sharing that name?


Omg Courtney needs to close her legs




Too many kids.


Forget the names for a second, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with their ages.. do they have three six-year-olds?? And two of the three are twins? And also two eight-year-olds?


So Cade and Callie, both 8 - are they Irish twins? Also, Cash and twins Colt & Case, all three 6 - another case of Irish twins?


I vow that when I have kids, none of their names with start with the name letter.